LA310 Multiprinter Installation and User Guide

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LA310 Multiprinter Installation and User Guide LA310 MultiPrinter Installation and User Guide Order Number: EK-LA310-IN. A01 Digital Equipment Corporation November 1992 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1992. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC DIBOL RSX DEC/CMS EduSystem UNIBUS DEC/EDI IAS VAX DECnet MASSBUS VAXcluster DECsystem-10 Message Router VMS DECSYSTEM-20 PDP VT DECUS PDT DECwriter RSTS dt IBM is a registered trademark, and IBM Proprinter is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Epson, FX-850, FX-1050 and ESC/P are registered trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.0. FCC NOTICE This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following methods. Reorient the receiving antenna. Relocate the computer or peripheral with respect to the receiver. Move the computer or peripheral away from the receiver. Plug the computer or peripheral into a different outlet so that they are on different branch circuits than the receiver. If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced ra- dio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the booklet How to Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems, prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful. This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4. To meet FCC requirements, a shielded parallel cable is required to connect the device to a personal computer or other Class B device. iii COMPLIANCE STATEMENT TO THE CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS Radio Act Registration SOR/88-475 This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radio-électriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe B prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radio-électrique édicté par le ministère des communications du Canada. iv NORMENKONFORMITÄT UND ZULASSUNGEN Funkentstörung: DBP-Verfügung 1046/84 und VDE 0871 - Klasse B Dieses Gerät trägt als Nachweis, daß es den Funk-Entstöranforderungen der DBP-Verfügung 1046/1984 entspricht, das VDE-Funkschutzzeichen. Der Zusatz "0871-B/P" soll in Kurzform ausdrücken, daß es sich um ein peripheres (nicht selbständig betreibbares) Gerät handelt, das nur einzeln den Funk- Entstöranforderungen der Grenzwertklasse B nach DIN VDE 0871/6.78 und der DBP-Verfügung 1046/1984 entspricht. Wird das Gerät innerhalb einer Anlage zusammen mit anderen Geräten betrieben, so muß bei Inanspruchnahme der "Allgemeinen (Betriebs-) Genehmigung" nach der DBP-Verfügung 1046/1984 die gesamte Anlage der Grenzwertklasse B nach DIN VDE 0871/6.78 sowie den Voraussetzungen nach Paragraf 3 der DBP-Verfügung 1046/1984 entsprechen. Dies ist in der Regel nur dann erfüllt, wenn das Gerät in einer Anlage betrieben wird, die typgeprüft und mit dem VDE-Funkschutzzeichen mit dem Zusatz "0871-B/P" gekennzeichnet ist. NETZLEITUNG Netzleitung muß geprüftem Typ HO5VV entsprechen. Schallemissionswerte—Vorläufige Werteangaben nach ISO 9296 und ISO 7779/DIN45635-19: Schalleistungspegel LWAd, B(A) Schalldruckpegel LpAm, dB(A) (Zuschauerpositionen) Leerlauf Keine meßbaren Geräuschemissionen Keine meßbaren Geräuschemissionen Betrieb 7,1 bels 58 dBA [Aktuelle Werte für spezielle Ausrüstungsstufen sind über die Digital Equipment Vertretungen erhältlich. 1 bel = 10dBA.] v Contents Preface ..................................................... xv 1 Installing the Printer 1.1 Checking the Contents of the Box ........................ 1–1 1.2 Site Considerations ................................... 1–3 1.3 A First Look at the Printer . ........................... 1–4 1.3.1 Removing the Packing Material ....................... 1–6 1.3.2 Installing the Power Cord ........................... 1–7 1.3.3 Installing the Ribbon Cartridge ....................... 1–8 Removing and Replacing a Ribbon Cartridge .......... 1–10 1.4 Testing the Printer . ................................... 1–11 1.5 Connecting the Printer to a Computer System ............... 1–19 1.5.1 Physical Connection to a Computer System .............. 1–19 1.5.2 Communication Modes . ........................... 1–22 1.5.3 Protocols ........................................ 1–22 1.5.4 Protocol Selection .................................. 1–22 1.5.5 Printing a File . ................................... 1–23 1.5.6 If You Have Difficulties Printing a File ................. 1–23 1.6 Matching Printer Protocol to Your Computer Application ...... 1–25 1.6.1 Matching Printer Protocol on Digital VMS Systems ....... 1–25 1.6.2 Matching Printer Protocol on a Personal Computer ........ 1–26 2 Using the Operator Control Panel 2.1 About the LA310 MultiPrinter Control Panel ............... 2–1 2.1.1 Printer Operating Buttons .......................... 2–3 2.1.2 Printer Operating Indicators ......................... 2–4 3 Loading the Paper 3.1 Paper Controls ....................................... 3–1 3.2 Loading Paper ....................................... 3–4 3.2.1 Tractor Feeding . ................................ 3–6 Automatic Paper Feed . ........................ 3–12 Viewing the Last Printed Line (Tractor-Fed Paper Only) ........................................ 3–13 Document on Demand (Tractor-Fed Paper Only) ....... 3–13 3.2.2 Single-sheet Loading ............................... 3–15 3.2.3 Parking Continous Stationery ........................ 3–19 3.3 Adjusting the Printhead for Paper Thickness ............... 3–20 3.4 Adjusting for Paper Width .............................. 3–22 3.4.1 Paper Width—Recommended Settings . ................ 3–22 3.5 Error Conditions During Operation ....................... 3–24 4 Configuring the Printer 4.1 What is Configuration? ................................ 4–1 4.2 Structure of the Set-up Menus . ........................ 4–1 4.3 Set-up Mode Buttons and Indicators ...................... 4–3 4.3.1 Entering Set-up Mode .............................. 4–3 4.3.2 Printing the Printer’s Current Configuration ............. 4–4 4.3.3 Changing the Printer’s Configuration . ................ 4–5 4.3.4 Saving New Values and Exiting Set-up Mode ............ 4–7 4.3.5 Recalling the Factory Defaults ........................ 4–7 4.3.6 Optional Emulation Selection Set-up . ................ 4–8 4.3.7 Error Conditions in Set-up Mode ...................... 4–9 4.4 Summary of Set-up Features ............................ 4–10 5 Maintaining the Printer 5.1 General Maintenance . ................................ 5–1 5.2 Correcting Simple Problems ............................. 5–1 5.2.1 Power-related Problems ............................. 5–2 5.2.2 No Printout ...................................... 5–3 5.2.3 Operation-related Problems . ........................ 5–4 5.2.4 Print-related Problems .............................. 5–6 5.2.5 Ribbon or Carriage-related Problems . ................ 5–8 5.3 Service ............................................. 5–9 5.4 Digital Equipment Corporation Services . ................ 5–9 5.5 Calling the Service Center .............................. 5–9 A Reference Information A.1 Specifications ........................................ A–1 A.2 Printer Accessories . ................................... A–7 B Using Font and Character Set Cartridges B.1 Types of Cartridges ................................... B–1 B.1.1 Font Cartridges ................................... B–2 B.1.2 Character Set Cartridges . ........................... B–2 B.2 Installing a Cartridge ................................. B–2 B.3 Checking the Contents of the Cartridge . ................... B–4 B.3.1 Manual Selection of Cartridges ....................... B–4 B.3.1.1 Manual Selection of Font Cartridges ................ B–4 B.3.1.2 Manual Selection of Character Set Cartridges ......... B–4 C Defining Form Settings C.1 User Form Length Mode ............................... C–1 C.1.1 Setting User Form Length Automatically ............... C–1 C.1.2 Setting User Form Length Manually ................... C–2 C.1.3 Checking the Form Length Value Store ................. C–3 C.2 Top of Form Setting ................................... C–4 D Printing Control Characters D.1 Entering Control Rendition Mode ........................ D–1 E Internal Console F Horizontal Line Adjustment G Set-up Menu Structure G.1 Set-up Menu Structure ...............................
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