Special Groups, and for Rural Areas and Smal Towns. for Each Program

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Special Groups, and for Rural Areas and Smal Towns. for Each Program DOCUMENT RESUME ED 022 116 AC 002 611 RESOIRCES FOR TIE AGINGAN ACTION HANDBOOK, ACATALOGUE OF FEDERAL PROGRAMS, FOUICATIONS MID TRUSTS. AND VOLUNTARY AGENCIES THAT ASSISTCONIIUNITIES AND INDIVIDUALS TO MEET TI-C NEEDS OF THE AGING. National Council on the Aging. Inc. New York, N.Y.; Office of EconomicOpportunity, Washington, D.C. Community Action Prograra. Pub Date Feb 67 Note-323p. EDRS Price MF-S125 HC-S13130 Descriptors-AGE. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. BUSINESS, CIVIL RIGHTS.CONSUMER EDUCATION. DIRECTORIES, EtPLOYMENT. *FEDERAL GOVERMENT. FINANCIAL SERVICE&FOOD. *FOUICATION PROGRAMS. GF1ERAL EDUCATION. HEALTH SERVICES. HOUSING. JOB TRAINING. MILITARYPERSONNEL. NIRSING. *OLDER ADULTS. PROGRAM PLA11ING. RECREATION. REGIONAL PROGRAMS, *RESOIRCEGUIDES, KRAL AREAS. *VOLIATARY AGENCIES Published to stimulate local, state, and national groups todevelop programs to assist the aged, this catalog presentsinformation about federal grants-in-aid and basic service programs that serve the old. andabout foundations and trusts, and national voluntary agencies supporting programs for theaged or willing to assist lecal groups organizing programs.Resources are given for financial assistance,food and clothiig. housing. health services, nursing care, employmentand training, smal business loans and services, general education and recreation, consumereducation, civi rights. veterans' programs, planning, facilities and staffing, programsfor specific regions or special groups, and for rural areas and smal towns.For each program listed descriptions include the nature and purpose of programs,form and extent of assistance, requirements for eligibility, andwhere to apply. Field offices and regional addresses of government agencies are given. There are twobibliographies. (ai) 0 0 Will 0110d dO NO111S0d ; SNOINId0N01011101 dO MIIA 10 1)W00 SINIOd1YD1110'11 91411Y14191d01N1S1ddldAlIdYSS131NNO101.114010 1011 dO00 NOSIld0101S ;edetarkf NI WW1 01M1D/SY kl1NX1 al)1100dd3d SY14 11111411)00 SIHI 'rr. 4: av,seS: srr 4,, AVITINt NO110101NOI1V)fl0 1411Y1140 1)111010 1141141M10.S.11 ,, ;pp '14 4190A 4; tate,Kret: . A A 4,44(0 '4,Fveitchiwdr,t t. 42 i4kr-44,1tc;." 4 tiAN'',141 tp *4, \.,`'it.4.1.3,,;N,1,4,, ri4 4, c, 1.;, ;..44L4;:, trfiF'r, _ 3, ') f, , kr .11*, tis t, .1 . f ;# rt t, :;;' ,1 01, '31 ' , 1 A andFederal Voluntary Programs, Agencies Foundations that Assist and theTrusts, Aging provisionsOfficeforPrepared the ofCommunity Economic by of TheContract National ActionOpportunity, 0E0.79. ProgramCouncil under on of the the the Aging C. v I RESOURCES FOR THEAGING-AN ACTION ofCommunitiesandA Cataloguethe Trusts, Aging. and of and FederalVoluntary IndividualsPrograms, Agenciesto Meet Foundations that the NeedsAssistHANDBOOK DescriptionsWhereMajorFormThe Nature and Requirementsto include:Apply. Extent andPurpose ofAssistance for Eligibilityof Programs CommunityJointly produced Action by ProgramThe National of theCouncilOffice ofon EconomictheAging Opportunity.and the information,non-profitPrinted in February,corporation consulation 1967 serving and by publicationsthe as National a national forCouncil resource the aging.on forthe planning,Aging, a 315NewTHE Park York,NATIONAL Avenue New YorkSouth COUNCIL 10010 ON THE AGING, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pageno. 3.2.1. KEYINTRODUCTIONFOREWORD TO CATALOGUE xvxiix 4.5. PROGRAMSINDEX 1I 8.7.6. VOLUNTARYFOUNDATIONSFIELD OFFICESAGENCIES ANDANDTRUSTS REGIONAL ADDRESSES 237190161 10.9. A BIBLIOGRAPHY:AVAILABLEFORPOVERTY THE AGED AND RESOURCES THE POOR AGED 276273 vii FOREWORDThis valuable handbook of Federalprograms, trusts, founda- bookavailable.comprehensivetions becauseand voluntary 0E0 it is compilationshould delighted agencies be of to of significantwhich have public financedassist and help privatethe tothe aged, all creationresourcesthose is the eagerofmost now this livingpressingto improveWhen in poverty.problemsthe the War lot The onand was Poverty Officelivelihood America's ofbegan Economic of 5.4inour 1964, million older Opportunityone citizens. older of thepeople mostinitiated muchandcaused thoseestablished more by povertyof must other several be in agencies done old programs age. to helpare We onlyour areto eliminate older awarebeginningsand Americans that the our suffering efforts thatlivein in dignity and security. OfficeDirectorSargent of EconomicShriver Opportunity aINTRODUCTION stimulusWe call thisto local, book state an Action and national Handbook groups with to the act hope to develop that it will pro- be andthe old,associations plus foundations who either and have trusts, programs and national for the voluntary aging or agencies are in- yearsthatlivingofgrams povertyRecently, more and atto a assistthan older, minimalthan it wasone-third thethe and agingestimatedpleasuresor more poverty of and than all byofaged familysubsistence one-fifthlife.the poor Office households who by ofare persons sufferEconomic headed considered more 65 by yearsOpportunity personsof the to and bepain 55 onlybeenare.volvedlargerLocal Our thoseselective; partin inclusion programplanning that of theareit is plannersofcataloguethat national suchnot foundations, exhaustive. programs. inshould scope. is, trustsnot, InFederal where general, however, and programsthe voluntary we largest overlook have make agenciesinciLdedresources the up innu- the has adequate.toertyWitholder. combat level(based 35 In million numbers, andWe,poverty on millionstheas people a Social and5.4nation, the millionmoreof Security allproblemshave justages persons been barely Administrationreceiving of slow povertyaged above to incomes65 provide this haveand Poverty level,over scarcelyunder large-scale, liveIndex).our the beeninefforts pov- pov- ofdiatelyLocalmerable forms2.1. State,Local and available andother state countyservice include resources resources and andgroups the may city following: available be are,such programs the in as easiestsome atSoroptomists, both of instances, tohealth, the get. local Thesehousing, Kiwanis, the and takemost state welfare, aCham- imme- varietylevel. etc. thisdoandsocial,sis.extensive the Historically,long-standingthe job.health old income We on and awere localwe welfaremaintenanceproblem haveslow basis. thoughttoservices, during learnThe and resources thatthisthe however,social yearsweand couldservices only andof proved the cameprovidestructures Depressionon inadequate toa nationalforterms of the local when,with poor ba-to 4.5.3. VoluntaryReligiousUnionsbersgroups.and women'sof andCommerce, groupsassociations, related clubs, of groups. everyandfraternal community civic denomination. organizations,organizations. councils andladies professional auxiliaries thelems.piecemeal,fortssocialmost poor, have reluctantly, Assecurity particularlya increased result,small-scale legislation wethose butmadethe specific interested haveolder on our abeen poor,nationalfirst solutions in insteps have developing "stops scale. totofaced establish oftenand Since great starts,"programs interrelated then, welfaredifficulty providing our to andserveef-prob- in terestedtentgramstacted.LocalWhere and program thatThey andstrength they provide availablemay, exist,developers of of thethese theseall to service groupsany sources shouldneed plan or orto or projectbe naturallyagencies,assess program.among thebeing varythebe strength Many among considered.first from maysources and areathe have potentialmost toThe con- area.pro- in- ex- catalogueemploymentoflocating funding and is of aimed of compilingnew and programsat service easing sources to tothis the provide oftask older support and increasedpoor. speeding for their opportunities the programs. development forThis help.quickcallofficesupport or information ofvisit available the to public local in regarding voluntary theleaders community orexisting agencies to the from localregional, listed these programs in sources.state,this volume andor Anational sources telephone can bring of aboutprograms.ResourcesPrimarily, federal For thisgrants-in-aid the cataloguemost part and iswe of basichave nationwide, soughtservice to programsfederal-sponsored present informationthat serve formajorFoundations Ifwhich the alternatives community's there and are Trusts are no plangenerallyfunds or available proposal Federal atis programsthean ambitiouslocal orand state one,foundations level, or one the .'"*. xi Well placed letters, telephonecalls or andRusselarefoundationsof at particularlytrusts. least Sage $10,000. ThereFoundation that concernedhad are Most assets aDirectory,growingof withof these at the leastnumber published are aging $100,000local of or theinrelated 1964,scope, latter,orhad listedproblems. manybut made many 6,700 of grants which Theare willactualprogramstheyandmentsthat publishedrequiremay visitscan fit provide furthertheto pamphlets regional onlyproposal. this inquiry. helpneeded and can oneMostfieldonly toinformation. Federal chooseofficesgive a generalagenciesofthe theCatalogues, program sponsoring idea suggest ofor thehandbooksprograms thatdepart-existing pro- wenational;veycome Foundationshave carried to listedouronly outattention ahave fewbyare the aofindicated good asthepublishers sponsorslocal source, an foundations interestof ofnot theaging onlydirectory,in projects. agingbecauseare listed problemsor there havehere. arerecently Thosein so a sur-mnriytivestiongramsare preparedregarding in and their the regionalto specificthehelp agencies' localand proposal fieldprogrampoliciescontract offices be discussedplanners and to forms. programs.obtainand,with Ifdetailed seriousif their needThese representa- informa-be,problemsoffices
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