The Use of Green Plant Material in Bird Nests to Avoid Ectoparasites
July1984] ShortCommunications 615 the Spot-wingedFalconet may not benefitthe Monk HoY, G. 1980. Notas nidobio16gicasdel noroestear- Parakeet in such a manner. gentino. II. Physis (Buenos Aires), Secc. C, 39 We are grateful to A. G6mez Dur&n and J. C. Vera (96): 63-66. (INTA) for grantingus the useof the fieldwork areas, MACLEAN,G.L. 1973. The SociableWeaver, part 4: to N. Arguello and M. Nores for their assistancein predators, parasites and symbionts. Ostrich 44: the identification of food remains, and to J. Navarro 241-253. for his help in the field. This work wassupported by STRANECK,R., & G. VASINA. 1982. Unusual behav- a grant from the Subsecretariade Ciencia y Tecno- iour of the Spot-winged Falconet (Spiziapteryx logla (SUBCYT) of Argentina. circumcinctus).Raptor Res. 16: 25-26. LITERATURE CITED Received7 July 1983, accepted21 February1984. DEAN, A. 1971. Notes on Spiziapteryxcircumcinctus. Ibis 113: 101-102. The Use of Green Plant Material in Bird Nests to Avoid Ectoparasites PETER H. WIMBERGER 1 ZoologyDivision, Washington State Museum DB-10, Universityof Washington, Seattle,Washington 98105 USA Certain birds characteristicallyplace green plant causesnestling mortality in and nest desertion by material in their nests.This greenery is not part of birds (Webster 1944, Neff 1945, Fitch et al. 1946, Moss the nest structureproper but is placed haphazardly and Camin 1970, Feare 1976,Wheelwright and Boers- around the edges or inside the nest. The birds re- ma 1979).In general,the increasedmortality due to plenishthe spraysof greenmaterial, often daily, dur- ectoparasitesis causedby the loss of blood, which ing incubation and the nestling period (Brown and weakens the host, by viral disease, or by disease Amadon 1968, Beebe1976, pers.
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