The Lord's Prayer in Five Hundred Languages, Comprising the Leading
THE LORDS PRAYER n |fi!be DtxnDrex) Xanguage^ "iS^j^s \< \ \ ^;^ LONDON lUJAM CLOWES & Sons. Limited 23. CocKSPUR Street. S.W. K K.'NVJrtllBi.JC** H '-^ ^ 2 ^ . w. Hv" M^i'^MixJi^i, NOTE. » T^HE LORD'S PRAYER in Five Hundred Languages, ^ originally issued by Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington, Ltd., is now published by us at our Office, at 23, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, as we have taken over the business of Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington, Ltd., with all their Oriental, Foreign and peculiar types, together with their trained staff. The Oriental and Classical Printing Department, now the most complete, and one of the largest, if not the largest, in the world, is installed at our principal London works, at Duke Street, Stamford Street, S.E., where we undertake Translating and Printing in all the living and dead languages. WM. CLOWES & SONS, Ltd. yime, 1908. J "J—' CL K. OGOEN THE LORD'S PRAYER ?n dfive IfJunbveb Xanouaoes COMPRISING THE LEADING LANGUAGES AND THEIR PRINCIPAL DIALECTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD WITH THE PLACES WHERE SPOKEN WITH A PREFACE BY REINHOLD ROST CLE., LL.D., PH.D. NEVJ AND ENLARGED EDITION %on^on GILBERT & RIVINGTON Limited ST. JOHN'S HOUSE, CLERKENWELL, E.G. 1905 [_AU riglits resenxd^ ":^yT^^™.1tv>r^»;rrtTw^,-,rtT^.lTI*.;.t1^,rtl>^<^^?,,_,,1Twmh;;w^^^ 4 i .tis*r^^$!£^-<^. II i -*»K«TN-rtitw!iTh-«rtTvifiwrt^-^.--^ SANTA BArvBARA PREFACE When, in the earlier years of the present century, attempts were made at surveying and classifying the then known tongues of the globe, the Lord's Prayer was—for its terse simplicity, its typical Christian spirit, and the o-enerally known tenor of its wording—selected as the most appropriate text to serve as a representative of each language and dialect.
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