1 Gather your supplies. Since you’ll be measuring the dog’s girth and length, you’ll need a measu- ring tape, pencil, and paper. It may also help to have someone assist you in holding the dog stea- dy while you take the measurements. • Have plenty of treats available that you can use to reward your dog and encourage him to hold still.

2 Locate where to measure your dog’s girth. Get your dog to stand up so that you can measure the circumference around his ribcage (the girth). Try to measure the widest part of the dog’s chest, which is generally located just behind the points of the . • Ask a friend to feed your dog treats by holding the treat just above your dog’s nose. This will get your dog standing as tall as possible.

3 Measure your dog’s chest. Hold one end of the measuring tape on your dog’s spine, just behind his . Roll the free end of the tape down along his side until it reaches the bottom of the widest point of the ribcage. Wrap the tape underneath the cage and back over the opposi- te side of the body to join the tape where you started. Make sure the tape is snug, but not tight against the skin.[1] • The widest point of the is just behind the front legs behind the points of the elbows. This is equivalent to the part of the a person leans on, when resting her elbows on a desk.

4 Write down the measurement. Once you’ve wrapped the measuring tape accurately around your dog’s chest, write down the final measurement. Use the measurement you see at the point where the free end of the measuring tape touches the beginning edge.

5 Locate where to measure your dog’s length Get your dog to stand upright in order to measure the length of your dog’s body between the base of the and beginning of the tail. • Your friend may want to feed treats to your dog to encourage him to stand upright. 6 Measure your dog’s length. Place the beginning edge of the measuring tape at the base of the neck, where it joins the shoulders (the nape of the neck). Extend the free end of the measuring tape along the length of the spine until it reaches the base of the tail. • If you are not certain where this is, it helps to visualise where you want the coat to sit around the dog’s neck and measure from that point to the base of the tail, since this is the length of coat you wish to purchase.

7 Write down the measurement. Once you’ve extended the measuring tape across your dog’s spi- ne, use the number you see where the free end of the measuring tape touches the base of the tail. This is your dog’s length measurement.

8 Measure around the base of your dog’s neck. This will give you the size of their neck and will fit the garment perfectly.


what do you need

TREATS- to help your dog collaborate

MEASURING TAPE- to mesure your dog

PENCIL AND PAPER- to wright down the measurements