Preparations are under way for the 54thAnnual Stabekk “BLOMSTERTOGET,” or “FLOWER PARADE”! The event is scheduled, as every year, for May 17th. The parade is open to all who want to participate: sports clubs, choirs, societies, creative individuals/groups, etc... all are welcome to take part in this wonderful event.

The Stabekk Flower Parade was initiated by two dedicated associates of the Stabekk School Music Corps “Smågardistene,” who had a dream to gather the inhabitants of Bærum to celebrate the Norwegian National Day together. Flowers were to be the main theme for the event; participants would be adorned with flowers, handing them out to the spectators along the parade route.

Today the Flower Parade has become a favoured tradition, that is for many is the highlight of the National Day celebration. Spectators in the thousands turn out to view the parade every year.

The “Smågardistene” want to preserve this local tradition in the best possible way. To do this, and to what degree the flower parade will continue to be a big success, is up to you, the public. We would thus like to encourage all Bærum folk to start their preparations for this great local event now. Invite friends, colleagues, old school mates, family, etc... the choice is yours... and take part in this colourful procession. Why not use this event as an opportunity to show off your school, clubs or and performers... inspire the spectators and perhaps even gain new members. Encourage teachers, students and colleagues to promote your organization in a good team building spirit. This parade is to be a pleasure for all and is a family event. Keep in mind the key ideas: express joy, be entertaining and have fun.

Each year a new theme is chosen for the parade. This year the members of the Band have chosen the theme to be “Fairytale”. Twelve days after the parade, the is to take place at the local Arena. Just one year after Alexander Rybak won this event for with the melody “Fairytale”! Maybe you could be winner in the Parade as a Rybak look-a-like! The “Fairytale” theme is a great starting point for letting your creative fantasy run loose! Start processing your ideas for this year’s parade!

We shall also have an international section in the parade where we would like to see national costumes from many countries, showing the vast variety off cultures within the district. The Flower Parade route takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete, and goes between Stabekkbanen and Stabekk Primary School. The parade starts at kl.17:00. Registration will take place at the start arena from kl.16:00 or in advance to the address provided below.

Prizes will be awarded at the end of the parade.

For more information about the Flower Parade or ideas for participants please see Smågardistene’s web page:

On behalf of the Blomstertog Committee,

Debbi Thrapp, tlf. 48 400 625, [email protected] Susan Smerkerud, tlf. 41 610 991, [email protected]