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TROPICAL METEOROLOGY 热带气象学报 Number 2 June 2015 2015 年 6 月第 21 卷第 2 期 CODEN JTMOF5 JOURNAL of TROPICAL METEOROLOGY Volume 21 ISSN 1006–8775 JOURNAL OF TROPICAL METEOROLOGY JOURNAL OF TROPICAL METEOROLOGY 热带气象学报 Number 2 June 2015 2015 年 6 月第 21 卷第 2 期 CODEN JTMOF5 JOURNAL OF TROPICAL METEOROLOGY Edited, published and distributed by Journal of Tropical Meteorology Press, Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration Vol.21 No.2 Journal of Tropical Meteorology Press 2015 2015 JOURNAL OF TROPICAL METEOROLOGY Vol.21 No.2 June 2015 CONTENTS ARTICLES PAGE An Operational Statistical Scheme for Tropical Cyclone Induced Rainfall Forecast………………………… ……………………… LI Qing-lan (李晴岚), LAN Hong-ping (兰红平), Johnny C L CHAN (陈仲良), et al. 101 Sea Surface Temperature Response to Typhoon Morakot (2009) and Its Influence…………………………… …………………………… LAI Qiao-zhen (赖巧珍), WU Li-guang (吴立广) and SHIE Chung-lin (谢钟灵) 111 A Diagnostic Analysis of Air Temperature Anomaly Mode Over China in 2009/2010 Winter Based on Generalized Equilibrium Feedback Assessment (GEFA) Method …………………………………………… ……………………………JIANG Zhi-hong (江志红), WU Yan-zhu (吴燕珠), LIU Zheng-yu (刘征宇), et al. 121 Comparisons of Circulation Anomalies Between the Daily Precipitation Extreme and Non-Extreme Events in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River in Boreal Summer………………………………………… …………………………………HAN Jie (韩 洁), GUAN Zhao-yong (管兆勇) and LI Ming-gang (李明刚) 131 Asian-Pacific Oscillation in Autumn and Its Relationships with the Subtropical Monsoon in East Asia……… …………………………………………… ZOU Yan (邹 燕), ZHAO Ping (赵 平) and LIN Qiu (林 秋) 143 Study of a Comprehensive Monitoring Index for Two Types of ENSO Events……………………………… ……………………………………CAO Lu (曹 璐), SUN Cheng-hu (孙丞虎), REN Fu-min (任福民), et al. 153 Impact of ENSO on the Precipitation Over China in Winter Half-Years……………………………………… …………………………………… LI Tian-ran (李天然), ZHANG Ren-he (张人禾) and WEN Min (温 敏) 161 Improvement of Ocean Data Assimilation System and Climate Prediction by Assimilating Argo Data……… …………………………………LI Qing-quan (李清泉), ZHANG Ren-he (张人禾) and LIU Yi-min (刘益民) 171 Multi-Timescale Variations of Somali Jet and Its Relation With Precipitation in China……………………… ………………………………………………………………… DAI Wei (代 玮) and XIAO Zi-niu (肖子牛) 185 The Impact of Different Physical Processes and Their Parameterizations on Forecast of a Heavy Rainfall in South China in Annually First Raining Season………………………………………………………………… ………………………………ZHANG Xu-bin (张旭斌), WAN Qi-lin (万齐林), XUE Ji-shan (薛纪善), et al. 194 Serial parameters: CN44 – 1409/P * 1995 * f * A4 * 110 * en * P * ¥50.00 * 200 * 10 * 2015 – 02 C M Y K sC&W4,OICW4OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB#1&"!) #. 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