G.N. 4616

ROADS (WORKS, USE AND COMPENSATION) ORDINANCE (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 8(2)) PWP ITEM NO. 5739 TH AND 5660 CL CHOK KO WAN LINK ROAD AND ASSOCIATED ROAD WORKS IN NORTH LANTAU Notice is hereby given that the Secretary for Transport proposes to execute the road works as shown on Plans Nos. SD/A/020 to 028 (the ‘Plans’) and described in the scheme annexed thereto, which Plans and scheme have been deposited in the Land Registry. The general nature of the proposed works is as follows:— (i) construction of an approximately 3.2 km dual 3-lane expressway, Chok Ko Wan Link Road, connecting the existing at Interchange and the future Route 10 at Fa Peng; (ii) construction of an approximately 1.83 km dual 2-lane carriageway/elevated carriageway, Road P2, connecting the proposed public transport interchange at Yam O and the future Theme Park at Penny’s Bay including a section of road under the North Lantau Highway, and an elevated carriageway over the Line, Airport Express Line, and the future Penny’s Bay Rail Link; (iii) construction of a roundabout interchange connecting Chok Ko Wan Link Road and Road P2 at Penny’s Bay reclamation; (iv) construction of an underpass west of the roundabout linking the Water Recreation Centre to an area north of the Chok Ko Wan Link Road; (v) construction of carriageway and a roundabout connecting the existing section of Road P2 and the proposed public transport interchange at Yam O; (vi) construction of a public transport interchange at Yam O; (vii) construction of footpaths along the proposed Road P2 linking to Chok Ko Wan Village Office and Telephone Interchange Station; (viii) construction of two drainage maintenance access roads with one on the east side and one on the west side of Penny’s Bay reclamation; (ix) construction of a pedestrian footpath, an emergency vehicular access road and a seawall maintenance access road at Yam O; (x) construction of a utility service track at Wan Tuk; (xi) permanent closure of existing footpaths connecting to the existing pier at ; and (xii) ancillary works including civil, geotechnical, landscaping works, drainage works, slope works, construction of retaining walls and seawalls, and demolition of the existing pier at Ta Shui Wan. The Plans and scheme may be inspected by members of the public free of charge at the following places:— Central and Western District Office, Public Enquiry Services Centre, Ground Floor, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, ; District Lands Office, Islands, 19th Floor, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong; Islands District Office, 20th Floor, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong; Islands District Office, Sub-office, Ground Floor, Mui Wo Government Offices, 2 Ngan Kwong Wan Road, Mui Wo, Lantau; Islands District Office, Cheung Chau Sub-office, Ground Floor, 22 San Hing Street, Cheung Chau; and District Office, 1st Floor, Tsuen Wan Station Multi-storey Carpark Building, 174–208 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories. during the following hours when those offices are normally open to the public. Opening hours except on public holidays:— Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Saturday 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Further enquiries regarding the proposed works can be addressed to Special Duties Office, Civil Engineering Department, 3rd Floor, Civil Engineering Building, 101 Princess Margaret Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong and at telephone number 2762 5510. Any person who wishes to object to the works or the use, or both, is required to address his objection in writing to the Secretary for Transport, 16th Floor, Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong so as to reach the office of the Secretary not later than the 19th day of September 2000, describing his interest and the manner in which he alleges that he will be affected by the works or the use.

14 July 2000 Nicholas NG Secretary for Transport