US 20040087517A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0087517 A1 Burnet et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 6, 2004

(54) CONJUGATES OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE (21) Appl. No.: 10/367,105 COMPOUNDS, METHODS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND USE, FORMULATION (22) Filed: Feb. 14, 2003 AND PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONS THEREOF Related U.S. Application Data (76) Inventors: Michael Burnet, Kusterdingen (DE); (60) Provisional application No. 60/357,434, filed on Feb. Jan-Hinrich Guse, Tubingen-Buhl 15, 2002. (DE); Hans-Jurgen Gutke, Stuttgart O O (DE); Albert Beck, Nehren (DE); Publication Classification

E.s gen (DE), (PE), rim (S1) int. c.7 ... A61K 31/7048; CO7H 17/08 Jeannette Reichert, Neustretten (DE); (52) U.S. Cl...... 514/27; 514/28; 536/7.1 Kattie Luyten, Tubingen (DE); (57) ABSTRACT Maximilian Busch, Tubingen (DE); Michael Wolff, Kusterdingen (DE); This invention features a compound of the following for Moussa Khobzaoui, Tubingen (DE); mula: Simona Margutti, Tubingen (DE); T-(-L-C), Thomas Meindl, Tubingen (DE); Gene T is a transportophore, L is a bond or a linker having a Kim, Tubingen (DE); Laurence molecular weight up to 240 dalton, C is a non Barker, Tubingen (DE) antibiotic therapeutic agent, and m is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, in which the transportophore has an immune Correspondence Address: Selectivity ratio of at least 2, the transportophore is FISH & RICHARDSON PC covalently bonded to the non-antibiotic therapeutic 225 FRANKLIN ST agent via the bond or the linker, and the compound BOSTON, MA 02110 (US) has an immune Selectivity ratio of at least 2. Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 1 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1

FIG. 1


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Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 3 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1


Fluorescent overlay Fluorescent

Erythrocytes largely unlabeled by C12 Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 4 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1


140 -- CSY295 2h -- CSY 1208 2h -- CSY295 F2 h 120 y - CSY1208 72n

1 OO



O -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 O 0.2 O.4 O6 0.8 1 Log Concentration (JM) Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 5 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1


Concentrative uptake of Sympore drug

Higher loading


Reduced Cell Proliferation

15 Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 6 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1

FIG. 6

\|| |N|| \|| ---\||T\,||I|| ----| !

??>J.I.O O.4 O6 O. 8 log (C) ŒIL

Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 7 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1



IC50 (uM)

... MPA MPA CSY1208 CSY1208 + Guo + Guo Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 8 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1

FIG. 8

O 56OO - A - Saline 9 - A - Saline -- Dexamethasone 8 -o- Dexamethasone 1 4.0 7 -- CSY1267 6 -- Compa 83 5 23O0. 4. 3. 2 1 O O 10 2O 30. 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 Days after immunisation Days after immunization

-- Saline - A - Saline -0 - Diclofenac -- Diclofenac -0- Compo 53 -0 Compa S3

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 Days after immunisation Day: hisation

- A - Saline -- Saline -- Compo 67 -H Compd 67 -0- MMF therapeutic -0- MMF therapeutic

10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Days after immunisation Days after immunisation 10 Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 9 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1


100 -- CSY1208 -- CSY1208 Taper -- Saline 80




8 10 2 14 16 18 Days after grafting Patent Application Publication May 6, 2004 Sheet 10 of 10 US 2004/0087517 A1

FIG. 10

CSY 28 -- CSY 1208 Taper

Days US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

CONJUGATES OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE aspects of formulation with techniques for introducing the COMPOUNDS, METHODS FOR THEIR agent into the host body. Delivery methods are frequently PREPARATION AND USE, FORMULATION AND designed to permit passage through a single barrier (i.e. the PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONS THEREOF skin) (WO 01/13957) or the intestine (WO 01/20331) after which the agent must again conform with the general CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED requirements above in order to act at the in Vivo target. APPLICATIONS Certain delivery Strategies involve a physical preparation 0001. This application claims benefit of U.S. provisional such as liposomes (Debs et al. 1990; Jaafari, Foldvari, 2002) application No. 60/357,434, filed Feb. 15, 2002, the contents or anti-body conjugates (Everts et al., 2002) which further of which are incorporated herein by reference. direct the molecules within the host body. Others rely on the addition of cationic lipids to formulations, the use of trans BACKGROUND port proteins as a route of uptake (WO 01/20331). The use of transport processes deliberately in therapeutic agent 0002. Successful therapy with a pharmaceutical agent design is perhaps best illustrated by the nucleoside thera requires that the agent Satisfy numerous requirements peutic agents, which to Varying degrees, are taken up as imposed by the physiology of the host and of the disease or condition. The requirements include: (i) adequate ability to metabolites and whose transport to mitochondria is a major interact with the target receptor(s); (ii) appropriate physical cause of toxicity (WO 98/29437) For example, see European properties for presence at the location of the receptors in Patent No. 0009944B1, European Patent No. 004.4090A3, concentrations that permit the interactions noted above; (iii) and Japanese Patent No. 05163293. Such methods may appropriate physical properties to allow the agent to enter enhance performance in therapy or reduce toxicity but they the body and distribute to the location of the receptors by increase cost and require direct introduction into the blood any means; (iv) sufficient stability in fluids of the body; (v) Stream which is impractical in chronic use. the absence of toxic effects in compartments where the 0007 More preferable would be small molecules that therapeutic agent is most concentrated, or in any other possess the appropriate Structures and properties to mediate compartment where the therapeutic agent is located; and (vi) efficient uptake and stability. Such small molecules would the absence of Sequestration into non-physiological com ideally be able to carry a range of therapeutic agents of partments and So on. varying properties Such that they could be commercialized 0003. In general, these compounding requirements limit in more than one indication. However, there is a requirement the nature of pharmaceutical compounds that have utility in that they be inactive and Stable enough to ensure that the vivo and thus reduce the probability of discovering cargo molecule is carried in the periphery (Harada et al. adequately active molecules from de novo Starting points. In 2000). response to these constraints, significant effort has been 0008. The present invention represents a significant applied to the question of predicting ideal physical proper advance in that it provides for a means of improving the ties for pharmaceutical molecules. AuthorS Such as Lipinski bioavailability and efficacy of a variety of molecules in vivo (Lipinski et al., 2001) have described rules of therapeutic using a Series of rational and facile assays to Select desirable agent design which, amongst other parameters, predicts that compounds based on known pharmacophores or pharma ideal therapeutic agents will have few functions Such as ceutical lead structures that have not been optimized for in hydroxy groups, a molecular weight below 500 Da, mild Vivo action. basicity, and moderate lipophilicity (log P-5) (Lipinski et al., 2001). Unfortunately, these parameters are too general to SUMMARY inform the direct synthesis of highly bioavailable com 0009. The invention relates to a compound useful for pounds. Furthermore, these requirements are not helpful for enhancing efficacy of a therapeutic agent, a method for larger molecule chemistry (MW·500) such as the com identifying Such a compound, and a method of treating pounds disclosed here. diseases including inflammation, graft rejection, infection, cancer, allergies, metabolic cardiovascular, pulmonary,der 0004 Recently, improvements in the technology of syn matological, rheumatological and hepatic diseases. The thetic chemistry and molecular biology have allowed the invention further comprises compositions and formulations testing of large numbers of molecules and the discovery of Selected using the method and applications for Same. many ligands with adequate affinity to their targets to have Some potential in Vivo. Many Such molecules prove inad 0010. The invention provides for a method for identifying equate on in Vivo testing largely due to the manifold, compounds that act as carriers or “transportophores” (i.e., a Stringent, and often conflicting (i.e. stability without toxic transport mediating molecule) that when combined, either ity) requirements outlined above. directly or via a linker, to a wide variety of therapeutic agents, improves one or more of the following characteris 0005. In addition to the difficulties facing many new tics of the agent: ease of formulation, gastric Stability, molecules, many existing molecules in clinical use also bioavailability, Stability, disposition, elimination, half life, exhibit inadequate properties of uptake, distribution, Stabil efficacy, Safety, duration of action and Selectivity. ity and toxicity (Lipinski et al. 2001). These observations demonstrate, that in general, deficiencies in uptake, distri 0011. In one aspect, this invention features a compound bution, and Stability result in inadequate therapy from exist of the following formula (or referred to as T-L-Chere ing molecules and inadequate and uneconomical probabili inafter): ties of Success in the discovery of new molecules. T-C), 0006 Such problems often fall within the scope of thera 0012 wherein T is a transportophore, L is a bond or a peutic agent delivery-a discipline which combines many linker having a molecular weight up to 240 dalton, C is a US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 non-antibiotic therapeutic agent, and m is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0022, C(=NR) or 8, in which the transportophore has an immune Selectivity ratio of at least 2, the transportophore is covalently bonded 0023 OC(=O) to the non-antibiotic therapeutic agent via the bond or the 0024 C(=O)C p1 Y=independently, linker, and the compound has an immune Selectivity ratio of at least 2. Note that when there are more than one L or C 0025) Linker (as defined below) moieties (i.e., m is greater than 1), the L. moieties or the C 0026 Z=C(=O)– moieties, independently, can be the same or different. The Same rule applies to other similar situations. 0027 CH(R) 0013 The transportophore can be a metabolite, a natural 0028) R'-H product, a metabolite mimic, a metabolite derivative (e.g., a 0029) CH Sugar, amino, or peptide derivative), a fatty acid, a bile acid, 0030 (C-C)alkyl a vitamin, a nucleobase, an alcohol, or an organic acid or base, a portion of which resembles and is recognized as a 0031) (C-C)alkenyl Substrate for transport protein(s). It can be an amphiphilic molecule having a pKa value of 6.5 to 9.5, or a cyclic or 0032 (C-C)alkynyl heterocyclic molecule (e.g., lactone, lactam, ether, cyclic 0033 (C-C)(C-C)alkoxyalkyl acetal or hemi-acetal). The cyclic or heterocyclic molecule can have an attached Sugar. The cyclic or heterocyclic 0034 (C-C)(C-C)alkoxyalkenyl molecule can be a macrolactone or macroether, including a 0035 (C-C)aryl-(C-C)alkyl macrolactone or macroether having an attached Sugar. The cyclic or heterocyclic molecule can also be a macrollide or 0036 (C-C)heteroaryl-(C-C)alkyl ketolide having an amino Sugar, including a macrollide 0037 (C-C)alkyliden-NR'R'' having mono-, di-, or tri-basic groups (e.g., an amine). In Some embodiments, the macrollide has no intrinsic antibac 0038 Y-R13 terial activity (inactive at 50 uM or higher concentrations 0039) C(=O) Y-R' when tested against Bacillus invitro see protocol) and a pKa value of less than 9.0 (e.g., 8.5, 8.0, 7.5, 7.0, or any number 0040 C(=O)-R's in between). 0041) R-H 0.014. In some embodiments, the compound has the fol 0042 (1,2'-cis)-OH lowing formula (in which a bond, drawn without any attached groups, means a methyl group. The same rule 0043 (1',2'-trans)-OH applies to other similar Situtations): 0044) (1,2'-cis)-OR' 0045 (1,2'-trans)-OR' 0046 (1,2'-cis)-SH 0047 (1,2'-cis)-S-Y-R' 0.048 or the R' and R bearing atoms are con nected via a -OC(=O)CHR'- element 0049) R-H 0050 C(=O) Y-R' 0051) C(=O)-R's 0052) R'-H 0053 C(=O) Y-R's 0054), C(=O)-R' OR3 0055) R-H 0015. Wherein, 0056 or R', Rare connected by Z 0057 R-H 0016 X=N(R)-CH 0.058 CH 0017 CH-N(R7) 0059) R7–H 0018) C(=O) 0060 CH, 0019), C(=NOR) 0061 Y-R' 0020 CH(OR) 0062) C(=O) Y-R's 0021 CH(NR'R'') 0063) C(=O)-R'

US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

0280 Instill some other embodiments, the compound has 0307 (C-C)cycloalkyl the following formula: 0308 (C-C)heterocycloalkyl 0309 (C-C)aryl 0310 (C-C)heteroaryl 0311 wherein alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, hetero cycloalkyl, aryl, heteroaryl groups are optionally Substituted by one to five substituents selected independently from halogen, (C-C)alkyl, (C-C)alkenyl, (C-C)alkynyl, (C- C7)cycloalkyl, (C-C)heterocycloalkyl, (C-Co)aryl, (C- Co)heteroaryl, (C-C)alkoxy, hydroxy, nitro, cyano, azido, mercapto, R-R-N-, RC(=O)-, RC(=O)0–, 0281) Wherein, ROC(=O)-, RNHC(=O)-, RC(=O)NH-, 0282) X=N(R)-CH RRNC(=O)—, and ROC(=O)0-, -Y-therapeutic 0283) agent or -therapeutic agent 0284) 0312) R-H 0285) 0313 (C-C)alkyl 0286) 0314 (C-C)alkenyl 0287) 0315 (C-C)alkynyl 0288 0316 (C-C)cycloalkyl 0289) 0317 (C-C)heterocycloalkyl 0290) 0318 (C-C)aryl 0291 Y=independently, Linker (as defined below) 0319 (C-C)heteroaryl 0292) R' =OR7 0320 wherein alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, hetero 0293) NR17R18 cycloalkyl, aryl, heteroaryl groups are optionally Substituted by one to five substituents selected independently from 0294 or R' is connected to the oxygen bearing R' or halogen, (C-C)alkyl, (C-C)alkenyl, (C-C)alkynyl, (C- R forming a lactone or is connected to a Suitable C7)cycloalkyl, (C-C)heterocycloalkyl, (C-Co)aryl, (C- Substituent in R forming a lactone or lactam. C.)heteroaryl, (C-C)alkoxy, R'R''N- 0295) R-O-2-cladinosyl 0321) R'=O-2-desosaminyl

0296) 0322) H 0297) X", wherein X'-halogen 0323 C(=O)R 7 0298) azido 0324 Y-therapeutic agent 0299) nitro 0325 therapeutic agent 0300 cyano 0326 S(=O).R7 providing R'7 is not hydrogen 0301) OR7 0302) OR22 0327 C(=O)NR'7R (C-C)alkyl 0303) NR17R18 0328 (C-C)alkenyl 0304 SR 7 (C-C)alkyl 0329 (C-C)alkynyl 0305 (C-C)alkenyl 0330 (C-C)cycloalkyl 0306 (C-C)alkynyl 0331 (C-C)heterocycloalkyl

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0458) R, R=independently NH 0459 NHR' 0429) R, R =independently H 0460 NR'R 0430 (C-C)alkyl 0461) OH, 0431) R' =independently 0462) OR 0463 R'C(=O) (C-C)alkyl 0432 C(=O)R 7 0464) (C-C)alkenyl 0433) Y-therapeutic agent 0465 (C-C)alkynyl therapeutic agent 04:34) 0466 (C-C)cycloalkyl(C-C)alkyl toes, Siproviding R" is not hydrogen, 0467 (C-C)heterocycloalkyl(C-C)alkyl 0436. In further embodiments, the compound has the 0468 (C-C)aryl(C-C)alkyl following formula: 0469 (C-C)heteroaryl(C-C)alkyl, 0470 wherein the alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, aryl, and heteroaryl groups are optionally X Substituted by one to three halo, (C-C)alkoxy, hydroxy, A.K) A nitro, cyano, -C(=O)-OR, -C(=O)N(H)R., (C- { f)X i. Co)aryl, (C-C)heteroaryl, N*RRR wherein * is no or a \ f positive charge, one or two of R, R can be a directly A. A. coupled therapeutic agent (A-x-A) 0471) R'=independently 0472 NH 0437. Wherein 0473 NHR 0438) m=independently, 0, 1, 2, 3 0474 NRR 0439 n=0-7 0475 OH 0440 X=independently 0476) OR 0477 (C-C)alkyl 0441 O 0478 (C-C)alkenyl 0442 S 0479 (C-C)alkynyl 0443) Se 0480 (C-C)cycloalkyl(C-C)alkyl 0444 NR 0481 (C-C)heterocycloalkyl(C-C)alkyl 0445) PR' 0482 (C-C)aryl(C-C)alkyl 0446 with the proviso, that at least one X=-NR'- 0483 (C-C)heteroaryl(C-C)alkyl, 0447 A=independently 0484 wherein the alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, aryl, and heteroaryl groups are optionally 0448 CH Substituted by one to three halo, (C-C)alkoxy, hydroxy, 0449) CHR nitro, cyano, R, -C(=O)—OR, —C(=O)N(H)R, (C- Co)aryl, (C-C)heteroaryl, N*RRR7 wherein * is no or a 0450 CRR positive charge, or therapeutic agent 0451 C(=O) 0485) R, R =independently H 0452) with the proviso, that at least one X=-NR'- 0486 (C-C), optionally substituted by hydroxy is not an amide 0487 (C-C)aryl 0453 R'-independently, 0488 (C-C)heteroaryl 0454) H 0489 R7-independently 0455 (C-C)alkyl optionally substituted by fluoro, cyano, R, ROC, 0490) lone electron pair 0491 CH 0456) R'C(=O)NH and R'S(=O), whereink is 0, 1 or 2 0492 CH 0457) R'C(=O), R'S(=O), wherein k is 0, 1 or 0493 CH, 2 0494 CH-CH US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 10

0495 R=independently, be comprised of the therapeutic agent that is to be delivered or the pharmaceutical entity is for example an amino acid 0496) therapeutic agent itself as in example A. 0497 R’=independently, 0510 Necessary for transport through an oligopeptide transporter Seems to be a basic group Spaced 4 or 5 bonds 0498 (C-C) alkyl from an hydrogen bond accepting group like preferably 0499 (C-C)alkenyl carboxylate (example A-C) or less preferred amide (example D). 0500 (C-C)alkynyl 0511 Example A: R and R are hydrogen or lower alkyl, 0501) (C-Co)cycloalkyl(C-C)alkyl branched or linear from C to Cs, or benzyl or p-hydroxy benzyl, or hydroxy or mercapto methyl, or any group 0502) (C-C)heterocycloalkyl(C-C)alkyl responsible for the desired pharmacological effect. 0503) (Co-Co)aryl(C-C)alkyl or 0512 Example B: R can be the moiety responsible for the pharmacological effect, or the pharmacologically relevant 0504) (C-C)heteroaryl(C-C)alkyl, group linked on the carbon chain by a chemical linker like 0505 wherein the alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, an amide (amido-R=NH(C=O)-R' (R'=pharmacologically heterocycloalkyl, aryl, and heteroaryl groups are optionally relevant group)). Substituted by one to three halo, (C-C)alkoxy, hydroxy, 0513. Example C: R can be the moiety responsible for the nitro, cyano, R, —C(=O)—OR, —C(=O)N(H)R, (C- pharmacological effect, or the pharmacologically relevant Co)aryl, (C-C)heteroaryl, N*RRR wherein * is no or a group linked on the carbon chain by a chemical linker like positive charge, or therapeutic agent. an amide (amido-R=NH(C=O)-R' (R'=pharmacologically 0506 Preferred molecules can be compounds that are relevant group)). recognized by a transport enzyme in the membrane of the 0514 Example D: R2 can be hydrogen or lower alkyl, cell of the tissue that is to target. This can be a molecule that branched or linear from C1 to C5, or benzyl or p-hydroxy fulfills the Structural requirements in order to be recognized benzyl, or hydroxy or mercapto methyl, while R1 consists of by an oligo-peptide transporter. the pharmacologically relevant therapeutic agent. Preferably 0507 Compounds recognized by transport enzymes can the therapeutic agent would contain a carboxylic acid that by be identified by performing a transport assay with the linking to the amino function of an amino acid hydrazide compound in question in cells expressing the transport would obtain the general Structure of example D. protein in question, and comparing the level of compound 0515. Therapeutic agents and Transportophores can be accumulation with those from parallel uptake assays per directly connected or via a linking element. This element formed using cells which do not express the target transport typically is a bifunctional molecule of low molecular mass, protein. which can react Subsequently with the therapeutic agent and the transportophore. Ideally the therapeutic agent can be 0508 According to well known models these structures released from this linker under physiological conditions. may be as exemplified in the following Sketches: This may be achieved oxidatively (i.e. by action of a cytochrome C), reductively (i.e. by action of NADH), A. hydrolytically (i.e. by action of a protease), or initiated by O R1 radicals (i.e. by the action of Superoxide radicals). The mechanisms of therapeutic agent release are not limited to the above examples. HN N 1s COOH H 0516 Linkers have the following formula: R2 B F-M-F? re--- 0517. Where can be: R 0518 F, F=independently a functional group, suit C able to react with a counterpart in the therapeutic R agent or in the transportophore. F and Fare, but are "N-ul-loo not limited to D 0519) X' wherein X" is a halogen atom or a sul R2 O fonate ester or another Suitable leaving group; HN1 Rs 1 - R1 0520 C(=O)x wherein X is Cl, Br or I, O 0521 CHO; 0522 C(=O)CR wherein R is (C-C)alkyl or aryl, optionally Substituted by 1-5 halogen atoms, 0509. In these examples R (including R and R) may represent a chemical residue that will modify the recognition 0523 C(=O)0C(=O)0R wherein R is (C- by the transporting enzyme or at least not inhibit it. R may Cs)alkyl or (C-Cs)alkenyl, US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 11

0524) OH: C.)alkyl, 1-4 halogens, (C-C)alkoxy, (C- C.)alkoxycarbonyl, hydroxy, amino, (C-C)alkylamino, 0525 NHR wherein R is H., (C-C)alkyl; (C-C)dialkylamino, (C-Clio)cycloalkyl, (C- 0526 NCX wherein X is S or O; C.)alkylcarbonyloxy, (C-C)alkylcarbonylamido, (C- 0527 C(=O)CR=CHR, wherein R and R' are Cl)alkylamidocarbonyl, (C-C)dialkylamidocarbonyl, independently H, CH, Cl, Br, F, nitro, cyano, (C-C)alkylimino, mercapto and (C- C.)alkylmercapto functions.

TABLE 1. Non-limiting examples of Linkers useful in the synthesis of T-L-C molecules. Donor linking Recipient linking function

function COOH NH2 OH COOH Ethylendiamine, N-Methoxycarbonyl-4- N-Methoxycarbonyl Glycol, hydroxyproline, 4-hydroxyproline, (2-Aminoethyl)-(2- Glycolic acid, ?-Alanin, Glycolic acid, hydroxyethyl)amino f-hydroxy propanoic f-Alanin, fB-hydroxy acid propanoic acid NH2 N-Methoxycarbonyl-4- Ethylendiamine, 2,2-Dimethylsuccinic hydroxyproline, 2,2-Dimethylsuccinic acid, Succinic acid, Glycolic acid, acid, Glutaric acid, f-Alanin, fB-hydroxy Succinic acid, Glutaric 2,4-Dimethylglutaric propanoic acid acid, 2,4- acid, Dimethylglutaric acid, Methyl dicarboxy Methyl methylamin, dicarboxymethylamino 2-Aminoethyl-2- hydroxyethylamino OH N-Methoxycarbonyl-4- 2,2-Dimethylsuccinic f-Hydroxy propanoic hydroxyproline, acid, Succinic acid, acid, Glycolic acid, Glutaric acid, 2,2-Dimethylsuccinic 3-Alanin, 2,4-Dimethylglutaric acid, Succinic acid, f-hydroxy propanoic acid, Glutaric acid, acid Methyl dicarboxy- 2,4-Dimethylglutaric methylamin, acid, 2-Aminoethyl-2- Methyl hydroxyethylamino dicarboxymethylamino *The donor linking function in vertical refers to a functional group on T; the recipient link ing function in horizonal refers to a functional group on L.; and the chemical groups in the boxes are the linkers (L). -S(=O)(O)(C-C)alkyl wherein k is 0, 1 or 2 0539. The non-antibiotic therapeutic agent can be an and 1 is 0 or 1, SiR'R'R' wherein R, R° and R anti-inflammatory agent, an anti-infectious agent (including independently are (C-C)alkyl, anti-virals), an anti-cancer agent, an allergy-Suppressive agent, an immune-SuppreSSant agent, an agent for treating a 0528 SX' wherein X" is -H, -C1, -SOC hematopoietic disorder, a lipid lowering agent, an agent for C.)alkyl, S(C-C)aryl wherein k is 1 or 2. treating a lySOSomal Storage disorder, a Sterol Synthesis 0529 F and F can be connected to form a cyclic modifying agent, agents active on protozoa, or an agent for anhydride or di- or trisulfide. treating a metabolic disease. 0540 AS used herein, an “immune selectivity ratio” is the 0530 M is a spacing element which is, but is not limited ratio of the concentration of a compound in immune cells tO (e.g., neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes) to the con 0531 (C-C)alkyl, centration of the compound in erythrocytic cells after the compound has been incubated in a mixture of blood cells 0532 (C-C)alkenyl, including erythrocytes. A protocol of determining the immune Selectivity ratio is described in Example 1. 0533 (C-C)alkynyl, 0541. A “therapeutic agent,” as used herein, is a molecule 0534 (C-C)cycloalkyl, With pharmacological activity (e.g., a therapeutic agent, medicine, medicament, or active agent), a disease modifi 0535 (C-C)aryl, cation agent, or any other molecule that can be covalently attached to a transportophore via a bond or a linker which 0536 (C-C)heteroalkyl, may have a desirable mode of action in immune or target 0537) (C-C)heteroaryl. cells. Atherapeutic agent may be released from a compound described above in response to the enzyme activity or the 0538 Alkyl-, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, aryl or het physicochemical environment of the targeted cells. Thus, the eroaryl spacing elements are optionally Substituted by (C- therapeutic agent is Selectively accumulated in a cell due to US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

Specific characteristics of the cell membranes, Specific ring. The ring System includes at least one heteroatom Such expression of membrane proteins, Specific conditions within as O, N, or S (e.g., between 1 and 4 heteroatoms, inclusive, the cell, notably to expression of Specific proteins Such as per ring) as part of the ring System. Examples of heteroaryl granule proteins, binding sites in the cytoplasm, or other moieties include, but are not limited to, pyridyl, furyl or membrane bound or Soluble proteins, and is thus trapped in furanyl, imidazolyl, benzimidazolyl, pyrimidinyl, thiophe the cell and therefore exhibits an enhanced or desired nyl or thienyl, quinolinyl, indolyl, and thiazolyl. activity therein. 0553 The term “alkoxy' refers to an -O-alkyl radical. 0542. An "amphiphilic molecule,” as used herein, is a molecule having a hydrophilic (polar) and hydrophobic 0554. The term “cycloalkyl” refers to a nonaromatic (non-polar) functional groups (e.g., atoms) or a combination hydrocarbon ring System (mono-cyclic or bi-cyclic), con of groups (or atoms). The pKa of this molecule is in the taining the indicated number of carbon atoms. range of 6.5 to 9.5. 0555. The term “heterocycloalkyl” refers to a nonaro 0543. The term “cyclic” refers to a hydrocarbon cyclic matic ring System (mono-cyclic or bi-cyclic), containing the ring including fully Saturated, partially Saturated, and unsat indicated number of ring atoms including carbon atoms and urated mono-, bi-, and tri-cyclic rings having 4 to 34 ring at least one heteroatom Such as O, N, or S (e.g., between 1 atoms, preferably, 7 to 10, or 10 to 15 ring atoms. The term and 4 heteroatoms, inclusive, per ring) as part of the ring "heterocyclic” refers to a hydrocarbon cyclic ring including System. fully Saturated, partially Saturated, and unsaturated mono-, 0556 “Alkyliden” is a bivalent alkyl group. bi, and tri-cyclic rings having 4 to 34 ring atoms, preferably, 7 to 10, or 10 to 15 ring atoms having one or more 0557. “Aryliden” is a bivalent aryl group. heteroatoms, Such as S, O, or N in each ring. 0558 “Erythrocytic cell” is a mature red blood cell that 0544 The term “Sugar refers to a mono-, di-, or tri normally does not have a nucleus: it is a very Small, circular Saccharide including deoxy-, thio-, and amino-Saccharides. disk with both faces concave, and contains hemoglobin, Examples of Sugar include, but are not limited to, furanose which carries oxygen to the body tissues. and pyranose. 0559 The compounds described above include the com pounds themselves, as well as their Salts, if applicable. Such 0545. The terms “halogen” and “halo” refer to radicals of Salts, for example, can be formed between a positively fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine. charged Substituent (e.g., amino) on a compound and an 0546) The term “macrolactone” refers to a large lactone anion. Suitable anions include, but are not limited to, chlo ring (i.e., cyclic ester) having at least 10 (e.g., 10 to 25) ring ride, bromide, iodide, Sulfate, nitrate, phosphate, citrate, atOmS. methaneSulfonate, trifluoroacetate, and acetate. Likewise, a negatively charged Substituent (e.g., carboxylate) on a com 0547 The term “macrocyclic ether” refers to an ether pound can form a Salt with a cation. Suitable cations include, having at least 10 (e.g., 10 to 25) ring atoms. but are not limited to, Sodium ion, potassium ion, magne 0548. The term “macrollide” refers to a chemical com sium ion, calcium ion, and an ammonium cation Such as pound characterized by a large lactone ring (having at least tetramethylammonium ion. 10, e.g., 10 to 25 ring atoms) containing one or more keto and hydroxyl groups, or to any of a large group of antibac 0560. In addition, some of the compounds of this inven terial antibiotics containing a large lactone ring linked tion have one or more double bonds, or one or more glycosidically to one or more Sugars, they are produced by asymmetric centers. Such compounds can occur as race certain Species of Streptomyces and inhibit protein Synthesis mates, racemic mixtures, Single enantiomers, individual by binding to the 50S subunits of 70S ribosomes. Examples diastereomers, diastereomeric mixtures, and cis- or trans- or include erythromycin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin. E- or Z-double isomeric forms. 0561 Further, the aforementioned compounds also 0549. The term “ketolide” refers to a chemical compound include their N-oxides. The term “N-oxides' refers to one or characterized by a large lactone ring (having at least 10 ring more nitrogen atoms, when present in a compound, are in atoms) containing one or more keto groups. N-oxide form, i.e., N->O. 0550 The term “alkyl” (or “alkenyl” or “alkynyl) refers 0562 Combinations of substituents and variables envi to a hydrocarbon chain that may be a Straight chain or Sioned by this invention are only those that result in the branched chain, containing the indicated number of carbon formation of stable compounds. The term “stable', as used atoms. For example, C-Co indicates that the group may herein, refers to compounds which possess Stability Suffi have from 1 to 10 (inclusive) carbon atoms in it. Alkenyl cient to allow manufacture and which maintains the integrity groupS and alkynyl groups have one or more double or triple of the compound for a sufficient period of time to be useful carbon-carbon bonds, respectively, in the chain. for the purposes detailed herein (e.g., treating a disease). 0551. The term “aryl” refers to a hydrocarbon ring sys tem (mono-cyclic or bi-cyclic) having the indicated number 0563. In another aspect, this invention features a method of carbon atoms and at least one aromatic ring. Examples of for treating an inflammatory disorder. The method includes aryl moieties include, but are not limited to, phenyl, naph administering to a Subject in need thereof an effective thyl, and pyrenyl. amount of a compound described above, wherein the com pound contains a non-antibiotic therapeutic agent that is an 0552. The term “heteroaryl” refers to a ring system anti-inflammatory agent. Optionally, the method includes (mono-cyclic or bi-cyclic) having the indicated number of co-usage with other anti-inflammatory agents or therapeutic ring atoms including carbon atoms and at least one aromatic agents. The method is able to improve therapy by concen US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 trating a compound preferentially in immune cells including invention and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Option neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, macrophage, alveolar ally, the pharmaceutical composition includes one or more macrophage, B and T-lymphocytes, NK cells, giant cells, other therapeutic agents. Kupfer cells, glial cells, and Similar target cells using a variety of means of concentrative compound uptake com 0569. This invention further features a method for mak mon to Such cells. AS Such, the invention is advantageous in ing any of the compounds described above. The method that Selective concentration of compounds conforming to the includes taking any intermediate compound delineated definition of “therapeutic agent' above, can improve therapy herein, reacting it with any one or more reagents to form a and that, for the purposes of illustration only, concentration compound of this invention including any processes Spe of agents in immune cells can confer improved character cifically delineated herein. istics on compounds with Suitable modes of action for the 0570. In another aspect, this invention features a method treatment of inflammatory diseases. of identifying a compound useful for enhancing efficacy of 0564) In another aspect, the invention features a means of a therapeutic agent. The method includes incubating a improving the action of a compound in Vivo by reducing its compound in blood cells; Separating immune cells from exposure to the action of detoxification enzymes. Such erythrocytic cells (e.g., by density gradient centrifugation, reduced exposure is a result of the Structure of the conjugate antibody mediated capture, lectin based capture, absorption molecule causing it to be differently retained in the cells and to plastic, Setting, simple centrifugation, peptide capture, organs of the organism and thus reducing or limiting the activation mediated capture, or flow cytometry); and deter amount of material in a given metabolic compartment. mining the ratio of the concentration of the compound in the 0565. In another aspect, the invention provides for means immune cells to the concentration of the compound in the to improve the action of a compound through improved erythrocytic cells (e.g., by mass spectrometry, NMR, PET, retention in the cells and tissueS of the organism Such that it fluorescence detection, infrared fluorescence, colorimetry, is less efficiently eliminated by the normal processes of normal detection methods associated with gas chromatog circulation and filtration. Such avoidance of elimination is, raphy, Fourrier transform spectrometry method, or radioac at least in part, a consequence of efficient uptake into cells tive detection); wherein the compound comprises a trans resulting in reduced concentrations of the drug being avail portophore and a therapeutic agent, in which the able from plasma. transportophore is covalently bonded to the therapeutic 0566 In another aspect, the invention provides for a agent via a bond or a linker. The therapeutic agent can be, means of improving the action of a drug by assisting its for example, an anti-inflammatory agent, an anti-infectious uptake from the intestine through the overall effects on agent, an anti-cancer agent, an allergy-Suppressive agent, an membrane permeability of the compound that are associated immune-SuppreSSant agent, an agent for treating a hemato with the invention. Uptake from oral administration is a poietic disorder, a lipid lowering agent, an agent for treating means of providing Sustained exposure to the compound a lysosomal Storage disorder, a Sterol Synthesis modifying from the parts of the intestine to which it is permeable. Oral agent, agents active on protozoa, or an agent for treating a availability is not a property of all compounds. metabolic disease. 0567 This invention also features a method of treating a 0571. In still further another aspect, this invention fea disease (e.g., an infectious disease including viral, fungal, or tures a method for delivering a therapeutic agent with a parasitic diseases, cancer, allergy, metabolic, cardiovascular, Selective concentration. The method includes identifying a pulmonary, dermatological, rheumatological or immune dis compound using the just-described method, and delivering ease). The method comprises administering to a Subject in the compound to a cell (e.g., a cell of respiratory tissue, a cell need thereof an effective amount of a compound described of neoplastic tissue, or a cell mediating allergic responses). above, wherein the compound contains a non-antibiotic therapeutic agent (e.g., an anti-infectious agent, an anti 0572 Also within the scope of this invention are a cancer agent, an agent for treating a hematopoietic disorder, composition having one or more of the compounds of this an agent for treating a lysosomal Storage disorder, an invention (optionally including one or more other therapeu allergy-Suppressive agent, a lipid lowering agent, a Sterol tic agents) for use in treating various diseases described Synthesis modifying agent, agents active on protozoa or an above, and the use of Such a composition for the manufac immune-Suppressant agent). Optionally, the method ture of a medicament for the just-described use. includes co-usage with other therapeutic agents. AS 0573 The invention provides several advantages. For described above, the method provides for means to improve example, a compound of this invention achieves one or more therapy by concentrating a compound preferentially in any of the following improvements relative to a therapeutic of the myeloid, hepatic, respiratory, epithelial, endothelial, agent itself: (i) improved uptake across the intestinal, jeju other target and immune cells. Therefore, the invention is nal, duodenal, colonic, or other mucosa; (ii) reduced first advantageous in that Selective concentration of compounds pass effect by mucosal oxygenases; (iii) reduced or altered conforming to the definition of “therapeutic agent” above, detoxification by degradative enzymes of the body; (iv) via the methods described, can improve therapy and that, for reduced efflux, (v) Selective accumulation of the therapeutic the purposes of illustration only, concentration of agents in agent in one or more immune, fibroblast, hepatic, renal, immune cells can confer improved characteristics on com glial, or other target cells, (vi) potential for hydrolytic or pounds with suitable modes of action for the treatment of other forms of Separation on a timescale compatible with diseases of infectious, allergic, autoimmune, transplant, therapy and the other desired disposition events; (vi) traumatic or neoplastic origin or association. enhanced pharmacological effect in the target cells through 0568. The present invention also features a pharmaceu greater concentration, Sustained release, reduced Substrate tical composition including at least one compound of this competition effect or other mechanisms, (vii) reduced or US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 modified dose; (viii) modified route of administration; (ix) with a half life adequate for agent accumulation and agent reduced or altered side effects; (x) alternative uses; and (xi) action. To identify Such a combination, one can contact a alternative formulations. Sample of native mammalian blood cells (e.g., human blood cell), which contain at least erythrocytes, neutrophils, mono 0574. Other advantages, objects, and features of the cytes, and lymphocytes, with one or more transportophores invention will be apparent from the description and draw and determining the relative concentration of those trans ings, and from the claims. portophores in the immune cells (at least neutrophils, mono cytes and lymphocytes) relative to the concentration of them DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS in the erythrocytes. Then, one can Select a transportophore 0575 FIG. 1 depicts comparison of selective uptake of with Significantly enhanced concentration in the immune diverse structure types into white blood cells from a com cells and use the transportophore to covalently link to one or plex blood mix. These data show that an amino acid (4), a more therapeutic agents, via a bond or a linker, to obtain a macrollide (5), a Sugar (1), a piperazine (2), and a macrollide compound of this invention. Such a compound, containing (3). These data show that diverse properties can be exploited the transportophore and the therapeutic agent, is also con for concentrative uptake and that macrollides can mediate centrated in immune cells after it is incubated with blood even distribution of their cargo in the cytoplasm. cells. Finally, one can Select a linker that provides appro 0576 FIG. 2 depicts comparison of Sugar and piperazine priate cleavage rates between the transportophore and the driven uptake of a fluorophore. therapeutic agent in the target cells. 0587 More specifically, a method described in Example 0577 FIG. 3 is bright-field overlay and fluorescent 1 achieves an estimate of immune cell Selective uptake in a image of polymorphonuclear cells that have taken up a complex and competitive biological fluid Such that the fluorescent macrollide (compound 3). The images Suggest observed uptake is relevant to the in vivo situation while even distribution with Some concentration near the nucleus. Simultaneously measuring cell Specific uptake. Data from 0578 FIG. 4 is an example of results from a proliferation other Examples Suggest that the molecules that exhibit assay showing increased efficacy of a T-L-C conjugate preferential uptake in this System are also highly available following concentrative uptake into lymphocytes. via the oral route while also being stable in the liver. 0579 FIG. 5 depicts a model to demonstrate the advan 0588 A number of variations are possible in the appli tage of uptake into target cells. cation of the method. The basic method includes contacting the immune cell-erythrocyte preparation with a compound 0580 FIG. 6 is an example of a response of HeLa cells or known compounds and specifically detecting those mol to a mycophenolic acid conjugate. ecules and their metabolites. A further variation is the use of 0581 FIG. 7 is an example of guanosine amelioration the method in Screening complex mixtures of compounds following treatment of fresh PBMNCs with either myco with Separation and detection of the resultant cytoplasmic phenolic acid or a T-L-C conjugate thereof. extracts using Mass Selective detection combined with a 0582 FIG. 8 shows changes in normalized paw thickness chromatographic Separation technique. (left) and the corresponding arthritic Scores (right) of mice 0589. In a further variation, the compounds designated as treated with different conjugates. Saline and unconjugated transportophores are used in the Synthesis of libraries Such compounds are included as controls. that the final reaction combines library elements with a transportophore using a labile bond allowing the preferential 0583 FIG. 9 shows survival of skin transplant following uptake of a compound and its likely Scission in an intrac treatment with an example T-L-C conjugate. ellular compartment. Such libraries have the advantage that 0584 FIG. 10 shows dose tapering used in skin trans in cell based assays, there is a reasonable likelihood of plant model to Study a T-L-C conjugate. adequate therapeutic agent being present at the Site of action. 0590 The compound described in the “Summary” sec DETAILED DESCRIPTION tion can be prepared by methods known in the art, as well 0585. The invention describes a method for identifying as by the Synthetic routes disclosed herein. For example, one compounds that act to improve the uptake of therapeutic can react a transportophore having a reactive moiety with a agents into cells Such as those that constitute the immune therapeutic agent having another reactive moiety. One of the System in mammals. The invention further comprises com two reactive moieties is a leaving group (e.g., -Cl, OR) and pounds identified using the method and compounds that the other is a derivatizable group (e.g., -OH, or -NH-). could be made based on the teaching provided. The inven Then, the transportophore is covalently bonded to the thera tion provides for the rational improvement of therapeutic peutic agent via a reaction between the two reactive moi agents intended for action in inflammatory disease, infec eties. In the case when a linker is present, each of the two tion, cancer, allergy, transplantation, cardiovascular, pulmo reactive moieties, independently, is a leaving group or a nary, dermatological, rheumatological and metabolic dis derivatizable group, and each reacts with its reactive coun ease. The invention also provides for methods to engender terpart in the linker to form a covalent bond. Detailed routes unoptimized molecules or those with activity only in vitro including various intermediates are illustrated in the with improved properties in Vivo through Simple conjuga examples herein. tion with molecules that meet the criteria outlined herein. 0591. The chemicals used in the afore-mentioned meth 0586 The method provides for the selection, in vitro, of ods may include, for example, Solvents, reagents, catalysts, combinations of a transportophore and a therapeutic agent protecting group and deprotecting group reagents and the that exhibits adequate concentrative uptake and also Scission like. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

0592. The methods described above may also addition including capravirine and the novel quinoxaline, quinazoli ally comprise Steps, either before or after the Steps described none, phenylethylthiazolylthiourea (PETT) and emivirine Specifically herein, to add or remove Suitable protecting (MKC-442) analogues. groups in order to ultimately allow Synthesis of the com 0604 (iii) protease inhibitors (PIs) including but not pound of the formulae described herein. limited to, Saquinavir, ritonavir, indinavir, nelfinavir, 0593. As can be appreciated by the skilled artisan, the amprenavir, and lopinavir or those based on alternative Synthetic routes herein are not intended to comprise a non-peptidic scaffolds such as cyclic urea (DMP 450), comprehensive list of all means by which the compounds 4-hydroxy-2-pyrone (tipranavir) described and claimed in this application may be Synthe 0605 (iv) viral entry, through blockade of the viral core sized. Further methods will be evident to those of ordinary ceptors including but not limited to, CXCR4 and CCR5 skill in the art. Additionally, the various Synthetic Steps bicyclams (i.e. AMD3100), polyphemusins (T22), TAK described above may be performed in an alternate Sequence or order to give the desired compounds. Synthetic chemistry 779, MIP-1 alpha LD78 beta isoform; transformations and protecting group methodologies (pro 0606 (v) virus-cell fusion, through binding to the viral tection and deprotection) useful in Synthesizing the com glycoprotein including but not limited to, gp41 T-20 (pen pounds described herein are known in the art and include, tafuside) (DP-178), T-1249 (DP-107), siamycins, betulinic for example, those Such as described in R. Larock, Com acid derivatives, and potentially Zintevir, L-chicoric acid, prehensive Organic Transformations, VCH Publishers CGP64222; (1989); T. W. Greene and P. G. M. Wuts, Protective Groups 0607 (vi) viral assembly and disassembly, through NCp7 in Organic Synthesis, 2d. Ed., John Wiley and Sons (1991); Zinc finger-targeted agents including but not limited to, L. Fieser and M. Fieser, Fieser and Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis, John Wiley and Sons (1994); and L. 2,2'-dithiobisbenzamides (DIBAs), azadicarbonamide Paquette, ed., Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Syn (ADA) and NCp7 peptide mimics); thesis, John Wiley and Sons (1995) and Subsequent editions 0608 (vii) proviral DNA integration, through integrase thereof. inhibitors Such as L-chicoric acid and diketo acids (i.e. L-731,988); 0594. A therapeutic agent includes any with modes of action that include anti-inflammatory, anti-Viral, anti-fungal, 0609 (viii) viral mRNA transcription, through inhibitors immune SuppreSSant, cytostatic, anti-parasitic, lipid lower of the transcription (transactivation) process (fluoroqui ing, a Sterol Synthesis modifying, or metabolaregulatory nolone K-12, Streptomyces product EM2487, temacrazine, action. The following is a non-exclusive list of potentially CGP64222). useful therapeutic agents. 0610 (ix) adefovir dipivoxil, emitricitabine and entecavir, aciclovir, Valaciclovir, penciclovir, famciclovir, idoxuridine, 0595 Anti-Inflammatory Therapeutic Agents trifluridine, brivudin, ganciclovir, foScarnet, cidofovir, 0596) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Therapeutic fomivirSen, maribavir, amantadine and rimantadine, the Agents neuraminidase inhibitors, Zanamivir and Oseltamivir, ribavi rin, levovirin 0597 Diclofenac, Diflunisal, Etodolac, Fenoprofen, Floctafenine, Flurbiprofen, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Keto 0.611) Antifungal, Systemic profen, Meclofenamate, Mefenamic, Meloxicam, Nabume 0612) candicidin, echinocandin caspofungin, tone, Naproxen, Oxaprozin, PhenylbutaZone, PiroXicam, Sulindac, Tenoxicam, Tiaprofenic, Tolimetin, Acetami 0.613 Azole antifungal therapeutic agents nophen, Aspirin, Salicylamide, acetylsalicylic acid, Salicyl Salicylic acid. 0.614 Imidazoles: 0615 Clotrimazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, 0598 Celecoxib, rofecoxib, JTE-522, Butoconazole, econazole, oxiconazole, Sulcona 0599 Corticosteroids Zole, 0600 Betamethasone, Budesonide, Cortisone, Dexam 0616 Triazoles: fluconazole, itraconazole, Terconazole, ethasone, Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone, Predniso Tioconazole (Fluorinated pyrimidines, flucytosine/5-fluoro lone, Prednisone, Triamcinolone, Fluticasone cytosine, 5-fluorouracil. 0601) Anti-Viral Systemic: 0617 Penicillium-derivatives, 0602 (i) nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase 0618 griseofulvin (oral), inhibitors (NRTIs) including but not limited to zidovudine 0619. Allylamine and morpholine antifungal therapeutic (AZT), didanosine (ddI), Zalcitabine (ddC), stavudine (d4T), agents, Squalene epoxidase inhibitors lamivudine (3TC), abacavir (ABC), emitricitabine (-)FTC), tenofovir (PMPA) disoproxil fumarate and phosphoramidate 0620 naftifine, terbinafine, amorolfine, and cycloSaligenyl pronucleotides of d4T or Similar chem 0621. Other, istries. 0622 Dapsone, Haloprogin, 0603 (ii) non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) including but not limited to, nevirapine, delavir 0623) Cytostatics and Immune Suppressants dine, efavirenz, emivirine (MKC-442) or recent derivatives 0624 Alkylating agents, US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

0625 Nitrogen Mustard Derivatives, Chlorambucil, methaneSulfonate, meSylate, 2-naphthalenesulfonate, nico Cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide, Mechlorethamine, Mel tinate, nitrate, palmoate, pectinate, perSulfate, 3-phenylpro phalan, Uracil Mustard, pionate, phosphate, picrate, pivalate, propionate, Salicylate, Succinate, Sulfate, tartrate, thiocyanate, tosylate and unde 0626. Nitrosoureas, Carmustine, Lomustine, Streptozo canoate. Other acids, Such as Oxalic, while not in themselves cin, AZiridine, Thiotepa, pharmaceutically acceptable, may be employed in the prepa 0627 Methanesulfonate Ester, Busulfan, chronic myel ration of Salts useful as intermediates in obtaining the ogenous leukemia compounds of the invention and their pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition Salts. Salts derived from appropri 0628 Nonclasic Agents, Dacarbazine, Procarbazine, ate bases include alkali metal (e.g., Sodium), alkaline earth 0629 Platinum Complexes, Carboplatin, Cisplatin, metal (e.g., magnesium), ammonium and N-(alkyl). Salts. This invention also envisions the quaternization of any basic 0630 Antitumor antibiotics, Dactinomycin, Daunorubi nitrogen-containing groups of the compounds disclosed cin, Doxorubicin, Idarubicin, Mitomycin, Mitoxantrone, herein. Water or oil-soluble or dispersible products may be 0631 Antimetabolites, Fluorouracil, Floxuridine, obtained by Such quaternization. Capecitabine, 0649. Further, this invention covers a method of admin 0632 Cytidine Analogs, Cytarabine, Gemcitabine, istering an effective amount of one or more compounds of this invention to a Subject (a human, a mammal, or an 0633 Purines, Cladribine, Fludarabine, Mercaptopurine, animal, e.g., dog, cat, horse, cow, or chicken) in need of Methotrexate, Pentostatin, Thioguanine treatment for a disease or disease Symptom (e.g., an inflam 0634 Plant Alkaloids, (DNA repair enzyme inhibitors) matory disease, an infectious disease, cancer, allergy, or an 0635 Semisynthetic Podophylline Derivitives, Etopo immune disease, or Symptoms thereof). Side, Teniposide 0650) The term “treating” or “treated” refers to adminis 0636 Taxoid Plant Alkaloids, Docetaxel, Paclitaxel, tering a compound of this invention to a Subject with the purpose to cure, heal, alleviate, relieve, alter, remedy, ame 0637 Synthetic camptothecin liorate, improve, or affect a disease, the Symptoms of the 0638 Plant Alkaloid Derivitives, Irinotecan, Topotecan, disease or the predisposition toward the disease. “An effec tive amount” refers to an amount of a compound which 0639 Vinca Alkaloids, Vinblastine, Vincristine, Vinorel confers a therapeutic effect on the treated Subject. The bine, therapeutic effect may be objective (i.e., measurable by 0640 Other agents, Some test or marker) or Subjective (i.e., Subject gives an indication of or feels an effect). An effective amount of the 0641 All-trans-retinoic acid, Imatinab mesylate, compound described above may range from about 0.1 2-deoxycoformycin, all-trans retinoic, thalidomide calichea mg/Kg to about 20 mg/Kg. Effective doses will also vary, as mycin, protein kinase inhibitors recognized by those skilled in the art, depending on route of 0642. Therapeutic Agents Active on Allergy administration, excipient usage, and the possibility of co usage with other agents for treating a disease, including an 0643 Anti-Histamines inflammatory disease, a cardiovascular disease, an infec 0644 Astemizole, AZatadine, Brompheniramine, Cetiriz tious disease, cancer, allergy, and an immune disease. ine, Chlorpheniramine, Clemastine, Cyproheptadine, Dex 0651. The methods delineated herein can also include the chlorpheniramine, Dimenhydrinate, Diphenhydramine, Step of identifying that the Subject is in need of treatment of Doxylamine, Hydroxy Zine, Loratadine, Phenindamine, Ter for a disorders and or condition in athe Subject. The iden fenadine, Tripelennamine. tification can be in the judgment of a Subject or a health 0645 Lipid Lowering and Sterol Modifying Agents professional and can be Subjective (e.g., opinion) or objec tive (e.g., measurable by a test or a diagnostic method). 0646 Atorvastatin, Pravastatin, Simvastatin, Lovastatin, Cerivastatin, Roxuvastatin, Fluvastatin, Gemfibrozil 0652 The following is a non-exclusive and disease Symptoms, which may be treated or prevented 0647. Also within the scope of this invention is a phar by administration of the compounds and compositions maceutical composition that contains an effective amount of at least one of the compound of this present invention and a thereof herein and by the methods herein. pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 0653) Inflammation and Related Disorders 0648 Pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the com 0654) Inflammation Secondary to Trauma or Injury pounds of this invention include those derived from phar maceutically acceptable inorganic and organic acids and 0655 Post traumatic regeneration injury including but bases. Examples of Suitable acid Salts include acetate, adi not limited to Ischemia, reperfusion injury, Scarring, CNS pate, alginate, aspartate, benzoate, benzeneSulfonate, bisul trauma, Spinal Section, edema, repetitive Strain injuries fate, butyrate, citrate, camphorate, camphorSulfonate, cyclo including tendonitis, carpal tunnel Syndrome, pentanepropionate, digluconate, dodecylsulfate, ethaneSulfonate, formate, fumarate, glucoheptanoate, glyc 0656 Cardiovascular Diseases erophosphate, glycolate, hemisulfate, heptanoate, heX 0657 specifically atherosclerosis, inflamed or unstable anoate, hydrochloride, hydrobromide, hydroiodide, 2-hy plaque associated conditions, restinosis, infarction, throm droxyethaneSulfonate, lactate, maleate, malonate, bOSes, post-operative coagulative disorders, acute Stroke, US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

0658) Autoimmune Diseases 0670 Gastrointestinal Diseases 0659 Alopecia Areata, Ankylosing Spondylitis, 0671) Gastroenteritis of diverse origin Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Autoirrimune Addison's Dis Viral Diseases ease, aplastic anemia, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, 0672) Autoimmune Hepatitis, Behcet's Disease, biliary cirrhosis, 0673 Target viuses include but are not limited to: Bullous Pemphigoid, Canavan Disease, Cardiomyopathy, Paramyxo-, Picoma-, rhino-, coxsackie-, Influenza-, Her Celiac Sprue-Dermatitis, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunc pes-, adeno-, parainfluenza-, respiratory Syncytial-, echo-, tion Syndrome (CFIDS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyeli corona-, Epstein-Barr-, Cytomegalo-, Varicella Zoster, nating Polyneuropathy, Churg-StrauSS Syndrome, Cicatri Hepatitis variants including hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Hepa cial Pemphigoid, CREST Syndrome, Cold Agglutinin titis A Virus (HAV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis D Disease, Crohn's Disease, dermatomyositis, Diffuse Cere Virus (HDV), Hepatitis E Virus (HEV), Hepatitis F Virus bral Sclerosis of Schilder, Discoid Lupus, Essential Mixed (HFV), Hepatitis G Virus (HGV), Human immunodefi Cryoglobulinemia, Fibromyalgia-Fibromyositis, Fuchs het ciency erochromic iridocyclitis, Graves Disease, Guillain-Barré, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, 0674) Parasitic Diseases Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP), IgANephropa 0675 Helminthiases and Similar Diseases thy, Insulin dependent Diabetes, Intermediate uveitis, Juve nile Arthritis, Lichen Planus, Lupus, Ménière's Disease, 0676 Larva Migrans, Toxocara canis, Hookworm Infec Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, tions (Ancylostomiasis) Necator spp. Ancylostoma duode Myasthenia Gravis, nephrotic Syndrome, Pemphigus Vul nale and Necator americanus, Filariasis, Wuchereria ban garis, Pernicious Anemia, Polyarteritis Nodosa, Polychon crofti & Brugia malayi, Loiasis, AScariasis, AScaris dritis, Polyglandular Syndromes, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, lumbricoides -, Dracunculiasis, SchistoSomiasis, Schisto Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis, Primary Agammag soma mansoni, male & female PDarben)-(AU), Onchocer lobulinemia, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Psoriasis, ciasis (River Blindness), Whipworm Infections, Ascaris Raynaud's Phenomenon, Reiter's Syndrome, Rheumatic lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura, Trichinosis, Tri Fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sarcoidosis, Scleroderma, chinella, Cestode Infections, Diphyllobothriasis, Diphyllo Sjögren's Syndrome, Stiff-Man Syndrome, Takayasu Arteri bothrium spp., Echinococcosis, Echinococcisis (Hydatid tis, Temporal Arteritis/, Ulcerative Coli Disease), Echinococcus multilocularis, Taeniasis, (Tape tis, Vasculitis, Vitiligo, VKH (Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada) dis worm Infection), Cysticercosis Leishmaniasis (Kala Azar), ease, Wegener's Granulomatosis, Anti-Phospholipid Leishmania donovani, Enterobius Vermicularis, Anal Pin Antibody Syndrome (Lupus Anticoagulant), Churg-Strauss worms, Dientamoebiasis, Dientamoeba fragilis, Anisakiasis, (Allergic Granulomatosis), Dermatomyositis/Polymyositis, Anisakis Simplex, Giardiasis, Giardia lamblia, Giardia Goodpasture's Syndrome, Interstitial Granulomatous Der filliS matitis with Arthritis, Lupus Erythematosus (SLE, DLE, 0677 Protozoan Infection SCLE), Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Relapsing Poly 0678 Acanthamoeba sp. Flagellates, Amebiasis, Naegle chondritis, HLA-B27 assSociated conditions including ria, Acanthamoeba and Balamuthia, Entamoeba, Trichomo Ankylosing spondylitis, Psoriasis, Ulcerative colitis, nas Infections, Blastocystis hominis infections (not on Crohn's disease, IBD, Reiter's syndrome, Uveal diseases: MeSH), Malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, Toxoplasmosis, Uveitis, Pediatric Uveitis, HLA-B27 ASSociated Uveitis, Cryptosporidiosis, CycloSporiasis, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Intermediate Uveitis, Posterior Uveitis, Iritis, Babesiosis, TrypanoSomiasis, TrypanoSomiasis, Trypano 0660 Dermatological Disease Soma brucei, Chagas Disease 0661 Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne 0679 Neoplastic Disease 0662) Rheumatological Disease 0680 leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma 0663 Osteoarthritis and various forms of autoimmune 0681 hepatomas, other major organ carcinomas and Sar arthritis. COS 0664) Neurodegenerative Disease 0682) glioma, neuroblastoma, 0665) Inflammatory Degenerative Diseases 0683) Astrocytic and glial tumors, 0666 Including variants and major forms of: Alzhe 0684) Invasive or non-invasive (Anaplastic (malignant) imer's, Huntington's Parkinson's and Creutzfeldt Jakob astrocytoma, Glioblastoma multiforme variants: giant cell disease glioblastoma, gliosarcoma, Pilocytic astrocytoma, Sub ependymal giant cell astrocytoma, Pleomorphic Xanthoas 0667) Infection trocytoma) 0668 Respiratory Diseases of Diverse Origin Including: 0685 Oligodendroglial Tumors 0669 Pharyngitis (“sore throat”), Tonsilitis, Sinusitis & 0686 Ependymal cell tumors, Mixed gliomas, Neuroepi Otitis Media, Influenza, Laryngo-Tracheo Bronchitis thelial tumors of uncertain origin, Tumors of the choroid (Croup), Acute Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia, Bronchopneumo plexus, Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors, Pineal nia, Bronchiolitis, Bronchitis, Acute pharyngitis with fever, Parenchyma Tumors, Tumors with neuroblastic or glioblas Pharyngoconjunctival fever, Acute follicular conjunctivitis, tic elements (embryonal tumors), Neuroblastoma, ganglio Pneumonia (and pneumonitis in children), COPD, asthma, neuroblastoma, Tumors of the Sellar Region, Hematopoietic US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

tumors, Primary malignant lymphomas, Plasmacytoma, target cells which are tropic for the inflamed tissues. Some Granulocytic sarcoma, Germ Cell Tumors, Tumors of the action of the conjugate itself cannot be ruled out when it is Meninges present at high concentrations in a cell. 0687 Allergy 0697. In example 24, an anti-viral therapeutic agent con jugate is cited that also achieves higher levels in immune 0688 Rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma and conditions relating cells which may act as a reservoir of integrated viral to excessively active or Stimulated cosinophils. material. If therapeutic agent is Selectively conjugated Such 0689 Transplant Medicine that it is concentrated in these cells, it has two potential benefits including, the ability to SuppreSS Viral replication at 0690 Renal, hepatic, corneal, stem cell, pulmonary, car lower Systemic doses, and the ability to prevent resistance diac, Vascular, and myeloid transplants through the maintenance of persistently higher concentra 0691 Metabolic Disease, tions of therapeutic agent Such that mutations with minor effect cannot accumulate. 0692 Various disorders clustered in the liver cirrhosis, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity and hypercholesterolemia 0698 Similar themes but contrasting mechanisms apply groupings. to the field of graft rejection where one focus of therapy is the prevention of T-cell responses to the donor organ. 0693) Benefits of the Invention: Various mechanisms are known but all would benefit if a 0694. The conjugates described here represent improve greater proportion of chemical effect were focused on the ments on their parent therapeutic agents in two main T-cells themselves Such that the Systemic dose were reduced. respects. First, these conjugates provide a facile means of Example 21. cites conjugates of mycophenolic acid that are improving the activity of a therapeutic agent through their highly concentrated in immune cells. These conjugates are ability to make the therapeutic agent more easily available also highly bioavailable in the rat and cleave slowly to either from the gut, or from the blood stream. This is release mycophenolic acid. Despite slow cleavage, the com especially important for those therapeutic agents that have pounds have very similar anti-proliferative activity in vitro good activity in vitro but are unable to exert that activity in when compared with unconjugated mycophenolic acid Sug vivo. Where the non-manifestation of activity is related to gesting that concentration can compensate for Slow hydroly inefficient uptake and distribution, Simple conjugations Sis. Such that the conjugate becomes an intracellular reserve according to the Schemes described here are an efficient for the Slow release of mycophenolate. means to generate improved activity. 0699 Similar advantages can be cited for cancer where 0695) The invention also has specific benefits. By target those neoplasms are of a type that takes up the conjugates to ing cells, and achieving higher concentration in those cells the same extent Seen in immune cells. Cancers of myeloid than in plasma or general tissue, the therapeutic agent may origin are a good example of a target neoplasm. In Such exert a more Specific action resulting in fewer Systemic side cancers, concentration of the therapeutic agent has potential effects. Where efficacy is limited by the ability to place to compensate for common resistance mechanisms. Such as Sufficient therapeutic agent at the Site of action, Such con gene amplification and the Over expression of efflux Systems. centration effects are significant in achieving improved in In certain cancers, the tumour is associated with an intense vitro effect. This may be understood more clearly by exami local inflammation. The inflammatory infiltrate may serve as nation of non-limiting but representative examples from a means of further concentration of the conjugate drugs in different therapeutic areas. the environs of the tumour. 0696. In Examples 10-16, improved anti-inflammatory 0700. In cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, therapeutic agents are described in which the active it is commonly known that there is a Strong inflammatory moleculs are concentrated into immune cells in Vitro through component to the events which result in the thickening and conjugation with a macrollide. These conjugates display fragmentation of the plaque. This inflammation may be Superior immune Suppressive and anti-inflammatory action effectively reduced by the application of a range of agents in vivo when compared with the effect of a mixture of the including conjugates of compounds that are antiinflamma two component molecules in the same System. The mecha tory in effect. nism for this action is unknown but the effect in protection 0701 Data to support these observations may be found in appears to be qualitatively similar for the mixture and the various examples and is Summarized here by reference in a conjugate Suggesting that the conjugate is largely a delivery non-limiting manner. mechanism for the therapeutic agent. One potential non exclusive explanation is that immune cells produce high 0702) To practice the method of treating a disease, the levels of arachidonate, the Substrate of cyclooxygenase compounds of this invention can be administered to a enzymes, resulting in competition between this Substance patient, for example, in order to treat a disease described and NSAID therapeutic agents for Sites on cyclo-oxygenase above. The compound can, for example, be administered in enyzymes (Substrate competition is known in the art as a a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier Such as physiological common means of reducing the efficiency of an inhibitor). Saline, in combination with other therapeutic agents, and/or Enhanced concentration of the therapeutic agent has the together with appropriate excipients. The compound potential to overcome this feedback inhibition resulting in a described herein can, for example, be administered by greater inhibition of flux through the enzyme. The conjugate injection, intravenously, intraarterially, Subdermally, intrap also has other potential benefits including the prevention of eritoneally, intramuscularly, or Subcutaneously; or orally, metabolism through Steric effects, increased residence time buccally, nasally, transmucosally, topically, in an ophthalmic and traffic to Sites of inflammation when it is taken up into preparation, by inhalation, by intracranial injection or infu US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

Sion techniques, with a dosage ranging from about 0.1 to used include lactose and corn Starch. Lubricating agents, about 20 mg/kg of body weight, preferably dosages between Such as magnesium Stearate, are also typically added. For 10 mg and 1000 mg/dose, every 4 to 120 hours, or according oral administration in a capsule form, useful diluents include to the requirements of the particular therapeutic agent. The lactose and dried corn Starch. When acqueous Suspensions methods herein contemplate administration of an effective and/or emulsions are administered orally, the active ingre amount of compound or compound composition to achieve dient may be Suspended or dissolved in an oily phase is the desired or Stated effect. Lower or higher doses than those combined with emulsifying and/or Suspending agents. If recited above may be required. Specific dosage and treat desired, certain Sweetening and/or flavoring and/or coloring ment regimens for any particular patient will depend upon a agents may be added. variety of factors, including the activity of the Specific compound employed, the age, body weight, general health 0707. The pharmaceutical compositions of this invention may also be administered in the form of Suppositories for Status, Sex, diet, time of administration, rate of excretion, rectal administration. These compositions can be prepared therapeutic agent combination, the Severity and course of the by mixing a compound of this invention with a Suitable disease, condition or Symptoms, the patient's disposition to non-irritating excipient which is Solid at room temperature the disease, condition or Symptoms, and the judgment of the but liquid at the rectal temperature and therefore will melt in treating physician. the rectum to release the active components. Such materials 0703 Pharmaceutical compositions of this invention include, but are not limited to, cocoa butter, beeswax and comprise a compound of this invention or a pharmaceuti polyethylene glycols. cally acceptable Salt thereof, and any pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, adjuvant or vehicle. Such compositions 0708 Topical administration of the pharmaceutical com may optionally comprise additional therapeutic agents. The positions of this invention is especially useful when the compositions delineated herein include the compounds of desired treatment involves areas or organs readily accessible the formulae delineated herein, as well as additional thera by topical application. For application topically to the skin, peutic agents if present, in amounts effective for achieving the pharmaceutical composition should be formulated with a modulation of a disease. a Suitable ointment containing the active components Sus pended or dissolved in a carrier. Carriers for topical admin 0704. The term “pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or istration of the compounds of this invention include, but are adjuvant” refers to a carrier or adjuvant that may be admin not limited to, mineral oil, liquid petroleum, white petro istered to a patient, together with a compound of this leum, propylene glycol, polyoxyethylene polyoxypropylene invention, and which does not destroy the pharmacological compound, emulsifying wax and water. Alternatively, the activity thereof and is nontoxic when administered in doses pharmaceutical composition can be formulated with a Suit Sufficient to deliver a therapeutic amount of the compound. able lotion or cream containing the active compound Sus 0705 Pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, adjuvants pended or dissolved in a carrier with Suitable emulsifying and vehicles that may be used in the pharmaceutical com agents. Suitable carriers include, but are not limited to, positions of this invention include, but are not limited to, ion mineral oil, Sorbitan monoStearate, polySorbate 60, cetyl eXchangers, alumina, aluminum Stearate, lecithin, Self-emul esters wax, cetearyl alcohol, 2-octyldodecanol, benzyl alco Sifying therapeutic agent delivery Systems (SEDDS) Such as hol and water. The pharmaceutical compositions of this D-alpha-tocopherol polyethyleneglycol 1000 Succinate, Sur invention may also be topically applied to the lower intes factants used in pharmaceutical dosage forms Such as tinal tract by rectal Suppository formulation or in a Suitable Tweens or other similar polymeric delivery matrices, Serum enema formulation. Topically-transdermal patches are also proteins, Such as human Serum albumin, buffer Substances included in this invention. Such as phosphates, glycine, Sorbic acid, potassium Sorbate, 0709. The pharmaceutical compositions of this invention partial glyceride mixtures of Saturated vegetable fatty acids, may be administered by nasal aerosol or inhalation. Such water, Salts or electrolytes, Such as protamine Sulfate, diso compositions are prepared according to techniques well dium hydrogen phosphate, potassium hydrogen phosphate, known in the art of pharmaceutical formulation and may be Sodium chloride, Zinc Salts, colloidal Silica, magnesium prepared as Solutions in Saline, employing benzyl alcohol or trisilicate, polyvinyl pyrrollidone, cellulose-based Sub other Suitable preservatives, absorption promoters to stances, polyethylene glycol, Sodium carboxymethylcellu enhance bioavailability, fluorocarbons, and/or other Solubi lose, polyacrylates, waxes, polyethylene-polyoxypropylene lizing or dispersing agents known in the art. block polymers, polyethylene glycol and wool fat. Cyclodextrins Such as Cl-, 3-, and Y-cyclodextrin, or chemi 0710 A Suitable in vitro assay can be used to prelimi cally modified derivatives Such as hydroxyalkylcyclodex narily evaluate a compound of this invention in treating a trins, including 2- and 3-hydroxypropyl-3-cyclodextrins, or disease. In Vivo Screening can also be performed by follow other Solubilized derivatives may also be advantageously ing procedures well known in the art. See the Specific used to enhance delivery of compounds of the formulae examples below. described herein. Oil Solutions or Suspensions may also contain a long-chain alcohol diluent or dispersant, or car 0711 All references cited herein, whether in print, elec boxymethyl cellulose or Similar dispersing agents which are tronic, computer readable Storage media or other form, are commonly used in the formulation of pharmaceutically expressly incorporated by reference in their entirety, includ acceptable dosage forms Such as emulsions and or Suspen ing but not limited to, abstracts, articles, journals, publica SOS. tions, texts, treatises, internet web sites, databases, patents, and patent publications. 0706 The pharmaceutical compositions of this invention may be orally administered in any orally acceptable dosage 0712. The invention will be further described in the form including, but not limited to, capsules, tablets, emul following example. It should be understood that these Sions and aqueous Suspensions, dispersions and Solutions. In examples are for illustrative purposes only and are not to be the case of tablets for oral use, carriers which are commonly construed as limiting this invention in any manner. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 20

EXAMPLES 0716 Buffers and Solutions 0713) 07.17 PBS 73 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KC1, 1.5 mM KHPO, 8 mM NaHPO, pH 7.4 0718 DPBS 137 mM NaCl, 3 mM KC1, 8 mM NaHPO, Example 1 mM KHPO, 1 mM CaCl, 0.5 mM MgCl, 5 mM number Subject Glucose, pH 7.4 1. Method for determining immune cell partition 0719 Separation of Blood Cell Fractions-Density Gra 2. Transportophore: Compound 39 dient Centrifugation 3. Transportophore: Compound 40 4. Transportophore: Compound 41 0720 Cell fractions were prepared using density gradient 5. Transportophore: Compound 42 6. Transportophore: Compound 44 centrifugation. Mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear 7. Transportophore: Compound 45 cells are separated from erythrocytes essentially by layering 8. Transportophore: Compound 46 the cell Suspension on a Viscous medium typically composed 9. Transportophore: Compound 47 of a Solution containing Ficoll or similar (commercial Sup 10. Transportophore: Compound 48 pliers include: Lymphoprep, Axis Shield, 1031966; Lym 11. Transportophore: Compound 49 12. Transportophore: Compound 50 phoflot HLA, 824010; or PMN Separation Medium Robbins 13. NSAID Conjugate: Diclofenac Conjugates; Compound 52, 53, Scientific 1068-00-0). The layered suspension is then cen 54, & 55 trifuged at 600g, 20 min, after which the cell fractions and 14. NSAID Conjugate: Compound 56 the plasma (incubation medium) fraction are removed by 15. NSAID Conjugate: Compound 57 gentle aspiration, washed twice in PBS buffer, followed by 16. NSAID Conjugate: Compound 58 17. NSAID Conjugate: Compound 59 estimation of the cell number and pellet Volume. 18. NSAID Conjugate: Compound 60 0721 Analysis 19. NSAID Conjugate: Compound 61 2O. Conjugates of cytotoxic agents: Compound 62 21. Conjugates of cytotoxic agents: Compound 64 0722. Uptake of fluorescent compounds is monitored 22. Neotrofin conjugate: Compound 65 using fluorescence microScopy. Excitation and emission 23. Gemfibrozil conjugate: Compound 66 wavelengths depend of the fluorescence label in use. A 24. Mycophenolic Acid conjugates: CompoundS 67, 68, 69, 71, typical label is a methoxy coumarin for which the appro 73, 74, 75, 78, 79,80, & 81 priate wavelengths are 360 and 450 nm respectively. Fluo 25. Steroid Conjugates: Compounds 82, 83, 84, 85, & 86 rescent analogs of the compounds under Study permit the 26. Statin Conjugates: Compounds 87 & 88 27. Antifungal Conjugate: Compound 89 estimation of appropriate uptake intervals as well as the 28. Antiviral Nucleoside Conjugates: Compounds 90, 92,94, 97, likely intracellular distribution of the compounds. Fluores & 101 cent analogs also allow the estimation of losses in Washing 29. NSAID Conjugate: Compound 106 or other cell manipulations. 3O. Coumarin Conjugates: Compounds 108, 109 31. Imatinab Conjugate: Compound 110 0723 Cell preparations are lysed in water and the debris 32. Proliferation Assay sedimented at 16100 g, 10 min. The Supernatant is recovered 33. Cell-Based IMPDH Assay with Guanosine Rescue 34. Efficacy Testing of Drugs using Collagen-Induced Arthritis in and sub-sampled for protein and DNA content. Protein in the Mice Supernatant is precipitated by bringing the Solution to 100% 35. Efficacy Testing of Immunosuppressive Drugs. Using a Mouse V/v ethanol and centrifuging again at 16100 g, 10 min. Skin Transplant Model 36. Testing of Antibiotic Activity of Drugs 0724 Compound uptake is normalized according to cyto plasmic Volume of cells in order to obtain the average concentration in the cells. Cell Volume is estimated by correlation of DNA, protein or haem content of lysed cell Example 1 aliquots to cell number and packed Volume prior to lysis. Determination of the Immune Selectivity Ratio 0725 Cell lysates are analysed using a HP 1100 HPLC Coefficient (PISR) System (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) with a Kromasil 3.5u C18, 50x2.0 mm column and guard cartridge 0714 Uptake of Compounds System (both, Phenomenex, ASchaffenburg, Germany) run at 0715 Freshly drawn heparinised blood or buffy coat 30° C. A gradient elution was performed using water, 0.05% preparations are used for the determination of immune cell formic acid (A) and acetonitrile 0.05% formic acid (B) (0 partition ratios. Buffy coat preparations are preferred. These min. 5% B, 2.5 min 5% B, 2.8 min 40% B, 10.5 min 85% may be obtained from donor blood by simple centrifugation B, 12.0 min 95% B, 16.5 min 95% B) at a flow rate of 300 of whole blood (4795g for 10 minutes). Following centrifu tl/min. Re-equilibration of column was at 5% B, at a flow gation, plasma is collected from the Surface, after which rate of 750 ul/min for 2.4 min. The HPLC-eluate from immune cells are expressed from the donor bags along with retention time 0.0 min to 2.5 min was directed directly to the erythrocytes lying immediately below the leukocyte waste. Detection was via a UV cell at 214 nm followed by layer. This ensures high yields and a Sufficient population of a /6 split to an An API-qTOF 1 (Micromass, Manchester, erythrocytes for partition. 5 ml of the resulting cell Suspen UK) mass spectrometer, (calibrated daily using a mixture of sion are dispensed into T25 culture flasks. Substrates are NaI, Rb1 and CsI). The mass spectrometer is routinely added to a final concentration between 1 and 10 uM and the operated in the positive electrospray ionization mode using suspensions incubated at 37 C., in a 5% CO atmosphere. the following settings: Capillary voltage 4000 V, cone For analysis of uptake kinetics, Samples are withdrawn at 0, voltage 30 V; RF Lens offset 0.38 V; source block tempera 2, 5, 10, 30, 60,90, 180, or 240 min after Substrate addition. ture 80 C.; desolvation gas temperature 140 C.; desolva For Screening purposes, Samples are taken at 0 and 120 tion gas 240 l/h; LM/HM Resolution 0.0; Collision energy minutes. 4.0 V; Ion energy 5.0 V. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 21

0726 Masses are monitored according to the known or quite different uptake into immune cells, hence the difficulty expected M/Z ratioS. Ion currents across the expected range in employing general specifications known in the art (Lip of masses (including metabolites) are recorded and the inski et al., 2001) Further, it is clear from the images chromatograms for Specific masses used to estimate the peak obtained during the course of uptake (FIG. 1, FIG. 2, or area for a given molecular ion (area proportional to concen FIG. 3) that for some structures, the process is a slow one tration over a given range). Normalisation to DNA and/or relative to pure lipophilic diffusion. This is indicative of protein and/or haem content of cells (all three measured with processes in uptake that depend on factors other than dif Standard methods (Bisbenzimide staining (Sigma), BCA fusion alone. Certain investigators have proposed that com protein assay kit (Pierce) and haem absorbance at 535 nm, pounds of the macrollide type are Subject to active, protein respectively)) to cell number (hemocytometer count) and mediated concentrative mechanisms although these remain cell Volume is employed to calculate average compound unknown (Labro, 1998). The data presented here for com concentration in the cell fraction (expressed in uM). For pounds 4 and 5 Suggest that uptake is rapid but that it varies mation of metabolites or hydrolysis products was also with each Structure which does not eXclude a concentrative monitored for each T-L-C conjugate and the rate of mechanism involving protein action. hydrolysis estimated from both the total uptake and the loss of metabolites to the medium. The final ratio is computed by 0729 Compounds exhibiting high uptake are outlined in comparing the concentration of a component in the immune Table 2 along with similar structures that do not. It is clear cell compartment with that in both the erythrocytes and the from an inspection of the Structures that there exist a variety plasma. The Prs, is then the concentration in immune of chemical and physical properties compatible with Selec cells/concentration in erythrocytes using the same concen tive entry into white blood cells. These data are consistent tration units. Thus a Psi of 2 indicates a two-fold concen with there being a multiplicity of mechanisms for cell entry tration relative to erythrocytes. and accumulation including passive entry and active uptake. These data further Suggest that compounds with properties 0727 Selection and Definition of Carrier Compounds Supposedly compatible with facile uptake into actively 0728. Immune cell selectivity assays provide data in the metabolizing cells Such as immune cells do not exhibit Such form of micrographs of fluorescent analogs and quantitative properties. Simple addition of basic functions is not always estimates of compound concentration. Micrographs are use effective, even in in vitro Screening. In contract, addition of ful in determining the intracellular disposition of compounds Sugars, amino acids, or peptides can enhance entry of (FIG. 1). It is apparent from the illustrations that compound fluorescent compounds. Based on both the micrographs distribution is generally uniform with Some examples above and analysis of immune cells following uptake, it is appearing granular or nuclear. The analysis of fluorescent clear that macrollide Structures are very effective at mediat libraries by this method provides an efficient means of ing the entry of fluorescent molecules into cells and that Selecting T molecules that are capable of mediating the other basic compounds did not exhibit this property. In Sum, transport of diverse Substances into a cell. Examples of it is clear that an empirical method is the only reliable means molecules assayed in this way are Summarized in Table 2 of Selecting and guiding Synthetic chemistry toward com along with their uptake data and Selectivity. These data Show pounds that are well distributed and concentrated in immune that Similar molecules with Similar properties can exhibit cells. TABLE 2 Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure uptake

Compound 3 n.d. Y US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 22

TABLE 2-continued

Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake

Compound 6 n.d. Y O O O

N 21 O

Compound 7 n.d. Y


US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 23

TABLE 2-continued

Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake Compound 8 OH 1.02 Y



O --- N lsO H N

Compound 4 O OH O.O1 Y

HN 1. O N

No O

Compound 1 -O.79 Y



Compound 9 186 N US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 24

TABLE 2-continued Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake

Compound 10 O -1.14 N H GE N HN OH O 21 O


No O N

Compound 11 HN 1.48 N

NX- NH O / H2 I N HN j O

Compound 12 HO O -0.68 N O


O 1. N NH'

No O

Compound 13 COOH O -0.56 N NHP N H 1. O N

No O O

Compound 14 OH -1.63 N


HN O US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 25

TABLE 2-continued

Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake

Compound 15 n.d. Y O O N-1SN 21 \-oV H O

S N21 Ny ls N1 N

Compound 16 OH n.d. Y


2N S y O NH

Ons / SoS. O

Compound 17 O n.d. Y OS/ M O

OH US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 26

TABLE 2-continued

Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake

Compound 18 O n.d. Y

HO 21

N O N ~ ? NH N H


O -- O O

Compound 19 O n.d. N N NM 1 (

M N als S O


1N1 NH N H

21 o-i- O O

Compound 20 OH -1 Y


N 1N1 NH H


O-SE US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 27

TABLE 2-continued

Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake

Compound 21 5.59 Y





Compound 22 O.84 Y N O H N S O O O O

Compound 23 O ~ O.89 Y

NH US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 28

TABLE 2-continued

Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake Compound 24 HO n1n N ~ O.58 N N N- n NH





Compound 25 O O.94 N




HN n N-

Compound 26 1.92 Y r 1N-1 OH I Y

1 N. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 29

TABLE 2-continued Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake Compound 27 N-Nly-oil 2.34 Y


1 N N Compound 28 O 1.11 Y NHd I N OESEO

1 N N Compound 29 1.77 N

Compound 30 HO 4.04 N r US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 30

TABLE 2-continued

Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake

Compound 31 HO n1n 1 1.83 N N/O M O


Compound 32 HO 2.28 N N/H O M O OH


Compound 33 OH 1.56 N

1N1,N Ng/ / O

Compound 34 O O.46 N H O HN NNN4. / O O N H

1. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 31

TABLE 2-continued

Compounds exhibiting concentrative uptake in white cells

Concentrative Substrate Structure cLogP uptake

Compound 35 H O 2.88 N N/ M HO O OH


Compound 36 N/H O 4.68 N M O


Compound 37 3.56 N H O N-1N1 NN 4. O /


Compound 38 O O n.d. N NN1

2 O


N N US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 32

0730 Transportophores was kept between -30° C. and -10° C. for 30 min. Then the reaction mixture was cooled to -40°C. and 1.9 g (3.0 mmol) Example 2 of compound 43 were added in one portion. After 20 min the Compound 39 precipitate was completely dissolved and 0.77 ml (4.5 mmol) of ethyl diisopropylamine were added to the colorless 0731) Solution. The reaction mixture was allowed to reach ambient temperature Slowly. Stirring was continued at room tem perature for another hour. The reaction mixture was diluted with CHCl (50 ml) and washed with saturated sodium bicarbonate Solution (100 ml). The organic layer was sepa rated, dried over NaSO and concentrated under reduced preSSure. A colorleSS oil was obtained which was redissolved in methanol (75 ml) and stirred at 50° C. overnight. The Solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the residue Subjected to column chromatography on Silica gel with chloroform/methanol/7N ammonia in methanol (20:1:1) as eluent to yield 1.0 g (59%) of compound 40 as a colorless oil. 0732 15.8 g (21.1 mmol) Azithromycin (9a-aza-9a-me Example 4 thyl-9-deoxo-9a-homoerythromycin A, Compound 43) was dissolved in an icecold 6 N hydrogen chloride solution (100 ml). The reaction mixture was stirred at 0° C. for 4 hours. Compound 41 The solution turned from yellow to green. The solution was poured on ice (200 g) and 28 ml sodium hydroxide solution 0736) (50%) were added. The solution was extracted with ethy lacetate (300 ml). The organic layer was discarded. After addition of 30 ml sodium hydroxide solution (50%) to the OH water layer a colorless precipitate formed. The Suspension N was extracted with dichloromethane (300 ml). The organic layer was separated, dried over Na2SO and concentrated under reduced pressure. After drying in high vacuum 12.8 g. 1n ----- NN-1 (100%) of a colorless foam were obtained which were used N without further purification. 0733. The product was dissolved in dry dichloromethane 0737 To a solution of 35 ml of diethylamine in 50 ml of (150 ml) and 3.1 ml (32.7 mmol) acetic acid anhydride were ethanol was added 1.5 ml of 1,4-butandioldiglycidyl ether. added. The Solution was Stirred at room temperature over The Solution was allowed to stand for 48 h at ambient night, then diluted with dichloromethane (200 ml) and temperature. All volatiles were evaporated then and the washed with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution (150 residue used without further purification. ml). The organic layer was separated, dried over Na2SO and concentrated under reduced pressure. 12.3 g (92%) of com Example 5 pound 39 were obtained as a colorless foam, which was dried in high Vacuum and used without further purification. Compound 42 Example 3 0738) Compound 40


0735. A solution of 610 mg (4.5 mmol) N-chlorosuccin imide in dry dichloromethane (50 ml) was chilled to -30°C. OAc and 0.59 ml (8 mmol) dimethylsulfide were added. A col OrleSS precipitate formed immediately and the Suspension US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

0739. A solution of 15 g (20 mmol) of Compound 43 in Example 7 50 ml of acetic anhydride is treated with 2 g of potassium carbonate and heated to reflux for 3 h. After cooling the Compound 45 mixture is poured onto ice and neutralized with potassium 0742) carbonate. The mixture is extracted with ethyl acetate,

washed with water and brine and concentrated after drying (NaSO). The residue is redissolved in methanol and heated to 50° C. overnight. After removal of the methanol in vacuum the residue id redissolved in chloroform. Triethy lamine (10 ml) is added and the solution cooled to 0° C. Under stirring methansulfonic acid chloride (4.6 ml, 60 mmol) is added within 15 min and the mixture is allowed to N 1n-OH warm to ambient temperature. After 3 h the mixture is r washed with aqueous potassium carbonate Solution and brine, dried (NaSO) and concentrated in vacuum. The residue is chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with ethyl acetate to yield 3.5 g (22%) of slightly yellowish foam that is used without further purification. Example 6 Compound 44 0743) A solution of 1.1 g (1.5 mmol) of Compound 96 (See Example 24) in 5 ml of dichloromethane was combined 0740 with 415 mg (2.25 mmol) of iodo acetic acid and 450 mg (2.25 mmol) of DCC. After 2 hat ambient temperature the mixture was filtered and used without purification or con centration.

Example 8 Compound 46 OH 0744)


0741. To a solution of Compound 42 (850 mg, 1 mmol) 0745) A solution of 2.0 g (2.5 mmol) of Compound 44 in in DMF (7 mL), prepared as described before, N-methyl 50 ml of 6 M HCl is kept for 15 min at ambient temperature amino-2-ethanol (0.12 ml, 2 mmol) is added. After Stirring and then extracted with 10 ml of ethyl acetate. The organic for 24 h at 70° C. the mixture is concentrated in vacuum and phase is discarded and the aqueous phase neutralised with the residue is dissolved in ethyl acetate, washed with water potassium carbonate and extracted with ethyl acetate. The and brine, dried (NaSO) and the solvent evaporated in combined organic phases are dried (NaSO) and concen vacuum to yield 644 mg (80%) of yellowish foam that can trated in vacuum to yield 1.47 g (91%) of a slightly be used without further purification. yellowish solid that is used without further purification. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 34

Example 9 0749. A solution of 1.5 g (2.1 mmol) of Compound 47 and 2 ml of morpholine in 15 ml of isopropanol is heated to Compound 47 reflux for 12 h. The mixture is cooled, poured onto water and 0746) extracted with ethyl acetate. The organic phase is washed with water, then with brine, dried (NaSO) and concen trated in vacuum. The yellowish residue can be used without further purification, or purified by chromatography on Silica gel, and eluted with chloroform/isopropanol/ammonia 20:1:1. Example 11 Compound 49 0750)

0747. To a solution of 3.75 g (5.0 mmol) of Compound 43 in 5 ml of DMF is added 2.5 ml of epichlorohydrin and the mixture is heated to 60-65 C. for 2d. After cooling most of the Volatiles are removed in vacuum and the residue poured onto water and extracted with ethyl acetate. The combined organic phases are washed with brine, dried (Na2SO) and concentrated in vacuum. The residue is chromatographed on silica gel, elution with ethyl acetate to yield 1.4 g (40%) of a colorless waxy Solid. Example 10 0751) A solution of 1.63 g (12.0 mmol) N-chlorosuccin imide in dry dichloromethane (50 ml) was chilled to -40°C. Compound 48 and 1.3 ml (18 mmol) dimethylsulfide were added. A col 0748) OrleSS precipitate formed immediately and the Suspension was kept at -20° C. for 30 min. The reaction mixture was cooled to -40° C. and 1.9 g (3.0 mmol) of compound 43 prepared as described above were added in one portion. After 15 min 2.0 ml (12.0 mmol) of ethyl diisopropylamine were added. The precipitate dissolved and the Solution was allowed to reach ambient temperature slowly. Stirring was continued at room temperature for 1 hour. The reaction mixture was diluted with CHCl (50 ml) and washed with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution (100 ml). The organic layer was separated, dried over Na2SO and concentrated under reduced pressure. A colorless oil was obtained which was redissolved in methanol (75 ml) and stirred at 50° C. overnight. The Solvent was removed under reduced preSSure and the residue Subjected to column chromatography on silica gel with chloroform/methanol/7N ammonia in metha nol (30:1:1) as eluent to yield 1.1 g (62%) of compound 49 as a colorless foam. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 35

Example 12 0755) Acids Example 13 Compound 50 Diclofenac Conjugates Compound 52 0752) 0756)

Cl Cl



0757. A solution of Diclofenac (0.67 g; 2.25 mmol) in methylene chloride (10 ml), is treated with N,N'-carbonyl diimidazole (0.38 g; 2.25 mmol). After stirring for 30 min at RT, Compound 43 (0.57 g; 0.75 mmol) is added. Reaction is 0753) To a stirred solution of 589 mg (1 mmol) of stirred for 3 hat RT. The reaction Solution was concentrated Compound 40 in methanol (20 ml) was added 1.26 ml (10 in vacuum and the residue purified by column chromatog mmol) of hydrogen peroxide (30%). After stirring for 3 days raphy on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/isopropanol/ at room temperature the reaction mixture was chilled to -78 methanolic ammonia 60:1:1 to yield Compound 52 (0.15 g; C. and a solution of 1.26 g (10 mmol) sodium sulfite in 10 yield: 20%) as a white foam. ml of water was added. The Suspension was allowed to warn Compound 53 up to room temperature and then all volatile compounds 0758) removed under reduced pressure. The residue was resus pended in methanol and filtered. The filtrate was concen trated under reduced pressure to furnish the crude product. Column chromatography on Silica gel with chloroform/ methanol/7N ammonia in methanol (15:4:1) as the eluent yielded 327 mg (54%) of compound 51 as a colorless oil. 0754) To a stirred solution of 870 mg (1.4 mmol) of Compound 51 in dry N,N'-dimetylacetamide (20 ml) was added 370 mg (3.3 mmol) potassium tert-butoxide. The colorless Solution turned slowly orange and was chilled to -15 C. 0.25 ml (2.2 mmol) ethyl bromoacetate were added and the reaction mixture allowed to warm up to room temperature. 2.0 ml of triethylamine were added and Stirring HN continued for another hour. The reaction mixture was diluted with ethanol (20 ml) and acetic acid (2.0 ml) and 0.3 g of Cl Cl Pd/C (10%) were added. The reaction mixture was shaken under an atmosphere of hydrogen overnight. After filtration all volatile compounds were removed under reduced pres Sure. The crude product was Subjected to column chroma 0759. A suspension of 590 mg (2.0 mmol) of diclofenac tography on Silica gel with chloroform/methanol/7N ammo in 6 ml of dichloromethane is treated with 324 mg (2.0 nia in methanol (15:1:1) as the eluent to yield 340 mg (35%) mmol) of carbonyl diimidazole at 0°C. After 5 min at this of compound 50 as a colorless oil. temperature 294 mg (0.5 mmol) of Compound 40 is added US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 36 and the mixture kept at ambient temperature for 48 h. The solution of 1N hydrogen chloride in ether (2.5 ml) and 440 mixture is then concentrated and the residue chromato mg (2.7 mmol) of 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole. The solution graphed on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/isopropanol/ was stirred for 60 min at room temperature. Then 340 mg methanolic ammonia 40:1:1 to yield 330 mg (76%) of a (0.5 mmol) of compound 50 prepared as described above colorless Solid. were added and Stirring continued overnight. The mixture Compound 54 was diluted with CHCl (30 ml) and washed with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution (50 ml). The organic layer was 0760) Separated, dried over Na2SO and concentrated under reduced pressure to furnish a reddish oil. Column chroma tography on Silica gel with chloroform/methanol/7N ammo C C nia in methanol (10: 1:1) as eluent yielded 214 mg (45%) of compound 55 as a colorleSS oil. HN Example 14 Compound 56 0764) O


0761) To a turbid solution of 740 mg (2.5 mmol) diclofenac in dry dichloromethane (20 ml) was added a solution of 1N hydrogen chloride in ether (2.5 ml) and 440 0765 A solution of Meclofenamic acid (0.36 g; 1.2 mg (2.7 mmol) of 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole. The solution mmol) in methylene chloride (15 ml), is treated with N,N'- was stirred for 60 min at room temperature. Then 587 mg (1 carbonyldiimidazole (0.20 g; 1.2 mmol). After stirring for 30 mmol) of Compound 49 were added and stirring continued min at RT, Compound 44(0.47 g; 0.75 mmol) is added. overnight. The mixture was diluted with CHCl (30 ml) and Reaction is stirred for 3 h at RT. The reaction Solution is washed with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution (50 ml). concentrated in vacuum and the residue purified by column The organic layer was separated, dried over NaSO and chromatography on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/ concentrated under reduced preSSure to furnish a reddish oil. isopropanol/methanolic ammonia 60:1:1. The appropriate Column chromatography on Silica gel with chloroform/ methanol/7N ammonia in methanol (30:1:1) as eluent fractions are collected and concentrated to yield 0.17 g yielded 450 mg (52%) of compound 54 as a colorless oil. (25%) of Compound 56 as a white foam. Compound 55 Example 15 0762) Compound 57


t 0767 A solution of Mefenamic acid (0.29 g; 1.2 mmol) in methylene chloride (5ml), is treated with N,N'-carbonyl diimidazole (0.20 g; 1.2 mmol). After stirring for 30 min at ambient temperature, Compound 44 (0.47 g; 0.75 mmol) is added. Reaction is stirred for 3 hat ambient temperature. The reaction Solution is concentrated in vacuum and the residue purified by column chromatography, elution with chloroform/isopropanol/methanolic ammonia 60:1:1. The 763) To a turbid solution of 740 mg (2.5 mmol) appropriate fractions are collected and concentrated to pro diclofenac in dry dichloromethane (20 ml) was added a duce Compound 57 (0.16 g; yield: 25%) as a white foam. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 37

Example 16 followed by 1 ml of pyridine. The mixture is allowed to warm to ambient temperature and after 2 h concentrated in Compound 58 Vacuum. The residue is chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/isopropanol/methanolic ammonia 0768) C 60:1:1 to yield 205 mg (35%) of Compound 59 as a white Solid. Example 18 Compound 60 N 0772

0769 A solution of Indomethacin (0.80g, 2.25 mmol) in methylene chloride (10 ml), is treated with N,N'-carbonyl 0773) A solution of Ibuprofen (0.47 g; 2.25 mmol) in diimidazole (0.38 g, 2.25 mmol). After stirring for 30 min at methylene chloride (10 ml), is treated with N,N'-carbonyl RT, Compound 40 (0.44 g; 0.75 mmol) is added. Reaction is diimidazole (0.38 g, 2.25 mmol). After stirring for 30 min. stirred for 3 hat RT. The reaction Solution was concentrated at RT, Compound 43 (0.56 g; 0.75 mmol) is added. Reaction in vacuum and the residue purified by column chromatog is stirred for 3 h at RT. The reaction Solution was concen raphy on Silica gel, elution with isopropanol to yield 0.20 g trated in Vacuum and the residue purified by column chro (25%) of Compound 58 a white foam. matography on Silica gel, elution with isopropanol to yield Example 17 0.17 g (25%) of white foam, Compound 60. Compound 59 Example 19

Compound 61 0774)


0771) A solution of 360 mg (2.0 mmol) of acetyl salicylic acid is treated with 1.5 ml (16 mmol) oxalylic chloride in 10 ml of chloroform. A drop of DMF is added and the mixture is allowed to stand at ambient temperature for 1 h. All Volatiles are removed in vacuum and the residue dissolved in 20 ml of dichloromethane. After cooling to 0°C. 376 mg (0.65 mmol) of Compound 104 (See Example 24) is added US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 38

0775) A solution of flurbiprofen (0.27 g; 1.2 mmol) in 0778 A solution of N-acetylmelphalan (0.35 g; 1.0 methylene chloride (5 ml), is treated with N,N'-carbonyldi mmol) dissolved in methylene chloride (5ml), is treated with imidazole (0.20 g; 1.2 mmol). After stirring for 30 min. at N,N'-carbonyldiimidazole (0.17 g; 1.0 mmol). After stirring ambient temperature, Compound 46(0.47 g; 0.75 mmol) is for 30 min. at RT, Compound 43 (0.29 g; 0.50 mmol) is added. Reaction is stirred for 3 hat ambient temperature. added. After 3 h the reaction Solution is concentrated in The reaction Solution was concentrated in vacuum and the Vacuum and the residue purified by column chromatography residue purified by column chromatography on Silica gel, on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/isopropanol/methan and elution with chloroform/isopropanol/methanolic ammo olic ammonia 60:1:1. The appropriate fractions are collected nia 60:1:1 to yield 0.16 g (25%) of product Compound 61, and concentrated to produce 0.12 g (25%) of Compound 62 a white foam. as a white foam. Example 20 Example 21 Compound 62 Compound 64 0776) 0779)


0780. To a solution of chlorambucil (303 mg; 1 mmol) in 0777 600 mg of melphalan (63) is suspended in 25 ml of methylene chloride (5 ml), is added N,N'-carbonyldiimida water containing 500 mg of sodium carbonate. 10 ml of zole (130 mg, 1 mmol). After 30 min stirring at ambient dioxane is added and 1 ml of acetic anhydride. After Stirring temperature, Compound 43 (750 mg; 1 mmol) is added. at ambient temperature for 1 h citric acid is added and the After Stirring at the same temperature for 3 h the mixture is mixture extracted with ethyl acetate. After Washing with washed with ice water and ice cold NaCO Solution. The water and brine the organic phase is dried (Sodium Sulfate) organic layer is dried (Na2SO4), concentrated in vacuum and concentrated in vacuum. Removal of all Volatiles yields and chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with isopropanol the crude N-acetylmelphalan that is carried on to the next to afford 207 mg (20%) of a white foam, Compound 64, MS Step without further purification. (M+2H": 517). US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 39

Example 22 Compound 65 0781)

0782. A suspension of neotrofin (0.73 g; 2.25 mmol) in at ambient temperature, Compound 40 (0.44 g; 0.75 mmol) methylene chloride (15 ml), is treated with N,N'-carbonyl is added. Reaction is stirred for 48 h at ambient temperature. diimidazole (0.38 g; 2.25 mmol). After stirring for 2 h at The reaction Solution was concentrated in vacuum and the ambient temperature Compound 43 (0.57 g; 0.75 mmol) is residue purified by column chromatography on Silica gel, added. Reaction is stirred for 48 h at ambient temperature. The reaction Solution is concentrated in vacuum and the elution with chloroform/isopropanol/methanolic ammonia residue purified by column chromatography on Silica gel, 60:1:1. The appropriate fractions are collected and concen elution with chloroform/isopropanol/methanolic ammonia trated to produce Compound 66 (0.15 g; yield: 25%) as a 60:1:1. The appropriate fractions are collected and concen white foam. trated to produce Compound 65 (0.20 g; yield: 25%) as a white foam. Example 24 Example 23 Mycophenolate Derivatives Compound 66 Compound 67 0783) 0785)

0784) A solution of Gemfibrozil (0.56 g; 2.25 mmol) in methylene chloride (10 ml), is treated with N,N'-carbonyl diimidazole (0.38 g; 2.25 mmol). After stirring for 30 min. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 40

0786) To a mixture of 375 mg of Compound 43,400 mg Compound 69 of triphenyl phosphine and 960 mg of mycophenolic acid is 0789) added 4 ml of THF under nitrogen. Diisopropyl azodicar boxylate (0.3 ml) is added drop wise at 0° C. within 4 h while the reaction mixture is rapidly Stirred. Cooling is continued for another 4 h and the mixture then allowed to s warm to ambient temperature within 5h. The mixture is then dissolved in a mixture consisting of 50 ml of toluene and 20 ml of ethyl acetate and extracted with ice-cold 0.5 M hydrogen chloride (3x150 ml). The aqueous phase is washed several times with Small amounts of toluene and then with potassium carbonate till no foaming occurs any more upon addition. The mixture is extracted with dichloromethane and the organic phase is washed with brine, dried and concen trated in vacuum to yield white Solid foam that can be used without further purification, or further purified on a Silica gel column, eluting with isopropanol. Compound 68 0787) 0790. A solution of 750 mg (1.0 mmol) of Compound 43 in 10 ml of dichloromethane is treated with 100 mg (1.0 mmol) of Succinic anhydride. After stirring at ambient temperature for 12 h the mixture is concentrated in vacuum N O to yield Compound 70, a colorless solid that is used with out further purification. r O 0791) To a solution of mycophenolic acid ethyl ester (175 O O OH mg, 0.5 mmol) in chloroform (1 ml) is added ethyldiisopro pylamine (85 ul, 0.5 mmol). After stirring for 1 min O O Compound 70 (425 mg, 0.5 mmol) is added under nitrogen at 0-4 C. and afterwards chlor-N,N,2-trimethylprope namine (1 mL, 0.5 mmol; 0.5 mmol/mL solution in chloro O form) is added drop-wise. The mixture is stirred at 0-4 C. O for 0.5 h and 12 h at room temperature. The mixture is HO O concentrated in vacuum and the residue chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/2-propanol/ammonia O ! 30:1:1, affording 147 mg (25%) of a colorless solid. O N Compound 71 0792)

0788 To a solution of 170 mg of Compound 41,400 mg of triphenylphosphine and 500 mg of mycophenolic acid in 3 ml of THF were added under nitrogen 0.3 ml of diisopro pyl azodicarboxylate within 4 h at 0. The mixture was allowed to stir at 0°C. for 3 hand was then allowed to warm to ambient temperature slowly. The reaction mixture was diluted with 70 ml of toluene and 30 ml of ethyl acetate and extracted repeatedly with ice-cold 0.5 M hydrogen chloride. The combined aqueous phases were extracted Several times with a Small quantity of toluene. The organic phases were discarded. The aqueous phase was treated with potassium carbonate till gas evolution had stopped and was then 0793) To mycophenolic acid (0.50 g; 1.5 mmol) and extracted with dichloromethane. Drying (Sodium Sulfate) carbonyldiimidazole (0.25 g; 1.5 mmol), dissolved in meth and concentration in vacuum yielded an oily residue that ylene chloride (2 mL) is added after 1 minute stirring at 0-4 was purified by filtration through a short pad of Silica gel C. a solution of Compound 72(0.27g, 0.5 mmol) in 1 ml of (elution with ethyl acetate-triethylamine) to afford 185 mg dichloromethane. After stirring for 30 min at 0-4 C. the (39%). mixture is stirred for 12 hat room temperature. The mixture US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 is concentrated in vacuum and the residue chromatographed 0797 A solution of Compound 73 in 6 M HCl (20 ml) is on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/2-propanol/ammonia kept at ambient temperature for 15 min and then extracted 5 30:1:1, affording 98 mg (23%) of a colorless solid. ml of ethyl acetate. The organic phase is discarded and the aqueous phase neutralized with potassium carbonate and Compound 73 extracted with methylene chloride. The organic phase is 0794) dried (Na2SO4) and concentrated in vacuum to yield 400 mg (84%) of a colorless foam. Compound 75 0798)

0795 Mycophenolic acid (0.50 g; 1.5 mmol) is sus pended in 3 ml of dichloromethane and treated with carbo nyldiimidazole (0.25 g; 1.5 mmol). After 10 min a solution of Compound 44 (0.38 g; 0.5 mmol) in dichloromethane is added. After 30 min at 0° C. the mixture is stirred for 12 h 0799. A solution of 1.1 g (1.5 mmol) of Compound 43 in at room temperature. The mixture is concentrated in vacuum 5 ml of dichloromethane was combined with 415 mg (2.25 and the residue chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with mmol) of iodoacetic acid and 450 mg (2.25 mmol) of DCC. chloroform/2-propanol/ammonia 30:1:1, affording 126 mg After 2 hat ambient temperature the mixture was filtered and (22%) of a colorless foam. the resulting Compound 76 was used without purification or Compound 74 concentration. 0796) 0800) A solution 720 mg of (0.8 mmol) of Compound 76 in 3 ml of dichloromethane, prepared as described above, is

diluted with 20 ml of DMF and 0.1 ml (1.2 mmol) of N-methyl amino ethanol is added. The mixture is kept at ambient temperature for 24 h. The mixture is poured onto a Solution of potassium carbonate in water and extracted with dichloromethane. The organic phase is washed with brine, dried (Na2SO4 and concentrated in vacuum. The residue is chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/ isopropanol/methanolic ammonia 80:1:1 to yield 210 mg (31%) of Compound 77, a colorless solid. 0801) A suspension of mycophenolic acid (0.50 g; 1.5 mmol) in 8 ml of dichloromethane was treated with carbo nyldiimidazole (0.25 g; 1.5 mmol at 0° C. After 10 min a solution of Compound 77 (0.40 g, 0.5 mmol) in 2 ml of dichloromethane was added. After stirring for 30 min. at 0-4 C. the mixture is stirred for 24 h at room temperature. The mixture is concentrated in Vacuum and the residue chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/2- propanol/ammonia 30:1:1, affording 175 mg (32%) of Com pound 75. US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 42

Compound 78 Compound 80 0802) 0806)


0803) A solution of Compound 75 (550 mg, 0.5 mmol) 0807. A mixture of 120 mg of Compound 48,320 mg of prepared as described before in 20 ml of 6 M HCl is kept at mycophenolic acid and 300 mg of triphenyl phosphine is ambient temperature for 10 min and then extracted with dissolved in 2 ml of THFunder nitrogen. At 0°C. 0.1 ml (0.5 diethylether. The organic phase is discarded and the aqueous mmol) diisopropyl azodicarboxylate is added in several phase neutralized with potassium carbonate and extracted portions within 4 h. After this time the mixture is allowed to with dichloromethane. The organic phase is washed with warm to ambient temperature overnight. The reaction mix brine, dried (Na2SO) and concentrated in vacuum to yield ture is concentrated in vacuum and chromatographed on 420 mg (89%) as a slightly yellowish foam. Silica gel, elution with isopropanol. Compound 79 Compound 81

0804) (0808) O


On S ()N O O

1. O O O N- N-N--- n No


O OH O 0809. To a solution of 188 mg of Compound 41, 400 mg O of triphenylphosphine and 500 mg of mycophenolic acid in 3 ml of THF were added under nitrogen 0.3 ml of diisopro 0805) A suspension of mycophenolic acid (0.30 g; 0.9 pyl azodicarboxylate within 4 h at 0°C. The mixture was mmol) in 8 ml of dichloromethane is treated with carbon allowed to stir at 0°C. for 3 hand was then allowed to warm yldiimidazole (0.15 g; 0.9 mmol) at 0° C. After 10 min a to ambient temperature slowly. The reaction mixture was solution of Compound 40 (0.20 g, 0.3 mmol) in 2 ml of diluted with 70 ml of toluene and 30 ml of ethyl acetate and dichloromethane was added. After stirring for 30 min. at extracted repeatedly with ice-cold 0.5 M hydrogen chloride. 0-4 C. the mixture is stirred for 24 h at room temperature. The combined aqueous phases were extracted Several times The mixture is concentrated in Vacuum and the residue with a Small quantity of toluene. The organic phases were chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/2- discarded. The aqueous phase was treated with potassium propanol/ammonia 30:1:1, affording 100 mg (35%) of a carbonate until gas evolution had stopped and was then colorless foam. extracted with dichloromethane. Drying (Na2SO) and con US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 centration in vacuum yielded an oily residue that was 0813 Dexamethasone (196 mg, 0.5 mmol) is suspended purified by filtration through a short pad of Silica gel (elution in 3 ml of chloroform and 55 mg (0.55 mmol) of Succinic with ethyl acetate-triethylamin) to yield 255 mg (52%) of a anhydride is added. After 24 h at ambient temperature 375 yellowish oil. mg of Compound 43 (0.5 mmol) is added followed by chloro-N.N.2-trimethylpropenamine (0.2 ml, 1.5 mmol) in Example 25 Several portions. The resulting Solution is after 1 h Subjected to column chromatography on Silica gel, elution with iso Steroid Conjugates propanol to yield 198 mg (32%) of a white solid. Compound 82 Compound 84 0814) 0810)

O O O O ? HO


O 0815) A solution of 295 mg (0.5 mmol) of Compound 40 in 4 ml of dichloromethane is treated with 55 mg (0.55 0811 Prednisolone (180 mg, 0.5 mmol) is suspended in mmol) of Succinic anhydride and the mixture Stirred at 3 ml of chloroform and 55 mg (0.55 mmol) of Succinic ambient temperature overnight. To the reaction mixture anhydride is added. After 24 h at ambient temperature the diethylstilbestrol (174 mg., 0.5 mmol) and 0.15 ml of diiso mixture is cooled to 0°C. and 325 mg of Compound 46 (0.5 propylethylamine is added followed by 0.133 ml of chloro mmol) is added followed by chlor-N.N.2-trimethylprope N.N.2-trimethylpropenamine (1.0 mmol) in several por namine (0.2 ml, 1.5 mmol) in Several portions. The resulting tions. After 1 h the reaction mixture is concentrated in Solution is Subjected to column chromatography on Silica Vacuum and the residue chromatographed on Silica gel, gel, elution with isopropanol to yield a white Solid. elution with ethyl acetate, changing to isopropanol, to yield 74 mg (16%) of a colorless solid. Compound 83 Compound 85 O812) 0816)

US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 44

0817. A solution of 217 mg (0.5 mmol) of triamcinolone Example 26 acetonide, 55 mg (0.55 mmol) of succinic anhydride in 3 ml Statins of dichloromthane and 1 ml of pyridine is reacted 2 d at Compound 87 ambient temperature. After this period all volatiles are 0820) removed and the residue taken up in THF. To this mixture

100 mg (0.62 mmol) of carbonyldiimidazole is added under nitrogen, followed by 300 mg (0.51 mmol) of Compound 40. O The mixture was heated to 50° C. for 36 h. After cooling the mixture was concentrated in vacuum and the residue chro matographed on Silica gel, elution with ethyl acetate, chang ing to isopropanol to yield 34 mg (6%) of a colorless Solid. Compound 86 0818)


0821) A solution of 560 mg (1 mmol) of atorvastatin in 10 ml of dichloromethane is treated with 2 ml of a 1 M Solution of HCl in diethyl ether at ambient temperature for 12 h. The reaction mixture is washed with water and brine, dried (Na2SO) and concentrated in vacuum. The residue is dis solved in 8 ml of chloroform and treated with 120 mg (1.2 mmol) of Succinic anhydride and 123 mg (1.0 mmol) of DMAP under nitrogen. After 24 h at ambient temperature 194 mg (1.2 mmol) of carbonyldiimidazole is added, fol lowed after 10 min by 700 mg (1.2 mmol) of Compound 40. The mixture is heated to 50° C. for 36 h and then cooled, concentrated in vacuum and chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with chloroform/2-propanol/ammonia 30:1:1 to yield 125 mg (10%) of a colorless solid. | Compound 88 0822)

0819 Prednisolone (180 mg, 0.5 mmol) is suspended in 3 ml of chloroform and 55 mg (0.55 mmol) of Succinic anhydride is added. After 24 h at ambient temperature the mixture is cooled to 0°C. and 295 mg of Compound 40 (0.5 mmol) is added followed by chlor-N.N.2-trimethylprope namine (0.2 ml, 1.5 mmol) in Several portions. The resulting Solution is Subjected to column chromatography on Silica gel, elution with isopropanol to yield 165 mg (32%) of a white Solid US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004

0823) A solution of 25 mg (0.06 mmol) of lovastatin in 1 0826 Alcohols ml of dichloromethane was treated with 10 mg (0.1 mmol) of Succinic anhydride under nitrogen. The mixture was kept Example 28 at ambient temperature for 48 h and then 12 mg of carbo Nucleosides nyldiimidazole is added followed after 10 min by 70 mg (0.11 mmol) of Compound 46. After stirring for 48 h at Compound 90 ambient temperature the mixture is concentrated in vacuum and the residue chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with 0827) chloroform/2-propanol/ammonia 30:1:1 to yield 13 mg (19%) a white solid. Example 27 Antifungal Conjugate

Compound 89 O

0824) O


0828 To a mixture of 800 mg glutaric acid (6 mmol, 6 eq.) and 500 mg. CDI (3 mmol, 3 eq.) dissolved in 10 ml dry acetonitrile and Stirred for 30 minutes at room temperature under argon, is added a solution of 750 mg Compound 43 (1 mmol) in the presence of a catalytic amount of DMAP dissolved in 5 ml acetonitrile. The reaction is refluxed 0825) To a stirred solution of Fluconazole (0.67 g, 2.2 overnight. mmol) in anhydrous CHCl (20 ml) was added triethy 0829. The solvent is removed in vacuo. The crude mix lamine (0.31 ml, 2.2 mmol) and Succinic anhydride (0.22 g, ture is then purified by chromatography with chloroform/ 2.2 mmol). After Stirring for 2 hours at ambient temperature methanol/ammonia (94.5:10:0.5). The collected fractions N,N'-carbonyldiimidazole (0.37g, 2.3 mmol) was added and yielded a white solid (340 mg, 45%). The expected Com stirred for another 2 hours. Subsequently Compound 43 pound 91 is characterized by TLC (R=0.4 in chloroform/ (1.12 g, 1.5 mmol) was added and stirring continued over methanol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and by MS (IM+H+=863). night. Then the reaction mixture was diluted with CH-Cl 0830) 43 mg Compound 91 (0.05 mmol) and 15 mg (20 ml) und a Saturated aqueous Solution of Sodium bicar Abacavir (0.05 mmol) are reacted in the presence of 12 mg bonate (30 ml). After separation, the organic layer was dried DCC (0.06 mmol, 1.2 eq.). The mixture is dissolved in 1 ml of dry THF and stirred overnight at room temperature. The over NaSO, filtered and then concentrated under reduced cloudy solution is filtered off and the solvent is removed in preSSure to furnish the crude product. Silica gel chromatog vacuo. The crude product is purified by chromatography. raphy with THF-Hexane-NEt (10:10:0.1) yielded Com The collected fractions are concentrated to yield a white pound 89 as a white solid (0.20 g, 12%). solid (20 mg, 40%). The expected Compound 90 is charac US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 46 terized by TLC (R=0.6 in chloroform/methanol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and by MS (M+2H, 566). TABLE 3-continued 0831. This protocol can be applied to other alcohols, Some of which are listed in Table 3 Representative class of alcohol compounds, which can be used in conjugation reactions. TABLE 3 Lodenosine NH2 Representative class of alcohol compounds, which can be used in conjugation reactions. Pencyclovir N

HN N s C y 2. HN - N - N F -O ''1. OH

OH Mercaptopurine SH Riboside benzylidenacetal OH Ny N - N. 2. Lamivudine NH2 O O '-OH r1s. O


S Zalcitabine NH2 HO r-s,

Carbovir OH K) 2. N y HO HN - N - N. 2.

D e1 OH Gemcitabine NH2 Abacavir r F 1s. F O


HO US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 47

Compound 92 TABLE 3-continued 0832) Representative class of alcohol compounds, which can be used in conjugation reactions.

Cytarabine NH2


Levovirin Benzylidene acetal

0833 200 mg of Compound 43 (0.27 mmol) are treated with 30 mg succinic anhydride (0.3 mmol, 1.1 eq.) in 1 ml pyridine in the presence of a catalytic amount of DMAP. The reaction is stirred for 5 h at 40° C. After the completion of the reaction the product is Separated by precipitation using Ribavirin hexane. The Solution is decanted, and the recovered precipi Benzyliden acetal tate is washed Several times with hexane to remove pyridine. The isolated compound is dried by high Vacuum and yielded to a white solid (180 mg, 90%). The expected Compound 93 is characterized by MS (IM+H+=850). 0834 42 mg of Compound 93 (0.05 mmol) and 13 mg AZT (0.05 mmol) are coupled by using 11 mg DCC (0.055 mmol) in 0.5 ml of dry THF. The mixture is stirred overnight at room temperature. The cloudy solution is then filtered off to remove the urea. 0835. The isolated crude product, obtained after removal of Solvent, is purified by chromatography. The collected fractions yield after evaporation to a white Solid (30 mg, 50%). The expected compound Compound 92 is character ized by TLC (R=0.3 in chloroform/methanol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and by MS (M+2H, 549.7). US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 48

0836. This protocol can be applied to other alcohols, 0838 To a cloudy solution of 52 mg AZT (0.2 mmol), 43 Some of which are listed in Table 3. mg 5-bromovaleric acid (0.24 mmol, 1.2 eq.), 106 mg BOP (0.24 mmol, 1.2 eq.), and a catalytic amount of DMAP in 1 Compound 94 ml dry THF are added 100 ul triethylamine (72 mg, 700 almol, 3 eq.). The clear Solution is then Stirred for 4 hat room O837) temperature. After completion of reaction the crude mixture is purified by preparative TLC. Removal from the plate yields a yellowish oily solid (60 mg, 70%). The expected compound 95 is characterized by TLC (R=0.7, chloroform/ methanol/ammonia 90:9:1). 0839. A solution of 6.0 g (8.0 mmol) of Compound 43 in 20 ml of THF is treated with 1.97g (8.8 mmol) of N-io dosuccinic imide in several portions at 0°C. The mixture is kept at 10 C. for 12 h and then poured into a solution of potassium carbonate in water and extracted with dichlo romethane. The organic phase is dried (Na2SO4), concen trated in vacuum and the residue chromatographed on Silica gel, elution with cyclohexane/ethyl acetate/isopropanol/tri ethylamin 9:1:0.2:0.2 to yield 1.5 g (34%) of Compound 96, a colorless Solid. 0840. To a cloudy solution of 8 mg Compound 95 (0.02 mmol) and 26 mg Compound 96 (0.035 mmol, 2 eq.) in acetonitrile (0.5 ml) is added am excess of potassium carbonate. The reaction mixture is then set to 50° C. for 48 h. The crude mixture is purified by chromatography to yield a yellowish solid (4.5 mg, 20%). The expected Compound 94 is characterized by TLC (R=0.5 in chloroform/methanol/ ammonia (90:9:1)) and by MS (M+H+=1113). 0841. This protocol can be applied to other alcohols, Some of which are listed in Table 3. Compound 97 0842)


O O O N --- O N NH -n- Na US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 49

0843 665 mg benzylidene-protected Ribavirin (2 mmol), Compound 101 1.34g glutaric acid (10 mmol, 5 eq.), 1 g CDI (6.2 mmol), 0847) and a catalytic amount of DMAP are suspended and heated in 20 ml of Chloroform for 3 h. The Solvent is removed and the residue suspended in 1 M HCl, saturated with sodium chloride. The mixture is extracted twice with ethyl acetate, AZT the organic layers are dried over Sodium Sulphate and evaporated to dryneSS. The residue is purified by chroma tography to yield 760 mg (85%) of Compound 98, charac terized by TLC (Rf=0.16 in THF/Hexane/Acetic acid 7:7:0.5) and MS (IM+H+=447).

0844) To a solution of 267 mg Z-f-alanine (1.2 mmol, 1.2 eq.) and 190 mg CDI (1.2 mmol, 1.2 eq.) in 2 ml of dry THF, which had been stirred for 30 minutes at room temperature under argon,749 mg Compound 43 are added (1 mmol). The mixture is then stirred overnight at 40 C. The clear and colorless Solution is purified by flash chromatography. The collected fractions are concentrated to yield to a yellow Solid (460 mg, 50%). The expected compound is characterized by TLC (R=0.2 in chloroform/methanol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and by MS (M+H+=954.7). 450 mg of this compound (0.45 mmol) are dissolved in 5 ml of ethanol, to which an excess of Pd/C is added under argon. The flask with hydro 0848 900 mg of Compound 43 (1.2 mmol) are treated gen. The mixture is shaken gently overnight at room tem with 10 ml 12 NHCl in an iced-water bath overnight. The perature. The Pd/C is removed passing the Solution through completed reaction is worked up by an extraction with a celite plug. The removal of Solvent yielded a slighty black chloroform. The aqueous phase is further neutralized at 0°C. solid (280 mg, 76%), a mixture of Compound 99 and by addition of potassium hydroxide pellets to have a pH at Compound 43. The expected Compound 99 is characterized 9-10. The orange basic aqueous phase is then extracted Several times with chloroform. The combined organic layer by TLC (R=0.2 in chloroform/methanol/ammonia is washed with brine and then dried over sodium sulphate. (94.5:5:0.5)) and by MS (IM+H+=890.5). The crude product after evaporation of the solvent is purified by flash column chromatography to yield to a light yellowish 0845 To a cloudy solution of 23 mg Compound 98 (0.05 solid (400 mg, 90%). The expected Compound 102 is mmol), and 41 mg free Compound 99. (0.05 mmol), 25 mg characterized by TLC (R=0.35 in chloroform/methanol/ BOP (0.055 mmol, 1.1 eq.) and a catalytic amount of DMAP ammonia (90:9:1)) and by MS (M+H+=434). in 0.5 ml of dry THF are added 15ul of triethylamine (11 0849) 300 mg of the Compound 102 (0.7 mmol), 190 mg mg, 0.11 mmol, 2 eq.). The clear Solution is stirred overnight iodoacetic acid (1 mmol, 1.5 eq.) and 210 mg DCC (1 mmol, at room temperature. The mixture is purified by chromatog 1.5 eq.) are dissolved in 5 ml of dry chloroform at 0° C. raphy and yields 5 mg (10%) of a light yellowish solid. The under argon atmosphere under protection from light. The expected Compound 100 is characterized by TLC (R=0.25 mixture is Stirred overnight at room temperature. The yel in chloroform/methanol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and by MS lowish cloudy solution is filtered off and the filtrate is (M+H+=1249). concentrated under vacuum. Chromatography yields a frac 0846 5 mg of Compound 100 are dissolved in 5 ml tion that contains mainly the monoacetylated product, Com 2-propanol and a tip of a spatula of Pd/C is added. The pound 103, (yield: 175 mg, 50%) is characterized by TLC mixture is hydrogenated overnight. The catalyst is extracted (R=0.35 in chloroform/methanol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and by with ethyl acetate and the extract purified by preparative MS (M+H+=602). TLC to yield 2.3 mg of the desired Compound 97, charac 0850. To a solution of 150 mg of Compound 103 (0.25 terized by TLC (R=0.45, chloroform/2-propanol/methanol/ mmol) in 2 ml of dry acetonitrile are added 50 ul of ammonia 25:3:1:1) and MS (M+H+=1161). diethanolamine (0.5 mmol, 2 eq.). The mixture is stirred at US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 50 room temperature for 1 h. After removal of the solvent the 0856) CDI=Carbonyldiimidazole crude mixture is purified by flash chromatography. The collected fractions are concentrated under vacuum and yield 0857 Z–=Benzyloxycarbonyl a yellowish solid (60 mg, 40%). The expected compound 104 is characterized by TLC (R=0.15 in chloroform/metha nol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and MS (M+H+=579). Example 29 0851) To a mixture of 800 mg glutaric acid (6 mmol, 6 Compound 106 eq.) and 500 mg CDI (3 mmol, 3 eq.) dissolved in 10 ml of dry acetonitrile, which is stirred for 30 minutes at room 0858)


temperature under argon, are added 266 mg AZT (1 mmol) 0859 286 mg of Celecoxib (750 umol), 300 mg of and a catalytic amount of DMAP. The cloudy reaction succinic anhydride (3 mmol, 4 eq.), and 50 mg of DMAP are mixture is stirred overnight at 70° C. Chromatography yields dissolved in 8 ml of dry acetonitrile. 420 ul (300 ug, 3 mmol, a colorless sticky solid (120 mg, 35%). The expected com 3 eq) of triethylamine are added, and the reaction mixture pound 105 was characterized by TLC (R=0.25 in chloro is Stirred overnight. 3 ml 1M acqueous Sodium hydroxide and form/methanol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and MS (IM+H+=381). 5 ml of THF are added to remove excess succinic anhydride, 0852. To a cloudy solution of 55 mg of Compound 105 the mixture is stirred for 2 h. 180 ul of acetic acid (3.1 mmol) (0.15 mmol, 3 eq.), and 29 mg of Compound 104 (0.05 are added and the mixture is evaporated to dryneSS. The mmol, 1 eq.), 38 mg BOP (0.18 mmol, 3.3 eq.) and a resulting oil is Suspended in ethyl acetate. Diluted aqueous catalytic amount of DMAP in 0.5 ml of dry THF are added ammonia is added, and the aqueous phase is separated and 30 ul of triethylamine (0.25 mmol, 4 eq.). The clear solution evaporated until the gas evolution ceases. Concentrated HCl is then Stirred overnight at room temperature. The mixture is is added to obtain a yellow precipitate. The residue is purified by chromatography. The collected fractions yielded dissolved in ethanol, evaporated to dryness and dried at 30 to a light yellowish solid (5 mg, 10%). The expected double C./0.01 mbar for 2 h. The yield of the resulting Compound acylated Compound 101 is characterized by TLC (R=0.25 107 is 350 mg (93%), and can be used for the following step in chloroform/methanol/ammonia (90:9:1)) and by MS without further purification. (M+H+=1306). 0860) 240 mg of Compound 107 (500 umol) are stirred 0853. This protocol can be applied to other alcohols, together with 110 mg of CDI (650 umol, 1.3 eq.) in 8 ml of Some of which are listed in Table 3. Abbreviations: dry dichloromethane for 2 h. 300 mg (400 umol, 0.8 eq) of Compound 43 are added and the mixture is stirred for an 0854) DMAP=4-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine other 2 h. The mixture is Subjected to chromatography after 0855 BOP=(Benzotriazol-1-yloxy)-tris-(dimethy evaporation to yield 80 mg (16%) of the desired product, lamino)-phosphonium-hexafluorophosphate Compound 106 (MS: M+H+=1213). US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 51

Example 30 0864) To a stirred suspension of 0.46 g (6,7-dimethoxy 2-oxo-2H-chromen-4-yl methylsulfanyl)acetic acid (1.5 Compound 108 mmol) in 20 ml of dry CHCl are added 250 mg N,N'- carbonyldiimidazole (1.55 mmol). The reaction mixture is 0861) stirred for 2 h, then a solution of 1.0 g Compound 43 (1.3 mmol) in 10 ml of dry CHCl is added and stirring continued for 48 h. A Saturated aqueous Solution of Sodium bicarbonate (30 ml) is added. The organic layer is dried over NaSO, filtered and then concentrated under reduced pres Sure to furnish the crude product. Chromatography affords the Compound 109 as a white foam (0.7 g., 52%). (MS: M+H+=1042). O Example 31 CH3 Compound 110 0865) HC

CH 'N 1. 3 OH CH


lit. 0862 To a stirred solution of 1.12 g erythromycin A oxime (1.5 mmol) in 50 ml THF was added 1.5 ml 1 N potassium hydroxide solution (1.5 mmol) and 0.44 g4-bro momethyl-6,7-dimethoxycoumarin (1.5 mmol). The reac tion mixture was stirred at room temperature for 6 hand then filtered and treated with 44 ul of acetic acid. The solvent was 0866 Imatinab may be selectively altered without com removed under reduced pressure and the residue purified on promising the interaction with the kinase and thus its bio silica gel, eluting with CHCl/MeCH/NHOH (6:1:0.1) to logical activity (Schindler et al., Effects of a selective afford 0.4 g (28%) of Compound 108 a colorless foam. (MS: inhibitor of the Abl tyrosine kinase on the growth of Bcr-Abl M+H+=968). positive cells. Science 289, 1938-1942, 2000). 0867 2.2 g of 4-(4-Chlorocarbonyl-phenyl)-piperazine Compound 109 1-carboxylic acid 9H-fluoren-9-ylmethyl ester and 1.15 g. 4-Methyl-N3-(4-pyridin-3-yl-pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzene-1,3- O863) H3C diamine (U.S. Pat. No. 5,521,184) are reacted in 50 ml of V dimethylformamide in the presence of 600 mg dimethyla N HC VCH3 niline for 24 h. The mixture is poured into 250 ml of ice-cold CH3 water. After filtration, the crude product is dried in vacuo and HO OH s treated with a mixture of methanol and triethylamine (10:1). w F O After evaporation of the Solvent, the residue is Subjected to HC 'CH, chromatography to yield Compound 111. w w '', NMe2 0868 40 mg of Compound 111 are dissolved in 2 ml dry CH O O ethanol at 60° C. and reacted with 31 mg of Compound 111 for 10 h. The mixture is cooled to -21 C. and filtered. The CH O product, Compound 110, was obtained after recrystallisa O S 21 tion. (MS: M+2H]*=628). CH3 0869. Biological Methods HCY o1 CH O Example 32 OH HC No Proliferation Assay O YCH, 0870 Assay to determine the in vitro rate of, for example, lymphocyte proliferation. Lymphocytes are purified out of ant coagulated (CPDA, citrate or heparin) mammalian blood US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 52

using the LymphoprepTM system (supplier). Purified cells causes the Redox indicator to change from an oxidized to a are counted using a hemocytometer following Trypan Blue reduced form. Fluorescence is monitored at 560 nm (Exc.) staining, and a cell concentration of 1x10" cells/ml estab and 590 nm Em. lished in RPMi 1640 medium with 10% FCS and antibiotics as required (all from Biochrome). Following the addition of 0874) General Procedure: a cell proliferation Stimulant, for example phytohemaggluta 0875. HeLa cells (1x10) or JURKAT cells (1x10) are nin (Sigma) at, for example an end concentration of 5 ug/ml, plated in 100 ul MEM medium (with Earle's salt; Biochrom the cells are incubated with different concentrations of the to KG) containing 10% FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine, and non be investigated compound in 100 ul end volume in a 96-well essential animo acids in 96-well plates and incubated at 37 microtiter plate in an incubator (37° C., 5% CO, 95% C. and 5% CO atmosphere. After 24 hours, the test com humidity) for 72 h. Cell proliferation is quantified following pounds are added over a concentration range and the cells BrdU incorporation for 16 h by ELISA and Subsequent incubated for a further 48 hours. Alamar Blue reagent (20 ul) colorimetric development (Cell Proliferation ELISA BrdU is added to each well, and the cultures incubated for a further (calorimetric) kit from Roche Diagnostics). The ICso (uM) 4 to 6 hours. The fluorescence is then measured as described values are then calculated, and used to compare compound above and the LDso is determined based on a Sigmoidal dose efficacy. response regression. In order to determine the toxicity of T-L-C conjugates of mycophenolic acid not due to the 0871 To determine the influence of the T-L-C modi inhibition of IMPDH, excess guanosine is added into the fication on in vitro cellular drug uptake and pharmacology, culture medium to a final concentration of 50 uM. Any the above assay is additionally modified and an additional toxicity still detected can then be ascribed either to other “wash” step included. In addition to running the assay for 72 biological effects of the of T-L-C conjugate of myco h with the compounds to be tested, the assay is also run for phenolic acid, or is due to the very high intracellular just 2 h, then compound is washed away in three Serial concentration of mycophenolic acid, following concentra Washing StepS using 200 ul of medium at each Step, and the tive uptake into the cell. cells Subsequently incubated for a further 70 h. The deter mined ICs (uM) values following 2 hand 72 h incubation 0876 Cytotoxicity Assay with Fresh PBMNCs are compared and a ratio calculated (2 h:72 h). The lower the 0877. The cytotoxicity of T-L-C conjugates of myco number, the better the uptake and drug release from the phenolic acid can be demonstrated directly on freshly iso T-L-C in the cells (see results in Table 4 for examples), lated mammalian PBMNCs. The cells are prepared as and improvement over mycophenolic acid. described in Example 29, and the level of cytotoxicity determined by the Alamar Blue assay, as described above. TABLE 4 As described for both HeLa and JURKAT cells, guanosine can also be used here to ameliorate the effect of mycophe Proliferation assay results of TL-C coniugates of mycophenolic acid nolic acid on the activity of IMPDH. ICso ICso Ratio Conjugate (uM) at 2 h (uM) at 72 h (2 h:72 h) 0878 Results: Mycophenolic acid 2.5 O.54 4.63 0879 The toxicity of mycophenolic acid conjugates may Mycophenolate 1.5 O.33 4.5 be assessed most conveniently in a cell based System, mofetil preferably with a rapidly growing cell line Such as HeLa or Compound 67 1.74 1.36 1.3 Compound 79 3.16 1.2 2.63 JURKAT. In normal culture conditions, mycophenolic acid Compound 74 3.2 2.2 1.45 has an ICso of less than 2 uM, and its effect can be Compound 80 1.41 0.4 3.53 completely removed in the presence of 50 uM guanosine. Compound 81 1.78 1.12 1.6 For many of the T-L-C conjugates of mycophenolic acid, Compound 69 2.66 1.4 1.9 alleviation with guanosine is possible, but this is not always complete, which could for example be due to either to other biological effects of the of T-L-C conjugate of myco Example 33 phenolic acid, or is due to the very high intracellular concentration of mycophenolic acid, following concentra Cell-Based IMDPH Assay with Guanosine Rescue tive uptake into the cell. 0872 Cytotoxicity Assay Example 35 0873. HeLa cells (DSMZ, ACC 57) and Jurkat cells Efficacy Testing of Immunosuppressive Drugs (DSMZ, ACC 282) in exponential growth phase are exposed for 3 days to test compounds. The number of Surviving cells Using a Mouse Skin Transplant Model is then determined by the Alamar Blue assay (Serotec Inc.). 0880 Skin transplant rejection is a strong immune This assay incorporates a fluorometric growth indicator response and Serves as a very Sensitive test of the immuno based on detection of metabolic activity. Specifically, the Suppressive potential of drugs in organ transplantation and System incorporates an oxidation-reduction indicator that graft rejection. The mouse trunk skin transplant model was fluoresces in response to chemical reduction of the growth established using published methods (Billingham etal., medium resulting from cell growth. AS cells grow in culture, 1954). Donor (B110) trunk skin (approximately 8x8 mm) is innate metabolic activity results in a chemical reduction of removed and kept cold in Saline before grafting on recipient the immediate Surrounding environment. Continued growth Balb C mice. Male mice (n=10) are dosed orally once a day maintains a reduced environment while inhibition of growth from the day of transplant Surgery (day 0) until the day of maintains an oxidized environment. Reduction from growth rejection. For each study, appropriate vehicle-treated control US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 groups are run concurrently. Graft rejection is quantified as 0896 7. Controls: Wells B2-B4 growth control. Wells the number of days to reach R4 rejection (>75% of graft B6-B8 blank. Row C growth inhibition control. scabbed). 0897 7.1. To wells B2-B4 add: 96 ul GM, 4 ul 0881. Results: DMSO, and 100 ul bacterial suspension adjusted to an ODoo of 0.03–0.04. 0882. An example of results obtained with T-L-C 0898, 7.2. To wells B6-B8 add: 196 ul GM and 4 ul conjugates of mycophenolic acid in the mouse Skin trans DMSO plant model are shown in FIG. 9. The mean rejection time for the vehicle, in this experiment Saline, was 11.8 days, 0899) 7.3. Dilute a 10 mM COMPOUND 43 (posi while the rejection time of the T-L-C conjugate Com tive control) stock to 800 uM (120 ul/plate) in GM. pound 67 was 13.5 days. Treatment with Compound 67 Add 100 ul of 800 uM COMPOUND 43 solution to using dosage tapering (FIG. 10), resulted in a mean rejec well C2. tion time of 13.4 days. 0900) 8. Samples Example 36 0901) 8.1. Dilute the 10 or 100 mM stock solutions to 800 uM (250 ul/plate) in GM. Testing of Antibiotic Activity of Drugs 0902) 8.2. Add 100 ul of 800 uM sample in dupli cates to wells D2/E2 resp. F2/G2. 0883 Assay Summary 0903 8.3. 2-fold serial dilution of all samples and 0884 The TCs or MIC procedure for antibiotic sensi Azithromycin tivity testing involves an antibiotic dilution assay, which can 0904 8.3.1. Rows C-G, Columns 2: Mix and be performed in microtitre plates. A series of twofold transfer 100 ul from each row to Column 3, and dilutions of each antibiotic are made in the Wells, and then continue until column 11. The remaining 100 ul all wells are inoculated with a Standard amount of the same Out of column 11 are disposed. test organism. After incubation, growth in the presence of the various antibiotics is observed by measuring turbidity. 0905 9. Add 100 ul of bacterial suspension (ODoo Antibiotic Sensitivity is expressed as the concentration of the 0.03-0.04) to each well from C2-G11. antibiotic that inhibits 50% of the growth (TCs). Alterna 0906) 10. Incubate plates on shaker, 750 rpm, 37° C., tively it could be expressed as the highest dilution of until the growth controls have reached an ODoo of 0.6-0.8 antibiotic that completly inhibits growth (MIC). (approximately 6-8 h). 0885 Bacteria: B. pumilus and E. coli (DH5O) 0907 11. Determine ODoo on plate reader. 0886 Bacterial cultures are initiated from the plates for 2 TABLE 5 to 3 weeks. After this time period bacteria are Streaked out on new plates from the backups stored at -80 C. Due to the TCso values for representative compounds. lack of resistance of the bacteria, new cultures are not to be Compound TCso in E. coli (uM) initiated from an old plate or any liquid cultures derived COMPOUND 43 2.3 from old plates. COMPOUND 40 >50 COMPOUND 96 28 0887 Growth medium (GM)(per liter): 10g Bacto-tryp COMPOUND 53 >50 tone, 5 g Bacto-yeast extract, 6 g HEPES (25 mM), 5.4g COMPOUND 45 >50 NaCl, pH 7.3 0888 Compound stocks 10 or 100 mM in DMSO stored at -20° C. Other Embodiments 0908 All of the features disclosed in this specification 0889 Procedure may be combined in any combination. Thus, unless 0890) 1. Grow B. pumilus from an LB agar plate in a flask expressly Stated otherwise, each feature disclosed is only an (max. 10% volume) up to about 50 ml in growth medium example of a generic Series of equivalent or Similar features. (GM) 0909. It is to be understood that while the invention has been described in conjunction with the detailed description 0891) 2. Dilute overnight suspension 1:10 in GM thereof, the foregoing description is intended to illustrate and not limit the scope of the invention, which is defined by 0892) 3. Determine ODoo of diluted bacterial suspension the Scope of the appended claims. Other aspects, advantages, 0893 4. Dilute bacterial suspension in GM to an ODoo and modifications are within the Scope of the following of 0.03–0.04. (6 ml/plate) claims. 0894) 5. Add 200 ul GM to the outer wells (Row A, Row Citations H, Column 1, Column 12) 0910 Alberola A., Antolin L. F., Gonzalez A. M., Laguna 0895 6. Add 100 lul GM to each well starting from C2, M. A., and Pulido F. J.; J. Heterocyclic Chem; 23; 1035; row 3. (1986). US 2004/0087517 A1 May 6, 2004 54

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(C-C)heteroaryl, 21. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a com wherein alkyl-, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, aryl or het pound of claim 1 and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. eroaryl Spacing elements are optionally Substituted by 22. A method of treating an inflammatory disorder, com (C-C)alkyl, 1-4 halogens, (C-C)alkoxy, (C- prising administering to a Subject in need thereof an effective Cl)alkoxycarbonyl, hydroxy, amino, (C- amount of a compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibi C.)alkylamino, (C-C)dialkylamino, (C- otic therapeutic agent is an anti-inflammatory agent. Co)cycloalkyl, (C-C)alkylcarbonyloxy, (C- 23. A method of treating an infectious disease, comprising C.)alkylcarbonylamido, (C-C)alkylamidocarbonyl, administering to a Subject in need thereof an effective (C-C)dialkylamidocarbonyl, nitro, cyano, (C- amount of a compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibi Cl)alkylimino, mercapto or (C-C)alkylmercapto. otic therapeutic agent is an anti-infectious agent. 14. The compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic 24. A method of treating cancer, comprising administering therapeutic agent is an anti-inflammatory agent. to a Subject in need thereof an effective amount of a 15. The compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic therapeutic therapeutic agent is an anti-infectious agent. agent is an anti-cancer agent. 16. The compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic therapeutic agent is an anti-cancer agent. 25. A method of treating allergy, comprising administer 17. The compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic ing to a Subject in need thereof an effective amount of a therapeutic agent is an allergy-Suppressive agent. compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic therapeutic 18. The compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic agent is an allergy-Suppressive agent. therapeutic agent is an immune-SuppreSSant agent. 26. A method of treating an immune disorder, comprising 19. The compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic administering to a Subject in need thereof an effective therapeutic agent is an agent for treating a hematopoietic amount of a compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibi disorder. otic therapeutic agent is an immune-Suppressant agent. 20. The compound of claim 1, wherein the non-antibiotic therapeutic agent is an agent for treating a metabolic disease.