The Official Publication of The Wyoming Nurses Association Quarterly circulation approximately 5,800 to all RNs, LPNs, and Student Nurses in Wyoming. Vol. 25 • No. 1 March, April May 2012 PRESIDENT ’S MESSAGE Faith M. Jones, MSN, RN, NEA-BC Survey membership in March so results are discussed contact me, your district president, a committee chair, or at the April Board meeting any of your elected Board members listed below: Your WNA Board reaffirmed • To ensure that we are staying in touch with what our strategic initiatives for our members expect from us as a Board, we will Faith Jones, President 2012 at the Board retreat in be developing and administering a survey to all
[email protected] early December. Our strategic members. This survey will be conducted using 307-272-2207 initiatives are: survey monkey so please make sure that your Enhance organizational email is accurate and up to date. You can do this by Lisa Horton, President-Elect viability contacting your district president and asking them to
[email protected] Promote development of review the membership list information or you can 307-762-3270 nursing leaders contact Tobi Lyon directly by calling 1-800-795- Lead in legislation and 6381 or by emailing her at
[email protected]. Kathy Luzmoor, Vice President health policy
[email protected] Advance the professional Evaluate aligning bylaws to have elections on district 307-875-3345 development of nurses Faith M. Jones, levels standardized and consist from district to district Influence workforce MSN, RN, NEA-BC This evaluation will include discussion with all districts Jennifer Jones, Secretary initiatives to gain a better understanding of how individual districts
[email protected] function.