& SOUTH CLWYD CAMRA DIARY For the latest events, please visit the branch web site www.myweb.tiscali.co.uk/hardpeg 9-10 Mar: Helsby Beer Festival. Thurs 15 Mar: Branch Meeting, Crown & Liver, Hawarden 8.15 Fri 23 Mar: Warrington crawl on train. Thurs 29 Mar: Visit to Spitting Feathers brewery on minibus. Depart from Ship Victory at 7 pm. 14-15 Apr: Forrest House beer festival, Lloyd's Bar, Chester Thurs 19 Apr: AGM at Mill Hotel, Chester 8.15 pm. 19 - 22 Apr: Pied Bull beer festival. Fri 27 Apr: Community crawl. Thurs 17 May: Branch Meeting - Peal o' Bells, Holt. 8.15 pm. Sat 19 May: Chorlton pub crawl by train and tram. 1- 4 June; Bridge End Inn, Jubilee beer festival. As well as Chester and its environs, this Branch covers an area 38 stretching from Parkgate on the Wirral to Tushingham in the South. Branch Contacts: (phone numbers, are 01244– unless otherwise noted) Chair: Brian Vardy 373298 [email protected] Socials: John Bowyer 680865 [email protected] Secretary: Keith Porter [email protected] Membership: Craig Papworth 313182 [email protected] Web editor: John Silloth [email protected] THE ENTHUSIAST’S CHOICE 16 Handpumps 10 Regularly Changing Guest Cask Ales Over 2000 Guest Beers per Year plus Traditional Cider Featured in the Good Beer Guide 1994-200812 Weekly Competition to win a week of Real Ale Live Jazz Band on Mondays Bar Food MILTON STREET CHESTER CH1 3NF 125 En-Suite Bedrooms TEL; 01244 350035 ~ Restaurant Canaletto ~ Broad Beam Restaurant Cruise FAX; 01244 345635 ~ Peppermill Restaurant www.millhotel.com ~ Health Club & Beauty Spa NATIONAL PUB OF THE YEAR Hot news locally is that National Pub of the Year was chosen just before we went to press and is very close to our patch, at Ruabon. A scant 12 miles from the border at Farndon, Ruabon is just beyond and there you will find the Bridge End Inn. CAMRA’s National Pub of the Year competition values all the things that make a great pub; atmosphere, decor, service, welcome, value for money, customer mix, and most importantly, the quality of the beer. The Bridge End was taken over by the McGivern family in 2009, with the pub earmarked as ideal premises for the family micro-brewery, McGivern Ales. The family were praised by CAMRA members for restoring the pub’s interior. Now serving 7 real ales and a selection of local ciders at any one time, the pub has stocked real ales from over 100 breweries since opening, with a particular emphasis on local produce. As well as acting as the brewery tap for McGivern Ales, LocAles from North , Cheshire and feature. Peter McGivern, the licensee, said: ‘We are a family business, and the pub has been a real labour of love. We strived to create a pub not focused on food that we would enjoy visiting, putting the product first and offering a wide range of traditional beer styles. As a result we’ve built up a mixed trade of locals and beer lovers from all over Britain. 39 ‘We are delighted with this national award, particularly as we were told that there was little demand for real ale in the area. Through a lot of passion and hard work, we’ve enjoyed great success, with the support of family, close friends, staff and customers.’ Julian Hough, CAMRA Pubs Director, said: ‘The pub is an unbelievable success story; a perfect case study of a local playing a pivotal role at the heart of a community. By investing time into providing a quality beer range full of choice, the pub has become revered across Britain by many beer lovers.’ Chester & South Clwyd CAMRA were delighted to hear of the award. This small THE OLDE community pub, in the part of the branch area, had been empty until it was bought by the family who transformed it into COTTAGE INN a haven for real ale, despite comments that CAMRA PUB OF THE SEASON there was “no call for real ale in this area.” - SUMMER 2011 CAMRA Chair Colin THREE CASK ALES Valentine presented TIMOTHY TAYLOR GOLDEN BEST, the award to a pub LANDLORD & A GUEST ALE packed with the local community, ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE dignitaries, CAMRA LOCALS’ PUB WITH DARTS, DOMINOES, members and the BAGATELLE & POOL TEAMS media. It was so busy that COAL FIRES the presentation took FOR THOSE COLD WINTER MONTHS place outside; it All are welcome - Jean & Trevor wasn’t raining, but still cold and damp. It was good to return to the cosy atmosphere NO FOOD - NO SKY SPORTS, of the pub afterwards and benefit from the COVERED SMOKING AREA TO REAR warmth of the real fires, the hospitality of 34-36 Brook Street, Chester mine host, and another pint of real ale! 01244 324065 WEST CHESHIRE WITTERINGS South Cheshire Halves Braving the cold and wet weather it was a bit alarming to finally reach the Willey Moor Lock Tavern only to see the pub sign on the A49 unlit! Worries that it might be closed proved unfounded thankfully but popping in a new bulb or two might be a good idea! Crossing over the rushing waters of the canal lock always make me feel cold so it was nice to get inside and take up residence next to the warming log fire. The two beers - they sell more in the busier summer months - on offer were Ruddles County and Merlin's Kings Ale. We chose the latter and were rewarded with a tasty ale which belied its low strength. Nice to have a darker brew for a change too. It was back on to the pale hoppy beers in the Blue Bell at Tushingham though with JHB and Shropshire Gold on the bar. Luckily we'd timed it well as a new barrel of the Salopian had just been pulled through the pump. As we savoured the beer we were able to study the local domino teams in action. The scoring seemed a lot more complicated than we'd imagined - must look up 40 the proper rules some time! Our final stop was at the Wheatsheaf in Nomansheath. I'm sure the owners could save a few quid here by turning down the radiators as the pub was roasting inside! Two beers were on offer here - Spitting Feathers Thirstquencher and Tatton Blonde. The Tatton turned out to be the pint of the night, an excellent pale ale. It was nice to see a large group of younger drinkers in here too supporting their local. Wonder if any of them were on the excellent Tatton? (Mr W) The Ship Inn Relax in our cosy, traditional English pub with real fire and great bar platters. From brunch until dinner, classic British cuisine served all day 4 Hand Pull Cask Ales 2 regularly changing guest Cask ales. In our first twelve months open we have used over 20 breweries, showcasing local brewers WC Brewery, Beartown and Weetwood Join us for live music every other Friday & Sunday Or our famous Quiz & Curry night on a Wednesday Winner of Most Family Friendly venue 2010 “God bless The Ship and all who ale in her” FREE HOUSE, The Ship Inn, (Just over the weir!), Handbridge, Chester, CH4 7HL. Tel: (01244) 678400 Dodleston & Pulford A recent HOPS survey for our pubs database took us south west of Chester to two pubs near the border. The Red Lion at Doddleston is a whitewashed, attractive watering hole in the shadow of the village church and one of the better Vintage Inns outlets (Chimneys at Hooton is another good example). It boasts a real fire, separate dining area, and public bar with three ales from a booklet which included Acorn, Adnam's, Hook Norton, Itchen Valley, Moor, Orkney and St Austell to tempt drinkers. A wide-ranging menu minded us to return at a later date. Next, down a few back lanes to Pulford and the vast Grosvenor Arms Hotel which is a health spa, hotel, wedding/conference venue, and bistro/restaurant rolled into one. Drinkers are not neglected, with two ales from Weetwood in the bar. Elton News I had my first pint ever in the Wheelwrights in Elton not so long ago, despite having worked almost next door for over 30 years. If ever a pub should have sold real ale this is it. It is an excellent little community local with lots of character. The beer was Caledonian Double Dark Oatmeal Stout. The nearby Rigger remains keg. Tarvin, Kelsall & Ashton Out Inn Cheshire drop-off time again. At the George & Dragon in Tarvin, hailstones and snow couldn’t deter a clutch of well-heeled diners from their un-seasonal oriental food, washed down by a seasonal selection of ale including Jennings Robin Redbreast, Marstons Pedigree, Wychwood Bah Humbug and Banks Bitter. In the packed Red Lion across the road Thwaites Bitter cooled the passionate supporters enjoying big-screen footy. In Kelsall the Lord Binning, a reincarnation of the Morris Dancer, is a food-led upmarket 41 pub but happily, drinkers are not neglected with three ales in the front bar often including the local Weetwood. As a reward to supportive locals anyone with a CW6 or WA6 postcode gets up to 30% reduction in meal prices on Monday evenings. Meanwhile, at the Farmers Arms, this LocAle pub continues to sell excellent Weetwood ales. The Goshawk featured next where Brimstage Piffle, Weetwood Eastgate and Ruddles were getting some hammer from a rambling/hiking club along with “Ladies who do Lunch”. Last call was the Golden Lion in Ashton. Come on, give this place a try. Copper Dragon Golden Pippin, Old Speckled Hen and Shepherd Neame's Rudolph's Reward were the cask ale tempters.

Family-run Award-winning Free House on Halkyn Mountain

Walkers, Riders & Cyclists welcome Locally-sourced Home-made & Traditional Meals We’ve had hundreds of regularly changing Cask Ales, Ciders and Perries and keep our own locally brewed Blue Bell Bitter & Dark Blue (Porter) Rhosesmor Road, Halkyn, CH8 8DL www.bluebell.uk.eu.org Tel 01352 780309

Cider Pub of the Year 2010 CAMRA Regional Award GOOD Winners 2007/2008 BEER GUIDE CHESTER CHUNDERINGS Local Grog at the Frog We're pleased to announce another new recruit to the branch's LocAle scheme. The Frog in Upton-by-Chester sells two Weetwood ales one being Cheshire Cat and the other a special 4.2% house brew called Chester Blue which features a Chester FC club badge on the pump clip. It's good to hear it apparently flies out and is sure to be well received by any Tranmere and Wrexham fans who just so happen to be passing by(!). The pub was recently acquired by new owners who are also involved in the Chester Events photographic and events company. They harbour plans to install a third hand pump - serving, of course, another local ale. Tasty Tempters at the Cellar Not only is the Cellar on City Road offering discount to CAMRA members from Sunday to Thursday but they’re now dishing out free bacon sandwiches to customers on Sundays. The inducement certainly works as a recent posse of eight stayed on for two more extra pints each of Liverpool Organic Cascade while the token vegetarian wasn’t disappointed as he got his own bowl of parsnip chips! Something to Shout About at the Town Crier Outside Chester railway station, the listed Town Crier has been heavily promoting their real ales in recent months. Initially they had a loyalty card – after eight pints (not neces- 42 sarily all one session!!!) you get your ninth free – but this has since been superseded by them offering 10% discount for CAMRA members. This applies to all cask ales except for Marstons EPA (which always sells at £1.89) and on Tuesday Cask Day when everything (bar the EPA) is £1.99. Beers tend to be from the Marston's stable. Time for a Swift One The new micro-brewery at the Canalside (just off City Road near Old Harkers Arms) was up and running just in time for the new year. Ales are called Swiftys have included Golden Glow at 4.1%. Incidentally the eponymous landlord is not to be confused with his unrelated namesake at the nearby Cellar. Beer Festival Diary Date The Pied Bull on Northgate Street, Chester will be holding another beer festival in April. Last we heard the key dates are Thursday 19 to Sunday 22. Handbridge Circuit In keeping with CAMRA’s policy of using public transport, we took the bus to the Chester suburb of Handbridge to slog uphill to the Carlton Tavern (right) and ponder a choice of Allgates Lubelski bitter or Hydes Bitter. It was then back downhill to the Grosvenor Arms - a vibrant and lively local handy for the shops, where a large number of clubs and societies base themselves. Lunchtime and evening snacks and meals plus two guest ales from a choice of Landlord or Adnam’s Regatta complete the package. Uphill and away from Chester, the now defunct Water Tower overlooks the Red Lion. Totally revitalised by a lively and enthusiastic landlord after a spell as a cocktail bar, this suburban boozer has a cosy snug with a real fire, a separate dining area and a heated patio at the back. Three guest ales included Landlord, Adnam's Bitter and Black Sheep. Back down the hill, to the Handbridge (formerly the White Horse), now a very tidy, well appointed pub with a nice mix of diners and drinkers enjoying the “uncluttered, traditional with a modern twist” surrounds. Ales here tend to be Deuchars IPA, Black Sheep, Bombardier and Robinson's Unicorn. >>> >>> Final pub, close to the narrow Old Dee Bridge, is the Ship Inn. If ever a pub shouted ‘revitalised’ then this is it. Closed for years and neglected, it had new life breathed into it and now serves coffee and pastries from 10 am, lunchtime and evening snacks and full meals in the upstairs restaurant. Downstairs the open plan bar features marvellous local prints and a huge log fire. A Wednesday quiz plus board games amuse punters while on the hand pumps there tend to be three guest ales such as Moorhouse's, Phoenix, Thwaites and Titanic. FARNDON & HOLT OVER THE YEARS When I first came to Farndon over twenty years ago, there were seven pubs to choose from. Just across the Dee bridge into Holt, Wales, could be found the White Lion, the Gredington (Red Lion really) the Golden Lion and the Hand in Heart, while on the English side, there were the Greyhound, the Nag’s Head, and the Raven. So where are they now? The Hand in Heart has for some years been an Indian restaurant. The internal layout of the building is little changed, but sadly the only “beer” now to be had is Carlsberg. The White Lion struggles on as a keg and lager pub, the Gredington has been shut for several years, 43 and is quietly decaying underneath the boards. Only the Golden Lion survives, though now of course renamed the Peal O’ Bells. Here can be found a bastion of cask ale, in a Good Beer Guide regular hostelry, enthusiastically run by Phil Liddell, whose spats with the owning PubCo are the stuff of legends. Always at least two and often three cask ales can be found here, sourced from as far afield as Hawkshead, Bowland and Wrexham. Over the water into England, a journey raucously made years ago by most of Holt on Sundays when Holt was “dry”, the Greyhound is still vibrant with at least four cask beers always available, albeit the well known national brands. Mine host used to have the same role just up the road at the Nag’s Head, and has breathed new life into the place. Sadly, the Nag’s Head has been boarded (well tinned actually) for several years. King Power can remember his first night in Farndon where a friendly neighbour took him to the pub. At 11:00, the curtains were drawn but beer serving continued. Expressing surprise at this, and wondering about the local constabulary, he was told everything was fine, and the chap at the end of the bar was the local constable. So famous was he that years later, a street was named after him. The Raven became the Farndon Arms after a ludicrously expensive refit, which failed utterly. A subsequent period of closure was followed by rebirth as the Farndon, but when the licensee moved on about a year ago, villagers feared the worst. Happily, Michelle Yvonne and Gordon have quietly built up the pub as an excellent restaurant serving good local produce, and featuring local beers at the bar. Weetwood, Sandstone and Spitting Feathers beers are usually available. (King Power) Alan Frain RIP Local CAMRA was very saddened to hear before Christmas of the surprise passing away of Alan Frain, landlord of the Bunbury Arms at Stoak. Alan was a big friend of CAMRA and, back in 2009, he was presented with an award by the branch to commemorate pubs under his stewardship featuring in 25 editions of the Good Beer Guide. This covered spells at the Thatch at Faddiley, the Morris Dancer in Kelsall and especially the Boathouse / Ale Tasters Bar in Chester. Branch chairman Brian Vardy reflected

"Alan Frain was one of the very best licensees you could ever meet. He had a unique understanding of the licensed trade, built over many years of experience. He had a unique understanding of pub customers and how to make them welcome. He always made time to talk to his customers and always had an interesting tale to tell. Alan was constantly organising events such as 44 quizzes or charity fundraising and had the ability to make a pub successful, even where others had failed. He was very enthusiastic about real ale and always kept an excellent pint. He will be sadly missed." Indeed so. Editor’s Note I had the good fortune to meet Alan on a few occasions. The trade needs more like Alan. He was a superb landlord; friendly, knowledgeable and passionate about his calling. I shall miss him. Cheers Alan!

City Road, Chester (just up from the train station!)

3 draught Belgian ales Over 30 European and American bottled beers and ales 10% off Cask Ale For CAMRA members Sunday to THURSday Live music Friday and Saturday Opening times: Mon-Thurs 4-late, Fri & Sat Noon-2:30 am, Sun noon-midnight Food served Monday to Thursday 5-9, Free bar-bites Fridays 5-7 Free bacon butties all day on Sundays! For more info visit www.thecellarchester.co.uk TRAFFORD & HULME CAMRA DIARY We cover the Borough of Trafford - that's places like Altrincham, Sale, Stretford and Urmston plus Hulme (west of Princess Road), a large chunk of City Centre and some bits of north east Cheshire. All members, old and new are warmly welcomed. See www.thcamra.org.uk Thurs 8 March; Branch Social - Chorlton - 8 pm at Pi, 8.45 Marble Beer House, 9.30 Sedge Lynn, 10.15 Charango. Finishing at The Bar Sat 17 March; RedWillow Brewery trip - min £5 per head - places limited - [email protected] to book. Meet 11.40 am Piccadilly. Thurs 5 April; Branch Meeting 8 pm Railway, Ashley Road, Hale. WA14 2UN Sat 7 April; Altrincham Amble. A day touring all of Altrincham’s real ale pubs. Details to follow Thurs 10 May; Club of the Year presentation 8 pm Altrincham Conservative Club, Market Street, WA14 1PF. Come celebrate our new Club of the Year!

WE WOUL D L IKE T O ME E T S OME OF OUR L E S S ACT IV E ME MBE RS . Y OU ARE WE L COME AT S OCIAL E V E NT S AND ME E T INGS . T HE RE ABOUT 650 ME MBE RS IN T HE BRANCH NOW — WHE RE ARE Y OU ? ? P l ease cont act B ev wi t h any i deas t hat you may have t hat you wi sh t o be arranged. We now have an account wi t h t he Manchest er Communi t y t ransport f or mi ni bus hi re, wi t h a dri ver. 45 chai r@t hcamra.org.uk (beval i t [email protected]) B ranch Cont act – John Ison 0161 962 7976. Or E -mai l Jon Gobbet t at membershi p@t hcamra.org.uk Costello’s (the Dunham Massey brewery tap on Goose Green in Altrincham) has been closed for refurbishment and was due to reopen in February. The hand pumps have been moved to the front of the bar with new cellar equipment in place which will make the temperature of the cask ales more consistent. The walls have been repainted and decorated with pictures of Altrincham and the toilets have been completely renewed. ? ? ? LISTINGS; PUB QUIZ (The Inquisition) ? ? ? Acton, Nantwich Star 01270 627296 Wednesday 8.30 pm Alderley Edge de Trafford Arms 01625 583 881 Wednesday evening Altrincham Old Market Tavern 0161 927 7062 Wednesday 9.30 pm Bollington Poachers 01625 572086 Last Sunday of the month for charity Buglawton Robin Hood 01260 295241 Tuesday evening Chelford Egerton Arms 01625 831366 Alternate Thursdays 8.30 pm Chester Bawn Lodge 01244 324971 Tuesday 8.30 pm Chester Pied Bull 01244 325829 Thursday evening Chester Ship Victory 01244 376453 Thursday evening Comberbach Spinner & Bergamot 01606 891307 Wednesday 8 pm Castle Inn 01260 277505 Tuesday evening Congleton Counting House 01260 272654 Wednesday evening Crewe Woodside 01270 569513 Tuesday 9 pm Davenham Bull’s Head 01606 43725 Sunday & Tuesday evenings Dean Row Unicorn 01625 524379 Wednesday 9 pm Dodleston Red Lion 01244 661636 Tuesday 9 pm Dutton Tunnel Top 01928 718181 Charity Quiz night, Tuesday 9 pm Halkyn Blue Bell 01352 70309 Wednesday 8.30 Winter Quiz (Oct - March) Handbridge Carlton 01244 671070 Tuesday evening Handforth Railway 01625 523472 Thursday 8.30 pm (in aid of Mencap) Hoole Bromfield 01244 345037 Tuesday evening Holt, Wrexham Peal o’Bells 01829 270411 Monday 9 pm Houghton Green Plough 01925 815409 Thursday 9 pm 46 Kelsall Farmer’s Arms 01829 751784 Friday & Sunday evening Kingsley Red Bull 01928 788097 Tuesday evening Knutsford Lord Eldon 01565 652261 Monday 8.30 pm Knutsford Cross Keys 01565 750404 Wednesday 9 pm FREE listings; Macclesfield Hollins 07983 335501 Tuesday evening tell us your music Macclesfield Railway View 01625 423657 Sunday evening or quiz details. Macclesfield Treacle Tap 01625 615938 Sunday 8.30 pm Marton Davenport Arms 01260 224269 Thursday 9 pm Please phone Middlewich Big Lock 01606 833489 Wednesday 9 pm (free) the pub Middlewich Boar’s Head 01606 833191 Sunday evening for confirmation Mobberley Bull’s Head 01565 880105 Thursday evening before travelling. Mobberley Church Inn 01565 872651 Thursdays 9 pm Nantwich Black Lion 01270 628711 Monday 8.30 pm The Editor Nantwich Peacock 01270 624069 Wednesday 9 pm accepts Penketh Ferry Tavern 01925 791117 Sunday 9.30 pm no responsibility Peover Heath Dog Inn 01625 861421 Thursdays & Sundays for changing Pickmere Elms 01565 733395 Thursday evening circumstances Rainow Rising Sun 01625 424235 Thursday evening and lives in Sandbach Limes 01270 763506 Tuesday 9.30 pm a state of Styal Ship Inn 01625 523818 Wednesday evening perpetual Warrington Dog & Partridge 01925 813915 Tuesday evening ignorance. Warrington Ring o’ Bells 01925 634035 Wednesday 9.30 pm Willaston Nag’s Head 01270 650176 Thursday cash prize Wilmslow Coach & Four 01625 525046 Every Sunday evening Wilmslow King William 01625 524022 Every Sunday evening Wrenbury Cotton’s Arms 01270 780 377 Friday 9 p.m. Advertising in Out Inn CHESHIRE Out Inn Cheshire is a not for profit publication of the , itself a not for profit consumer group. Printing costs are funded entirely by advertising income. We accept advertising from just about anybody, so long as it does not offend our campaigning or other sensibilities! Our readership is estimated at between 30,000 and 40,000 readers per quarter. The current advertising rates are in the blue box on the right. Good Beer Guide 2012 The 2012 Good Beer Guide is fully revised and updated, with details of more than 4,500 pubs across the UK serving the best real ale. From country inns to urban style bars and back street boozers, all selected and reviewed by CAMRA's 127,500 members, this is your definitive guide to finding the perfect pint. v Over 4,500 urban and rural pubs, giving YOUR RIGHTS details of food, opening hours, You should receive a full pint, not 90%. beer gardens, accommodation, Well, the licensee expects to be paid in full! transport links, pub history, disabled We always ask them politely to “squeeze a access and facilities for families. drop more in”, or top it up, please”. v Informative features section, with If you have a chipped glass, dirty cutlery, articles on pubs, beer and brewing, bad food or sour beer, don’t hesitate; let as well as beer festival listings from the staff know, politely. It is easy for things around the country. to be missed in a busy session: a little v F ully revised and updated every year courtesy and understanding on both sides by committed CA MRA members across should resolve matters. the country. It is a legal requirement for v Unique brewery section listing all the representative price lists to 47 900 breweries in the UK - micro, be readily visible. regional and national - that brew real If the licensee won’t put ale, with tasting notes for hundreds of things right, then call their beers written by a trained CA MRA Trading Standards or tasting panel. Environmental Health. v £15.99 (£10 for members) (See a phone book, Order on-line from www.camra.org.uk web site, public library or from good book shops. or town hall.) EDITORIAL ADDRESS 2 Garden Cottages, Tabley House, Chester Road, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 0EZ 01565-653096 (H) E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.outinncheshire.co.uk Edited by George Symes with Production and Technical Wizardry by Martin Baxter Views expressed in Out Inn Cheshire are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily supported by the editor or CAMRA Printed by Delmar Press (Colour Printers) Ltd of Wall Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 5LS 01270 624122 Fax: 01270 626841 Email: [email protected] Advertise with us - NEW ADVERTISING RATES let our readers be your customers! Colour Black & White Out Inn Cheshire welcomes new advertisers, Small £75 £50 no matter what your business. Medium £150 £90 Reach over 30,000 discerning readers! Full page £300 £180 We publish quarterly, with a print run of 11,000 [email protected] being distributed free to over 400 pubs, off-licences and other outlets across the county. Substantial discounts for regular slots We are happy to design your ad for you! Next Issue; Copy Deadline; 1 May New advertisers are always welcome. Publishing Date; 1 June (approx) Fair dealA Campaign of Two Halves on beer Save tax now! Britain’s Pubs! Join CAMRA Today Complete the Direct Debit form and you will receive 15 months membership for the price of 12 and a fantastic discount on your membership subscription. Alternatively you can send a cheque payable to CAMRA Ltd with your completed form, visit www.camra.org.uk/joinus or call 01727 867201. All forms should be addressed to Membership Department, CAMRA, 230 Hatfield Road, St Albans, AL1 4LW. Your Details Direct Debit Non DD Title Surname Single Membership £20 £22 (UK & EU) Forename(s) Joint Membership £25 £27 Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) (Partner at the same address) Address For Young Member and concessionary rates please visit www.camra.org.uk or call 01727 867201. Postcode I wish to join the Campaign for Real Ale, Email address 48 and agree to abide by the Memorandum and Tel No(s) Articles of Association

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Campaigning for Pub Goers Enjoying Real Ale & Beer Drinkers & Pubs Join CAMRA today – www.camra.org.uk/joinus

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Please fill in the whole form using a ball point pen and send to: This Guarantee should be detached Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. 230 Hatfield Road, St.Albans, Herts AL1 4LW and retained by the payer. Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society Service User Number The Direct Debit To the Manager Bank or Building Societ y 9 2 6 1 2 9 Guarantee This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building Address societies that accept instructions to pay by Direct FOR CAMRA OFFICIAL USE ONLY Debits. This is not part of the instruction to your Bank or Building Society If there are any changes to the amount, date or Membership Number frequency of your Direct Debit The Campaign for Postcode Real Ale Ltd will notify you 10 working days in advance Name of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd to collect Name(s) of Account Holder Postcode a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request Instructions to your Bank or Building Society If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Branch Sort Code Please pay Campaign For Real Ale Limited Direct Debits from the account Debit by The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd or your bank detailed on this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit or building society, you are entitled to a full and Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with Campaign For Real immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank Ale Limited and, if so will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society. or building society Bank or Building Society Account Number - If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when The Campaign For Real Ale Ltd Signature(s) asks you to Reference You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply Date contacting your bank or building society.Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

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