ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(26), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i26/110796, July 2017 Production of Biopesticides Namely viride and Beauveria bassian

Amit Arora1*, Prabhjot Kaur1, Manoj Kumar2 and Vinay Saini3 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical, Ferozepur – 152004, Punjab, India; [email protected], [email protected] 2Department of Physics, DAV College, Abohar – 152116, Punjab, India; [email protected] 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh University, Kharar – 145306, Punjab, India; [email protected]

Abstract Objectives: To highlight the barriers to the effective usage of biopesticides and solutions to these barriers for biopesticides produced from fungi Trichoderma viride and Beauveria bassiana. Methods and Statistical Analysis: Recent paper in last decade on production techniques and method of biopesticides from environmental friendly fungi namely T. viride and B. bassiana have been reviewed and analyzed. Findings: Optimized conditions of temperature and pressure can maintain the pH at about 7 which will result in an enhancement in the shelf life of the biopesticides from 2-3 months to about 1 or

the cost of the products. The usage of metabolites and additives can highly affect the performance of the bio products and1.5 years.can increase Effective their selection potential. of carrier Application/Improvements: can benefit in the stability Active of thepackaging biopesticides could greatly characteristics enhance/increase and also decreasethe shelf life of the biopesticides and thereby making them viable alternative cheap ecofriendly biopesticides for organic farming.

Keywords: Beauveria bassiana, Biopesticides, Organic Farming, Trichoderma viride

1. Introduction not harm the pests that are beneficial for soil health whereas, the chemical pesticides may also mark the Biopesticides are powerful tools for sustainable agricul- organisms which are desired such as mammals, birds, ture products as these are the alternatives to chemical and insects. pesticides as they offer a solution to problems such as pest resistance. Biopesticides are certain types of pes- 2. Fungal Biopesticides ticides which are derivative of naturally occurring substances like bacteria, plants, animals and certain In the growth of diseases on many agricultural crops, the minerals. Biopesticides also consist of active creatures fungal pathogens show a key part causing serious losses that have the ability to repel the agricultural pests. They in the productivity of crops1. Fungal biopesticides can are quite less harmful as compared to the chemical pes- control insects and plant diseases and their method of ticides. Biopesticides are generally host specific and do operation varies and depends on the pest and pesticidal

*Author for correspondence Production of Biopesticides Namely Trichoderma viride and Beauveria bassian

. Two of the most common commercial fungal cuticle after the death of host and discharge out millions biopesticides are Trichoderma viride and Beauveria bassi- of fresh infectious spores. The rate of killing a host of ana. In this review, biopesticides are produced using T. Beauveria spores is temperature dependent, for example, viride and B. bassiana. the plant lice are killed in 3 to 5 days at a constant tem- perature of 720 F. It can be used against number of insects 2.1 Trichoderma Viride such as aphids, weevils, whitefly, thrips, mealybugs and psyllids. This can be also useful for plantation crops com- T. viride is a fungal antagonist present in almost all farm- prising ornamentals, vegetables, turf, fruits and berries, ing soils. For multiplying its own spores, Trichoderma forestry, and herbs and species. rise in the direction of the mycelium of disease producing fungi and then discharge enzymes. Many crop diseases are controlled by Trichoderma which consists of phaseo- 3. Existing Methods lin, wilt, root rot and many seed plant diseases. In2 studied the effects of various parameters on the pro- Banana, brinjal, cardio, tomato, ginger, guava, tobacco, duction process. Solid State Fermentation (SSF) is a better potato, coffee, soybean, chickpea, tea, black gram, cotton, option as compared to submerged liquid fermentation turmeric, pea, groundnut, citrus, sunflower, black pepper, due to its applications in the production of Biopesticides, sorghum, sugarcane and sesame are some of field and veg- etable crops in which Trichoderma can be used. This can enzymes, biopharmaceuticals, aroma compounds etc. be also used for regulating various fungal diseases which and also due to the microorganism’s growth similar to are soil borne. The variety of plant pathogenic fungi for their natural habitat. The selection of the substrate and which this biocontrol agent is effective consists ofBotrytis suitable microorganisms, isolation, optimised process cinerea, spp., Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizocctonia parameters are some important factors to be considered. solani, Slerotinia homoeocarpa and Fusarium spp. Substrate particle size should be between optimum as it affects the process at large rate and should between 180 2.2 Beauveria Bassiana µm to 1.4 mm. The degree of polymerization and crystal- linity are the chemical factors that affect solid substrate Beauveria is a type of fungus which is occurring naturally utilisation. The important parameters to be controlled are in soils and has been tested for using against soil-borne temperature, pH aeration and agitation. The temperature insects. A number of soil insects have natural tendency varies largely around the trays. pH, control is very diffi- to resist these pathogens. Some of the soil insects such as foliar pests do not exhibit this characteristic. Therefore, cult in SSF process but pH correcting solutions can help the development of this fungus is being targeted to resist in maintaining it during the process. Water activity is also the foliar feeding pests. B. bassiana is responsible for an important factor which affects the product formation. many diseases such as muscadine disease in insects. The Better knowledge of the design and process parameters B. bassiana spores start growing in the internal body of can be helpful in the successful implementation of the SSF the masses as it came in contact with the cuticle of the process. specified insects. The fungus starts producing toxins as it In3 studied a vast variety of compounds comprising gets multiplied through the body of the insect and drains fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, nemati- out the nutrients from the insect, ultimately slaying them. cides. Plant growth regulators and others are covered by The fungal pathogens are not desired to be eaten up by the term pesticides. Insecticides named as Organochlorine masses in order to be effective, unlike bacterial and viral (OC) have been successfully used for monitoring many pathogens. As a white mould, the fungus raises over the diseases, for example, typhus and malaria. The pesticides

2 Vol 10 (26) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology Amit Arora, Prabhjot Kaur, Manoj Kumar and Vinay Saini are preferred by the farmers due to their fast, simple and bassiana can be increased using optimal conditions. The cheap resolution for monitoring the pest problems. Due to improvement in the shelf lives of biopesticides under these advantages, their extensive use leads to their accu- non-refrigerated conditions is very important. Active mulation in the environment in a significant amount. The packaging should be broadly adopted to enhance the shelf deposits of the pesticides have been detected in ground life of B. Bassiana. and surface water as well as in air and soil throughout the In7 studied the influence of sources of carbon and nations and ushered serious issues. Even the herbicides nitrogen on B. bassiana and T. viride. The study of the can contribute to the destruction of the environment. mycelium growth and sporulation of both the fungi was Due to the maximum usage of weed killers, they can also done. With the availability of the Czepeck Dox Broth cause severe problems. So this paper concluded that in media, the effects of nitrogen and carbon sources were order to minimize the accumulation of pesticides in the determined. TheT. viride is known for its biofungicide environment and to prevent long-term impacts, the usage whereas the B. bassiana is entomopathogenic fungi. It of synthetic pesticides should be decreased by using eco- was concluded that these fungi represent more growth friendly solutions to the problems. rate on all the nutrient sources considered for the study. In4 studied that the biopesticides are derived from the In the Czepeck Dox media, the sources of nutrients are microbes and other natural resources. The processes of potassium nitrate, ammonium sulphate and sodium biopesticides production consist of the genetic integration nitrate. TheT. viride showed maximum biomass product of DNA which deliberate a shield against damage caused in ammonium sulphate whereas B. bassiana showed in by pests. The acceptance of biopesticides by the farm- potassium nitrate. ers can be enhanced by the implementation of organic In8 studied B. bassiana’s mass production on solid and farming and forcing the use of products which should be liquid phase for its conidiosopre and clamidospore pro- chemically free. The paper concluded that in order to reg- duction. The paper concluded that the various extracts ister a product in India, the registration committee needs of plants used as solid and liquid media were different information on the efficiency of the product, its chemis- at 1% probability. Among the liquid media, potato cul- try, poisonousness and labeling and packaging. A few of ture media gives lowest spore production of 12 spores/ biopesticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis var. galleriae, ml whereas sugar cane molasses gives the highest produc- Bacillus sphaericus, Trichoderma viride, T. harzianum and tion of 2.4 × 108 spores/ml. Among the solid media, the neem-based pesticides are previously registered in India carrot was concluded as the cheapest and most suitable and also being used. media and maximum spore production was supported by In5 studied the production of biopesticide from rice waste. So the maximum production, as well as the Bacillus thuringiensis using commercial lab media. optimised economic performance, was given by the sugar Accordingly, medium 1 showed the maximum spore con- cane molasses and rice to produce conidiospores and centration during the period of fermentation. conidia of B. basssiana. In6 studied the effects of modified atmosphere pack- In9 studied mass production, quality control and for- aging on the Beauveria bassiana’s shelf life at high mulation of T. viride. In the study, it was concluded that temperatures. Shelf lives are mostly tested under refrig- as compared to the synthetic pesticides, biopesticide uni- erated storage conditions but its determination under versalization is very slow. Trichoderma is the most used non-refrigerated conditions is of vital importance par- biopesticide and is very successful. In India, T. viride and ticularly under high temperatures. They shelf life of B. T. harzianum got the positions of significant organic con-

Vol 10 (26) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3 Production of Biopesticides Namely Trichoderma viride and Beauveria bassian

trol agents for reducing the crop diseases. Depending on coffee based formulations in an organic food base has the various species of Trichoderma, many effective prod- a longer shelf life in contrast to the organic food bases. ucts have been obtained. The isolates ofTrichoderma are The efficacy of the formulations can be improved by formed using various inorganic and organic carriers. This molecular approaches, genetic recombination, muta- can be done by using either liquid or solid fermentation tion and developing compatible consortia. The usage technologies. The distribution of the end product can be of Trichoderma along with the mixtures of strain done through bio-priming, seed treatment, soil applica- accomplish better as compared to the individual strain. tion, foliar spray and seedling dip. For managing the pest Trichoderma’s performance in the formulations can be and crop diseases and also for promoting the growth of enhanced using oils, water-soluble adjuvants, emul- plants, the usage of formulations of Trichoderma along sions and stickers but a good knowledge is essential for with mixtures of strain accomplish better as compared to their usage due to certain demerits associated with them individual strains. The paper concluded that the applica- which can alter the efficacy. Seed bio-priming gives tion of biopesticides is basically slowed down due to the optimum results as such seeds can tolerate the adverse poor shelf life of these products. Thus, the studies should conditions of the soil more effectively. Particularly for be done in order to enhance the shelf life. The shelf life managing the soil-borne diseases, soil treatment is the can be increased by the development of strains that are most effective application method. Basically, poor shelf superior or in other words by developing the organic life is the biggest constraint in the commercialization formulations with less contaminant that can support the of the biopesticides. Researches should be carried out higher shelf life. to optimise the solid or liquid fermentation methods In10 studied that the eco-friendliness and easy decom- for mass production with a suitable medium. All the position are the salient features of the biopesticides. These problems related to the Trichoderma products can be features contribute in decreasing the pollution problems sorted out by using mixtures of beneficial organisms, that are caused by the usage of synthetic pesticides. increasing biological control by manipulating the sur- Moreover, as the biopesticides are giving the same level rounding or by identifying the accurate strain using of productivity as the chemical pesticides, their demand molecular approach. is increasing day by day. In order to use the biopesti- In12 used the naturally arising substances such as cides efficiently, the farmers should be made more aware plants and microbes, to form the environment-friendly about pest management. According to the paper, though pesticides known as biopesticides. The paper concluded the biopesticides are replacing chemical pesticides due that India has a wide probability of biopesticides. The to advantages such as less research expenses, quicker some of the biopesticides which are presently being used product advancement and also their simple process for in the country can be a brilliant solution for replacing registration but still there are many factors like low reli- synthetic pesticides. As the biopesticides are host spe- ability, target specificity, slow in action and shorter shelf cific so they are assumed to be safer for the soil beneficial life which have restricted the growth of biopesticides and pests and human beings. Though, India is already using need to be improved. many biopesticides such as NPV, BT, Trichoderma and In11 gives a review on the mass production and neem based pesticides etc. Moreover, there are number commercialization of the Trichoderma. The various of locally existing plants in India which can be simply methods for the formulation of Trichoderma are talc treated such as garlic, neem, triphala etc. and can enhance based, triticum-wheat bran based, pesta granules based, the consumption of biopesticides

4 Vol 10 (26) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology Amit Arora, Prabhjot Kaur, Manoj Kumar and Vinay Saini

Table 1. Production of biopesticides namely Trichoderma viride and Beauveria bassiana

Author/ Serial no. Type of fungi/ bacteria Major Finding Reference 1. 2 Fungi Better knowledge of the design and process parameters can be helpful in the successful implementation of the SSF process 2. 3 Various Pesticide impact on the Pesticide Environment. So the usage of synthetic pesticides should be decreased by using eco- friendly 3. 4 Micros Biopesticides production Pesticide consist of the genetic integration of DNA. 4. 5 Bacillus Testing of different media for thuringiens growing B.thuringiensis was investigated in Commercial lab medium. 5. 6 Beauveria The shelf life of Beauveria Bassiana Bassiana can be increased using optimal conditions of pressure and temperature parameters. The Trichoderma viride Trichoderma showed maximum biomass 6. 7 viride and B. product in ammonium Bassiana sulphate whereas B.bassiana showed in potassium nitrate. Mass production, quality control and formulation Trichoderma of Trichoderma viride by 7. 8 Viride using mixtures of beneficial organisms, increasing biological control. 8. 10 Beauveria Suitable medium for bassiana Beauveria Bassiana’s production in solid and liquid phase.

Vol 10 (26) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5 Production of Biopesticides Namely Trichoderma viride and Beauveria bassian

Table 1 Continued

9. 11 Trichoderma The usage of Trichoderma along with the mixtures of strain accomplish better as compared to the individual strain. 10. 12 Biopesticides Biopesticides are host specific and India have wide market to access. Protectants, attractants, additives, and stimulants are the various forms of the 11. 13 Bioformulation metabolites which can be used in the bioformulations and aid the microbial growth.

In13 studied the role of metabolites and additives in • The biopesticides can help in reducing the bioformulations. The biopesticides are not still able to Carcinoma as Chemical pesticides are seen as one take over the chemical pesticides in the market due to major root cause of cancer. certain limitations such as low organic carbon in the soil, • The proper selection of carrier can benefit in the unstable performance in the fields, poor quality, less mass stability of the biopesticides characteristics and production and poor shelf life. The metabolites and addi- also decrease the cost of the biopesticides. tives can improve the effectiveness of the product. The • Shelf life can be increased by the development of biomolecules such as Flavanoids and lipochitooligosac- novel strains. charides can be helpful in increasing the ability to tolerate • Active packaging can be helpful in increasing the the environmental stresses on the crop and will thus shelf life of the biopesticides. increase the yield. Protectants, attractants, additives and stimulants are the various forms of the metabolites which 5. References

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