Melanie Phillips | 212 pages | 25 Jun 2007 | Encounter Books,USA | 9781594031977 | English | New York, United States Londonistan PDF Book

Laws protecting those seeking asylum from religious and political persecution in their home countries have been used by immigration advocates to prevent the deportation of economic migrants and terrorists. Melanie Phillips has shown a lot of courage by reporting the facts of this struggle in the UK. Phillips does a fine job of documenting the relationship between Islamic radicalism and self-defeating multiculturalism. We can only watch the last gasps of this once great nation. Jun 25, Michael rated it really liked it. The threat posed by radical Islamists is worrying enough, but I'm shocked by the degree of civilizational self-loathing that has taken over the country. The problem is that all the fascists claim to be Muslim. In any case, I think this book is a highly important read for anyone interested in the future of the ever-changing nation of Great Britain. This book was such a thrill to read, despite its pessimism, and is so well written, so direct, so powerful, that I can't remember one that impressed me so much since "The Gulag Archipelago", long ago. It's just Asian youth but not Pakistani Most likely culprit in case of UK ,this actually annoys and offends Asians a lot who dont follow Islam! Read, think, and heed. Phillips explains how Britain "still doesn't grasp that it is facing a pincer attack from both and cultural infiltration and usurpation". The book cites many examples and provides factual information to support he arguments as she tries to sound an alarm before it is too late and British history and culture is no more. Allegations of a British policy of appeasement of Islamists were made and denied by members of the British Government who debated the issue. Original Title. But her shrill, hectoring tone does her no favours. Nemo profeta in patria. This is not a book to take lightly. Nevertheless — when she does not stray off-topic Israel there are a lot of good issues raised. Why is it so? The New York Times. The English and the West have been too slow to recognize this and have fallen to appeasement. Both see Britain as "a debauched and disorderly culture of instant gratification, with disintegrating families, feral children and violence, squalor and vulgarity on the streets". And in the case of Great Britain it has become the European hub of Islamist extremism for over a decade. Lists with This Book. After all, they will not visit the city itself. It is also a shocking indictment of how our politicians have colluded with islamist terrorists over the years and are still doing so, and not just colluded but in most cases been completely ignorant of the dangers or caught in a cycle of victim-culture brainwashing. Those, and other excuses, won't get you off the hook. A brilliant, but concise, overview of the damage that has been done to England in the name of public "outreach" to Islam and a suffocating political correctness which has come to define the UK for the past five decades. Not a single demo!! They also use the organization in Britain to finance, recruit, and train followers for attacks in the United States and around the world. A must read. The very multiculturalism that has been promoted so diligently in British institutions has given minorities the wherewithal to allege racism and use this as weapon against the majority. Londonistan Writer

Showing It's all a matter of where you're coming from. Nevertheless — when she does not stray off-topic Israel there are a lot of good issues raised. Community Reviews. Describing the book in The American Conservative magazine, the writer Theodore Dalrymple wrote "the British journalist Melanie Phillips documents not only the establishment and growth of Muslim extremist groups in but the administrative incompetence and cultural weakness that permitted it to happen. Phillips worries that any misrepresentation of her book could be inflammatory. The author calls it as it is with plenty of research and quotes to back up her thoughts and conclusions. Racist hatred and alarmingly narrow minded. Both believe that only religion can help restrain decadent behaviour and establish a proper moral framework. Despite what some reviewers would have you believe, nothing in "Londonistan" is racist The This book is a disquieting snapshot of contemporary Britain, and a wakeup call to anyone still deaf to the danger of growing Islamist influence, not to mention Western capitulation to that influence. He wrote that, "Both insist that we are in a religious world war between the forces of good and evil. While I think the author does a good job of making a strong case that there are radical, militant, destructive elements that do wish to change Great Britain and maybe even the rest of the western world into something contrary to our western values of equality and freedom, the author makes some unsupported stretches when she links radical, militant strains of Islam with atheists and those who believe in marriage equality. Its drinking culture continues to flourish - as anyone who has been on a hen night in the capital knows. They also use the organization in Britain to finance, recruit, and train followers for attacks in the United States and around the world. A wake up call to those who have abandoned the foundations of western liberal democracy. Well, somebodyelse's history, values and faith. On the contrary it is an intelligent and well-informed exposition of why Western Civilization is caving before Islam. Is not the war in Iraq a source of both anti- Americanism and anti-British sentiment? The causes: vacuum left by the collapse of Christianity and traditional national values, Britain loss of confidence in its own identity, values, constitution and institutions, the politically correct inertia of London establishment that dares not confront religious extremists preachers of hate, such as Abu Hamza and , were a A must read. While declaring that free speech must be limited to avoid giving offense or insult to minorities, namely Muslims, the British elite seemed to believe it should be unlimited when it came to Muslims inciting violence. The way things turned out esp in recent times,prove that the premise of Londonistan is bang on! Thankfully America is a very balanced nation this way and people love America by heart! Londonistan Reviews

This is definitely a book with a wallop. Islam is a satanic ideology, period. This is a compelling read I'm eleven years late on this and instead of saying more, I refer you to the 5-star reviews here. To ask other readers questions about Londonistan , please sign up. Religion, Christian religion that is, is seen as the only force that can restrain behaviour. David Smith, writing for , compared Phillips to "a crazed boxer" who "comes out swinging wildly and some of her punches land. I therefore quote her words on Muslim terrorism: "They are fuelled by an ideology that itself is non-negotiable and forms a continuum that links peaceful, law-abiding but nevertheless intensely ideological Muslims at one end and murderous jihadists at the other. Melanie Phillips hates Islam and human rights that she pictures as equally dangerous for Western civilization. Oct 02, Suzanne Arcand rated it did not like it Shelves: non-fiction , did-not-finish. Phillips, Melanie Return to Book Page. Even those who are motivated to integrate in the UK society by themselves don't feel like it,due to this politically correct BS by leftists! But after a couple of decades of PC mentality in which this sort of book would have been labelled as 'phobic' it is a necessary counterpoint. I had previously read "Making David Into Goliath" about the efforts by Middle Eastern countries, primarily Arab and Muslim along with liberal supporters worldwide, to change the narrative about Jews being the underdogs as they were seen to be during and after WWII as they immigrated to Palestine. An author that tells it as it is, she doesn't mince words. It's all a matter of where you're coming from. I'm a little late to the game on this one, I know. Over those passing years, things have gotten far worse. Interviewing Phillips for , I agree she raises some interesting questions: have the security forces been too complacent in letting extreme Islamist cells flourish in London? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Dec 28, Joe Boudreault rated it really liked it. This hobbling of the police was then expanded to protect law-breaking Muslims. A brilliant, but concise, overview of the damage that has been done to England in the name of public "outreach" to Islam and a suffocating political correctness which has come to define the UK for the past five decades. Some people go for that! Namespaces Article Talk. Why is it so? In fact, perhaps the greatest contribution of the book is not its unveiling of the radical ideology that produces terrorism, but of the similarly extreme ideology that refuses to call terrorism what it is. There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Londonistan Read Online England is no longer the country it once was. Download as PDF Printable version. Over many years of repetition of this message they have convinced a significant number of people and countries that the Palestinian Muslims and Muslims in general are the underdogs with the Jews being the new Nazis They preach as well the denial of the Holocaust and that the Israelis are indiscriminately killing Arab civilians, women, and children while the Muslim suicide bombings and murders of innocent Israeli Jews are considered as justified actions by freedom fighters. . Proof of that can be found if you read the 2-and-3 star ratings here. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Phillips, Melanie Dec 15, Gerard Perry added it Shelves: al-qaeda-and-modern-jihadism , islam , the-old-world. According to critics, the UK's "deep tradition of civil liberties and protection of political activists" led to the country becoming "a crossroads for would-be terrorists" for a decade after the mids. Some people go for that! By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of these cookies. Going back to Bible studies is not the way to go. Dec 02, Denise Spicer rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: everyone. On the contrary it is an intelligent and well-informed exposition of why Western Civilization is caving before Islam. Under the noses of British intelligence, a network of terrorists and their sympathizers had used Britain to plot, finance, recruit and train for atrocities in the United States and around the world. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Original Title. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Liberals, pundits , Left and Right — wingers need to seriously understand that religious fanaticism in the name of Islam, Allah is behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, the London transit bombings, the Madrid railway station bombings and most recently in this book ,the attempted suicide bombing of the Glasgow airport. Britain is lost. She also wrote a play, Traitors, which was performed at the Drill Hall in London in She has also been deputy editor at Mirror Money Online and worked as a financial journalist for several trade magazines. No nation is perfect, but I'd venture to say that England has given far more to the world than it gives itself credit for. Multiculturalism and anti-racism were now the weapons used to beat the British indigenous peoples and to unravel the British nation. Others referred to him as "London's sultan". Thanks for telling us about the problem. They also use the organization in Britain to finance, recruit, and train followers for attacks in the United States and around the world. She certainly won't be liked my the majority but I admire her as one to understand and speak out on such an issue. She exposes the radical clerics and religious organizations and timid politicians who have enabled England to become the European base for so many of these killers too. The European Union and the Human Rights Act of The defenders of the Muslim invasion of Britain are also weakening traditional British common law, replacing it with directives from unelected bureaucrats of the European Union. Quotes from Londonistan. Views Read Edit View history. The English and the West have been too slow to recognize this and have fallen to appeasement. The author pulls no punches in exposing the hypocrisy of Britain's liberal establishment. The perception of "Londonistan" is powered by the strong foothold of Islamic radical fundamentalism in the region. Her best-selling book Londonistan, about the British establishment's capitulation to Islamist aggression, was published in Refresh and try again. The way UK people have turned out pro Islamist,it's alarming! Rather, her argument is long, detailed and, for the most part, well-researched. I stand corrected. . And in the case of Great Britain it has become the European hub of Islamist extremism for over a decade. Islamist vigilantes patrol the neighbourhoods, ready to beat up any transgressors of sharia law. You know the saying: There's no time like the present The thing is,and all established religions are far from perfect and in fact origin of most conflict,decay of Christianity has given in to rise of Islam! He has accused of anyone who even uses the phrase 'Islamic terrorism. Phillips exposes the avocation of terror by the so-called mainstream Muslim organizations in Britain that are supported by the liberal British establishment.