Announcements for Week Ending March 31, 2013

The following Service Schedule for is recorded on office answering machine, was included in your letter sent to homes this week and is posted on the Website

Monday through Friday [March 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29] 7AM Holy Eucharist in the Chapel [Good Friday Holy Eucharist pre-santified]

Wednesday, March 27 10:00AM Holy Eucharist 5:30PM Taizé HE, Soup Supper and final “What Wondrous Love” Class

Maundy Thursday, March 28th 5:30pm Soup Supper [parishioners bring sandwiches to share] 7:00pm Thursday Liturgy, Eucharist & Stripping of

Good Friday, March 29th 12:00pm Stations of the Cross with Taizé Chants 7:00pm Good Friday Liturgy

Holy Saturday, March 30th 8:00pm The Great Vigil of Easter [at Trinity Memorial, Binghamton] There will be no 5 PM Holy Eucharist here on March 30th Easter Sunday, March 31st 8 &10:00am Festival Holy Eucharist of the Lord’s Resurrection Egg Hunt for children follows the 10 am service!

Book Club will meet at 7PM Wednesday following the Lent Class.

Reminder on Soup Box Lent Offerings . Your Lenten donations for Soup and Sandwich should be brought to the on Easter Sunday. Our Counting Teams request that you write a check for your donation with “Soup & Sandwich Lent Offering” on the memo line or change your coins into dollar bills. Coins are difficult for the counters.

The April Crossways will is being prep ared and hopefully be printed in Holy Week and will be sent out to our email list in PDF format and posted shortly thereafter on the web site. Printed copy will be available in the narthex next Sunday.

A big thank you for all who helped on the Saturday morning Parish Work Day.

Easter Brunch at the Rectory will take place on Easter Two, Sunday, April 7th beginning at 11:30AM. If you are attending, please sign up in the narthex to help with planning! Easter letters to the parish were mailed to homes at the end of this past week. They contain envelopes for an Easter Gift to the parish. Please remember that your name must be on the envelope to receive credit. Easter envelopes are also available at the Usher Desk.

Fellowship Volunteers are needed for April and May. Please sign up in the Library.

CHOW Needs this Week : jelly, cookies, spaghetti sauce and oatmeal

Please continue to donate used ink cartridges to help the office budget. A container can be found at the Usher’s Desk