9594 the LONDON GAZETTE, 28 SEPTEMBER, 1915. Ibe Liable for the Assets of .The Said Deceased, Or Any, Colonel EDWARD THOMAS BROWELL, Deceased
9594 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 28 SEPTEMBER, 1915. ibe liable for the assets of .the said deceased, or any, Colonel EDWARD THOMAS BROWELL, Deceased. part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons Pursuant to 22 and 23 Vic., cap. 35. of whose claims they 'shall not then have notice,— "IVfOTIGE is hereby given, that all persons having Dated this 24th day of September, 1915. _i_M claims against the estate of Colonel Edward GILL, ARCHER, MAPLES and DUN, 14, Cook- Thomas Browell, late of Merrow House, Merrow, street, Liverpool, Solicitors to the said Adminis-. •Surrey (who died on the llth 'day of August, 1915, and. 057 trator. •whose will, with a codicil thereto, was proved in the Principal Probate Registry, on the 23rd day of September, 1915, by the Reverend Frederick James BOBEET ELLIS, Deceased. Browe'fl, of Feltham Vicarage, Middlesex, and William Jebb Wigston, of 21, College-hill, London, E.G., two Pursuant-to the Act of Parliament 22 and 23 Viet., of the executors therein named], are hereby required c. 35. to send the particulars thereof, m writing. So the IVTOTIGE is hereby .given, that all persons having undersigned, Solicitors for the executors, on or before _Ll any debts, claims or demands upon or against the llth day of November, 1915, after which date the the estate of Robert Ellis, late of No. 52, Lough- said executors will proceed to distribute the assets, 'borough-road, West Bridigford, in the county of Not- of the deceased, having regard only to the claims of tingham, deceased (who died on the 28th day of July, which the executors shall then have had notice.— 1913, and whose will was proved by the executors, Dated the 24th September, 1915.
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