P u bl i c a t i o n s o f t h e International Qajar Studies Association Publications can be ordered by sending an email to
[email protected]. Postage costs will be added to the prices mentioned below. Qajar Studies, Journal of the International Qajar Studies Association: • Volume I, Qajar Era Photography (2001). L.A. Ferydoun Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn (ed.), content: • Manoutchehr M. Eskandari-Qajar, ‘Reflections on an Association for the Study of the Qajar Era’; • L.A. Ferydoun Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn and Willem Vogelsang, ‘Introduction to the JournalQoli Mirza ‘Etezad os-Saltaneh’; • Corien J.M. Vuurman, ‘Qajar era photography in Dutch collections’; • Mieke Janssen, ‘A Persian album in the Royal Archives’; • Janneke van Dijk, ‘Eight images from the Hotz Collection at the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (Royal Tropical Institute) in Amsterdam’; • Anneke Groeneveld, ‘Collection World Museum Rotterdam’; • Ingeborg Th. Leijerzapf, ‘Iranian photographs in the collection of the Study- and Documenta - tion Centre for Photography of Leiden University’; • Jan Just Witkam, ‘Scenes of learning in the Hotz Photograph Collection’; • Hans de Herder, ‘Ermakov as photographer and traveller’; • Mattie Boom, ‘Collection Rijksmuseum Amsterdam’; • Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood, ‘The Qajar dress project of the Stichting Textile Research Centre’; • 72 pages, out of print. • Volume II, Qajar Biographies (2002). L.A. Ferydoun Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn (ed.), content: • Manoutchehr M. Eskandari-Qajar, ‘Origins of the Qajars (Kadjars)’; • Graham Williamson, ‘Military Dres of the Early Qajar Era. The European Influence versus the Traditional’; • Willem Vogelsang, ‘An Uneasy Balance. Defining the borders between Iran and Afghanistan (Ad 1747-1881)’; • R.