ULM College of Arts, Education and Sciences Visual and Performing Arts JAZZ DANCE I DANC 1014, CRN 63516 Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 am-12:15 pm BROWN ANNEX 120 INSTRUCTOR: Vanessa Kanamoto, MFA, BA, BS Office: Brown Annex 120 Office Phone: 342-1312 Office Hours: By appointment Office E-mail:
[email protected] Recommended text: Jazz Dance: A History of the Roots and Branches by LIndsay Guarino & Wendy OLIver *Can access on Moodle I. COURSE DESCRIPTION The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Jazz technique and to develop a “thinking body” through active participation and personal discovery. Drawing on a variety of influences, students will be able to understand and demonstrate the aesthetic attributes and styles of Jazz dance by focusing on rhythm, gravity, isolations, coordination, and alignment. Students will also become familiar with terminology and historical aspects associated with Jazz dance. II. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To establIsh a consIstency of ‘daILy’ studio practIce and towards usIng jazz class progressIon to buiLd a ‘permanent’ foundatIon for buiLding your technique • The student wILL demonstrate an understanding of beginning/Intermediate jazz termInology. • The student wILL be able to consIstentLy execute proper body aLIgnment and body- mechanic princIples in statIc and dynamIc movement. • Students wILL deveLop and increase in strength, flexibiLIty, baLance, endurance, coordinatIon, and precIsIon in executIng barre exercIses and center floor combinatIons. • Students wILL buiLd musIcaL, rhythmIc, phrasIng, and spatIaL skiLLs suitable to the technique and style of jazz dance. • Students wILL learn aspects of jazz dance history. III. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Class demonstratIon and partIcIpatIon 2.