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Stewart’s Handbook of the Pacific Islands

Ref. AU9110-1921

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For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web pages at MARTS HANDBOOKOFTHE PACIFICISLANDS may be obtained at lading Bookscllars in all the Australian States, the Pacific Islands, and SIFTON PRAM CO. LTD., 67 St. James Street, Londae,S.W. I, (Eng.)

PRlAFED AND FLBLISHED BY THE PROPRIL{TORS ARRON, STEWART& CO. LTD.. 22-24-26 GoulburnStreet, , N,S.W, (A dst., ST E W A RT'S HandBook o. Pacific Islands







Ausi alts McCARRON, STEWART & CO. LTD. Printers and Publishers,


1921. Copyright PREFACE.

N the following pages I have endeavoured to sup_-)ly the reader with an accurate account of all the inhabited islands of the I Pacific. While there are numerous books descriptive of parts of the Pacific, there is none dealing, as this does, with the whole of the groups and detached islands. That in the compilation of this work I have been largely indebted to the labours of others, I am glad to acknowledge. I have drawn from the wine of material contained in various works written on the Pacific and official reports, supplementing it by facts gained from personal observation in the islands. The descriptions have been brought up to date, and it is claimed that they omit no particular of interest to the general public, and that the work is more comprehensive and compact than any that has hitherto been published. Great care has been taken to secure accuracy, but in a subject so extensive it is impossible to avoid errors, and I will be glad to receive such corrections and information as may render the future annual editions of the Handbook as perfect, authoritative, and complete as possible. The demand for the Handbook has been so great that all former editions-and there have been eight, each separately revised, since it was first published in 1907-are out of print. This, naturally, is very gratifying to the Publishers and to myself. The Handbook is now published every year. All business com- munications should be addressed to McCarron, Stewart & Co., Ltd., but all correspondence relating to the literary side s'rjould be sent to me. PERCY S. ALLENT. C/o McCarron, Stewart & Co., Ltd., 26Goulburn Street, Sydney, Australia.

PUBLISHERS' NOTE. THE Publishers again desire specially to acknowledge the valuable services of Mr. Percy S. Allen , who is recognized as a high authority upon Island matters . There is no one, we believe , more competent to write of the wide Pacific as a whole than Mr. Allen , and we consider ourselves fortunate in having retained his services for the task . We commend his work to the readers as the most authoritative to date.


PAGE PAGE 266 Fanning Island .. 476 Aitutaki 3 .. .. 200 Alofi 138 Fiji ...... 403 Ambrym 152 Flint Island ...... 483 American Samoa 392 Fotuna ...... 156 Anchorite Islands 268 French Frigate Atoll. . .. 484 Aneityum 155 Friendly Islands .. .. 115 Aniwa 156 Funafuti .. .. 441, 449 Antipodes 489 Futuna ...... 138 Aoba .. 150 Aore .. . . 150 Gambier Islands .. .. 66 Apia 357 Gerrit Denys Islands .. 268 Atiu 3 Gilbert Islands .. .. 441 Auckland Islands 489 Gizo .. .. 323 Aurora 152 .. .. 203 Austral Islands 69 Green (or Groene) Island .. 268 Guadalcanal ...... 323 Banks Islands .. .. 157 Guam ...... 129 Bass Islands ...... 483 Bellinghausen Island .. 482 Haapai .. .. 119 Bibliography of Paci fic Island Hawaii ...... 75 Works .. .. 491 .. .. 268 .. 261 High Commission for Western Bougainville ...... 323 Paci fic ...... 485 Bounty Islands .. .. 489 Honolulu ...... 75 British .. .. 190 Hull Isles ...... 483 Butaritari ...... 441 Huon Islands.. .. 101, 104

Campbell Islands .. .. 489 J aluit ...... 458 Caroline Islands .. .. 451 Jarvis Island ...... 482 Caroline Island (East Pacific) 467 Joannet ...... 198 Carteret Islands .. .. 268 Johnston Island .. .. 484 Chatham Islands .. .. 487 Chesterfield Group .. .. 101 Kaewieng ...... 266 Choiseul ...... 323 Keppels Island .. .. 115 Christmas Island .. .. 467 Kermadec Group .. .. 488 Conflict Group .. .. 209 Kingsmill (Gilbert) Islands .. 441 Cook Islands ...... 1 Kusaie ...... 457 Cornwallis Island .. .. 484 Ladrone Islands .. .. 129 Danger Islands 469 Laughlan Islands .. .. 204 D'Entrecasteaux Group 200 Laysan ...... 483 Dobu 203 Levuka ...... 412 Ducie Island 483 Lifuka ...... 119 Dutch New Guinea 178 Lisiansky island .. .. 484 .. .. 89 Easter Island. . 473 Lord Howe's Group (Ontong Ef ate 153, Java) ...... 346 Elizabeth Island 483 Louisiades ...... 198 Ellice Islands.. 441 Low Archipelago .. .. 63 Epi 153 Loyalty Islands .. .. 100 Erromanga .. 154 Exchequer Islands 268 Madang 261 INDEX XXXII :.

r.lG i Maewo 152 Pitcairn .. 470 Makatea 66 Pleasant (Nauru) Island 139 Malaita 323 Ponape 455 Malden 462 .. 190 Malekula 151 Puka Puka 469 Malo 150 Purdy Islands 268 Mangaia 2 Mangareva 66 Rabaul 261 Manihiki 468 Rakahanga 469 Manokwari 179 Rapa 69 Mariana Islands 129 Rarotonga 1 Marshall Islands 458 . . . 198 Marqueen Islands 268 Rotuma .. 135 Marquesas Islands 7] Maskelyne .. 152 197 Matty Island. . 268 Samoa 351 Mauke 2 (American 392 Maupihaa 482 San Cristoval.. 323 Merauke 179 Sandwich (Hawaii) 75 Midway 'Isl adds 476 (New Hebrides) 153 Misima 198 Santa Cruz 346 Mitiaro 4 Santo 150 Savage (Niue) Island 41 Nassau 469 Savaii 356 Nauru 139 Schouten Islands 181 Necker Island 484 Scilly Island . . 482 261 Sir Charles Hardy Island 268 New Caledonia 97 Society Islands 53 New Guinea .. 177, 261, 535 Solomon Islands 323 New Hanover 266 Starbuck 466 New Hebrides 147 St. Aignaii 198 „ Cotton growing 536 St. John Island 268 264 Sudest 198 Nguna 153 Surprise Island 101, 104 Nine Islands 268 Suva 407 Niuafoou 121 Suwarrow 466 Niuatoputabu 115 Swain's Island 467 Niue 41 80 Takutea 4 Normanby Island 200 Tahiti . . 53 Noumea 98 Tanna 154 Nukualofa 117 Tarawa 441 95 Oba (Aoba) 150 Tokelau Group 477 Ocean Island 447 Tonga 115 Oeno 483 Tongoa (New Hebrides) 153 Ontong Java . . 346 Torres Islands 157 Torres Straits Islands 478 Pago Pago 392 204 Palmerston Island 468 Truk 455 Palmyra 482 Tuamotu Group 63 Papeete 54 Tubuai 69 Papua 190 Tulagi 328 Paumotu Group 63 Tutuila 392 Pelew Islands. . 451 Pentecost 152 Union Group 477 Penrhyn 468 Upolu .. 357 Phoenix Islands 462 Pines, Isle of .. 100 Vanikoro 347 THE COOK ISLANDS.


Descriptions of Niue, Suwarrow, Penrhyn, Manihiki, Rakahanga, Puka- Puka, and Palmerston Islands, also included within the boundaries of New Zealand, will be found elsewhere)

OS T of these islands, which lie scattered over a considerable space without any intimate connection with each other, were discovered by Captain Cook on his second voyage to the South Seas. Christianity was introduced from Tahiti, during 1821, by the Rev. John Williams and his valuable Tahitian lieutenant, Papeiha. The group, which is situated between the 19th and 22nd parallels of south latitude and the 157th and 160th meridans of west longitude, comprises eight islands, which are, named as follows :-Rarotonga, Mangaia, Atiu, Mauke, Mitiaro, Aitutaki, Takutea, and Manuae (Hervey). Aitutaki, the most northerly island of the group, is situated in 18 degrees 54 minutes south latitude ; Mangaia, the most southerly, in 21 degrees 57 minutes south lati- tude ; Rarotonga, the most westerly, is in r60 degrees west longitude. In addition to the eight islands of the group, seven other islands-Niue (or Savage), Palmerstpn, Penrhyn, Manihiki, Rakahanga, Danger (or Puka- puka), and Suwarrow-have been included within their boundaries, or, rather, those of New Zealand, for the whole of the islands mentioned now form part of that dominion's territory. They were annexed in 1900, and Colonel W. E. Gudgeon, C.M.G., was appointed Resident Commissioner, a post that Mr. Moss had previously held. Captain J. Eman Smith was appointed Resident Commissioner on Colonel Gudgeon's retirement in 1910, and was succeeded in 1912 by Captain Northcroft who, in 1915, was succeeded by Mr. F. W. Platts, LL.B. At the beginning of 1920, Mr. Hewitt succeeded Mr. Platts. In 1903 Niue was placed under a separate administration. The natives of the Cook Islands number about 9,000. Traders and settlers and their families number 105, and officials and their families about 50. Rarotonga is, beyond all doubt, the most fertile and valuable of the Cook group, and is the finest in point of scenic attractions. It is a particularly good specimen of the volcanic order of islands, and the rugged grandeur of its mountain peaks, and the variety and luxuriance of its vegetation com- bine to present one of the most picturesque scenes that one could possibly find even in all the " summer isles " of the South Seas. Attaining, as it does, a height of 3,000 feet, the island is well watered ; and a belt of rich alluvial $eil, varying from one to three miles in width, extends all round from the mountains to the sea. The circumference of Rarotonga is over 20 miles, and it will thus be seen that the area available for cultivation is by no means inconsiderable. The land is at present not being utilised to anything like the full extent of its possibilities ; and it is becoming increasingly difficult to lease A NORF'OI.K ISLAND 83

upwards. The other six members are appointed by the Administrator, and all hold office from the 1st day of August in the year in which they are ap- pointed or elected until the same day in the following year. The Adminis- trator when present presides at meetings of the Executive Council. The executive government of the island is, in the absence of the Governor, vested in the Administrator, who is appointed from time to time by, and holds office during the pleasure of, the Governor-General. The Administrator exercises the general supervision of the affairs of the island. The alienating, leasing, and authorising occupation of lands is exercised by the Governor-General alone.

OFFICIALS. Administrator, Lieutenant-General J. W. Parnell, C.M.G., O.B.E. ; Secretary to the Administrator, L. W. Barnett, M.C. ; Registrar of the Magistrates Court, Collector of Customs, and Registrar of Lands, B. Stephenson, J.P. ; Postmaster, Charles Rossiter ; Acting Chief Police Officer, Constable S. C. Werner ; Government Medical Officer, Dr. Alex. S. Paton, J. P. ; Public School-Principal Teacher, J. A. Hanney. President of the Executive Council, C. C. R. Nobbs ; Vice-President, R. C. Robinson.


Since the transfer of Norfolk Island to the Commonwealth of Australia, Customs duties previously levied in Australia on goods shipped from the island have been withdrawn, and all goods, the produce or manufacture of Norfolk Island (with the exception of goods which if manufactured or pro- duced in Australia would be subject to excise duty) shipped direct to Austra- lia are now admitted duty free. The Norfolk Island tariff, however, remains in force. IMPORT DUTIES. s. d. Spirits, per gal. proof .. 14 0 Wine-Still, per gal. liquid .. 5 0

„ Sparkling ,, „ .. .. 10 0 Beer-in wood .. 0 6 „ in bottle .. .. 0 9 Tobacco- man. and unman., Australian leaf, per lb_...... 1 0 t f other leaf „ ...... 2 0 Cigars and cigarettes, per lb...... 3 0 Tea, coffe, and chicory, per lb...... 0 3 Oil-kerosene, naptha, and gasoline, per gal...... 0 3 Sugar, per cwt...... 3 0 Molasses , per cwt...... 2 0 Opium, per lb...... 20 0 * Confectionery, dried fruits, jams, jellies , and preserves, per lb. .. 0 1 Candles, per lb...... 0 1

* Biscuitscalled " cabin bread" free. TONGA OR FRIENDLY ISLANDS 123

VAV AU. Morris. Hedstrom & Co., Merchants and Copra Buyers. Manager, G. Duncan. Burns, Philp & Co. Manager, T. L. Slatter. J. F. Hutchison, Trader, Tuanuku. B. Lyden, Trader. A. Knudson, Trader. 0. Sundin, Trader. W. Knowles, Trader. F. Wolfgramm, Trader. 0. Wolfgramm, Trader F. Sauft, Trader. H. Wolfgramm, Trader, Mataika. A. Cameron, Accountant, Neiafu.

NIUATOPUTABU. Thos. Parsons , Trader.

THE CHURCHES. ANGLICAN CHURCH Assistant Bishop for Tonga. Nukualofa. Rev. Y. Sang Mark, Nukualofa.

FREE CHURCH OF TONGA Rev. J . B. Watkin, Superintendent , Nukualofa.

METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. R. C. G. Page, Superintendent , Nukualofa. Rev. E. E. V. Collocott, M.A., B.D., Principal of College , Nukualofa- Rev. A. M. Sanders , Vavau.

FRENCH MISSION (ROMAN CATHOLICS). His Lordship the Rt. Rev. Felix Blanc, S.M., Nukualofa. Rev. Father Thomas, Nukualofa. Rev. Father Bergeron, Nukualofa. Rev Father Mace, S.M., Vavau. Rev. Father Duguerry, Mua. Rev. Father Young, Niuafoou.

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS' MISSION. Pastor R. W. Smith, Nukualofa. Mr. B. E. Hadfield Miss M. Ferguson

LATTER DAY SAINTS (MORMON) MISSION. Pastor Smith ; also several other European workers. 216 NE W GUINEA.

Medical Department : Strong, Dr. W. M., Chief Medical Officer ; Giblin, Dr. W. E., G.M.O., Samarai ; Boag Leigh, Dr. F., G.M.O., Western and Delta Divisions ; Bellamy, R. L. G.M.O. ; Taaffe, J., M.O., Woodlark ; Harse, W., G.M.O., Port Moresby. Port Moresby European Hospital :-Miss Wall, Matron ; Catt, R.. Acting Nurse, P.M. Hospital. SaiparaiEuropean Hospital :-Fleming, Miss J., Matron; Bassetti, Sister. Agent for the Government of Papua in Sydney :-Bensted, J. T., Challis House, Martin Place.

BANKS. The Bank of New South Wales has branches at Port Moresby (manager F. Allen) and at Samarai (manager, D. A. Fowler). The Commonwealth Bank is also represented.

WIREl•ESS STATIONS. There are wireless stations at Port Moresby, Samarai and .


DARLL. Papuan Industries , Ltd., Storekeepers, Planters, &c. W. A. Maidinent.

PORT MORESBY. Burns , Philp & Co., Storekeepers, Shipowners. Whitten Bros., Ltd., Storekeepers. B.N.G.D. Co., Ltd., Storekeepers, Shipowners and Planters. C. R. Baldwin, Ltd., Storekeepers. Papuan Courier, Newspaper. Moresby Bakery. Papua Hotel (T. D. Ryan). Port Moresby Hotel (Mrs. M. Dette). A. Villiers & Son, Contractors, Builders and Plumbers. Allan Lee, Dentist. R. D. Bertie, Solicitor. J. Bennet, Solicitor.

SAMARAI. Burns , Philp & Co. Whitten Bros., Ltd. B.N.G.D. Co., Ltd. J. Clunn & Sons, Storekeepers. A. H. Buntine. Cosmopolitan Hotel (L. Henderson). Old. Samarai Hotel (J. L. Garlick, manager). B. S. Tooth, Auctioneer and Land Agent.

WOODLARK ISLAND. Whitten Bros., Ltd. Rzelsson and Shedden , Storekeepers and Planters. SAMOA OR NAVIGATORS' ISLANDS 363

Stores Department :-Mr. H. E. Erridge, Manager ; Mr. M. Mitchell, Storeman ; Mr. P. L. Morgan, Shipping Clerk ; Mr. H. E. Fricker, Storeman ; Mr. F. C. Oliff, Shorthand Typist. Treasury :-Mr. H. C. Tennent, Treasurer : Messrs. D. A. McCurdy, P. Lewis, Accountants ; Mr. A. B. Taylor, Cashier.

PRINCIPAL RESIDENTS AND THEIR OCCUPATIONS. Achatz, H., Trader, Tufulele, Upolu. Adam, E., Lotopa Adams, E. C., Justice Department. Apia. Adams, J. Q., Mormon Mission, Pesega. Ali Ching, Ching. A., Storekeeper, Salesman, Apia.Apia. AliChong, Storekeeper, Apia. AliFook, Storekeeper, Apia. AliKiau, Storekeeper, Apia. AliKiau, Salesman, Apia. AliKiong, Carpenter, Saleufi. AliMu, J., Trader,Apia. AliMu, J., Engineer, Apia. AliMu, M., Engineer, Apia. AliOuoi, Tailor, Saleufi. AliSiu, Storekeeper, Taufusi. AliSiu, C., Storekeeper, Taufusi. AliSoon, Storekeeper, Apia. AliSue, J., Printer, Apia. AliWing, Tailor, Apia. AliYen, Storekeeper, Apia. AliYou, C., Trader, Lepea, Upolu. Allen, E. F., Merchant and Ship Owner, Funafuti, Ellice Isles. Allen, B., Trader, Falealili. Allen, H., Clerk, Apia. Allison, D., Farmer. Matautu, Apia. Amunson, C. A., Trader, Malaemalu. Anderson, C., Trader and Baker. Fatausi, Savaii. Anderson, E., Native Department, Savaii. Anderson, C. 0., Customs Department, Apia. Andrew, T., Merchant, Apia. Angenheister, Professor, Apia. Angermann, C. F., Carpenter, Avele. Anketell, J., Manager, LTluloloa. Annandale, B., Planter, Faleula. Annesley, A. G., Commission Agent, Apia. Athanase, Bro., School Teacher, S.M., Apia. Alfred, Bro., School Teacher, S.M., Apia. Anton, F. A., Accountant, Apia. Aspinall, -- ., Clerk., Apia. Bartley, R., Trader, Tufu, Savaii. Bartley, C., Trader, Palauli. Beaglehole, E. W., Director of Education, Apia. Beckmann, J., Trader, Lata, Savaii. Bell, W., Crown Estates, Apia. Bennett, IT., Inspector of Police, Apia. Bentley, J., Carpenter, Apia. Bentley, A., Trader, Savaii. Bentley, J., Labourer, Apia. Bernard, E., Carpenter, Apia. Getting around this CD

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