Yosemite National Park U.S

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Yosemite National Park U.S National Park Service Yosemite National Park U.S. Department of the Interior Merced Wild & Scenic River Final Comprehensive Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement Designated in 1987, the The Merced Wild and Scenic River Merced Wild and Scenic River Final Comprehensive Merced Wild and Scenic River includes 81 miles The Merced Wild and Scenic River, designated in Management Plan and Environmental Impact State- in Yosemite National 1987, includes 122 miles of the Merced River on the ment (Final Merced River Plan/EIS) is the National Park and the El Portal Park Service’s response to these requirements. Administrative Site. western side of the Sierra Nevada in California. The National Park Service (NPS) manages 81 miles of the Merced Wild and Scenic River through Yosem- The Final Merced River Plan/EIS will be the guid- ite National Park and the El Portal Administrative ing document for protecting and enhancing river Site, including the headwaters and both the Mer- values and managing use and user capacity within ced River’s main stem and the South Fork Merced the Merced River corridor for the next 20 years. As River. As the Merced River flows outside Yosemite’s such, it evaluates impacts and threats to river values western boundary, the U.S. Forest Service and the and identifies strategies for protecting and enhanc- Bureau of Land Management manage the next 41 ing these values over the long-term. The plan fol- miles of the Merced Wild and Scenic River. lows and documents planning processes required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Why a Comprehensive Management Plan? the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSRA) requires and other legal mandates governing National Park comprehensive planning for all designated rivers to Service decision-making. In accordance with these provide for the protection of free-flowing condition, statutes, it was developed in consultation with mem- water quality, and the outstandingly remarkable bers of the public, traditionally associated American values that make the river eligible for designation. In Indian tribes and groups, and other key stakeholder addition, a comprehensive management plan (and groups. The Final Merced River Plan/EIS reflects a its recommendations on land use and development) number of changes—discussed in following sections must fulfill the specific direction of the 1987 legisla- of this document—that were made in response tion designating the Merced River as a component to comments on the Draft Environmental Impact of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. The Statement. What the Plan Includes experience. Alternative 4 examined a Yosemite with In accordance with WSRA, the National Environ- a smaller number of lodging units and a significant mental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic increase in camping opportunities. Alternative 5 Preservation Act (NHPA), and other applicable (Preferred) proposes essential restoration within 100 statutes, the Plan: feet of the river, moderate increases in camping, and visitation levels seen in recent years. A more thor- • Establishes the boundaries and segment clas- ough description of Alternative 5 (Preferred) and sifications (as wild, scenic, or recreational) of the how it has changed in response to public and agen- Merced Wild and Scenic River. cy comment is included in the following section. • Establishes a formal process for protection of Alternative 6 explored expanding visitor services to the river’s free-flowing condition in keeping with support future increases in visitation. WSRA Section 7. Alternative 5 (Preferred) Overview • Refines descriptions of the river’s outstandingly Alternative 5 (Preferred) is the “environmentally remarkable values (ORVs), which are the unique, preferable” alternative for the Final Merced River rare, or exemplary river-related characteristics Plan/EIS. Alternative 5 (Preferred) proposes to that make the river worthy of inclusion in the Na- accommodate peak visitation at a level similar to tional Wild and Scenic Rivers System. In addition recent years—approximately 20,100 people per day to free-flowing condition and water quality, the in East Yosemite Valley. Improvements under this plan identifies 20 ORVs for the Merced River. alternative would provide a higher-quality visitor • Documents the condition of river values, includ- experience with increased camping opportunities, ing water quality, free-flowing condition, and improved traffic circulation, and a diversity of recre- outstandingly remarkable values (ORVs) and es- ation options. Essential riverbank restoration pro- tablishes a management program to protect and posed under Alternative 5 (Preferred) would further enhance these values. improve this experience; actions proposed under • Defines the size and location of lands and facili- the plan would enhance the Merced River’s unique ties (both current and future) needed to provide river values and ensure that they are protected for for public use and enjoyment of the river re- future generations. source, consistent with the protection and en- hancement of river values. Visitor Experience • Establishes a user capacity program that address- Under this plan, future visitors to Yosemite Valley es the kinds and amounts of public use that the will see marked improvements in circulation, park- Social trails through river corridor can sustain while protecting and meadows can concentrate ing availability, and traffic flow. Visitors to Yosemite and channel water, lead- enhancing the river’s ORVs. Village will experience an enhanced “sense of ar- ing to increased erosion. • Evaluates a range of alternatives, assesses the ef- Restoration of natural rival” to the heart of Yosemite Valley, as the primary contours, combined with fects of each action alternative on natural and day-use parking area would be fully integrated boardwalks and/or trail socio-cultural resources, and identifies an “envi- with pathways to visitor services, restrooms, and rerouting, can increase ac- ronmentally preferable” alternative. cess and improve meadow food service. Families will enjoy expanded camp- health. • Describes consultation and coordination efforts. ing opportunities in East Yosemite Valley, with new Evaluation of Alternatives walk-in, drive-in, and group camping sites provided at several locations. Recreational activities such as As part of the Final Merced River Plan/EIS, the rafting, bicycling, and ice skating will continue, with National Park Service has evaluated six alterna- rental facilities and services provided at locations tives (one “no action” alternative and five “action outside the river corridor. Boaters would be able alternatives”). Alternative 1 (No Action) represents a to float new and challenging river reaches framed continuation of current management practices and by views of El Capitan and Half Dome. The West provides a basis from which to compare the action Valley would retain its overall natural character and alternatives. Alternatives 2-6 feature a wide range would continue to serve as a destination for lower- of visitation levels, desired visitor experiences, and impact recreational activities. restoration objectives based on public feedback received throughout the planning process. Across Proposed actions in Alternative 5 (Preferred) that the alternatives, peak visitation for Yosemite Valley would improve the visitor experience include: ranges from a low of 13,200 people per day (Alterna- tive 3) to a high of 21,800 people per day (Alternative • Significantly increase the campsite inventory in 6). Alternatives 2 and 3 explored a Yosemite with all river segments (+36%) and in Yosemite Valley a smaller development footprint and fewer visi- (+37%). tor services, resulting in a more self-reliant visitor The final plan calls for no new development in West Yosemite Valley. Public comment on the draft plan expressed concern about potential impacts of the proposed parking area and campground in West Yosemite Valley. • Increase available lodging corridorwide (+3%) The action alternatives explored in the Final Merced and in Yosemite Valley (+5%). River Plan/EIS propose a range of development sce- • Increase parking for Yosemite Valley day use narios, with some proposing a substantial reduction (+8%). in the development footprint and a corresponding • Expand access to additional sections of the river increase in restoration. Alternative 5 (Preferred) fo- for private boats; limit commercial boating to re- cuses on essential riverbank restoration. The actions duce crowding. proposed under this alternative will protect the • Expand picnicking and day-use opportunities at Merced River’s unique natural and cultural values Yosemite Village, Church Bowl, and Happy Isles. through the restoration of 189 acres of riparian • Reduce traffic congestion and meet ecological areas, mostly within 100 feet of the river. Restored restoration goals by making significant changes riparian and meadow habitats will protect water to the traffic circulation pattern and redesigning quality, scenic views from the river, and traditionally day-use parking areas. used plant populations. Protection and enhance- • Manage user capacity for East Yosemite Valley by ment of archeological sites and historic districts will rerouting traffic at the El Capitan Traffic Diver- provide future generations the opportunity to con- sion prior to reaching established limits. nect to Yosemite Valley’s rich history and heritage. • Provide shuttle service (seasonally available) to Yosemite
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