. . IT CENTRODELCORTO TSFM The Torino Short Film Market has reached its second edition. Organized by the Italian Short Film Center, in collaboration with the Torino Film

CENTRODELCORTO.IT Festival-Museo Nazionale del Cinema, the TSFM

renews its 2016 ambitions, what’s more this

DIGITAL. edition will be longer and spread around town.

WEB, This year the market will take place in the course SHORTS, SHORTS, of three days in three different locations in Tori- no: Circolo dei Lettori, Centro di Produzione Rai and Torino Incontra. The number of event spon- The Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio / Italian Short Film Center is an Aiace Nazionale project sors has also grown since 2016; we wish to thank realized in conjunction with the National Cinema Museum the Ministero dei Beni e Attività Culturali e del Turismo, the Regione Piemonte, the Film The Italian Short Film Center was established in 2007 thanks to Gianni Volpi, who was president of - - - Commission Torino Piemonte, the Camera di Aiace Nazionale (Italian Association of Arthouses) at the time. The idea was to fill a void: to create a Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura point of reference in the world for Italian shorts, by collecting films and at the same time promoting them di Torino, the Compagnia di San Paolo, the both at home and abroad. Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino, SIAE – Società Italiana Autori ed Editori and Unifrance Since then, the Short Center has been operating as an agency for the Italian short, to ensure, amongst for supporting this project. other things, an annual showcase of domestic productions at the leading event in the sector: the Marché du Film Court at the Festival of Clermont-Ferrand. The Short Center, thus acts as the main The novelties are many, to start with a day dedi- interface for numerous foreign players, from festivals to distribution. cated to digital contents, curated by Simone Arcagni, called Digita!, which brings together In 2016, the Torino Short Film Market was set up. It is the major professional event in in the area of projects and investors from VR to web series; shorts, realized by the Italian Short Film Center in conjunction with the National Cinema Museum and the panel on music scores and archive image the Torino . rights; the screenings curated by Massimiliano Director Oltrecorto Nardulli and Enrico Vannucci; a meeting with Jacopo Chessa Jacopo Chessa Italian film makers shortlisted at the Torino Film Ludovica Fonda Coordinator President Festival. Eugénie Bottereau Digita! Lia Furxhi All these novelties added to what was set up in Simone Arcagni 2016: Oltrecorto, curated by Ludovica Fonda and General Jacopo Chessa, a pitch of projects for features and Secretary Press office Director Alessandro Giulia Gaiato Jacopo Chessa TV series which derive from shorts; Distributors Giorgio meet buyers, a pitch of distributors catalogues Hospitality presented to buyers; Supporting short films, a Selection Giulia Delsanto International promotion and sales Commitee Eugénie Bottereau panel addresses regional European funding for Simone Arcagni Print traffic shorts in view of international coproduction. Jacopo Chessa Valentina Distribution of special programs Ludovica Fonda Rossetto This edition of Torino Short Film Market even more Massimiliano Giulia Delsanto Nardulli English so than the 2016 one will be a meeting place for the Enrico Vannucci translation Programming many operators who inhabit the shorts industry, for Marilyn Costa those seeking young talent and new trends span- Programming Alessandro Giorgio Massimiliano Intern ning from cinema to the digital world. Nardulli Martina Ravera CENTRO NAZIONALE DEL CORTOMETRAGGIO / ITALIAN SHORT FILM CENTER Enrico Vannucci Via Maria Vittoria, 10 10123 – Torino Jacopo Chessa Torino Short Film Market

ITALY Director of the Torino Short Film Market tsfm.centrodelcorto.it NOV 29 DEC 01 - 2017 - 01 DEC 29 NOV [email protected]

LOCATIONS PALAZZO REALE CORSO SAN MAURIZIO ACCREDITATION DESK The Torino Short Film Market will be held from 11 CENTRO DI PRODUZIONE RAI November 29th to December 1st in three different VIA GARIBALDI VIA VERDI, 14/A 10 GROUND FLOOR locations in Torino: the Circolo dei Lettori, the NOVEMBER 29TH - DECEMBER 1ST Centro di Produzione Rai and the Centro Congres- 08 9 AM - 6 PM si Torino Incontra. 08 07 CIRCOLO DEI LETTORI | VIA BOGINO, 9 VIA PIETRO MICCA Situated in Palazzo Graneri della Roccia, on PIAZZA CASTELLO the first floor, the Circolo dei Lettori will be the 02 03 VIA GIUSEPPE VERDI main venue location of the Torino Short Film

VIA ROMA Market 2017. All programmed events will take place here, along with the showcase of virtual reality and dinners exclusively for invited guests. VIA PO VIA GAUDENZIO FERRARI 04 An area will be dedicated to one-to-one meetin- 01 CORSO SAN MAURIZIO VIA CESARE BATTISTI gs for operators. The Piemonte Lounge, mana- UNIVERSITÀ 05 DEGLI STUDI ged by Film Commission Torino Piemonte and DI TORINO Regione Piemonte at the Circolo, will be open to accredited guests to supply information on the 06 VIA ROMA VIA GIUSEPPE VERDI VIA PRINCIPE AMEDEO local production world and on the art heritage of the region and to foster business meetings in a MUSEO DEL CINEMA relaxed and informal atmosphere. VIA PO CENTRO DI Access is reserved to accredited TSFM guests only VIA GIOACHINO ROSSINI PRODUZIONE RAI VIA CARLO ALBERTO CIRCOLO DEI LETTORI VIA GIUSEPPE VERDI CENTRO DI PRODUZIONE RAI | VIA VERDI, 14/A VIA GIAMBATTISTA BOGINO CINEMA Located five minutes on foot from the Circolo dei VIA MONTEBELLO MASSIMO 3 Lettori and a couple of minutes from the Museo VIA GIUSEPPE LUIGI LAGRANGE Nazionale del Cinema, the Centro di Produzione VIA MARIA VITTORIA VIA SAN FRANCESCO DA PAOLA CIRCOLO VIA ACCADEMIA ALBERTINA VIA PO Rai di Torino this year will host the: - ACCREDITATION DESK, (GROUND FLOOR) PIAZZA SAN CARLO - VIDEO LIBRARY FOR ACCREDITED GUESTS, (FIRST FLOOR) DEI LETTORI Access to the Video Library is reserved to accredited TSFM guests only VIA MARIA VITTORIA VIA PRINCIPE AMEDEO TORINO INCONTRA | VIA NINO COSTA, 8 VIA SAN MASSIMO 01. Reception Torino Incontra, the congress center situated in 02. Galleria PIAZZA CARLO EMANUELE II the heart of the city, is a multifunctional area. VIA CARLO ALBERTO 03. Sala Grande VIA GIAMBATTISTA BOGINO TSFM screenings will be held in the Sala Einaudi. Access is reserved to accredited TSFM guests only 04. Piemonte Lounge VIA GIOVANNI GIOLITTI / Sala Artisti VIA MARIA VITTORIA PIAZZA VITTORIO VENETO CINEMA MASSIMO 3 | VIA VERDI, 18 05. Sala Musica The Massimo is the Museo Nazionale del Cinema 06. Salotto Cavour VIA SAN FRANCESCO DA PAOLA movie theatre; it is one of the locations of the Tori- 07. Bar VIA NINO COSTA VIA GIUSEPPE POMBA no Film Festival and where “All You Need is Short” VIA ACCADEMIA ALBERTINA 08. Sala Biliardo TORINO VIA GIOVANNI GIOLITTI screenings will be held; the program is curated by INCONTRA VIA SAN MASSIMO the Torino Short Film Market in collaboration with 09. Sala Gioco and part of the Torino Film Festival. TSFM accredita- 10. Sala Filosofi tion is not valid for entry here; it is reserved to TFF guests accor- ding to entry regulations of the TFF so you need to be accredited 11. Sala Lettura TSFM.CENTRODELCORTO.IT or have to buy a TFF ticket 12 Salotto Cinese ALL YOU NEED IS SHORT WEDNESDAY, SCREENINGS NOVEMBER 29TH 3.00 P.M CINEMA MASSIMO 3 - VIA VERDI 18 WEDNESDAY, ►ARZENA VELENIFERA BY LUDOVICA OTTAVIANI, ANNA SIRECI, FRIDAY, 12.15 PM | APERITIVO PROSECCO, 97’ 3.45 PM | SIC@SIC PROGRAM 1, 87’ 10.45 AM | DISTRIBUTORS MEET TSFM ACCREDITATION IS NOT VALID FOR ALL YOU NEED IS SHORT. FOR SCREENINGS, NOVEMBER 29TH Before the sumptuous binge of shorts present in MARIA TESTA, ITALY, 2016, 5’ DECEMBER 1ST RERUN BUYERS PROGRAM 2, 94’ TFF ACCREDITATION OR AN ENTRANCE TICKET IS REQUIRED. the TFSM video library we would like to invite you Seven shorts by Italian film makers who have not A selection of films from the distributors’ catalogues CSC Animazione | [email protected] to a classy aperitif with two sublime programs. made a feature film yet, and two special events presented at the Distributors meet buyers pitch. ►QUELLO CHE NON SI VEDE BY DARIO SAMUELE LEONE, ITALY, All You Need Is Short is an International shorts program (92’) scheduled 9.00 AM | SIC@SIC PROGRAM 1, 87’ The taste of shorts has never been so refined. programmed as part of the 32nd International Film 2016, 11’ Ouvert | [email protected] 9.00 AM | FOCUS PIEMONTE, 83’ - RERUN together with the Torino Film Festival screenings, curated by Enrico Vannucci (Short Film Advisor to the ) and Massimi- Seven shorts by Italian film makers who have not Seeing is believing! Critics’ week, at the 74th edition of the Venice Interna- ►SHADOW ANIMALS BY JERRY CARLSSON, SWEDEN, 2017, 21’ ►BIRTHDAY BY ALBERTO VIAVATTENE, ITALY, 2017, 15’ The best of Piedmontese short production over made a feature film yet, and two special events tional Film Festival. Premium Films | [email protected] ►FATTA MALE BY LUDOVICO BOSSI, ITALY, 2017, 17’ the last two years. Jointly programmed with the liano Nardulli (Head of Selection for LIM - Less is More) in collaboration with the TFF: an overview of some of the most interesting productions programmed as part of the 32nd International ►59 SECONDS BY MAURO CARRARO, SWITZERLAND, 2017, 16’ ►DENISE BY ROSSELLA INGLESE, ITALY, 2017, 15’ ►FRAMED BY MARCO JEMOLO, ITALY, 2017, 7’ Film Commission Torino Piemonte and CSC – Film Critics’ week, at the 74th edition of the Venice Nadasdy Film | [email protected] ►BISMILLAH BY ALESSANDRO GRANDE, ITALY, 2017, 15’ Lights On | [email protected] Animazione. of the last year presented in Italy for the first time. International Film Festival. ►A PERFECT DAY FOR SWIMMING BY SHIRA PORAT, ISRAEL, 2017, 22’ 5.30 PM | SIC@SIC PROGRAM 2, 69’ Zen Movie | [email protected] ►ALTRE BY EUGENIO VILLANI, ITALY, 2017, 17’ Tel Aviv University | [email protected] RERUN ►MENINAS FORMICIDA BY JOÃO PAULO MIRANDA MARIA, Haselwurm | [email protected] ►NEGAH BY FARNOOSH SAMADI, the absence of Griselda, the fifth of ► NAUSICAA, L’ALTRA ODISSEA BY BEPI VIGNA, ITALY, 2017, 20’ ►FENCE BY LENDITA ZEQIRAJ, FRANCE/CROATIA/KOSOVO, 2017, 15’ Seven shorts by Italian film makers who have not FRANCE/BRAZIL, 2017, 13’ 10.45 AM | APERITIVO SPRITZ, 90’ - RERUN IRAN, 2017, 14’ the friends who has been admitted to Zena Film | [email protected] Sacre Bleu | [email protected] made a feature film yet, and two special events ►WICKED GIRL BY AYCE KARTAL, FRANCE/TURKEY, 2017, 8’ On her way back from work a woman wit- a neuropsychiatric. ►LE VISITE BY ELIO DI PACE, ITALY, 2017, 16’ ►POTATO BY RUDOLF HAN, SOUTH KOREA, 2017, 9’ programmed as part of the 32nd International Film Les Valseurs | [email protected] 3.15 PM | APERITIVO PROSECCO, 97’ nesses something happening in the bus and Rita Cine | [email protected] ►PICCOLE ITALIANE BY LETIZIA LAMARTIRE, ITALY, 2017, 18’ Korea National University of Arts | [email protected] Critics’ week, at the 74th edition of the Venice Interna- ►IL TRATTO BY ALESSANDRO STEVANON, ITALY, 2017, 15’ - RERUN 12.30 PM | DISTRIBUTORS MEET BUYERS she has to decide if she reveals it or not. ►IL LEGIONARIO BY HLEB PAPOU, ITALY, 2017, 13’ ►VARG BY FRIDA KEMPFF AND ERIK ANDERSSON, SWEDEN, 2017, 12’ tional Film Festival. ►A SWEDISH CLASSIC BY MÅNS BERTHAS, SWEDEN, 2017, 8’ Before the sumptuous binge of shorts present in PROGRAM 1, 93’ - RERUN Premiere Film ►IRMA BY ALEJO SCHETTINI AND GER- CSC Production | [email protected] Alaska Bouvet Media | [email protected] Lights On | [email protected] the TFSM video library we would like to invite you A selection of films from the distributors’ catalo- [email protected] MAN TEJEIRA, URUGUAY, 2017, 6’ ►ADAVEDE BY ALAIN PARRONI, ITALY, 2016, 20’ ►YONDER BY ROBERTO CINARDI, ITALY, 2017, 23’ to a classy aperitif with two sublime programs. gues presented at the Distributors meet buyers In una città attanagliata dal freddo, Threeab Film | [email protected] Italian Short Film Center | [email protected] THURSDAY, The taste of shorts has never been so refined. pitch. ►SIGNATURE BY KEI CHIKAURA, Irma una anziana signora, vive in un NOVEMBER 30TH 12.30 PM | PRIX UNIFRANCE, 49’ Seeing is believing! JAPAN, 2017, 14’ palazzo dove il riscaldamento si è rotto. The Prix Unifrance 2017 short film winners. An innocent young man from China is Un giorno lei deciderà di fare qualcosa 10.45 AM | SIC@SIC PROGRAM 2, 69’ 2.00 | PM APERITIVO SPRITZ, 90’ 2.15 PM | DISTRIBUTORS MEET BUYERS anxiously memorizing “his hope” in the per tutti i vicini. Seven shorts by Italian film makers who have not Before the sumptuous binge of shorts present in 9.00 AM | DISTRIBUTORS ►MARLON BY JESSICA PALUD, FRANCE/BELGIUM, 2017, 19’ 5.00 PM | SCUOLA NAZIONALE DI CINEMA PROGRAM 2, 94’ - RERUN middle of the noisy crowd in Shibuya Palermo Animacion | [email protected] made a feature film yet, and two special events the TFSM video library we would like to invite you MEET BUYERS PROGRAM 1, 93’ (GRAND PRIX, PRIX RTI, PRIX GRAND ACTION) – CSC PRODUCTION, 91’ A selection of films from the distributors’ catalo- (Tokyo, Japan). Something that might programmed as part of the 32nd International to a classy aperitif with two sublime programs. A selection of films from the distributors’ catalogues Punchline Cinema | [email protected] A selection of the most recent productions reali- gues presented at the Distributors meet buyers change his destiny awaits him. ►XAVIER CORBERO: PORTRAIT OF AN Film Critics’ week, at the 74th edition of the Venice The taste of shorts has never been so refined. presented at the Distributors meet buyers pitch ►LES BIGORNEAUX BY ALICE VIAL, FRANCE, 2017, 24’ zed by students at the Scuola Nazionale di Cine- pitch. Creatps Inc | [email protected] ARTIST IN WINTER BY NATHALIE BIAN- International Film Festival. Seeing is believing! (MENTION SPÉCIALE DU JURY) ma – Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia CHERI, SPAIN, 2017, 14’ ►WELCOME HOME ALLEN BY ANDREW KAVANAGH, Les Films du Cygne | [email protected] (National Film School). ►AMBI BY MARIJA APCEVSKA, The first and last glimpse into the ►LES FANTOMES DE LA VEILLE BY MANUEL BILLI, ►BRITISH BY THE GRACE OF GOD BY SEAN DUNN, UK, 2017, 16’ AUSTRALIA, 2016, 11’ ►NEGATIVE SPACE BY MAX PORTER AND RU KUWAHATA, 4.00 PM | PRIX UNIFRANCE, 49’ - RERUN REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, 2017, 19’ universe of iconic Spanish sculptor FRANCE/ITALY, 2017 19’ Devios | [email protected] ►ALL SMALL BODIES BY JENNIFER REEDER, FRANCE, 2017, 6’ ►PIPINARA BY LUDOVICO DI MARTINO, ITALY, 2017, 14’ The Prix Unifrance 2017 short film winners. Another ordinary night for Deno and Xavier Corbero. A kaleidoscopic life Orok Films | [email protected] ►THEY COME FROM THE CENTER OF THE WORLD BY DINA GERMANY/USA, 2017, 19’ (Prix Movistar+, Prix UR Sveriges) ►ROCKY BY DANIELE PINI, ITALY, 2017, 15’ Sara, going through their usual routi- and career that traversed a turbulent ►MALAMENTI BY FRANCESCO DI LEVA, ITALY, 2017, 13’ DUMA, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, 2017, 16’ Kurzfilmagentur | [email protected] Sève Films | [email protected] ►EPISODIO BY SONIA GIANNETTO, ITALY, 2017, 19’ ne. Only this time, as tension grows, moment of Spanish history. TerraNera and Parallelo41 | [email protected] List Production | [email protected] ►BOTANICA BY NOEL LOOZEN, NETHERLANDS, 2017, 13’ ►LA SANTA DORME BY LAURA SAMANI, ITALY, 2016, 19’ 5.00 PM | SCUOLA NAZIONALE DI CINEMA a decision which may bring their Nowness | [email protected] ►DUE BY RICCARDO GIACCONI, FRANCE/ITALY, 2017, 17’ ►FOOTSTEPS BY YUICHI SUITA, JAPAN, 2016, 10’ ►HIWA BY JACQUELINE LENTZOU, GREECE, 2017, 11’ ►LA FINESTRA BY SILVIA PERRA, ITALY, 2016, 24’ CSC PRODUCTION, 91’ - RERUN future into question is born. Le Fresnoy | [email protected] Suita Japan | [email protected] Some Shorts | [email protected] 1.30 PM | FOCUS PIEMONTE, 83’ CSC Production | [email protected] A selection of the most recent productions reali- Quasar Film | [email protected] ►ROADSIDE ATTRACTION ►L’ULTIMO MIRACOLO BY ENRICO PAU, ITALY, 2017, 20’ ►KAMEN U RUCI BY STEFAN IVANCIC, SERBIA, 2017, 14’ ►YOU WILL BE FINE BY CÉLINE DEVAUX, FRANCE, 2017, 15’ The best of Piedmontese short production over the zed by students at the Scuola Nazionale di Cine- BY IVETE LUCAS AND PATRICK Celcam | [email protected] Film House Kiselo dete | [email protected] ►EDEN BY JULIE CATY, FRANCE, 2017, 5’ last two years. Jointly programmed with the Film ma – Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia ►NEGROS FAMOSOS BY AGOSTINA BRESNAN, USA, 2017, 10’ ►MUNDA BY GUDRUN S. GISLADOTTIR, ICELAND, 2017, 18’ Sacre Bleu | [email protected] Commission Torino Piemonte and CSC – Animazione. (National Film School). GUALA, ARGENTINA, 2017, 15’ Palm Beach International Airport’s Freyja Filmwork | [email protected] ►HELEN’S BIRTHDAY BY TANNO MEE, ESTONIA, 2017, 18’ Sonia, Moni, Nancy and Nora are newest snowbird has become one of ►VOID BY SERGIO MARTINEZ, SPAIN, 2017, 16’ Premium Films | [email protected] ►EIDOS BY ALBERTO COMERCI, ELENA ORTOLAN, ITALY, 2016, 5’ four teachers and friends in their the fastest-growing roadside at- Zerkalo Films | [email protected] ►EVA BY CHIARA TESSERA, ITALY, 2017, 6’ Entry to screenings is reserved to accredited TSFM guests only fifties who have dinner every week. tractions in the United States. The meeting this time is marked by Some Shorts | [email protected] VIA BOGINO, 9 DEI LETTORI CIRCOLO VIA BOGINO, 9 DEI LETTORI CIRCOLO VIA BOGINO, 9 DEI LETTORI CIRCOLO ►KANAGA ge from the short to a feature film. Genovese is one of the production through the eyes of the film makers Italian authors that the SNGCI has been following from his WEDNESDAY Presented by: Caterina Mongiò | [email protected] THURSDAY shortlisted at the 35th Torino Film Festival in the ►SEVEN SOCIAL SINS start in short film making.Conducted by Maurizio Di Rienzo FRIDAY section “Italiana corti”. Coordinated by: Jacopo Chessa VR SHOWCASE Presented by: Riccardo Milanesi | [email protected] and Davide Oberto (curator of “Italiana corti”) ►T.H.E. THE HUMAN EXTENSION 1.30 PM | SALA BILIARDO AND SALA FILOSOFI Presented by: Aimone Bodini | [email protected] LUNCH By invitation only 3.45 PM | SALA GRANDE NOVEMBER 29TH - DECEMBER 1ST ►TRICYCLE, ALL RIGHTS | PANEL 9.30 A.M- 6.30 P.M Presented by: Rossella Schillaci | [email protected] 2.30 PM | SALA GRANDE Panel on the rights to use music scores and archive CIRCOLO DEI LETTORI - VIA BOGINO 9 - SALA MUSICA ►TWINKY DOO’S MAGIC WORLD DISTRIBUTORS MEET BUYERS | PITCH images in the production of audiovisuals and spe- In this pitch selected distributors will present their shor- Presented by: I Licaoni | [email protected] cifically to realize shorts. Experts in the field will PROGRAM 1, 26’ PROGRAM 3 ts catalogue to buyers. Each distributor will have 10’ for explain how to go about obtaining the film rights to 1.30 PM | SALA BILIARDO AND SALA FILOSOFI the presentation. Coordinated by Enrico Vannucci use music scores, whether it is possible to use a ►SERGENT JAMES BY ALEXANDRE PEREZ, FRANCE, 2017, 7’ ►THE BOMB, BY GUIDO GEMINIANI, ITALY, 2015, 4’15” NOVEMBER LUNCH By invitation only NOVEMBER DECEMBER few seconds extracted from a film free of charge, ►OH DEER! BY PETER PONTIKIS, SWEDEN, 2017, 4’ ►MICHAEL’S MASK, BY GUIDO GEMINIANI, ITALY, 2017, 8’15” ►SCUOLA NAZIONALE DI CINEMA ROME, ITALY what is the difference between record rights and ►LIFELINE BY VICTOR MICHELOT, FRANCE, 2017, 6’ ►REEL IMPERSIVE, BY GUIDO GEMINIANI, ITALY, 2017, 2’30” 2.30 PM | SALA GRANDE Presented by: Vanessa Zerda Rueda | [email protected] editorial rights, and discuss some of the most com- ►PROXIMA BY MATHIEU PRADAT, FRANCE, 2017, 9’ Impersive / Brandon Box | [email protected] 9.30 AM | SALA GRANDE DIGITA! | TALKS 9.00 AM | PASTICCERIA ABRATE VIA PO 10 ►KURZFILMAGENTUR, HAMBURG, GERMANY 9.00 AM | PASTICCERIA ABRATE VIA PO 10 mon myths on the subject. Speakers: Elena Zingali (Uni- Presented by: Stine Wangler | [email protected] Wide Management | [email protected] DIGITA! A round of talks aimed at presenting some of the MAIABREAKFAST WITH DECISION MAKERS. By invitation only MAIABREAKFAST WITH DECISION MAKERS. By invitation only versal Music Publishing, Italy), Alessandro Micalizzi (Univer- PROGRAM 4, 26’ ►LIGHTS ON, TORINO, ITALY This year the TSFM is opening up to digital formats international scene operating in the field of digital sal Music Publishing, Italy), Elena Testa (Archivio Nazionale PROGRAM 2, 32’ with a special section addressed to digital contents contents. Speakers: Loren Hammonds (Programmer, Film & 10.00 AM | SALA GRANDE Presented by: Greta Fornari | [email protected] 10.00 AM | SALA GRANDE Cinema d’Impresa, Italy). Moderator: Jacopo Chessa. The ►FUGUE VR BY MICHEL REILHAC, FRANCE, 2017, 4’ designed for the Web, for Augmental Reality or Vir- Experiential - Tribeca Film Festival), Girolamo Da Schio (Torino OLTRECORTO ►PREMIUM FILMS, PARIS, FRANCE SUPPORTING SHORT FILMS | PANEL panel will be in Italian ►THE PROTECTORS: WALK IN THE RANGER’S SHOES Small Bang | [email protected] Oltrecorto is a project for feature length films and TV Presented by: Martina Fiorellino | [email protected] tual Reality, Transmedia, interactive stories and Virtual Reality Festival), Rose of Dolls (Bilbao Web Fest), Bruno A presentation of European regional funds to sup- BY KATHRYN BIGELOW AND IMRAAN ISMAIL, USA, 2017, 8’ series which are the evolution of a completed short film. ►SACREBLEU PRODUCTIONS, PARIS, FRANCE genres specifically for the web (like web series or Smadja (Cross Video Days - Mobile Film Festival). port short films for producers particularly intere- 4.45 PM | SALA GRANDE VIRTUAL ARCADE DREAMING BY GABRIELE NAPOLITANO, 2017, 15’ The shorts and projects, will be presented during a pitch, Presented by: Aurélian Michon | [email protected] ► digital videos) or for the mobile (mobile series, app. Moderator: Simone Arcagni sted in international coproduction. Speakers: Claire ALL RIGHTS | ITALIAN SHORTS AND FILM SCORES: AGREE- National Geographic / Here Be Dragons | [email protected] Setteventi Srl | [email protected] stories). Curated by Simone Arcagni to an audience of producers and broadcasters. ►SOME SHORTS, NIJMEGEN, NETHERLANDS Rattier-Hamilton (Région Bretagne, France), Hanna Sohl- MENT WITH UNIVERSAL PRODUCTION MUSIC 5.00 PM | SALA GRANDE Curated by Ludovica Fonda and Jacopo Chessa Presented by: Wouter Jansen | [email protected] berg (Film i Skåne, Sweden) Paolo Vidali (Friuli Venezia Giulia Presentation of an agreement between Universal ►STEP TO THE LINE BY RICARDO LARANARO, USA, 2017, 12’ ►INMUSIC VRE BY PROXIMA MILANO, 2017, ITALY, 7’ DIGITA! - ROUND TABLE (1st part) DIGITA! | VR WORKSHOP ►LES VALSEURS, PARIS, FRANCE Audiovisual Fund, Italy). Moderator: Enrico Vannucci Music Publishing and Italian Short Film Center to OLTRECORTO | PITCH (1st part) After all the shorts scree- Presented: Justin Pechberty | [email protected] VIRTUAL ARCADE Proxima Milano | [email protected] Producers, players and broadcasters will gather to Virtual Reality workshop held by Impersive VR - use Universal Production Music film scores at spe- Oculus / Defy Ventures | [email protected] discuss production and the market for digital Guido Geminiani. Guido Geminiani will guide us nings, each participant will have 10’ to present the deve- ►ZEN MOVIE, ROME, ITALY 11.30 AM | PIEMONTE LOUNGE cial rates in Italian short film productions. Speakers: contents. An informal round table in which experien- through the production world of video 360° and lopment project. Coordinated by Maurizio Di Rienzo Presented by: Giulio Mastromauro | [email protected] COFFEE BREAK Elena Zingali (Universal Music Publishing, Italy), Alessandro ►AUTO BY STEVEN SCHARDT, USA, 2017, 12’ ce, thoughts and proposals will be shared. Janet De Virtual Realty. The introducory lab is aimed at Micalizzi (Universal Music Publishing, Italy), Jacopo Chessa. ►THE KNIFE SALESMAN, BY MICHAEL LEONARD, 10’, VIRTUAL ARCADE Nardis (Palomar e Roma Web Fest), Leonardo Ferrara (Rai helping to understand what the technologies and 5.00 PM | SALA GRANDE 11.45 AM | SALA GRANDE The presentation will be in Italian The VR Organization | [email protected] Fiction), Alessandra Genco and Lucia Vesco (Mosaicoon), tools are. To provide some orientation as concerns AUSTRALIA, 2017 > THE GRAFTON POINT, FEATURE FILM DISTRIBUTORS MEET BUYERS | ALTERNATIVE DISTRIBUTION TRAINING AND MARKETS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG FILMMA- Gianluca Guzzo (MyMovies), Camille Lopato (Diversion Cine- the opportunities and issues connected with PROJECT Presented by: Michael Leonard | goldenmossfilms@gmail. Movieday, an on demand distribution platform for movie KERS AND PRODUCERS ma), Andrea Masera (Proxima Milano), Silvia Sandrone (Media production of these contents. com theatres, will illustrate its strategy for the diffusion of What are the opportunities for a young production com- Desk Italia) and Alexandrine Stehelin (Small Bang) will take ►TIE, BY MARIUS OLTEANU, 29’, ROMANIA, 2015 > MONSTERS, shorts in theatres. pany? How do you find partners abroad? How can young FEATURE FILM PROJECT 11.30 A:M -12.30 P:M | SALA GIOCO part. Moderators: Simone Arcagni and Bruno Smadja 6.00 PM | SALA BILIARDO AND SALA FILOSOFI authors find orientation in today’s audiovisual pro- SUPPORTING SHORT FILMS | ONE-TO-ONE MEETINGS. FILM COMMISSION TORINO PIEMONTE COCKTAIL Presented by: Marius Olteanu | [email protected] 5.30 PM | SALA GRANDE duction? The panel will address these issues and try to 11.15 AM | PIEMONTE LOUNGE By invitation only TSFM AWARDS provide answers. Speakers: Marzia Dal Fabbro (Director MICI – 11.15 AM | PIEMONTE LOUNGE VIDEO LIBRARY COFFEE BREAK THE SUB-TI AWARD Meeting Internazionale del Cinema Indipendente, Vice President COFFEE BREAK Provides sub-titling in Italian free of charge by the name- AGICI – Associazione Generale Industrie Cinematografiche Indipen- 11.30 AM | SALA GRANDE sake sub- titles company to a non Italian short entered at denti), Alessandra Pastore (MAIA Workshop), Francesco Martinotti NOVEMBER 29TH – DECEMBER 1ST DIGITA! | ROUND TABLE (2nd part) 11.30 AM | SALA GRANDE the TSFM, to foster its diffusion and sale in Italy. (President ANAC – Associazione Nazionale Autori Cinematografici). OLTRECORTO | PITCH (2nd part) 9.30 A.M- 6.30 P.M Moderator: Maurizio Di Rienzo CENTRO DI PRODUZIONE RAI - VIA VERDI 14/A – 1ST FLOOR 12.30 PM | SALA GRANDE THE CORTOCIRCUITO AWARD THE CROSSING, BY AMEEN NAYFEH, 11’, PALESTINE, 2017 > DIGITA! | PITCH ► Awarded by Mediaset Premium to a short programmed 1.30 PM | SALA BILIARDO E SALA FILOSOFI 200 METERS, FEATURE FILM PROJECT Pitch of projects chosen among those submitted to at the TSFM. The prize entails the purchase of the short LUNCH By invitation only The video library of the Torino Short Film Market offers some hundreds of short films, selected by Presented by: Ameen Nayfeh | [email protected] Digita!. Representatives for each project will have 2.30 PM - 6.00 PM | SALA GIOCO by the Italian pay-tv channel Premium Cinema. Massimiliano Nardulli and Enrico Vannucci during the course of the year with this event in mind. ►LE BARRAGE, BY SAMUEL GRANDCHAMP, 13’, SWITZERLAND, 10’ for their presentation to players. DIGITA! - ONE-TO-ONE MEETINGS 2015 > UP NORTH, FEATURE FILM PROJECT 2.30 PM | SALA GRANDE The selection was geared towards products which could best meet the expectations of market operators Coordinated by Simone Arcagni and Bruno Smadja Presented by Samuel Grandchamp | [email protected] TFF@TSFM – Meeting with “Italiana corti” film ma- who have been invited and are present here. Our video library, in addition to being an in-house research kers. A round table to take stock of Italian short film engine through which users can carry out personalized research, provides various theme programs compi- 12.30 PM | SALA GRANDE 2.30 PM - 4.30 PM | SALA GIOCO led by art directors, which last – about one hour and a half – like a quality short films festival but also repre- OLTRECORTO OLTRECORTO | ONE-TO-ONE MEETINGS sent products which suit other platforms and media. Lastly, our video library hosts and promotes the most PAOLO GENOVESE FROM THE SHORT TO A FEATURE. 4.30 P:M - 6.30P:M | SALA GIOCO up-to-date catalogues of various European and international distributors. In collaboration with SNGCI. The film maker Paolo Geno- DISTRIBUTORS MEET BUYERS | ONE-TO-ONE MEETINGS. Access to the video library is reserved to TSFM accredited guests on a first come first served basis. vese will describe his own personal experience of passa-