GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION of VICTORIA "Opera Tion Co-Opera Tion" at Jamborella One
MARCH,1979 VOLUME S6 NUMBER 8 GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA "Opera tion Co-opera tion" at Jamborella One. Details and more pictures on pages 218 and 219. In this issue. Page Archives 237 Awards . 223 Britannia Park 242 Brownies 232 Camp Patanga 217 Encouraging Encounter 221 Go Guiding 233 Guide Shop .. 242 International .. 239 Jamborella One 218 Local Association Section . 231 Matilda Subscription Form 240 Mobile Guide Shop 236 Notices . 220, 222,226, 231,232,238, 240,244 Personnel Changes, etc. 243 Rangering Around . 234 Reporting from Russell Street 216 State Commissioner's Letter 215 Supplementary Activities . 225 Transfers and Waiting Lists 220 Training Calendar 241 Training Pages 227-230 Trefoil Tales .. 238 PUBLI SH ED BY THE GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATI ON OF VICTORIA MATILDA 20 RUSSELL STR EET, MELBOURNE, VI CTORI A, AUSTRALIA, 3000 State Commisssioner: MRS. J. N. WEST State Secretary: MISS M. W. BARR Assistant State Commissioners: MRS. C. S. ANJOU, MRS. W. J. B. POLLOCK, MRS. S. J. SURRY Editor: MRS. L. I. RICHARDSON, 31 Hampshire Road, Forest Hill, 3131 214 MATILDA The 5th Australian Venture was held in South Australia in January and 66 ranger guides and 10 leaders from Victoria took part in this camp and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Hello Everyone, The Summer Training Week was well worth Firstly, I must tell you that the new Assistant while; my Assistants and I were able to meet every Chief Commissioner for Australia is Mrs J. L. Car one and it was evident that a great deal was being rick, who took up her appointment on 1 st February, achieved.
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