Arthropods, Alexander of Zoology, Biodiversity
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Four new Odonata records for the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil: Heteragrion petiense Machado, Lestes forficula Rambur, Orthemis ambinigra Calvert and Erythrodiplax clitella Borror (Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae,Lestidae;Anisoptera: Libellulidae) A.F.R. Blanke Section of Lower Arthropods, Alexander Koenig Research Institute and Museum of Zoology, Leibniz Institute for Terrestrial Biodiversity, Adenauerallee 160, D-53113 Bonn, Germany; — [email protected] Abstract -— The 4 discovered LENCIONI MACHADO and spp. were during (2005), (1988) a 3-month field trip in 2006. L. forficula and E. RAMBUR (1842), An additional confirmation clitella are represented by a single 6 adult each, was provided by F.A.A. Lencioni in the case of H. petiense and O. ambinigra were found several Lestes forficula and Heteragrion petiense. The times. The measurements of the specimens and specimens are deposited in the collection of brief descriptions of the habitats are provided. the Museu de Biologia Professor Mello Leitao (MBML), Santa Teresa. Introduction and methods During a field trip to the state of Espirito San- Heteragrionpetiense Machado Brazil in of four for this MBML collection record: to, the spring 2006 state VA06301; VA06302; previously unreported species were discovered VA06430; VA06431; VA06432; VA06433; VA06434; VA06435; VA06436 9; (cf. COSTA & OLDRINI, 2005). They were VA06437; found at three study sites in the area of Santa VA06455; VA06456; VA06456; VA06457; Teresa, a town located 50 km NW of Vitoria in VA06458; VA06459; VA06460; VA0646I; the Atlantic Forest. VA06462; VA06463 9; VA06464 9; VA06480. The species were examined, measured, and Measurements males (mean values and SD, identified using keys in BORROR (1942, 1945), in mm): Total length: 47.06 ± 1,9; abdomen: Notul. Vol. No. December 2008 14 odonatoi, 7, 2, pp. 13-24, 1, 38.92 ± 1.5; thorax: 6.32 ± 0.2; forewing: 27.47 m; 3320 nr) is connected with the other pond at ± 0.7; hindwing: 26.78 ± 0.8; width of forewing: the western side and getsadditional watersupply 2.32 ±0.1; width of hindwing: 2.48 ± 0.2. from a small stream at the northern side. Secon- Measurements females (mean values and dary forest starts at the eastern side, including SD, in mm): Total length: 42.22 ± 1.4; abdomen also the small stream. In western and southern ± 34.15 0.3; thorax: 6.01 ± 0.4; forewing 28.29 direction, a very young forest is composed of ± 0.7; hindwing: 27.54 ± 0.8; width of forewing: several Rubiaceae, Arecaceae and Urticaceae 2.44 ± 0.2; width of hindwing 2.44 ±0.1. (Cecropia sp.). Cattail (Typha latifolia) covers Location: Vargem Alta area, located nearthe the entire shore of the pond. Shrubby vegeta- Parque Municipal Natural de Sao Lourengo tion of Cyperaceae, many Poaceae and in the (19°55.40’S, 40°38.83'W, alt. 862 m). See loca- water Salviniaceae (Salvinia sp.) are domina- tion description of Lestes forficula for further ting plant families at the collection site of this details of the area. All specimens were caught species. at the small stream providing the inflow at the Comments — L. forficula could only be northern end of the The dense collected the field The pond. very ve- once during trip. species getation in this part of the area was composed isknown from all the states adjacent to Espirito of tyical secondary forest elements (Araceae, Santo (LENCIONI, 2005), therefore its disco- Bromeliaceae and Rubiaee- in the and its Arecaceae, many very state wasexpected occurrence ae, Melostomataceae, Orchidiaceae, Poaceae is certainly not restricted to the area of Vargem and Urticaceae). The small stream was almost Alta, Santa Teresa. The species is easily recogni- completely covered by bushes, becoming more sed in the field by its characteristic appendages, open-ranged at its inflow to the pond. even without a field magnifier. See LENCIONI — H. Comments petiense was so far (2005) for detailed drawings. known only from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (LENCIONI, 2005). The species was Erythrodiplax clitella Borror first described in 1988 by MACHADO. Its geo- MBML collection record: MBML PP06610 is still unknown. The Measurements Total graphical range species (in mm): length: 28.77; occurs probably in the states adjacent to Minas abdomen: 18.08; thorax 7.34; forewing: 23.39; Gerais. At Vargem Alta it was restricted to one hindwing: 22.11; width of forewing: 5.22; width part of the pond system. H. petiense is clearly of hindwing: 6.81. from the The Location: Pousada Paradiso distinguishable congeners. ap- area,approxima- o pendages have a unique structure which makes tely 1 km from the city (19°55.55’S,40 35.4TW, the identification in the field alt. 684 The is divided easy (LENCIONI. m). vegetation roughly 2005). into one third secondary forest, eucalyptus plantation, orchard and vegetable garden. In Lestes forficula Rambur the garden there are five ponds and a system of MBML collection record: VA06531. small which the and streams, connect ponds pro- Measurements (in mm): Total length: 38.63; vide the in- and outflow to the system. A single abdomen: 30.87; thorax: 5.55; forewing 19,96; adult E. clitella was found atone of the ponds in hindwing: 19.62; width of forewing: 3,27; width May. of hindwing: 2.53. Comments — E. clitella was known so Location: Vargem Alta area, located near the far only from Venezuela (GARRISON, 2007). this first Sao Lourengo reserve (19°55.40’S,40°38.83’W, As far as I know, is the record ever pu- for this alt. 862 m). The site is represented by two ponds blished Brazil, although I have seen spe- in collection of Federal in a secondary forest. The generalvegetation is cies the Odonata the composed of typical secondary forest elements: University of Vigosa (UFV). The specimens in Bromeliaceae collection and able Araceae, Arecaceae, many and the were not identified, I was A Rubiaceae, Melostomataceae, Orchidiaceae. to examine only a part of the collection. sy- Poaceae and Urticaceae. stematic study of the Vigosa collection is highly The largeT-shapedpond(93x26 m and 41 x 22 recommended. Notui Vol. No. December 2008 odonatol., 7, 2, pp. 13-24, 1, 15 Orthemis ambinigra Calvert MBML, who allowed us toconduct a field trip MBML for in collection record: EBSL06590; to the EBSL and provided space the work EBSL06591; EBSL06592 the museum collection. MARLENE HOFF- Measurements (mean values and SD; in MANN assisted in that work and F.A.A. LEN- Total 44.25 ± abdomen: 29.95 ClONl useful for the identification of mm): length: 3.2; gave tips ± 2.4; thorax: 10.66 ± 0.5; forewing: 35.37 ± the species. 1.8; hindwing: 34.49 ± 2.0; width of forewing: 7.84 ± 0.1; width of hindwing: 9.77 ± 0.5. References BORROR, D.J., 1942, Contr. Location: Estagao Biologica de Santa Lucia Zool. Em. Ohio St. Univ. 4: xvi+1-286; - 1945, (EBSL), a reserve 8 km from Santa Teresa, cov- Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 38: 168-194; - COSTA, ering 400 hectars of preserved Atlantic Forest. A J.M. & B.B. OLDRINI, 2005, Publfdes avals. marsh areanearby the main stream system ofthe Mas. nac. Rio de J. 107: 1-15; — GARRI- reserve was the collection point for this species. SON, R.W., 2007, List of the Odonala of South — six Comments So far Orthemis species America country by , were recorded for Espirito Santo (COSTA & xml; - GARRISON, R.W., N. VON ELLEN- OLDRINI, 2005). O. ambinigra can be distin- RIEDER & J.A. LOUTON, 2006, Dragonfly from O. levis Calvert its the New World: illustrated and guished by prominent genera of an an- pattern of red and black colour onthe abdomen notated key to the Anisoptera, Hopkins Univ. and the moreor less brown thorax (insteadof vi- Press, Baltimore; - LENCIONI,F.A.A., 2005, olet the case of O. levis). Also is Brazil: illustrated in O. amhinigra Damselflies of an identifica- smaller (ca 0.5-0.8 cm) than O. levis. The genus is tion guide, I: Non-Coenagrionidaefamilies. All in need of a revision (GARRISON et al., 2006). Print Editora, Sao Paulo; — MACHADO, A.B.M., 1988, Odonatologica 17: 267-274; - Acknowledgements RAMBUR, M.P., 1842, Histoire naturelle des I thank Prof. R. TEIXERA for assistance in insecles: nevropteres, Roret, Paris. the field thanks HELIO trips. Special go to BOUDET FERNANDES, the director of the Received February 19, 2008.