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Cambridge University Press 0521854229 - Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Religion Julian Young Index More information Index Aeschylus, 15, 28, 161 Aristotle, 75, 161, 175 amor fati, 138, 174 Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 205 analytic moral philosophy, Nietzsche as Arnim, Achim von, 205 contributor to, 3–4 art. See also Apollonianism; Dionysianism animism, 63, 71, 151 as critiqued in Human, all-too-Human, 74–6, Ansell-Pearson, Keith, 145, 148 80, 87 anti-Semitism. See Judaism function of, in Twilight of the Idols, 167 The Antichrist. See also Christianity positive attributes emerging from critique in audience for, 94 The Wagner Case, 159–60 on breeding of men, 168 Wagner’s views on, 207 (See also Wagner, Genealogy of Morals foreshadowing, 154 Richard, and Bayreuth Festival) on ‘healthy’ or noble vs. unhealthy Ascona, 210 gods, 177–9 Ass Festival or Feast of Fools in Zarathustra, Manu’s Lawbook 114–17, 143 idealized vs. critical portrayal of, 185–8 Assorted Opinions and Maxims, 58, 81. See also and Nietzsche’s vision of the state, 179–85 Human, all-too-Human purpose and themes of, 177 atheism Antigone, Sophocles, 27, 117 Nietzsche regarded as propounder of, 2 antiquarian history, 38–62 Nietzsche’s opposition to, 141 apocalyptic tone of Ecce Homo, 195 psychology of, 152–3 Apollonianism, 16–19 Atwood, Margaret, 24 classical revival in art and, 74–7, 80 audience for Nietzsche’s works and critique of modernity, 29–31 The Antichrist, 94 Dionysianism Beyond Good and Evil, 127–8 contrasted with, 2, 16, 19, 20, 76, 144, 197 The Genealogy of Morals, 148 unified with,
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