EDITORIAL The Society owes an apology to many of its members. Over the past year, a large number of Journals have failed to reach their destination, or have been delivered very late, to the understandable annoyance of the supposed recipients. This has caused a great deal of "hassle" and correspondence, especially with our overseas members, who ?R, r~.`rP h~P.T2.t~2p '72r3212.°3 .fPJRiS. ;'1 . ~ f ,•u~'tr ,`ueetl -rtlutrifrre$, ana'tne prdtilem should not recurAf you are a fully paid-up member, and have not received one or more Journals over the past year,please write to Mr R. Hale. 'Reading Road, South Shields NE334SF, stating which issue is missing. He would also like to know of any future instances of late or non arrival of the Journal. We are very sorry indeed about the failures, which have created serious administrative and financial difficulties for the Society. Each year since the Society was formed, an index to the Journals has been prepared by Mr Dave Linley of Preston, Lancashire. This is a necessary and invaluable work in a Society such as this. Mr Linley has now decided he has done a long enough stint. I can fully appreciate his feelings. Working unseen from a town away from the Society's heartland, Dave deserves all our thanks for his splendid efforts. But we now need a replacement! Here is a chance for non local members to help the Society. If anyone would like to take on the task of indexing from Volume 16, I would be glad to hear from them.
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