Present position : Professor E-mail :
[email protected] Tel : +91-33-2350 8386 ext 406 Education : Ph.D. (Physics), 1996, Calcutta University. Appointments : Senior Research Fellow [1994-1996], Research Associate [1996-1999], S.N.Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kol ata, !n"ia. Post-Doctoral Fellow [1999-2001], University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. Lecturer [2001-2006], Department of Physics, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, West- Bengal, India. Lecturer [2006-2010], Reader [2010-2013], Associate Professor [2013-2016], Professor [2016-onwards], Department of Physics, University Calcutta, Kolkata, India. of Selected Publications : Minimal Coarse-Grained Modeling toward Implicit Solvent Simulation of Generic Bolaamphiphiles # Soma%it &e' an" (a'ashree Saha,)4(14), )9,- *).).). Origin and structure of liquid crystalline Blue Phase III # /ana' 0a1l an" (a'ashree Saha, Scientific eports, 1., Article n1$2er#16016 *).).+ . Computer simulation study of novel chiral liquid crystal phases # /ana' 0a1l an" (a'ashree Saha, 0h's. Re3. Research *Ra4i" Co$$.), 1, .,)01)*R+ *)019). Effect of head group orientation on phospho- lipid assem#ly # /ana' 0a1l an" (a'ashree Saha, 0h's. Re3. E, 96, 0627., *)017). Solvent- free, molecular- level modeling of self- assem#ling amphiphiles in water # Soma%it &e' an" (a'ashree Saha! 0h's. Re3. E, 96, .),,16 *)017+. Soft ellipsoid potential for #ia$ial molecules # (a'ashree Saha, 8ol. Si$., 4), 14,7 *)016). %erroelectric domain formation in discotic liquid crystals : Monte Carlo study on the influence of #oundary conditions # /1shar Kanti Bose an" (a'ashree Saha, 0h's. Re3. E, 9), 04)6., *)016). %erroelectric order in liquid crystal phases of polar dis' shaped ellipsoids # /1shar Kanti Bose an" (a'ashree Saha, 0h's.