Bullseye Football Money League Deloitte Sports Business Group January 2019 A Deloitte Football Money League 2019 | Top 20 clubs Real Madrid return to first place in the Money League after generating record revenue of more than €750m in 2017/18, following unprecedented success on the pitch as the club secured a third consecutive Champions League title. FC Barcelona finish second to complete a Spanish one-two at the top, whilst Manchester United slip to third. B Deloitte Football Money League 2019 | Contents Contents Introduction 02 Ups and downs 09 The leading team in the business of football 10 Top 20 clubs 12 Eurovision 32 Deloitte Football Intelligence Tool 54 Edited by Sports Business Group Dan Jones Telephone: +44 (0)161 455 8787 PO Box 500, 2 Hardman Street, Sub-editor Manchester, M60 2AT, UK Sam Boor E-mail:
[email protected] www.deloitte.co.uk/sportsbusinessgroup Authors Calum Ross, Christopher Winn, January 2019 Chris Wood and Tom Hammond 01 Deloitte Football Money League 2019 | Introduction Introduction Welcome to the 22nd edition of the Deloitte Football Money League in which we profile the highest earning clubs in the world’s most popular sport. Published just eight months after the end of the 2017/18 season, the Money League remains the most contemporary and reliable independent analysis of the clubs’ relative financial performance. There are a number of metrics, both €2.1 billion, just 5% short of the combined This year’s Money League continues to financial and non-financial, that can be used revenue of the top 20 clubs in 1999/00.