1 ATTENDANCE LIST, APOLOGIES and DECLARATIONS of INTEREST Community Council – - J Wootton (JW) (Chair), J Hutchison (JH) (V.Chair), P Vincent (PV) (Secretary), S Iveson (SI) (Treasurer), Steven Leckie (SL), Phil Evans (PE), B Johnston (BJ), P Franklin (PF), Karen Nicholls (KN), Lee Stewart (LS), Bernie McIntosh (BM), Louise Burt (LB), Lesley Sinclair (LS) Councillors - Cllr D Dempsey, Cllr A McGarry, Cllr D Barratt Police – PC David Moffat Apologies – A Saunders (AS), Cllr D Coleman Members of the Public – 37 Declarations of Interest - D Barratt - standby electricity generation plant



The plan outlines our Policing Priorities over the next three years and details how we will deliver them with a view to “Keeping the Kingdom Safe”. The plan looks to deliver on what you, the people of Fife, have told us you want us to focus on. On this basis, we have developed five Local Policing Priorities, which are:

 OPERATION PREVAIL: Anti-Social Behaviour  OPERATION PROSPECT: Substance Misuse  OPERATION PRINCIPLE: Acquisitive Crime  OPERATION PATH: Violent Crime  OPERATION PARAMOUNT: Road Safety

In addition to these priorities and operations, we cannot lose sight of other national issues and priorities. These include a focus on Serious and Organised Crime, our on-going response to the threat from Terrorism in and protecting those in our community who are at risk of harm particularly as they travel from place to place and/or attend events. To this end, our Fife Operations Planning Team work closely with Fife Council, event organisers and other emergency services to ensure events in Fife are safe and enjoyable.

The full Policing Plan can be found at http://www.scotland.police.uk/assets/pdf/392813/392817/fife-local-policing-plan-2017- 2020?view=Standard



Between the 10th December 2018 and the 7th January 2019, a total of 99 calls were recorded by in relation to the Dalgety Bay and Hillend area (116 calls in last period, Oct – Nov).

During the same period, 12 Crime Files were created for the area (16 in last period), with some containing multiple charges. Persons have been charged for numerous crimes/offences, which include:-

- Vandalism x2 - Theft x1 - Theft by shoplifting x2 - Assault x3 - Assault to injury x2 - Threatening and abusive behaviour x3 - Resisting arrest x1 - Possession of class A drugs x1 - Possession of class B drugs x1 - Assault/obstruct police x1 - Possession of a bladed article x1 - Fail to stop after accident x1 - Fail to stop for police x1 - Dangerous driving x1


28/12/2018 – suspect vehicle pursuit, Dalgety Bay. After 2300 hours, some residents may have been aware of a vehicle driving at high speed around Dalgety Bay, which was being pursued by police vehicles. The vehicle entered Dalgety Bay while being pursued and was not a local resident. The pursuit came to an end at the Eastern Access Road, causing damage to the roadside at this location.

05/01/2018 – high value theft by shoplifting, Co-op, Dalgety Bay. About 1630 hours, a male entered the store and removed around £700 worth of alcohol, placed same into a gym bag, and fled the shop. Enquiries are in the very early stages and the male is not known at this time. The male responsible was tall, slim, had short dark hair, glasses, and was wearing a black jacket and dark blue jeans. Any information, please call 101 quoting reference PS-20190105-3454.


Many residents of Dalgety Bay and Hillend will have been aware of a disturbance at Hillend Industrial Estate on Thursday 3rd January, either at the time or via social media. The accuracy of these reports, as ever, were off the mark at best. The following account provides an overview:-


The incident took place at about 2140 hrs on 03/01/2019, at West Way within the Industrial Estate. Three security Officers from the Hillend Engineering complex became aware of a “pack” of youths who were congregating near to the building and possibly damaging cars parked. One of the witnesses tried to engage with the group and was punched to the ground, kicked and stamped on in what was a sustained and extremely violent, unprovoked assault. Colleagues went to his assistance and were also assaulted in a similar manner, with one witness talking about a female striking the men to the head with a bottle. Police were contacted and the first unit attending was a Road Policing Unit. On attempting to apprehend one of the youths involved, a female Officer was punched twice to the face causing her a minor facial injury. On other Police units arriving, 3 of the youths were arrested for assault.

There is CCTV of the incident and it has been viewed and described as “horrific”. Thankfully none of those assaulted received significant injuries but that is clearly down to good fortune.

Those responsible were all aged 14/15 years and two are local to Dalgety Bay, two are from , one from and one from Gowkhall. All are known to the Police and some have previously been involved in assaults of a similar nature.

For those involved not arrested at the time, reports will be submitted to the Children’s Reporter urgently. We are unsure what conditions can be placed on these offenders given their age, but we will be asking for curfews in respect of frequenting Dalgety Bay, the time of night they are allowed out and also in respect of consuming alcohol. This request may be successful, it may not, but at least we are highlighting the issues and identifying potential solutions.

In terms of other actions we will -

- release an anonymised media release making the general public aware of this incident. - contacting the various Schools on Monday and making them aware of the incident and that their pupils were involved - carry out enhanced patrols in the area over the weekend and will be re-visiting the witnesses. - doorstep/monitor all those involved over the course of the weekend to check on their whereabouts and where they may be subject to being stopped/searched given they are regarded as violent offenders. - highlighting Officer Safety issues to our staff should they encounter those responsible during the course of their duties and in similar circumstances.


Community Officers will be at Dobbies, Dalgety Bay, between 10am and 12pm on Friday the 25th of January. This is an informal drop-in, where residents can speak to their Community Officers about any local concerns or issues.

Crime Prevention Officers will also be present to offer advice on ATM safety and home security.

Incidents should continue to be reported at the time they occur, using 101 or 999 where appropriate. 3


We are still looking for volunteers to assist with the Community Speedwatch initiative, where residents can help to reduce speed in their local area.

If anyone would like to take part in the initiative then please pass your contact details on to the Community Council, who can then pass them on to Community Officers.

Speedwatch deployments do not take place over the winter months but will be up and running again in Spring 2019. Details of volunteers can still be submitted.


Sergeant Kenny Bow has now left his post as Community Sergeant to work in a different role for several months. PS Kate Blackwell (once a community officer in Dalgety Bay) is now the Community Sergeant for the foreseeable.


This survey helps us to identify local Policing priorities and should only take a few minutes to complete. The survey can be found at: www.scotland.police.uk/yourviewcounts


PC Richard Duncan and PC Jim Bell are the Community Officers for Dalgety Bay, Hillend, Inverkeithing, and North Queensferry.


Edinburgh Airport Community Engagement Manager Louise McIntyre presented to introduce herself and her new role working with local communities for Airport. She was asked a number of questions by members of the public on issues relating to flight paths, noise and various specific airport procedures. She welcomed further contact from members of the public with any future issues. Louise can be contacted at louise.mcintyre@edinburgh airport.com



Minutes from the November meeting were approved by Steven Leckie and seconded by Brian Johnston. The updated Action Register is included as Appendix A. Specific details discussed are as below:

Action: June 18 3.2: Sculpture cleaning SI awaiting advice from councillors.

Action: June 18 5.1: Tree protection Regents Way chased up with tree protection officer ongoing.

Action: June 18 5.3: Hillend Yellow lines consultation open.

Action: June 18 5.4: Sports Centre Parking ongoing.

Action: June 18 8.2: Station upgrade met with Scotrail now aware of necessary upgrades.

Action: September 18 6.3: MOU Play park awaiting response from Guide leader

5 FINANCE £355 raised from the sale of books on the History of Dalgety Bay

6 Public Forum

Proposed construction of standby electricity generation plant in Hillend Stan Green owner of Growforth garden centre and the land for the proposed site attended to present information, including size, noise levels, screening and emissions. Many members of the public stated strong objections to the proposed construction and sought clarification on many of the points raised by Mr Green. Current position remains plans will be assessed by the Planning Officer after a SEPA review. CC have submitted their own official objection which is available to members of the community on the Fife Planning Portal at the following location: https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=PFB78NHFI TE00

Questions were raised and discussed as to planning a coordinated community response.

Flight Path Update Discussion continued including support for the Kinghorn proposal of better use of the Forth Estuary. Any changes of this nature would need to be a NATS decision made in cooperation between Edinburgh and Prestwick Airports.

Application for Asda Petrol Station The CC had requested Statutory Consultee status for this application. No objections have been forthcoming from the public. The CC will therefore submit a letter supporting this application. Question as to the possibility of an electric vehicle charging point.


Dalgety Bay Diary Ian Chisnall (Printing Services Scotland) attended to report on the current position of The Diary. This report detailed difficulties with loss of adverts, bad debts and issues with distribution. £1500 was received by CC from The Diary.

TIMMS Award 1 nomination for the Jubilee Playpark Committee was received. It was agreed that they should be awarded the TIMMS Trophy for this year.

Recycling Centre Restrictions Correspondence regarding the new pedestrian access and height restrictions had been received. The meeting was advised that the height restrictions are to prevent commercial dumping. It was suggested a sign stating that members of the public may request that the height barrier can be moved for legitimate dumping should be displayed.

Mossmorran PF attended a meeting regarding safety and the issue of flaring outside of the agreed periods. PF provided information regarding upgrading and replacement of part of the facility modernisation.


SL suggested Christmas tree sponsorship. SL to investigate. Action 7.1: Steven Leckie

SL suggested new town signs at the entry points. SL believes Rosyth had new signs funded by Fife Council. SL to investigate the possibility of Fife Council funding signs for Dalgety Bay and Hillend. Action 7.2: Steven Leckie The Jubilee Playpark committee is concerned over time period for Fife Environment Trust funding is coming to an end. The Ward Councillors were requested to chase the appropriate Fife Council officials to ensure that the appropriate actions are taken in time. Action 7.3: Ward Councillors

The 3 new members who joined the Community Council were welcomed: Bernie McIntosh, Louise Burt, Lesley Sinclair

The meeting closed at 21:00hrs.

8 NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be on Monday 4th February 2019. These minutes were approved at the Dalgety Bay & Hillend Community Council meeting on the 4th February 2019. The minutes were proposed to be a true record by S Leckie and seconded by B Johnston.


Appendix A - Action Item Register (Open Actions Only)

ACTION ITEMS Dalgety Bay & Hillend Community CouncilLast Updated: 07/01/2019 Next Meeting: Mon, 4-Feb-2019, 7:00 PM

Action ACTION ITEM PRIORITY OWNER ASSIGNED DUE DONE STATUS NOTES Number June 18 3.1 Woodlands Ownership MEDIUM CC 09/06/2018 Ongoing Acces to June 18 3.2 Sculpture Cleaning MEDIUM PF 09/06/2018 50% sculpture awaited Cllr Barratt has June 18 5.1 TPOs - Regent's Way MEDIUM Cllr Barratt 09/06/2018 Ongoing requested additional TPOs. June 18 5.2 Planted Areas Maintenance MEDIUM SL 09/06/2018 Not Started Prposal out for June 18 5.3 Hillend Yellow Lines MEDIUM DC 09/06/2018 75% consultation June 18 5.4 Sports Centre Parking MEDIUM DC 09/06/2018 50% June 18 5.8 Skate Park Safety MEDIUM Secretary 09/06/2018 Not Started Meeting held with June 18 8.2 Station Upgrade MEDIUM Cllr Barratt 09/06/2018 50% Scotrail June 18 8.4 Street Food Market MEDIUM SL 09/06/2018 03/09/2018 25% Define Transport Convener Aug 18 6.1 MEDIUM SL 06/08/2018 03/09/2018 25% Role to be defined Role Moving of Recycling Centre Aug 18 6.2 MEDIUM Cllr Barratt 06/08/2018 03/09/2018 75% bins Awaiting response Aug 18 6.4 Journalism Experience MEDIUM JH 06/08/2018 03/09/2018 75% from Inverkeithing High School pupil Aug 18 9.1 Dropbox location MEDIUM AS 06/08/2018 03/09/2018 Not Started Sep 18 6.1 Provide details of Insurances MEDIUM Girl Guides 03/09/2018 01/10/2018 Not Started MOU drafted and sent to Girl Sep 18 6.3 Draft Playpark MOU MEDIUM PE 03/09/2018 01/10/2018 75% Guides. Awaiting response. Explore alternate funding for Oct 18 5.1 MEDIUM SI 01/10/2018 05/11/2018 Not Started Beautiful Fife Oct 18 6.1 CC Support to schools MEDIUM JH 01/10/2018 05/11/2018 Not Started Supply Beautiful Scotland Oct 18 6.2 MEDIUM SL 01/10/2018 05/11/2018 Not Started Report Maintenance of Tesco Car Oct 18 6.3 MEDIUM Cllr McGarry 01/10/2018 05/11/2018 Not Started Park Oct 18 6.4 Repair of Coastal Path Signs MEDIUM Cllr McGarry 01/10/2018 05/11/2018 Not Started Cllr Oct 18 6.5 Coastal Path Fallen Tree MEDIUM 01/10/2018 05/11/2018 Not Started Dempsey Nov 18 8.1 Diary entry improper bin use HIGH PV 05/11/2018 10/01/2019 Not Started Cllr Nov 18 10.1 Roseberry Playpark litter bin MEDIUM 05/11/2018 07/01/2019 Not Started Dempsey Jan 19 7.1 Christmas Tree Sponsorship LOW SL 07/01/2019 01/11/2019 Not Started Jan 19 7.2 New Road Signs MEDIUM SL 07/01/2019 04/03/2019 Not Started Jan 19 7.3 Playpark Land Search HIGH Cllrs 07/01/2019 30/01/2019 Not Started 7