Di Bulley

Subject: S&W Careers Hub Newsletter January2020

From: Auriel Chandarana Sent: 31 January 2020 09:56 Subject: S&W Careers Hub Newsletter January2020

Swindon and Careers Hub Newsletter - January 2020

Distribution: School/College Careers and SLT teams, Enterprise Advisers The Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub Network is supported by Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council and Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership.


We know it is a busy term for you, so we are here to help get you prepared for National Apprenticeship Week 2020 with as much planning time as possible!

We have everything you need, from Activity Packs, to Subject Snapshot guides, updated Posters to teacher talk films, and much more! Download our handy one-pager, to help you celebrate the most exciting week in apprenticeships with your students and staff!

Download our handy one-pager

University Bursary for Wiltshire & Swindon Students

The Wiltshire Community Foundation offers grants to young people in Wiltshire and Swindon who need support with the costs of studying an undergraduate degree at university. The One Degree More bursary is £1,600 for each year of a course.

We are now open for applications and an application pack can be requested from our website here: www.wiltshirecf.org.uk/university

The 2018 Student Money Survey revealed that around 70% of students don’t even apply for grants, bursary’s or scholarships, believing that they aren’t eligible, and yet, on average there are at least 10 scholarships at any one time which are open to all students. That means that everyone is eligible for something.

1 Third wave of further education providers invited to teach pioneering new T Levels from 2022

Update from gov.uk - Eight new T Levels including Legal, Accounting and Manufacturing will be taught from 2022 alongside the 10 courses already on offer from 2020 and 2021. Please see recent report attached. Third wave of further education providers invited to teach pioneering new T Levels from 2022

The Platform Project

Attached is a case study done on the alternative provision last year. It proved so successful they have doubled the size of the programme this year and the group are going to The Platform every week now. If anyone is interested attached is the general proposal for designing and pricing possible alternative curriculum programmes. Everything is flexible depending on the needs of the school and group. Please contact Sadie Sharp if you are interested. [email protected]

FREE Youth Enterprise Half Term Challenge - Platform Project are pleased to announce that our February half term challenge will be launching our new youth-led business. A Digital Media Marketing Agency which will be trading like a normal business, but helping Not For Profit Organisations and small businesses improve their online presence, and the agency will be run entirely by our youth participants, with them doing everything from taking live client briefs, designing branding, creating websites, making videos, and so much more. This is obviously a great opportunity for young people to get experience in creative and digital roles, as well as learning critical employability skills like, teamwork, personal organisation and meeting new people etc. As always participating in the challenge is COMPLETELY FREE (!) and is designed in a way that will help those from a range of different backgrounds with a range of different needs, you can find the poster below, and you can download a PDF of the poster by clicking the button below. https://cdn.website- editor.net/b2d4f6c227a54949948b676affc847b5/files/uploaded/DigitalMediaMarketingAgency%2520A4%2 520.pdf

Save the Date: evening careers event at the RUH

The Royal United Hospitals Bath will be running its next evening careers event on Tuesday 3rd March (5.00 – 7.30pm). Booking is currently not open but they wanted to share this ‘Save the Date’ information with you before the Christmas holidays. The RUH evening careers event is aimed at those in Year 10 or above who live or study in the RUH catchment area. It is a great opportunity for people to meet staff members and talk about careers in the NHS. Places are limited, and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to high demand for this event, it will only be open to those who live or study in the RUH catchment area. Visit the RUH’s website in the second week of February to find out more information on how to book a place.

National Career Guidance Show

2 The National Career Guidance Show returns to Ashton Gate Stadium on Thursday 5th March 2020. The event is aimed at Careers Leaders, Careers Advisors and Enterprise Advisors and anyone who works to provide advice, guidance and information to young people and adults. The show is free to attend and will feature a provider exhibition and a seminar programme on a range of contemporary topics. You can register to attend the event here.

The Big Assembly

The Big Assembly is a live digital broadcast allowing students the opportunity to discuss their careers, it is also interactive so you and your students will be able to ask questions to the panel to be answered live! http://www.bigassembly.org/#1567696748580-2d9e3d0b-8325

STEAM Fair and Tech Meet Invitation

Following the hugely successful ‘Science and Engineering: What Wiltshire has to offer’ STEM Fair in October 2018, Wiltshire Council and Learning Resources Hub are holding a second event, the STEAM Fair, on 25 February 2020, once again in the Atrium at County Hall, Trowbridge http://rightchoice.wiltshire.gov.uk/Article/69576#

Report: Young people, their futures and access to relatable role models

Future First has published a report, Young people, their futures and access to relatable role models, on the ways teachers and schools engage their alumni and the way young people perceive their futures.

Robinson College Spring Term events

Women in Science Festival: 22 - 23 March 2020

Robinson College is delighted to once again host our Women in Science Festival in March 2020. Students will have the opportunity to stay in College accommodation, meet current students and leading female academics at the University of Cambridge, be challenged in academic sessions, and take part in our Science Fair. We hope that students who participate will get a real taste of university life and explore the broad spectrum of STEM subjects that the University offers.

There are 120 places for students in Years 12, with 64 overnight places available for those who wish to arrive on the Sunday. Students may book onto this event individually, or teachers may book places for a group of students and accompany them to the festival. Please note: if students book individually, the maximum number of places per school is 6.

For more information and booking forms, please see here: https://www.robinson.cam.ac.uk/news/women- stem-festival-2020

Teachers' Conference The Teachers' Conference is a two-day residential conference at Robinson College for teachers and advisors at state-maintained schools in the UK. Delegates are invited to stay in College accommodation overnight and dine with Fellows and students on the first night in the Plenary Room. On the second day we offer a full programme of talks and sessions from admissions staff, academic fellows and students of the 3 university, giving an insight into Cambridge course structures, the application process, the data we use when making admissions decisions, interviews, and how to make a competitive application. There will also be an admissions talk from the Robinson Admissions Tutor. The event is entirely free of charge to attend (including meals and overnight accommodation). We would like to make our Teachers’ Conference as accessible as possible so if there are financial barriers that prevent a representative from your school from attending then please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] and we would be very happy to discuss options with you.

School Visits - Spring 2020 I will be in Robinson College's link area on the following dates:

 Gloucestershire: 25 - 26 February  Swindon/Wiltshire: 9 - 10 March  Wandsworth: dates flexible, please get in touch if you would like to organise a visit

I am able to give presentations on applying to Oxbridge/highly selective universities, or students life/Higher Education more generally, as well as giving advice regarding A-Level choices etc. If these dates do not work for your school, please get in touch and I am happy to arrange an alternative.

UK Careers Fairs 2020

UK Careers Fairs are holding events in Bath and Swindon during 2020. The events are open to everyone and completely free to attend.  JobFest – Tuesday, February 4, 2020. 10:00am – 6:00pm, Steam Museum, Swindon  Bath Careers Fair - Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 10:00am-2:00pm, Apex City of Bath Hotel

 Swindon Careers Fair - Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 10:00am-2:00pm, The Platform

Royal United Hospital Bath

We are pleased to announce that the Royal United Hospital Bath is now open for applications for Nursing work experience. For instructions on how to apply, please visit our website.

This is an excellent opportunity for those considering a career in nursing or becoming a healthcare assistant. For more information about nursing, please visit the Health Careers website. This work experience is based on an adult nursing ward but if you have service users who are interested in paediatric nursing or critical care nursing, then this would be a good alternative as we do not offer work experience in these areas.

The application deadline for these opportunities is midnight on Sunday 16th February 2020. If applicants have any questions, they can contact [email protected] or call 01225 824281.

OCR Employability Guide 4

This guide of employability has been produced to by the OCR to help you understand the skills and techniques you will need to develop, practice and use in progressing your career. This guide has not been written to accompany a specific qualification but focuses on employability skills that relate to many areas of both education and work environments. Other skill guides are available at www.orc.org.uk https://www.ocr.org.uk/Images/168823-the-ocr-guide-to-employability.pdf

Live Vacancies by ESFA

Study Higher

Oxfordshire and Swindon Wykham Park School had a whole school Drop-Down day, Year 9 students in St Gregory the Great experienced the Simulate your Future Van. Lydiard Park had a Careers Day and there was a motivational speaker at Kingsdown School for Year 10 students. Students in Lawn Manor Academy had a range of events including a motivational assembly, Mentoring, MADE workshops and Fantastic Futures. You can read more about the range of events at Lawn Manor on our blog page. Study Higher have also facilitated visits for Oxfordshire and Swindon schools to various university partners and skills events to help students explore potential future opportunities.

Right Fit Resources

Alongside Reading University, Study Higher have developed a range of subject-specific resources to encourage students to start thinking about what subjects they are interested in and what jobs they might lead to. The Right Fit resources introduce KS3 and KS4 students to the opportunities Higher Education offers them by explaining key concepts and investigating career options that might appeal to them based on their favourite subject. The 20 booklets available describe career options but also possible skills gained, other potential routes such as apprenticeships and list further opportunities for research on future options. Go to our website now to get access to the videos and free downloads: https://www.studyhigher.ac.uk/video-resources/university-subject-videos

Science Challenge- Book your School Now

This is a University Challenge style quiz activity designed to test the Science knowledge of Yr9 and Yr10 students. Questions focus on KS3 science curriculum, sample GCSE science knowledge and also include some general Science knowledge. Schools can enter as many teams of 4 students as they like for a heat at their own school. The date and time of the heat can be arranged with the school at their own convenience. The top two teams will then be invited to attend a final at the University of Reading in the summer term of 2020 to compete against other schools. Whether for the competition or for revision, this activity is a fun and engaging way to get your students excited about science! Contact Edit Liebhardt for more information: [email protected]

Looking for an event, taster day or workshop for your students?

5 Head over to our website search engine powered by Uni Taster Days to see what is available for schools in your area. https://studyhigher.us11.list- manage.com/track/click?u=cc07aef90d3e0ba4178520a56&id=90131e2ac0&e=0291fcd27b

Live Smart: Your Essential Guide to Living at University ‘Live Smart’ is the next course in the University of Reading’s ‘Smart’ series of online courses that help with the transition to university and beyond. Available for students for free online. https://studyhigher.us11.list- manage.com/track/click?u=cc07aef90d3e0ba4178520a56&id=ec3d489340&e=0291fcd27b


The Work Experience programme at HSBC UK offers a five-day shadowing experience to students in the later years of full-time secondary education, sixth form or college. The programme has been set up with the idea to help young people from different social-economic backgrounds gain an insight into a professional environment, as well as the banking industry.

We have over 300 Work Experience opportunities nationwide, all of which will be available through June, July and August 2020. Specific details regarding each opportunity and the option to submit an application can be found here https://hsbc.taleo.net/careersection/external/moresearch.ftl?lang=en_GB&location=5536170451648&keyw ord=”HSBCWE2020%22&Location=Europe

The application process will entail some online questions and, if successful, a telephone interview. To help prepare for this, we recommend checking out our Application Hints and Tips page here: http://www.hsbc.com/careers/application-hints-and-tips. A telephone interview will be arranged with the student during the office hours (Monday to Friday), HSBC UK would request the education providers/authorities to allow the student to attend this interview during school hours where possible.

Our placements will be spread out across the UK and students can list their location preferences when applying, but please note that only one application should be submitted and we cannot make any guarantees on placing a student in their preferred location as this is subject to availability.

The closing date for applications is the 16th February 2020, however we do offer these on a rolling basis and do reserve the right to close some adverts early if we fill all our spaces. Places are limited so we recommend students apply as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

PWC Workplace Experiences

PwC is offering Year 12s the chance to join their Business Insight Week, Digital Insight Week or Accounting Insight Week programmes in summer 2020. The action-packed programmes will give students an opportunity to learn more about the world of business, accounting or technology, as well as gaining skills, confidence and knowledge to help them with their next career steps.

The Business Insight Week is only open to state-school students who fulfil PwC's Social Mobility criteria (see website below for details), whilst the Digital and Accounting Insight Weeks are open to students from all backgrounds who fulfil the academic requirements.

6 You can check out the opportunities below and students can apply up until Feb 2020.

For specific questions, please contact [email protected] https://careersandenterprise.us14.list- manage.com/track/click?u=0483e0ec78adda5830c8eadfc&id=1f9520e401&e=83f2418dd4

Examples of Good Practice

Employer and Education Provider Breakfast at , organised by Catherine Young-Careers Leader at Kingsbury Green: The event began with breakfast and networking. The breakfast was kindly provided by Deceuninck. Alison Plumb, the HR Manager at Deceunick in Calne, works closely with Catherine Young as Kingsbury Green’s EA. Everyone sat down and Jason Tudor, Principal of Kingsbury Green Academy, welcomed all to the event. Catherine Young then delivered a 15 minute presentation outlining Kingsbury Green’s careers programme, including clarification of the careers strategy, Gatsby Benchmarks and importance of employer involvement in young people’s education. The latter was reinforced through a video message from Alison Plumb, who spoke about her role as an EA. Employers were then encouraged to stand and approach staff who were positioned around the room, to sign up for the various career’s events throughout the year, being organised by Kingsbury Green. “Our Enterprise Adviser from Deceuninck helped a lot with the preparation of the resources in terms of reviewing them for me and giving advice from an employer’s point of view. As she couldn’t attend the breakfast, she was happy to film a short video to express to other employers how valuable working with students is”. Catherine Young-Careers Leader at Kingsbury Green Academy. “Every employer completed a feedback survey where they expressed which parts of the careers programme they would like to be involved in. I have recorded this information and have been contacting the employers”. Catherine Young-Careers Leader at Kingsbury Green Academy. “It has increased the number of employers that we now have built a relationship with and so it has made it easier for students to secure work experience placements and for us to arrange in school employer workshops and external visits” Catherine Young-Careers Leader at Kingsbury Green Academy.

Moon Challenge

The Moon Base Challenge is aimed at attracting more students into space science, particularly girls. The challenge is aimed at students in years 8-13 (aged 12-18) and will fit within various units in the science curriculum in key stages 3-5. Students are invited to consider designing a lunar base, with the aim of planning how to create in-situ resources for scientists, such as water, food and energy.

To find out more, click the buttons below. Moonbase Project: https://careersandenterprise.us14.list- manage.com/track/click?u=0483e0ec78adda5830c8eadfc&id=3a21d7c65f&e=83f2418dd4 Teacher Overview: https://careersandenterprise.us14.list- manage.com/track/click?u=0483e0ec78adda5830c8eadfc&id=128d7cc369&e=83f2418dd4 Video: https://careersandenterprise.us14.list- manage.com/track/click?u=0483e0ec78adda5830c8eadfc&id=bdfdf6bfca&e=83f2418dd4

Free EngineeringUK Event

7 The Big Bang Near Me is a UK-wide programme led by EngineeringUK to bring science and engineering to life for young people. Including hands-on activities, have-a-go workshops and inspirational speakers, each Near Me event brings together young people to enjoy all things STEM

Find out more by downloading the leaflet below

Big Bang London School Leaflet - https://careersandenterprise.us14.list- manage.com/track/click?u=0483e0ec78adda5830c8eadfc&id=3f520b3080&e=83f2418dd4

Prompt questions resource

Please find below a copy of the Prompt Questions to help schools and colleges feel confident they are meeting each benchmark securely and to support them in continuing to develop their practice.

These questions are designed primarily to be used by ECs and EAs with Careers Leaders, to further good practice rather than add additional sub benchmark questions. These may also be used by Careers Leaders/School Leaders themselves in peer to peer review meetings with other schools.

Any queries or feedback can be sent to [email protected] https://careersandenterprise.us14.list- manage.com/track/click?u=0483e0ec78adda5830c8eadfc&id=427650916e&e=83f2418dd4

DeVere Cotswold Apprenticeship Program

Our apprenticeship information we share with our staff showing the courses we can offer them. All staff on an apprenticeship will be a contracted member of staff and we employ them on a normal salary.

DWP Schools Offer

The DWP Schools Adviser, Stuart Shimmin Vincent, can support you in the following ways:

 Providing advice on routes into traineeships and apprenticeships promoting the parity of vocational and academic pathways into work.

 Help in sourcing and advising on work experience opportunities, using JCP’s extensive network of employers

 Providing advice on the local labour market including employability and soft skills that employer’s value, for example team working and commitment.

 Attending careers events.

8 However all support can be tailored to the school’s needs. Contact Stuart to arrange a visit so he can explain the offer in more detail and understand the requirements of your school.

Stuart Shimmin-Vincent -Schools Adviser - DWP- Wiltshire & Swindon. Mobile: 0791 782 7902 Email: [email protected]

Primary Futures

Primary Futures held a high profile event in Central London on 30th January where students were invited by Education and Employers to attend a ‘meet and greet’ with the Prime Minister. The event was an exciting opportunity for children to interview a senior government figures and to talk to them about their aspirations. During the event, the children meet with the Prime Minister where they were able to ask him questions around the theme of ‘looking to the future’ during the tour of Number 10. They also met a range of people working in different jobs in Number 10. Please read the link to a newspaper article and a photo of Lainesmead School, Swindon. https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/18197833.pupils-invited-meet-pm-boris-johnson-downing-street/

Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub

Shona Taylor Tel: 07464 529 784 Careers Hub Lead Email: [email protected] Katie Cross Tel: 07876 257 510 Senior Enterprise Coordinator Email: [email protected] Auriel Chandarana Tel: 07989 387 868 Enterprise Coordinator (Swindon) Email: [email protected] Steven Haines Tel: 07774 176 751 Enterprise Coordinator (South & West Email: [email protected] Wiltshire) Nicola Randy Tel: 07774 331 914 Enterprise Coordinator (North & East Email: [email protected] Wiltshire)


The Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub recently launched a twitter account! If you are a Twitter user, please follow us at: @SWCareersHub.

Warm regards


Auriel Chandarana Enterprise Coordinator Careers Hub Swindon


Swindon Borough Council Wat Tyler West 4th Floor Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon, SN1 2JH Mobile: 07989 387868

Swindon Borough Council www.swindon.gov.uk

Careers and Enterprise Company www.careersandenterprisecompany.co.uk