The Ukrainian Weekly 1982, No.44 ІГОР Нї" published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! да-ло Ш ш оо Л"ЧО ф - і 4t S ' л оо-в ОЖШ - ^я : г Я— . І^О .' ото Ukrainian Weekl ї ШІ 2. Vol. L No. 44 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31,1982 25 cents Arrest Yevhen Antonenko-Davydovych Bishop Rohoreckl dies ELLICOTT CITY, Md. - The son Ukrainian writers, had previously of well-known Ukrainian poet and served a five-year sentence in 1971-76. TORONTO - Bishop Andrew dissident mentor Borys Antonenko- The following year, he was sentenced to Roborecki of the Saskatoon Eparchy in Davydovych was arrested during the a one-year term. 1 Canada died of a heart attack on summer and sentenced to four years' Saturday, October 23, here while attend The elder Davydovych, now 83, imprisonment, reported the Smoloskyp ing the convention of the Brotherhood gained prominence in 1928 with the Ukrainian Information Service. of Ukrainian Catholics. He was 71. publication of his novel, "Smert" According to recent reports from ("Death"). In the early 1930s, he and Ukraine, Yevhen Antonenko-Davy Bishop Roborecki was born in Mosty scores of other Ukrainian writers and -Veiyki, western Ukraine, on December dovych, 30, was tried in Kiev, the intellectuals were exiled from Ukraine. Ukrainian capital, on a criminal charge, 12, 1910. He arrived in Canada as a Many of his contemporaries Were young boy with his parents. He gra the exact nature of which is not known. ел ecu ted. Reports indicate that the prosecutor duated from St.
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