World Famous Saxophone Methods
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DOWN BEAT FEATURES Chicago. February 15, H liet. Rolland Tapley of the Bor^I Symphony, Leonard Schaller * the Chicago, Carroll Gillette r The Saxophone Was Invented by Accident! the San Francisco Symphony Maurice DeCruck, formerly of New York Philharmonic, all g fast passages which otherwise color in his L'ArUhienne Suite. whom are first saxophonists d And Will Marion Cook Was the would nave been almost impossible. Other compose •> who realized the their respective orchestras. 500 Purls tu a Sax! possibilities of the sax were Meyer A prevalent misapprehension & beer, Massenet, Thomae. Debussy. iste among symphi ny-goers th* First to Use it in Jazz Band The sax differs from the clarinet Stniusn (Richard), Hindemeth and in that it possesses both even and Ravel. Although there is compara AAlbUUie, UI BUD lit WM UlUlJS EkllUWIl, ZXUVipiiC OCUM WOO odd partiufs, the clarinet can only tively little use for a saxophone in ous for it take, quite a virtuoso to born in Dinant, Belgium. November 6, 1814. He came from a family sound odd partials and the funda that boasted of a long line of musica’ instrument makers. He continued symphony orchestras today, product the unusually beautiful mental or lowest note wave of the tonal coloring that is so seldon the work of his father, Charles Joseph, in producing and improving the clarinet is f>ur times as long <.s clarinet, and in manufacturing brass and woodwind instruments And have seen fit to add to their staff heard. Years of itudy are required the instrument itself; whereas the of players, a saxophone section. tt- master the instrument. But, b although Sax wat the recipient of many awards, he was twice forced lowest note wave on the sax is into barkruptcy. He died a virtual pauper in Paris on February 9, The Philadelphia Symphony has as spite of a great amount of advem only twice the length of the instr u- its first saxophonist Lucien Cail- 1894. ment and at the same time, the (Modulate lo Next Page) Invented By Accident! mechanism being far less compli The invention of the saxophone cated than the clarinet. was purely an accident. In 1840, Few playert realize that the sax The Sox Gets is made up of over 500 separate Sax was experimenting with the and individual parts, each one ophieieide, a now-obsolete instru A Break! more complicated than the other. ment. Since it wa» r layed with a Among these parts are over five Down Brel, on these page*, dozen >mall key castings, four WORLD FAMOUS cup mouthpiece, Sax was curious pays tribute lo the inventor of dozen knobs for holding the key to know what sound would issue the saxophone, the oerasion be hinges, four dozen hollow hingei; forth when played with the mouth-1 ing the centennial of Adolphe of various lengths, four dozen piece of a clarinet. The tone was Sax’s invention. It i- hoped that springs and pads, and over five a combination of a bras- ana reed the material compiled and pre dozen screws. SAXOPHONE METHODS blend. Realizing that he had dis- sented in this issue will be not covered From 1929 to 1937, it is esti a new tonal coloring only of interest to musicians, but mated that over 90,000 -axes were from ROBBINS Series of among musical instruments, he alw to student saxophonists and manufactured, representing a total made a fev physical change- on to all interested in the develop of almost five million dollars. Modem Saxophone Books the old ophieieide and produced ment of today’s music. (Thesi figures were compiled from what is known a*- the Saxophone, Watch for similar features un the U. S. Bureau of Commerce. When the sax first made its ap- other instruments.—EDS. pearance it was generally taken Figures for those years only, were shown). M °" mo„ no idea of how t> create an indi vidual tone for the instrument; They Sold the Sox to the Public! thus the realization of the scope and possibilities of the sax were overlooked. The invention of the sax brought forth exceedingly favorable com ment« from leading composerr- of JIMMY DORSEY Sax’s «ra, including Rossini, Ber lioz und Halevy, However, even at JIMMY DORSI 1 SAXOPHONE METHOD that early date there was stern disapproval for this hybrid instru The secrets of Jimmy Dorsey's amaz ment. It wax thrust into an ob- rcure place in the Paris Exposi ing virtuosity revealed! — with inter tion of 1842. esting studies and exercises. Also Military Bands Use It contains his own sax arrangements Because of the lack of suitable critici« music for the sax, the few that of Beebe, Hollywood Pattime, etc. school were imported from Europe to quite ■ America were pr 'ictically useless Price $1-50 reperto and were regarc> d as something of saxopht a novelty About 1850, C. G Conn instruir made a few saxophones. In 1895, E. A. Is febre, a European saxo phone virtuoso and a personal BUD FREEMAN friend of Adolphe Sax, was em ployed by Mr Conn to supervise Studied Improvisations STUDIES & IMPROVISATIONS th< American manufacture of the For Saxophone instrument Sax A great artist opens new paths to bandv- Frenel Military bands in 1845 and ured since then, has oeer> used to great modem sax interpretations- Contains advantage in all military bands. studies.exerdses and Freeman's orig Jazz Takes Over Sax! inal sax arrangements of China Boy, «anda In 1905, it appears that a genu I Never Knew, My Blue Heaven, etc. fired < ine jazz i>and - a group of musi factui i cians under Will Marion Cook, per «if de formed at Proctor’s 23rd St The a Price $1.00 The Tom Broun Sax Sextet war organized in 1911, and even today, daily. ter in New York and included is given credit for popularizing the saxophone with the Imericnn pub Kidi among their instruments, the sax. lie. Dp until 1926 Brown and his brother* traveled vaude circuits, dressed when Thes were known as the Memphis bffaui Students. One of the members, a in outlandish costume* like these shown above, and exploited the sax as aVBY WIKSOirTl a counterpart of the human voice. Tom Brown made th« sax cackle, RUDY WIEDOEFT’S easiest Negro named Jim Reese Europe That i who later organized the Clef Club squeal, grunt and titter, much to the hilarious amusement of everybody. on West 52nd St. in New York, Il wa* s far cry front the sax artist* of today—Jimmy Dorsey. Charlie SECRET OF STACCATO Barnet, Toots Mondello. Coleman Hawkins. Tex Beneke and all the rest. «F OTBTMCMTO gave a concert in Curnegie Hall for th* Saxophone with an ensemble containing saxo- Debumy Liked It instrum gtones. According to Henry O. and continued as a top-notch vari For student-musicians who desire qualities sgood, however, the introduction ety act until 1926. He and his Bizet war among the first to voice, C of the sax in j ux bunds is credited brothers traveled the vaude cir make use of the sax’s orchestral perfection in advanced technique, by mod to the effort- of Art Hickman and cuits, dressed in outlandish cos the world's greatest sax teacher “recogni his St Francis orchestra in a San tumes and clownish makeups and amomr Francibm hotel in 1916, which con proceeded to delight the audiencer STUDY ARRANGING makes this interesting study avail haud, P sisted of 2 taxes, a cornet, trom by exploiting the sax as the coun With able for the first time I bone, violin, banjo, piano nnd terpart of the human voice. He the diet drums. made it moan, laugh, cackle, titter, Price $1.00 Htixopho: Directly after the there squ. al and grunt, much to the otto CEsnno hilarious amusement of everybody. EVERY Musician Should Be Able chest ra America which lasted from 1919 The use of the Sax in Negro bande to Arrange feries. to 1925 where it is estimated that has been particularly effective. over 100,000 saxes were manufac The saxophone of 1840 has Complete Course One Year JAY ARNOLD'S SWING tured an 1 sold in America annu changed but little. There have been advanced course in ally. A deluge of Saxopbonia over a few refinements and modern de took America—everybody who was velopments which make difficult CORRESPONDENCE SWING RHYTHMS anybody had to play the sax. Be passages easier and which enables cause it was h comparatively sim the player to perform miraculously for the Saxophone ple matter to learn how to blow a AT STUDIO FAey ttudiod with Otto Cotonai A complete up-to-date study in few well-meaning sounds from a Uik C Melody saxophone in a few EARN Van Alexander...............Van Alexander Sam Diehl.............................. Rudy Vallee rhythm and technique for advanced hour« practise, there appeared on Play swing music in 6 easy lessons with our Home Method, prepared by au Charle« Garble (age 16) ........Own Band the American Jazz horizon far too thorities of Swing for Saxophone, Clari Matty Matlock..................... Bob Crosby sax students. Highly recommended many solos and soloists. net, Trumpet, Violin and Piano. Andy Phillips....................Bunny Berigan Low Coat—Write for Particulars Herb Quigley.............An< by modern musicians and teachers I Tom Brown and his Sax Sextet J ack Sch wartzer............. was responsible for the amazing John Philip Sousa, 8rd..... (Conductor) popularity of the sax at that time. Al Wagner..........................Eddie1 Le Baron Price $1.00 Brown organized his sextet in 1911 And many other«. --------NOW-------- SEE THEM AT BESSON INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE! YOUR DEALER- TODAY I Internationally Famous WRITE FOR COMPLETE CATALOG Send for Free Catalog (Complete material).....