Curriculum Vitae Parthapratim Pradhan Contact Information: Office: Department of Physics, Hiralal Majumdar Memorial College for Women, Dakshineswar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700035, India, Email:
[email protected] Home: 13, Raja Sew Bux Bagla Lane, P.S- Tala, P.O-Chitpur, Kolkata-700002, India, Hello: +91-9433112149. Personal Information: Born: Pichhabani, Contai, East Midnapur, West Bengal, India Date of Birth: 28.02.1977 Marital Status: Married Nationality: Indian Language known: English, Bengali(native) Current Position: I am currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics in Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women, Dakshineswar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700035, India. Post-Doctoral Experience : After completion of my PhD, I have been working mostly by myself, with occasional collaboration with staff members of research institutes in India (TIFR, Mumbai, SINP, Kolkata & RKMVU, Belur Math,Howrah). Research Interests: 1 • Aspects of near-extremal and exactly extremal spacetimes: a study of causal geodesics. • BSW Effect in extremal charged and rotating black holes. • Quasi Normal Modes. • Gravitational Waves • Application of Numerical Relativity to black hole physics. • Solving Einstein’s equation using Supercomputer. • Statistical Thermodynamics of Blandford-Znajek Process. • Aspects of Black Hole Electrodynamics. • Theoretical Astrophysics. • Causal Geodesics in Extremal Black Hole Spacetime. • Causal Geodesics in Higher dimensional Spacetime. • Numerical Relativity in Vacuum and with matter. • Simulation of Extremal Black Hole Space-time using Numerical Relativ- ity. • Aspects of Black Hole Thermodynamic Product Formula in D ≥ 4, in- cluding the extended phase space and also incorporating logarithmic cor- rections to the entropy. • Aspects of Interior Black Hole Thermodynamics. • Penrose Inequality in semiclassical black hole thermodynamics. • Quantum Gravity.