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12844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE July 10, 2001 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without A. Forman, of Virginia, to be an Assist- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- objection, it is so ordered. ant Administrator (for Asia and Near imous consent that the resolution and COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS East) of the United States Agency for the preamble be agreed to en bloc, the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- International Development. motion to reconsider be laid upon the imous consent that the Committee on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without table, and that any statements relating Foreign Relations be authorized to objection, it is so ordered. thereto be printed in the RECORD. meet during the session of the Senate SUBCOMMITTEE ON AIRLAND The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without on Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 2:15 p.m. to Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- objection, it is so ordered. hold a business meeting. imous consent that the Subcommittee The resolution (S. Res. 124) was The committee will consider and on Airland of the Committee on Armed agreed to. vote on the following agenda items: Services be authorized to meet during The preamble was agreed to. Nominations: the session of the Senate on Tuesday, (The text of S. Res. 124 is located in 1. The Honorable Robert D. July 10, 2001, at 2:30 p.m., in open ses- today’s RECORD under ‘‘Submitted Res- Blackwill, of Kansas, to be Ambassador sion, to receive testimony on the F–22 olutions.’’) to India. Aircraft Program, in review of the de- f 2. The Honorable Wendy J. fense authorization request for fiscal TRIBUTE TO MLB ALL-STAR GAME Chamberlin, of Virginia, to be Ambas- year 2002 and the Future Years Defense AND THE SEATTLE MARINERS sador to the Islamic Republic of Paki- Program. stan. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- 3. Mr. William A. Eaton, of Virginia, objection, it is so ordered. imous consent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of S. Res. 125 sub- to be Assistant Secretary of State (Ad- f ministration). mitted earlier today by Senators CANT- 4. Mr. Clark K. Ervin, of Texas, to be PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR WELL and MURRAY. Inspector General, Department of Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The State. mous consent that Patrick Thompson, clerk will report the resolution by 5. Mr. William S. Farish, of Texas, to who is from my committee staff, be title. be Ambassador to the United Kingdom granted the privilege of the floor dur- The legislative clerk read as follows: of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ing the remainder of the debate. A resolution (S. Res 125) commemorating 6. Mr. Anthony H. Gioia, of New The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 72nd Major League Baseball All-Star game York, to be Ambassador to the Repub- objection, it is so ordered. and to congratulate the Seattle Mariners on hosting the All-Star game and on their ex- lic of Malta. f 7. Mr. Douglas A. Hartwick, of Wash- traordinary start to the season. ington, to be Ambassador to the Lao CONGRATULATING THE There being no objection, the Senate People’s Democratic Republic. UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC proceeded to consider the resolution. 8. The Honorable Daniel C. Kurtzer, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to imous consent that the Senate proceed today I rise to introduce a resolution Israel. to the consideration of S. Res. 124 sub- to commemorate the 72nd Major 9. Mr. Howard H. Leach, of Cali- mitted earlier today by Senators Fein- League Baseball All-Star Game and to fornia, to be Ambassador to France. stein and Boxer. congratulate the Seattle Mariners on 10. Mr. Pierre-Richard Prosper, of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The their extraordinary start to the season. California, to be Ambassador at Large clerk will report the resolution by The game of baseball is widely con- for War Crimes Issues. title. sidered America’s pastime. Walt Whit- 11. Mr. Clark T. Randt, Jr., of Con- The legislative clerk read as follows: man once said: ‘‘I see great things in necticut, to be Ambassador to the Peo- A resolution (S. Res. 124) congratulating baseball. It’s our game—the American ple’s Republic of China. the University of the Pacific, and its faculty, game. It will take our people out-of- 12. Mr. Charles J. Swindells, of Or- staff, students and alumni on the Univer- doors, fill them with oxygen, give them egon, to be Ambassador to New Zea- sity’s 150th anniversary. a larger physical stoicism, tend to re- land, and to serve concurrently and There being no objection, the Senate lieve us from being a nervous, dys- without additional compensation as proceeded to the resolution. peptic set, repair these losses, and be a Ambassador to Samoa. Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I blessing to us.’’ 13. General Francis X. Taylor, of am pleased that the Senate will pass Baseball also has been a reflection of Maryland, to be Coordinator for this resolution to honor the 150th anni- our nation’s struggles and triumphs. Counterterrorism, with the rank of versary of the University of the Pa- During the Civil War, soldiers played Ambassador at Large. cific. Today, the University of the Pa- baseball during their free moments, 14. The Honorable Alexander R. cific celebrates its founding in 1851. whether in a fort or in a prison camp. Vershbow, of the District of Columbia, The University of the Pacific has re- In 1942, President Franklin Delano to be Ambassador to the Russian Fed- mained throughout its history, devoted Roosevelt requested that professional eration. to the teaching and development of baseball continue during the war effort 15. The Honorable Margaret D. students by a faculty of outstanding to help maintain our nation’s morale, Tutwiler, of Alabama, to be Ambas- scholars. It has prepared more than even as baseball stars such as Ted Wil- sador to the Kingdom of Morocco. 60,000 students for lasting achievement liams and Bob Feller contributed to 16. The Honorable C. David Welch, of and responsible leadership in their ca- the war effort on the front lines as sol- Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Arab reers and communities. diers. During the civil rights move- Republic of Egypt. The University of the Pacific is also ment, Jackie Robinson epitomized the 17. FSO promotion list—Mr. Morri- a trailblazer in higher education. Pa- struggle of African Americans as he son, et. al., dated June 12, 2001. cific was the first university in the broke baseball’s color barrier and con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without West to enroll women and to introduce tinued to fight prejudice throughout objection, it is so ordered. coeducation. It also established Cali- his career. Now today, as our world has COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS fornia’s first medical school and music become smaller, the game has become Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- conservatory. larger, uniting fans and attracting star imous consent that the Committee on I am pleased to sponsor this resolu- players from around the world. Foreign Relations be authorized to tion to congratulate the University of The All-Star game is a showcase of meet during the session of the Senate the Pacific, and its faculty, staff, stu- this special sport and of baseball’s on Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 2:30 p.m. to dents, and alumni on the university’s most talented players, selected by hold a nomination hearing on Mrs. Lori 150th anniversary. baseball fans around the world and by VerDate Aug 31 2005 15:21 Feb 22, 2007 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S10JY1.002 S10JY1 rmajette on PROD1PC67 with BOUND RECORD July 10, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 12845 All-Star Managers Joe Torre and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senator SPECTER from 10:15 to 10:30 Bobby Valentine. It is also a broader objection, it is so ordered. a.m. celebration of baseball as fans are The resolution (S. Res. 125) was The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without treated to not only the All-Star game agreed to. objection, it is so ordered. between the National League and the The preamble was agreed to. f American League, but other events as (The text of S. Res. 125 is located in PROGRAM well, including a FanFest featuring today’s RECORD under ‘‘Submitted Res- interactive games and displays, a olutions.’’) Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, on Wednesday, the Senate will convene at homerun derby by baseball’s greatest f sluggers, a game between the top 10 o’clock in the morning with a period minor league baseball prospects of the EXECUTIVE SESSION for morning business until 10:30 a.m. American League and National League, We expect to begin consideration of the and a softball game featuring All-Star Interior appropriations bill on Wednes- game legends and other celebrities. NOMINATION OF EUGENE HICKOK, day. It is an honor and pleasure for the OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE f City of Seattle to once again host this UNDER SECRETARY OF EDU- ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. celebration. In 1979, Seattle hosted the CATION TOMORROW 50th All-Star game in just the third Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- season for the Seattle Mariners. After imous consent that the Senate proceed Mr. DASCHLE. If there is no further two years of planning, Seattle gave to executive session and the HELP business to come before the Senate, I baseball fans what is still considered Committee be discharged from the con- now ask unanimous consent that the one of the greatest All-Star celebra- sideration of the following nomination: Senate stand in adjournment under the tions in the history of the event.