Opposition to Mitchell Held ^Desperation Move'
n,m ihdffendmttDaOy f SH 1-0010 VOL. 83, NO. 140 JJ'«J ?*$». RED BANK> N- J- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1961 7c PER COPY ft»5uT*fEK PAGE ONE Opposition To Mitchell Held ^Desperation Move' Meeting Barge Beached Senators' Is Called Action Is By GOP Assailed WASHINGTON (AP) — TRENTON (AP) — Re- Supporters of Secretary of publican leaders have called Labor James P. Mitchell's IT WILL STILL SUCCEED —That was the prediction by Shrewsbury Township offi- a meeting for next Tuesday bid for the Republican cials after last night's public auction, failed to produce a bidder,for the proposed in hopes of blocking an all- nomination for governor of $1.4 million dollar Crawford St. redevelopment project. Looking over preliminary out war for the Republican Vew Jersey said today project drawings with Mayor Joseph Memzopane, seated center, are, left to right, nomination for governor. opposition to his candidacy by Mr». Anne C. Switek, municipal clerk; Harry Evans, township attorney; Joseph J. Republican State Chairman eight GOP state senators repre- Carl Erdman said yesterday he sents "a desperation move." Seaman, Jr., township auditor, and Committeeman Vernon E. Field and Wilfred s trying to set up an "explora- Rafferxeder. tory" gathering of 21 county The Mitchell camp, which in- chairmen and the 15-member cludes Sen. Clifford P. Case and state Executive Committee. former Sen. H. Alexander Smith, believes it has the support nec- He told newsmen, however, essary, or soon will, to win the that it looks like the GOP field April primary. Private Negotiations for the April 18 primary election HIGH AND DRY — Keansburg residents view a scrap iron barge owned by (he Burnit Although Mitchell himself de- ill remain af th** fnnr an- s Cs.Cs i Msv.- YsrL-, -.vhish ran sg.-curd i;:r!y Mer.diy msrri-g *! *hs f;;t 5? Bs!! nounced candidates or possibly iineu tuiiuiient on tne statement Next Step for Township Garden Apartment Plan be expanded to five.
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