RADEON® X550 Overview

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RADEON® X550 Overview ™ > The Ultimate Visual Experience Gaming | Digital photos | Streaming video WHY THE ATI SOLUTION IS BETTER RADEON® X550 Overview Get the most from your gaming, digital photography, video editing and Augmented Core/Memory clocks over RADEON® X550 VS OTHERS* web surfing experiences with the Radeon® X550, an affordable graphics Radeon X300 Series yields improved 3D performance and an enhanced gaming upgrade featuring ATI’s industry-leading performance, technology and experience. Radeon® X550 128MB, 128bit GeForce™ 6200 256MB GeForce™ 6200 TurboCache™ 256MB support. The Radeon X550 fully supports the PCI Express® bus, the The flexibility of utilizing a 128-bit Memory newest PC industry standard for delivering maximum real-time Final Fantasy XI Interface provides performance advantages Benchmark 3 v1.00 performance for your graphics-intensive software applications. over the competitor’s 32/64-bit solutions. AquaMark3 v1.0 Ultimate design flexibility for AIB partners (default=4xAF) through compatibility with current board KEY MESSAGES designs and memory configurations. Tomb Raider v49 PS2.0 CURRENT ATI RADEON® DESKTOP PRODUCT LINE-UP Only ATI delivers: BUS Type Half-Life 2 Prison Time ™ demo 1024x768 PCI EXPRESS® AGP PCI IDEAL FOR: ATI’s award-winning CATALYST software ™ 1. Ideal for entry level ® drivers, featuring the all-new CATALYST RADEON X850 series ✔✔ Far Cry v1.3 • Entry-level PC Control Center for exceptional visual systems and upgrading RADEON® X800 series ✔✔ Training Level quality, performance and stability. ® ✔✔ RADEON X700 series users who want to 3DMark05 build 110 from integrated graphics ™ RADEON® X600 series ✔ ATI Customer Care and technical support (defaults & DST enabled) experience MCE. ® for the most positive product experience to discrete graphics. RADEON X550 series ✔ possible. 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 RADEON® 9600/9550 series ✔ RADEON® X300 series ✔ Consistent technical leadership & quality. * Radeon X550 128MB 128-bit compared with GeForce™ 6200 with 256MB TurboCache™ and GeForce 6200™ 256MB. Test system: Intel Pentium 4, 3.4GHz, 512MB RAM. 2. Delivers the best graphics Graphics settings: 1024x768. Drivers: ATI 8.121rc1, NVIDIA 71.84 RADEON® 9250 ✔✔ and video at its price point making it the perfect RADEON® X550 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM: solution for entry level Basic information Graphics Chip Set Technology X550 ® Microsoft Media Center 128 / 256 MB Memory Support Visit ATI’s Add-in-Board partners or ATI.com for more information on product availability and configurations. Edition® systems. BUS Type PCI Express® Performance Features Memory Interface 128 and 64-bit ABIT Computer Corp. Giga-byte Technology Palit Microsystems, Inc. ® 3. Fully supports Microsoft HYPER Z™ III Lossless Z-Buffer Compression and Fast Z-Buffer Clear increase memory bandwidth by up to 25% www.abit.com.tw www.gigabyte.com.tw www.palit.com.tw DirectX® 9 and combines Visual Enhancement Features SMARTSHADER™ 2.0, Proprietary ATI graphics technologies which deliver an exceptionally realistic gaming experience ™ ASUS Hightech Information Systems Sapphire Technology ATI’s SmartShader™ and SMOOTHVISION 2.1 FULLSTREAM™ Delivers smooth streaming media playback, eliminating choppy Internet video www.asus.com www.hisdigital.com www.sapphiretech.com ™ SmoothVision HYDRAVISION™ Plug two monitors into your PC and get access to easy to use features that help you to see more and do more. technologies for your Connect3D Info-Tek Corp. (GeCube brand) TUL Corp (PowerColor brand) Display Features www.tul.com www.connect3d.com www.gecube.com.tw Displays supported - VGA and Video-Out connectors www.power-color.com enjoyment of top gaming - Connect to analog CRTs and TVs titles, digital photography, Maximum 3D resolution CRT (2048x1536 @ 85Hz), TV (1024x768) Diamond Multimedia MSI Computer Visiontek video editing and web www.diamondmultimedia.com www.msi.com.tw www.visiontek.com RADEON® X550 KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS surfing experience. ENGINE MEMORY MEMORY MEMORY CLOCK CLOCK INTERFACE SUPPORT RADEON® X550 400 MHz 250 MHz 64 and 128-bit 64MB or 128MB DDR1 Copyright 2005, ATI Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. ATI, RADEON, CATALYST, HyperMemory, SMARTSHADER, HYPER Z, SMOOTHVISION, FULLSTREAM and VIDEOSHADER are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ATI Technologies Inc. All other company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Features, performance and specifications may vary by operating environment and are subject to change without notice. Products may not be exactly as shown. Printed in Canada. June 05. P/N 129-40557-00.
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