Use Map Moto R Ve Hicle
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Argo Mill El Rancho ! Hidden Valley ! Bergen Park ! Black Eagle Mill ! Kittredge ! Blue Valley Wah Keeney Park Lamartine ! ! ! C O- 74 Hiwan Hills ! Evergreen ! Troutdale ! Rosedale ! EK CRE Elephant Park AR ! CLE Herzman Mesa ! Georgetown ! Brookvale ! Silverdale (historical) Marshdale Silver Plume ! ! ! Sprucedale 5 ! Graymont 22 10 34 06 22 30 e r u t l u c i r g A f o t n e m t r a p e D s e t a t S d e t i n U ! Bakerville 21 25 440000 4390000 33 R74W 450000 09 13 460000 21 25 e c i v r e S t s e r o F PURPOSE AND CONTENTS ! R75W 01 R73W R72W OPERATOR 105°45'0"W 105°37'30"W 39°37'30"N 105°30'0"W 105°22'30"W 20 W 14 20 02 08 26 32 e k 3 1 0 2 7 2 h c r a M o d a r o l o C e J OF THIS MAP s e t k r E 26 F e RESPONSIBILITIES 32 e C The designations shown on this motor vehicle use 31 15 r F 27 o 03 C 27 k n 31 r 04 s o e F map (MVUM) were made by the responsible official k 07 s ro e 4380000 S a r E C k r s r o o d t u O t a e r G s ' a c i r e m A Operating a motor vehicle on National Forest Paines Mountain B o Sugarloaf Peak 12 e G 19 G h e w u MOU R pursuant to 36 CFR 212.51; are effective as of the date 28 k NT EV r 24 o i ANS 16 28 36 t e 36 d System roads, National Forest System trails, and in c h C S e a ) a ) e t W k Ganley Mountain r on the front cover of this MVUM; and will remain in effect F g s O WIL M e C D o E k e R o e areas on National Forest System lands carries a o NE SS aho e ap s M Ar r ) r L N C h 23 until superseded by the next year's MVUM. 29 k 05 e t 35 C t a 11 r 17 05 35 r Y greater responsibility than operating that vehicle in a r C x e C C b w o a l e n u e e k o w a O l city or other developed setting. Not only must you g ional 29 k C l n at Nk r 22 06 a e C e e 10 30 U 34 C c e e r v i 18 r 06 e C know and follow all applicable traffic laws, you need to a r e h C N e k e 34 r e C n e L 01 k 21 t T a s Fore e show concern for the environment as well as other i 09 25 33 k 33 01 To 13 d Y n ) I 105°22'30"W forest users. The misuse of motor vehicles can lead to Georgetown Rogers Peak MOUN T EVANS 26 the temporary or permanent closure of any designated 32 ) 08 14 Chicago 32 It is the responsibility of the user to acquire the current 02 15 WILDERNESS 02 MVUM.This MVUM shows the National Forest System road, trail, or area. As a motor vehicle operator, you 4390000 Kelso Mountain Lakes 20 27 31 roads, National Forest System trails, and the areas on are also subject to State traffic law, including State 03 07 19 ) 07 Conifer National Forest System lands in the South Platte Ranger requirements for licensing, registration, and operation Mount Warren 03 430000 381 Gray Wolf 28 36 ! K 16 24 k District that are designated for motor vehicle use of the vehicle in question. 12 J e 04 Otter Mountain Mountain ) re 23 04 C k pursuant to 36 (CFR) 212.51. This MVUM also identifies g 29 e e 35 17 in 12 ) r Motor vehicle use, especially off-highway vehicle k l 11 Cree b k N 05 r C Bea e the vehicle classes allowed on each route and in each m o 5 u e l r l t use, involves inherent risks that may cause property T r 34 05 h CLEAR CREEK COUNTY ¬« e 11 area; and any seasonal restrictions that apply on those Arapaho 30 C F 18 22 d o k s Y r damage, serious injury, and possibly death to 06 Mount Edwards e T c k routes and in those areas. N 18 ) a u U 06 N O 10 Mount Spalding r r C o participants. Drive cautiously and anticipate rough t 33 r ) T K 09 National Forest 25 r EE 10 th Designation of a road, trail, or area for motor vehicle Summit a R E e C surfaces and features, such as snow, mud, vegetation, 13 21 26 R Y lk SUMMIT COUNTY B A T use by a particular class of vehicle under 36 CFR 20 32 LE N 01 C 13 Lake C OU r Green Valley Acres and water crossings common to remote driving 14 C N e Mount Wilcox 27 K ort 09 ek 212.51 should not be interpreted as encouraging or ) 08 R 02 h E 14 T6S ! A Naylor Mount Evans ) P lk C Broken Arrow Acres conditions. By your participation, you voluntarily Grays Peak ) reek inviting use, or to imply that the road, trail or area is Lake 31 ! assume full responsibility for these damages, risks, 07 19 Abyss passable, actively maintained, or safe for travel. Motor 15 03 and dangers. Take care at all times to protect yourself White R Lake 08 103 19 vehicle designations include parking along designated iver 36 39°37'30"N Argentine Peak 24 28 and those under your responsibility. Murray 04 07 routes and at facilities associated with designated Nat ) Silver Mount Bierstadt routes when it is safe to do so and when not causing ional Forest Lake G 15 24 Much of the South Platte Ranger District is Dollar 29 UAN ) 35 12 Ruby Mountain ELL 05 16 damage to National Forest System resources. 16 23 A PASS remote. Medical assistance may not be readily 17 Lake ) 18 ) 108 22 Seasonal weather conditions and natural events may 23 available. Cellular telephones do not work in many 30 34 06 E 11 22 Epaulet Mountain lk 17 h Cooper k 25 C render designated routes and trails impassable for lc e r areas of the South Platte Ranger District. Take u e Duck e Note: See G Mountain r ek ks/Staunton C 10 extended periods. Designated areas may contain y Square 33 N b Duck Creek Lake 01 18 for information on the stat 39°30'0"N adequate food, water, first aid supplies, and other ) u 21 ) us of this road 3 u r dangerous or impassable terrain. Many designated R e Top Lakes Rosalie Peak 8 equipment appropriate for the conditions and P ) 09 1 13 roads and trails may be passable only by high- 20 32 02 07 21 T5S Square Top Mountain A 1 expected weather. 8. 08 clearance vehicles or four-wheel drive vehicles. Decatur Mountain 10 31 1 25 08T 14 26 Maintenance of designated roads and trails will depend 26 03 a 0 19 ) Shelf 27 8 n t c i r t s i D r e g n a R ALWAYS REMEMBER TO RESPECT PRIVATE g on available resources, and many may receive little 381 le Lake 07 w 20 Shaffers Crossing J KJ LAND! PROTECT YOUR PRIVILEGE. STAY ON S 36 o 15 ! 27 a maintenance. 24 28 m 04 o ! c d k e 1 24 e t t a l P h t u o S DESIGNATED ROADS AND TRAILS AND IN w l C 0 19 Brittle Silver t 1 This moTtor vehicle use map identifies those roads, e 12 r 0 2 I h e Harris Park 36 M r e 16 2 . Mountain ) a 35 A r M DESIGNATED AREAS. 29 G 05 k 28 U c 47 o e traSils, and areas designated for motor vehicle use k u Revenue l K e J v t s e r o F l a n o i t a N e k i P c 17 4 T r h 11 7 Mountain .A n under 36 CFR 212.51 for the purpose of enforcing the G RIDIAN 35 Read and understand this map in its entirety. If you 30 34 62 ME 4370000 e ) u K 18 " 29 J Geneva Mountain l 9 23 D p a M e s U prohibition at 36 CFR 261.13. This is a limited purpose. c 01 34 have questions, please contact the South Platte 33 h 10 Silver Mountain 06 ) The other public roads are shown for information and 25 ) D Ranger District for clarification. EER CREEK 30 n 22 tio 19 G h D " 01 nc navigation purposes only and are not subject to c 21 1 en u 9 33 u l 09 ev 13 J 32 a C c e Dillon re u 25 n As a motor vehicle operator on a National Forest ek 02 k Highland Park Pi ! designation under the Forest Service travel G ) 3 1 C 4 00 l k e l c i h e V r o t o M r .A e l Bandit Peak KJ e System road, trail, or area, you must comply with this i e ! r management regulation.