APPENDIX Not Your Father's Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are important. A substantial slice of the population likes to memorize quick key combinations that help them do things faster. And obser• vation of posts to the Usenet newsgroup .public.onenote confirms that OneNote users like to teil each other about keyboard shortcuts. Table 1 presents a quick (and subjective) list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts in OneNote.

Table 1. Tbp 10 OneNote KeyboardShortcuts (and Why) Nulllber Keyboard Shortcut What It Does Why You Should Care 10 Alt+Ctrl+"+" (plus sign Zoomsinto the Did you know you on numeric keypad) current page. could do this?

9 Alt+Ctrl+- (minus sign Zooms out. Get the "big picture" on numeric keypad) on your .

8 Ctrl+ 1 through Ctrl+S Applies the To Do and The Note Flags other predefined note Summaryfeature is tlags to selected text. only useful üyou explicitly add this metadata to your notes.

7 Ctrl+6 Applies custom note This makes your audio tlag to selected text. I files findable in the recommend that you Note Flags Summary define this note tlag pane. as'~dio."

6 Ctrl+Shift+E Sends selected pages Joy shared is joy ase-. doubled.

379 Appendix

Table 1. Top 10 OneNote KeyboardShortcuts (and Why) (Continued) Nulllbe:r Keyboard Shortcut What It Does Why You Should Ca:re 5 Ctrl+- Applies strikethrough Greatforchecking formatting. items offyour to do list.

4 Ctrl+Shift+K Creates task in Brings your notes into Outlook 2003. Outlook where you can trackthem.

3 Ctrl+Shift+M Opens a small Very useful for jotting SideNote window. super-quick notes and reminders.

2 Ctrl+Nand Creates new OneNote Lets you add pages Ctrl+Shift+N. page and subpage. rapidly.

1 Ctrl+A Selects all items Helps you understand (repeat to broaden and manipulate con- the scope of the tainers, the selection). fundamental building blocks of OneNote.

TIP A fulllist of keyboard shortcuts is available in OneNote Help (search on "keyboard shortcuts"). It's organized byfunction and by where you are in the program (Help, toolbars, edit boxes, and so on).

The following series of tahles shows the proximity relationships among OneNote's keyhoard shortcuts. Ifyou are a touch typist, this may strike a chord! Remernher that not all keyhoards are laid out exactly the same. This series of tahles is merely representative of a typical keyhoard Iayout (that used on my Microsoft Bluetooth keyhoard). Tahles 2 through 7 present all the possihle meanings of each keystroke comhi• nation. A particular keystroke comhination (for example, Alt+Ctrl+right arrow) can have more than one meaning, depending on the part of the screen where the cursor is located-the Help screen, a OneNote menu, or the OneNote page display surface. Usually, the meanings for the same keystroke comhination in different modes are fairly similar, hutnot always. So these tahles may also he of henefit to those who remernher a partiewar comhination hut don't remernher exactlywhat it does in each situation.

380 Not Your Fathers KeyboardShortcuts

Table 2. KeyboardShortcuts for OneNote-Function Keys Row Key Unshifted Shift Ctrl Fl Display the Help Close and reopen the taskpane. current task pane. F2 Not applicable 0- no special function inOneNote.


F4 Close the current session.

F5 F6 Move from the Help task pane to the Find box to the current page. F7 Open the Spelling taskpane.

F8 F9 FlO Select the menu bar, or Display the close an open menu shortcut menu. and submenu at the sametime. Fll F12

381 ~·

~ l

Shift Alt+Ctrl+




outline outline








level3. level4.






selected selected


selected selected





Show through Show

through Show

through Show through


through Show through


through Show













in tlag











selected selected

To Important Questionnote





the the

the selected

selected the the


highlighting a



to to






to tlag Apply Apply tlag Later selected Apply Apply ( tlag

Apply Customize task

Apply text. Ditto










Key 1








c.l c:o N

~ ~ tt tt

~ ~

$:: $::

0 0

2 2

~ ~

~ ~

a a

~ ~

$:: $::


;;} ;;}

..., ..., s. s.


~ ~

out. out.

in. in.

Shift Shift

Zoom Zoom

Zoom Zoom

Alt+Ctrl+ Alt+Ctrl+

its its

text text

or or

to to

and and

current current

insertion insertion

text text

the the

superscript superscript

selected selected

paragraphs. paragraphs.

following following

formatting formatting selected selected

point. point.

Subordinate Subordinate

Select Select

paragraph paragraph

bodytext. bodytext.

Make Make

Ctrl+Shift Ctrl+Shift

Apply Apply

the the

the the

the the

of of

for for

of of

of of

outline outline

text text

text text

action. action.

outline. outline.

outline. outline.

outline. outline.

level9. level9.

headings headings

body body

selected selected

body body

Redothe Redothe

selected selected

selected selected

Hide Hide

selected selected

Showalllevels Showalllevels

selected selected Show Show

visible visible

Show Show

through through

Alt+Shift Alt+Shift

text text

text. text.

selected selected

insertion insertion

to to

selected selected

subscript subscript

strikethrough strikethrough

(Continued) (Continued)

following following

or or

point. point.

Delete Delete

formatting formatting

formatting. formatting.

Ditto Ditto

Row Row

Apply Apply

Ditto Ditto

Ctrl Ctrl

Apply Apply

text. text.

Delete Delete

selected selected

Alt Alt

OneNote-Number OneNote-Number

text. text.

selected selected

Delete Delete

+ +

Shift Shift

for for

Backspace Backspace

l.hlshifted l.hlshifted

KeyboardShortcuts KeyboardShortcuts

3. 3.

Backspace Backspace

Table Table

= =

0 0

9 9

Key Key

ffi ffi tl) tl) CJ,) ~ ~ Table 4. KeyboardShortcuts for OneNote-QWERTY Row ls:;· Key Unshifted Shift Alt Ctrl Ctrl+Shift Tab In the Help window, select the Move to previous hidden text or Switch to next tab in a Switch to next hidden text or . hyperlink, or the BrowserView dialogbox. previous tab in a In a dialog box, move to next button at the top of a Microsoft Go to next section. dialogbox. option or option group. Office Web site article. Go to previous In OneNote, increase indent by In a dialog box, move to section. one Ievel. previous option or option group. In OneNote, decrease indent by onelevel. Q w E Center between margins. Compose an e-mail message. R Justify on the right margin. T Move the insertion page to or away from the page header. y Redo the last action. u Connect or Apply underline to disconnect the selected text or Help window from subsequent insertions. OneNote.

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~ tt tt

~ ~

jS1 jS1

i:; i:;

~ ~

1:: 1:: ......

So So ;;). ;;).

[ [

~ ~

list. list.

selected selected

textasa textasa

Formats Formats

numbered numbered

Ctrl+Shift Ctrl+Shift

selected selected

to to

current current

subsequent subsequent

italics italics

the the

or or

Print Print

Ctrl Ctrl

helptopic. helptopic.

text text

insertions. insertions.

Apply Apply

by by

on on

the the

or or

left/right left/right

select select

Use Use

space space

to to

adds adds

followed followed

page. page.

arrows arrows

up/down up/down

direction. direction.

the the removes removes

When When

Alt Alt

Alt+N, Alt+N,

(Continued) (Continued)

Row Row

Shift Shift

OneNote---QWERTY OneNote---QWERTY

for for

KeyboardShortcuts KeyboardShortcuts

Unshifted Unshifted

4. 4.

\ \

Table Table

0 0

p p

ley ley


Ul Ul

w w oc oc Appendix

Table 5. KeyboardShortcuts for OneNote-ASDF Row Key Ctrl Ctrl+Shift A Select all items. (Repeat to broaden the scope ofthe selection.) s Open the Page Ust task pane. D

F Move the insertion point to the Find box.

G Open a vertical view of the OneNote folder/section hierarchy.

H J K Create a task in 2003.

L Justify on the left margin. Create a bulleted list.


386 Not Your Father's KeyboardShortcuts

Table 6. KeyboardShortcuts for OneNote-the Z Row Key Ctrl Ctrl+Shift Alt+Ctrl z X Cut the selection to Increase or reduce the the Clipboard. size of the page header. c Copy the selection to the Clipboard.

V Paste the selection from the Clipboard.

B Apply bold to selected text or following insertion point.

N Add new page at the Add a new subpage to end of the section. the current group of pages.

M Open a new OneNote Open a small Side Note window. window.

Reduce size of page header.

Create bulleted list. lncrease size of page header.




[ [

~ ~

Ctrl Ctrl

Alt+ Alt+

Ctrl+Shift Ctrl+Shift

Alt+Shift Alt+Shift

~ ~

of of

of of

next next

page page

end end

top top

the the

page. page.

page. page.

to to

to to

the the

section. section.

to to

pagein pagein

previous previous

the the

section. section. Go Go

Gotothe Gotothe

current current

Scroll Scroll

current current

Scroll Scroll

Ctrl Ctrl

of of

page page

of of

page page

page page

page page

visible visible

set set

Keys Keys

first first

pages. pages.

last last

first first

last last

of of

to to

to to

to to

to to

currently currently

section. section.

currently currently

set set

Go Go

of of

Go Go

pages. pages.

Go Go

in in

visible visible

insection. insection.

Go Go

Alt Alt

to to

from from

point point

insertion insertion

forwards forwards

backward backward

the the

insertion insertion

OneNote--Navigational OneNote--Navigational

Select Select

theend. theend.

the the

beginning. beginning.

pointtothe pointtothe

Select Select

from from

for for

Shift Shift

on on

open open

an an

onepage. onepage.

end. end.

Movedown Movedown

page. page.

Moveupone Moveupone

Movetothe Movetothe

Movetothe Movetothe

oroff. oroff.

overtyping overtyping beginning. beginning.

submenu. submenu.

Close Close

menuor menuor

Unshifted Unshifted

1\rrn 1\rrn

KeyboardShortcuts KeyboardShortcuts

7. 7.

Down Down

Page Page

PageUp PageUp

End End

Table Table

Horne Horne

Delete Delete

Insert Insert

Key Key

Escape Escape

~ ~





::;:: ... ~ ... I::

0 tt




















current expand



current expand
















menu in















shortened commands ones

the belowthe

arrow). When













Open drop-down OnOneNote display


go container.













previous next




contents, previous InOneNote item. menu, select InOneNote select

Unshifted In In

menu, item. next












~· ~·

$:).. $:)..

t t

or or

the the

in in

page page

in in

right. right.

expand expand

page, page,

the the

insertion insertion

or or right right

insertion insertion

left left

Ctrl Ctrl

current current

page page

the the page, page,

the the

point point

Move Move

expand expand

current current

left. left.

point point

Move Move

Alt+ Alt+

left. left.

one one

one one

the the

or or

or or

tothe tothe

to to

right. right.

Select Select unselect unselect

ward ward

Select Select unselect unselect

ward ward

Ctrl+Shift Ctrl+Shift

set set

right right

set set


indent indent

indent indent

Ievel. Ievel.

Ievel. Ievel.

to-left to-left

to-left to-left

one one

left. left.

one one

to to

direction direction

installed, installed,

right- languages languages

writing writing

Ifyouhave Ifyouhave

Increase Increase

by by

to-right. to-right.

direction direction

installed, installed,


languages languages

writing writing

Ifyouhave Ifyouhave

Decrease Decrease

by by

Alt+Shift Alt+Shift

ward ward

ward ward

boxes, boxes,

boxes, boxes,

one one

one one

edit edit

right. right.

edit edit

left. left.

to to

move move

In In

to to

move move

In In

Ctrl Ctrl

to to

to to

task task

to to

(Continued) (Continued)

of of

you you

last last

visited. visited.

of of

pane. pane.

item. item.

to to

move move

move move

move move

previous previous

panes, panes,

panes, panes,

Keys Keys

visited. visited.

page page

to to

task task

panes panes

forward forward

back back

task task

Help, Help,

Help, Help,

task task

Help, Help,

Go Go

opened. opened.

next next

sequences sequences

task task

repeatthe repeatthe

In In

nextitem. nextitem.

next next

In In

Go Go

opened. opened. In In

page page

panesyou panesyou

sequence sequence

reversethe reversethe

movebackto movebackto

previous previous In In

InHelpToc, InHelpToc, taskpane. taskpane.

back back

In In

Alt Alt

left. left.

select select

select select

right. right.

the the

one one

one one

to to

to to

boxes, boxes,

boxes, boxes,

OneNote-Navigational OneNote-Navigational

unselect unselect

edit edit

unselect unselect

edit edit

character character

or or

In In

character character

or or

In In for for

Shift Shift

one one

one one

right right

left left

character. character.

Move Move

character. character.

Move Move

Unshifted Unshifted

KeyboardShortcuts KeyboardShortcuts

7. 7.

arrow arrow

arrow arrow

Right Right

Table Table

Left Left

Key Key

0 0

c.c c.c (,1.) (,1.) Table 7. KeyboardShortcuts for OneNote-Navigational Keys (Continued) Key Unshifted Shift Alt Ctrl Alt+Shift Ctrl+Shift Alt+ Ctrl Space bar Open the Display title bar Open the menu selected menu, shortcut menu. of task panes. or perform the In the toolbar, action displaythe assigned to the Toolbar Options selected menu. button. +signon Zoom in. numeric keypad - signon Zoom out. numeric keypad

...~ ~ 1:: ....

$SJ ;}~ i 2 a..

~ w ~ CD 1:: .... &t Appendix

The Lighter Side of Keyboard Shortcuts

Ifyou're interested in an amusing take on keyboard shortcuts, the online humor magazine The Onion published the definitive piece on keyboard shortcuts in the summer of 2003.

Area Man Knows All the Shortcut Keys

NEW BRITAIN, CT-Catalog copywriter Roger Thrlock knows all the keyboard combinations that execute a computer's common commands, the Comfort Uniforms employee said yet again Thesday ... 1

For the full text, go to The Onion and search on "shortcut."


392 Index

Symbol API (application programming interface), impact on future of OneNote, 368-369 " (quotation marks), treatment by search feature, 194 Apostoleris, Nick on applicability of OneNote for mental health professionals, 330-331 A apparating, process of, 287-289 A2-A5 page size options, width and height applications, determining running status of, 210, 212-213, 216 of, 76 A6 Card page size option, width and height Apply Bullets to Lists Automatically option, of, 216 customizing, 247 Academic stationery category, items in and Apply Numbering to Lists Automatically comments about, 278 option, customizing, 24 7 ActiveWords PLUS, accelerating time ASCII (American Standard Code for stamping and text entrywith, 354-356 Information Interchangel standard, Add Bullets control, using, 103 introduction of, 3 Add Services option, explanation of, 299 aspectratio,preserving,123 Adobe Acrobat files, importing into Assign Hyperlink command on Modify OneNote, 356--357 Selectionsubmenu, using, 274-275 Adobe Reader, features of, 20-21 attachments, sending with e-mail, 225-226 All Business and Final Sites Research pane, audio features of, 297 recording with switch, 282 Alt+F+V (Print Preview and ) software issues specific to, 136 command,invokll1g,214 streaming from CDs, 257-258 Alt+I+C (Insert Section) command, audio files. See also OneNote audio invokll1g,186 adding to e-mail messages, 251-252 Alt+ Tab command, determining running status of applications with, 76 including with lecture notes, 252 Always Show Full Menus option, storage of, 183 customizing, 275 audio formats, support for, 258-259 Amphora Research Systems' ELN audio link icon, appearance of, 138-139 requirements, Web address for, 24-26 audionotes AND connector, role in search syntax, 194 entering, 135-140 annotation and reading, word-processing finding, 337 programs for, 21-22 audio options, customizing, 256--259 antiviral software, turning off prior to Audio Playback toolbar, elements of, 139 OneNote installation, 46 Audio Recording submenu, displaying, 138

393 Index

audio recording tools, locations of, 138 brain lock, relationship to word processors author, contacting, 26 used for note taking, 9 Auto-Complete feature of Pocket PCs, Brown, Ken on applicability of OneNote for customers' expectations about, journalists, 336 16-17 browser information, moving into AutoCarreet options, selecting, 88-89 OneNote, 124-129 Automatically Switch Between Pen bulleted lists, formatting, 102-105 and Selection Tool option, Bullets pane, displaying, 103-104 customizing, 250 Business stationery category, items in and Automatie Save feature, using, 155 comments about, 278 Auto page size option, width in inches and button images, customizing, 273-274 height of, 210-211 c B C6 Envelope page size option, width and B4-B6 page size options, width in inches height of, 216 and height of, 210, 212-213, 216 case briefing stationery, example of, Back and Forward buttons, navigating with, 326-327 192-193 CD Backup Now button, displaying, 200 installing OneNote from as standalone backup options, customizing, 260-261 application, 46-50 backups navigating to SETUP.EXE file on, 49-50 performing, 199-201 reading during OneNote installation, 48 storing, 259-260 CD drive requirements for OneNote Bannerpage size options, width and height installation, overview of, 43 of, 216 CERT Coordination Center, consulting bar exam preparation, using OneNote regarding OneNote security for, 327 concerns, 251 beta, lessons learned from, 363-367 Clipboard data. See also Office Clipboard Billfold page size option, width in inches advisory about moving e-mail and height of, 210 information with, 133-134 BillG stationery sample, 280-281 copying and pasting into OneNote, 115-119, 282 binary editors, fixing corrupted files with, 201 codec, explanation of, 258 Blank stationery category, items in and collaboration commands, issuing in Shared comments about, 278 Workspace pane, 302 blogging tool, OneNote as, 238-240 collaboration software, using, 18-19 body text, converting outline headings color displays of Pocket PCs, customers' into, 99 expectations about, 16-17 Borderless page size options, width and column headings, entering in tables, 101 height of, 217 commands, rearranging order of, 271

394 Index

Commands tab, customizing toolbars with, Ctrl+P (Print) command, invoking, 220-221 270-275 Ctrl+Shift+E (E-Mail) command, invoking, comments, adding to H1ML e-mail 224-225 messages, 230 Ctrl+Shift+K (Outlook tasks) command, Complete versus Custom install, 66 invoking,307 consultants, OneNote applicability for, 333 Ctrl+V (Paste) command, usingwith text, container handle, appearance of, 146 115-119 containers Ctrl+X (Cut) command, using with text, 115-119 contents of, 159 Ctrl+Z (Undo) command dragging,84 restoring deleted text with, 117 lack of selectability of, 152 using with ungrouped pages, 180 maneuvering cursors in, 94 Ctrll through Ctrl+5 commands, attaching manipulating, 84 note flags with, 162 overview of, 83-84 Ctrl key, using with font styles, 113 placing drawings in, 143 Currie, Donna on applicability of OneNote selecting text in, 85-86 for journalists, 336 using to create space, 154 cursors, maneuvering in containers, 94 conversation recordings, synchronizing Custom instaU options written notes for, 140 for conserving disk space, 66 Converters and Filters, using as Office for Office and Office Shared Features, Shared Feature, 64 61-64 Convert Handwriting to Text command, for Office Tools, 65-66 accessing, 150 OneNote options only, 60-61 corrupted files, fixing with binary editors, 201 customization menu commands, course books, note taking from, 20 bypassing, 271 CPU requirements for OneNote Customize dialog box, options in, 268 installation, overview of, 42 Customize Numbering task pane, options Create Handwriting Only mode, advisory on,108-109 about,144-145 Custom page size option, width in inches Create New Pages Using the Stationery and height of, 210-211 of the Last Page option, customizing, 265 Ctrl+Alt+Delete (Wmdows ) D command,invoking,76 date and time, inserting in OneNote with Ctrl+C (Copy) command, using with text, ActiveWords PLUS, 354-356 115-119 decks in PowerPoint, explanation of, 130 Ctrl+E (Center Thbles) command, Decorative stationery category, items in invoking,101 and comments about, 278 Ctrl+Fl command Decrease Indent control on Outlining opening Research pane with, 294 toolbar, keyboard equivalent for, 100 opening Task pane with, 162-163 defaults, restoring, 265-267

395 Index

Deleted Pages sections e-mailing .ONE files, 224-230 customizing, 246 e-mailmessages using, 191 adding linked audio files to, 251-252 Desktop shortcuts, creating for run bodyof, 227 switches, 282 checking file sizes of, 252 Detailed Quote page, displaying, 298-299 receiving, 229-230 Device item in Linked Audio window, sending, 224-225 explanation of, 257 sending sections in, 229 digital ink, using with Tablet PCs and sending with Outlook, 307 PowerPoint, 17, 132. See also ink entries text signatures included with, 227 DirectX, verifying running version of, 137 troubleshooting, 228 disk space, accommodating in Custom verifying sending of, 228 install, 66 e-mail options, customizing, 250-253 display options, customizing, 244-246 e-mail signatures display requirements for OneNote customizing, 252-253 installation, overview of, 43 modifying, 227 DL Envelope page size option, width and Empty Deleted Pages Folder, height of, 216 customizing, 246 Document Image Writer, recommendation enterprise information strategy, role in for installation of, 66 collaboration software, 18-19 documents, annotating, 22 Envelope page size options, width and dotPocket tool, Web address for, 319 height of, 216 Download Control, using with Office equations, using OneNote for, 324-325 Shared Features, 62 Eraserftwnction,using,153 drawing and handwriting mode, switching e-readers, features of, 20-22 between,144-146 Excel, importing from OneNote into, 311-312 drawing containers, identifying, 143 Executive page size option, width and drawings,creating, 143 height of, 216 dynamic URLs, advisory about, 128 exporting files, advisory about, 238 externallinks, creating, 285-286 E external microphones. See also internal editing options, customizing, 246-248 microphones; microphones electronic pens, using with Tablet PCs, 45 buying, 136 ELNs (electronic lab notebooks), features recommendation for OneNote of, 24-32 installation, 43 e-mail attachments customizing inclusion of, 251 F sending,225-226,228 F7 key, accessing Spelling pane with, 89 e-mail information, moving into OneNote, felt tip pens, colors available to, 142 133-134 file:links, creating, 286-288

396 Index filelocks,custornizlllg,260 G File menu, adding custom Stationery Gates', Bill note-taking strategy, 280 commandto,276-277 General and Meetings sections, using, 190 filesizes Get Services on Office Marketplace link, addressing concerns about, 201-203 explanation of, 299 checking for e-mail messages, 252 Groove collaboration software, using for files, opening and copying with run switch, note taking, 19 282. See also .ONE files Group Pages command, using, 17 4 file structure, overview of, 182 , sharing OneNote through, H 231-234. See also Wmdows filesystem Hagaki Card page size option, width and height of, 217 find feature. See search entries handwriting flexible 2-D page surface feature, explanation o, 81 appearance inside writing guides, 149 folders converting to text, 150 creating in My Notebook, 185 devices for input of, 140-141 distinguishing from sections, 180-182 entering, 44-46 inserting, 187 and handwriting recognition, 143 moving, 189-190 using as Office Shared Feature, 62 My Notebook as, 182 handwriting and drawing mode, switching between, 144-146 naming,188 handwriting options, custornizlllg, 249-250 navigating, 193 handwriting recognition, availability of, nesting, 188 150-151 sending as e-mail attachments, 228 hard disk requirements for OneNote specifying other locations for, 191-192 installation, overview of, 42-43 structure of, 180 hardware requirements for OneNote Font pane, displaying, 111-112 installation fonts CD drive,43 applying, 111-113 CPU,42 changing,87 display, 43 choosing as Custom install option, 61 hard disk, 42-43 custornizlllg, 24 7 memory,42 font sizes, availability of, 113 peripherals, 43 footer options, overview of, 218-220 Help, choosing as Custom install option, 61 Forward and Back buttons, navigatingwith, Hide Levels Below Level n command, 192-193 explanation of, 98 FrontPage, integrating with OneNote, highlighters, colors available to, 142 315-317 historians, OneNote applicability for, FTP servers, saving .ONE files to, 239-240 333-335

397 Index

hives, role in registry, 267 Info Select organizing tool, using with HKCU root key, backing up prior to OneNote, 359-360 restoring defaults, 267 ink. See also digital ink Hosted Wehs Office Tool, description of, 65 capturing on Packet PCs, 320 HotFix & Security Bulletin Service, Web file size of, 202-203 address for, 251 recognizing in Excel, 311 HTML e-mail messages selecting, 151-153 advisory about, 227 treatment of, 151 receiving, 229-230 ink container, identifying, 145 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), file Input item in Linked Audio window, sizeof,202 explanation of, 257-258 , using with stationery for law Insert menu, customizing, 271-272 students and legal professionals, 326 Insert New Folder command, invoking, 187 Insert New Section command, invoking, 185 I Insert Price option, using with stocks, 299 icons, customizing, 273-274 Insert/Remave Space icon, location of, 153 Ignore Words in Uppercase option, installation. See OneNote installation customizing,248-249 installation cache, retaining, 68 images. See also pictures internal microphones, verifying, 135. converting Office and See also external microphones; documentsinto,305-307 microphones converting OneNote pages to using international paper sizes, overview of, Packet PCs, 319 212-213 file size of, 202 International Support, using as Office moving into OneNote, 12o-121 Shared Feature, 64 pasting from PowerPoint, 132 Internet Explorer Imaging option in Office Tools, settings for, viewing MHTML documents in, 6!Hi6 236-237,292-293 importing files, advisory about, 238 copying and pasting content into Include Link to Source When Pasting OneNote, 125-126 option, customizing, 247 Introduction field in e-mail, using, 226-227 Increase Indent control on Outlining ISOpaper sizes, overview of, 212-213 toolbar, keyboard equivalent for, 100 Index Card page size options, width and height of, 210, 216 J .JNT extension, meaning of, 320 information, improving tools for capturing digitally, 31 job tracking in legal field, using OneNote for, 327-328 information architecture professionals, OneNote applicability for, 339-342 joumalists and writers, OneNote applicability for, 335-338 information retrieval, improving, 31

398 Index

K lead user wish list items, overview of, 371-375 keyboard shortcuts lecture notes, including audio recordings with,252 Alt+F+V (Print Preview and Settings), 214 left-handed users, customizing options Alt+I+C (Insert Section), 186 for, 244 Alt+ Tab (determine running status of Legalpage size option, width and height of, applications), 76 210,216 Ctrl+Alt+Delete (open Windows Task legal professionals life cycle, case study of, Manager), 76 327-330 Ctrl+C (Copy), 115 legal research system, overview of, 329-330 Ctrl+E (center tables), 101 Letter page size option, width and height Ctrl+F1 (Open Task Pane), 162-163 of, 210,216 Ctrl+F1 (Research pane), 294 levels Ctrl+P (Print), 22Q-221 ofbullets, 105 Ctrl+Shift+E (E-Mail), 224-225 inserting into numbered lists, 107 Ctrl+Shift+K (Outlook tasks), 307 oflists, 98 Ctrl+V (Paste), 115-119 LexisNexis legal research system, overview Ctrl+X (Cut), 115-119 of, 329-330 Ctrl+Z (Undo), 117, 180 Library Books page groups, components Ctrll through Ctrl+5 (Attach Note of, 174 Flags), 162 license agreement, reviewing and for font styles, 113 accepting during OneNote installation, 54-56 for Outlining toolbar controls, 100 line editors, explanation of, 2 Shift+Thb (return to previous outline), 97 linked audio files, adding to e-mail Note), 156 Start+N (launch Side messages,251-252 kilobits versus kilohertz, 258-259 linked audio options, customizing, 256-259 of OneNote for Kless, Ed on applicability link icon, meaning of, 192 consultants, 333 linking to Microsoft Research service, role in knowledge management, 294-301 collaboration software, 18-19 Listpane appearance of grayed out options in, 94 L displaying, 92-93 Landscapepage orientation, switching lists from Portrait mode, 211 controlling spacing in, 93, 95 Language Settings Office Tool, description of, 65 formatting, 92-95 Large Icons checkbox, customizing, formatting as outlines, 96-97 275-276 tip for managing levels of, 98 law students and legal professionals, using, 91-92 OneNote applicability for, 326-330 viewing with multiple levels, 98

399 Index

M understanding publishing issues related to, 238 Macintosh text editors for note taking, 292-293 features of, 4 viewing in Internet Explorer, for voice input, 31, 43. magnifying icon and checkbox, reaching microphones, using Note Flags Summary pane with, 163 See also extemal microphones; intemal microphones Make Body Text control on Outlining programming toolbar, keyboard equivalent for, 100 MicrosoftAPI (application interface), impact on future of margins,setting,211-212 OneNote, 368-369 option, Match Destination Formatting Microsoft Document Image Writer, adjusting PowerPoint fonts with, 131 recommendation for installation mathematical equations, using OneNote of,66 for, 324-325 Microsoft Equation feature, using, 324-325 MathType math editor, obtaining, 325 Microsoft HotFix & Security Bulletin measurement units, options for, 263 Service, Web address for, 251 media player software, issues related to, 136 Document Imaging, memory requirements for OneNote options for, 65-66 installation, overview of, 42 Microsoft OneNote Side Note process, mental health professionals, OneNote running,76 applicability for, 330-332 Microsoft Reader, features of, 20-21, 23 menubar on OneNote page, locatioa of, 79 Microsoft Research services menu commands, customizing appearance linksto,294-301 of, 274 removing, 301 menu objects, customizing with Modify updating, 299 Selection button, 272-273 Miller, Richard Ph.D. and future ofpersonal menus information management, 27 customizing, 271-275 MindManager, using with OneNote, rearranging contents of, 271 351-353 .MHTfiles Minimal installs, guidelines for inserting in Office applications, performance of, 57-58 292-294 Modify Selection button, features of, reading on Pocket PCs, 318-319 272-274 size of, 203 MODI (Microsoft Office Document treatment by My Notebook, 185 Imaging), overview of, 304-307 viewing in Internet Explorer, 236-237 Move or Copy Pages dialog box, displaying, 177 viewing in Opera, 237 Move Page To menu, using with page (MIME-embedded Hypertext MHTML groups, 177-178 Markup Language) Move Section To dialog box, displaying, 188 inserting into Word, 293-294 MSN, saving .ONE files on, 232-233 OneNoteBlogger example of, 238-240 MSN Money Stock Quote service, features overview of, 235-238 of, 297-298

400 Index multimedia, pasting into Office note flag grouping Clipboard, 120 bycontainertext, 167-168 My Network Places, role in using Web site bydate, 167 storage, 231-233 byname, 165 MyNotebook options for, 165 creating file links from, 288 by section, 165-166 creating new folders in, 185 by title, 166 expanding into outline structure, 161 noteflags as folder, 182 avoiding redundancy of, 254-256 manipulating .ONE files in, 184-185 creating summary pages for, 169 .MHT and .WMA files in, 185 customizing, 253-256 representing organizational structure implications for storytellers, 342-343 through, 160 refreshing, 168 My Notebook files, locating backups of, 199 searching for, 168 My Site link in SharePoint, using, 301-302 types of, 161 My Stationery category, items in and comments about, 278 updating, 168 My Web Documents, navigating to, Note Flags submenu, default version of, 162 233-234 Note Flags Summary pane accessing, 162 N using, 163-164 navigation tools Note Flags toolbar, displaying, 270 Back and Forward buttons, 192-193 Notepad, interface for, 4 Up button, 193 notes NEAR connector, role in search syntax, 194 adding to PKBs, 31 nested folders applying best practices to, 94 creating, 188 creating, 145 navigating, 193 deriving value from, 31 Netscape browser content, copying into inserting into preexisting Word OneNote, 129 templates, 9 Netscape browsers, inability to display integrating into digital data Research panes in, 296 repositories, 27-28 New Page button, identifying, 170 linking background music to, 257 New panel, using with stationery, 276 relationship to PKB (Personal Knowledge Base), 30 New Subpage button, identifying, 171-172 saving automatically, 155 New task pane, opening with switch, 282 synchronizing with recorded notebook sections on OneNote page, conversations, 140 location of, 79 typing,81-83 note collector mentality, perils of, 205-206 using uppercase for emphasis in, 248 note containers, deciding on darkness of, 246

401 Index

Notes page, displaying in PowerPoint, 0 12-14 Office applications notes suited to text editors importing OneNote information into, clean notes, 7 307-311 concise notes, 5-6 inserting .MHT files in, 292-294 discrete notes, 7-8 listening to OneNote audio in, 290-291 formally structured notes, 6 using OLEin, 289 searchable notes, 7 Office Clipboard, availability of, 119-120. textual notes, 6 See also Clipboard data note taking. See also scientific note taking; Office documents, converting into images, text editors for note taking 305-307 accuracy of, 24 Office family BillG sample, 280 advisories about inclusion of OneNote with electronic lab notebooks, 24-32 in, 36,78 factors contributing to customers' choosing Custom install options for, 61 expectations of, 16-17 choosing Shared Features during for final work products, 8-10 Custom install, 62-64 with Groove collaboration software, 19 integration ofOneNote into, 314-315 managing process of, 27-28 Office files, advisory about opening in OneNote, 119 reasons for, 27 Office shared services, impact on future of summary of, 114-115 OneNote, 367-368 and textbooks, 20 Office Tools, options for, 65-66 usability tip for, 98 Office Update site, visiting at end of using PDAs (personal digital assistants) OneNote installation, 67-68 for, 14-17 Office 2003, impact on OneNote's future, using presentation programs for, 12-14 367-370 using Tablet PCs for, 17-18 Offline printer status, explanation of, 222 using text editors for, 2-8 OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), using word-processing programs for, using within Office applications, 289 8-11 OLE objects, verifying, 289 Note-Taking Land, map of, 1-2 .ONE files. See also file entries No. 10 Envelope page size option, width dragging into Word documents, 289 and height of, 216 effect of copying and leaving in same numbered lists folder, 184 customizing, 108-111 effect of deleting and leaving in same forcing order in, 110-111 folder, 184 modifying schemes for, 107-108 effectofrenaming,185 starting, 106-107 effect of saving in remote locations, 239 e-mailing,224-230

402 Index

exporting to PDF format, 358 importing MindManager maps into, 352 inserting into SharePoint document importing PDF files into, 356-357 libraries, 301 integrating FrontPage with, 315-317 locating on servers, 302 integrating with Packet PCs, 318-320 opening and copyingwith run switch, 282 integration into Office family, 314-315 saving automatically, 198-199 launching, 75-78 saving to FTP servers, 239-240 lead user wish lists for, 370-375 sharing via file system, 231-234 linking to Wmdows file system from, OneNote 285-289 advisories about inclusion in Office moving e-mail information into, family, 36 133-134 advisory about using XP search moving into PowerPoint from, 312-313 function with, 39-40 moving Usenet newsreader comparing other text editors to, 5 information into, 134-135 confidentiality concerns related to, 332 organizational structure of, 159-160 copying and pasting Clipboard data partner endorsements of, 370-371 into, 115-119 pasting images into, 120-121 copying and pasting Internet Explorer pasting PowerPointtext into, 131-132 content into, 125-126 pasting Ward content into, 310-311 copying from Opera and Netscape relationship to Tablet PCs, 44-46 into, 129 restoring defaults in, 265-267 copying from Ward into, 116 revolutionary quality of, 375-376 copying to Outlook Contacts from, 310 running repair routine with switch, 282 creating Outlook tasks in, 307-310 versus Scribe, 333-335 customizing options for left-handed users, 244 sending Outlook e-mail to, 368 default path to, 282 as shared logbook using SharePoint, 304 distinguishing from NotePad Toshiba endorsement of, 370-371 accessory, 36 troubleshooting integration with other exi.ting, 155-156 tools, 314-315 exporting to Excel from, 311-312 using for mathematical equations, 324-325 extracting sound bytes from, 291 Web address for, 341 impact of Microsoft API on, 368-369 Web and database integration with, 360 impact of Office shared services on, 367-368 and Windows file structure, 182 impact of Office 2003 on future of, versus word-processing programs, 367-370 81-82 impact ofXML on, 369-370 ONENOTE/* commands and switches, functions of and comments about, importance of, 377 282-283 importing from PowerPoint into, 129-133

403 Index

OneNote applicability ONENOTE.EXE process,looking for, 77 for consultants, 333 OneNote hierarchy, vertical view of, 181 for historians, 333-335 OneNote icon for law students and legal appearance of, 38 professionals, 326-330 displaying in Wmdows Thsk Manager, 76 for mental health professionals, 330-332 leaving visible in notification area, 262 for personal information architecture locating, 75 professionals, 339-342 locating in , 118 for senior executives, 344-346 troubleshooting ineffective clicking on, for software professionals, 343-344 75-77 forstudents,324-325, case briefing for user interaction designers, 338-343 stationery available on, 326-327 for writers and journalists, 335-338 OneNote information, exporting to other OneNote audio, listening to within Office Office applications, 307-311 applications, 290-291. See also audio OneNote installation entries advantages and disadvantages of OneNote beta,lessons leamed from, 363-367 Typical installs, 58-59 OneNoteBlogger, overview of, 238-240 backing out of, 69-70 OneNote customization from CD as standalone application, ofbackup options, 260-261 46-50 with Commands tab, 270-275 CD drive requirements for, 43 of Create New Pages Using the checking for, 35-39 Stationery of the Last Page CPU requirements for, 42 option, 265 Custom versus Complete installs, 59-66 of display options, 244-246 easiest method of, 35-37 of editing options, 246-248 entering product key during, 50-53 of e-mail options, 250-253 entering user information during, of handwriting options, 249-250 53-54 of linked audio options, 256-259 extemal microphone recommendation of measurement units, 263 for, 43 ofmenus,271-275 hard disk requirements for, 42-43 of note flags, 253-256 hardware required for, 42-43 of Online Content Settings options, location of, 57 263-264 memory requirements for, 42 of open and save options, 259-260 Minimal installs, 57-58 with Options tab, 275-276 options for, 56-57 overview of, 243-244 pen-style pointing device of Shared Workspace options, 264-265 recommendation for, 43 of spelling options, 248-249 peripheral requirements for, 43 oftoolbars, 268-275 preparing for, 35-40

404 Index

retaining cache for, 68 OneNote's failings, remedies for, 349-355 reviewing license agreement during, .ONETOC extension, meaning of, 200 54-56 Online Content Settings options, software required for, 41 customizing,263-264 system requirements for, 40-43 Online printer status, explanation of, 222 troubleshooting before beginning, 46 online status of team members, verifying uninstalling, 70-72 with SharePoint, 303 by upgrading from beta, 78 Open and Save window, customizing, 259-260 VGA (Video Graphics Array) adapter requirement for, 43 Opera browser visiting Office Update site near end of, copying content into OneNote, 129 67-68 opening .MHT documents in, 237 ONENOTEM.EXE process, looking for, 77-78 Optimizing Section Files for OneNote OneNote options only Custom install, option, customizing, 260 overview of, 60-61 Options commands, customizing OneNote OneNote pages. See also page entries with,243-244 contents and types of, 159 Options tab, customizing OneNote with, 275-276 controlling size of, 216 orange objects, significance of, 17 4 creating page groups from, 172-178 Orchant, Mare on applicability of OneNote growth in size of, 208-209 for storytellers, 342-343 layout of, 78-81 OR connector, role in search syntax, 194 menu bar on, 79 outline headings, converting into body moving and copying to other sections, text, 99 177-178 outlines moving and copying within sections, 176 formatting lists as, 96-97 notebook sections on, 79 pasting from Word into OneNote, 116 and page groups, 159-160 tip for managing levels of, 98 page tabs on, 80 outline structure, expanding My Notebook versus pieces of paper, 206-207 into, 161 publishing, 234-240 Outlining toolbar, using, 99-100 saving as stationery, 212, 279 Outlook, sendinge-mail with, 307 setting up, 207-213 Outlook Contacts, copying from OneNote surface of, 80 into, 310 task pane on, 80 Outlook e-mail, sending to OneNote, 368 title area on, 80 Outlookmessage header, appearance of, title bar on, 78-79 225-226 ungrouping, 178-180 Outlook tasks, creating in OneNote, 307-310 using Scale Content to Paper Width settingwith, 218

405 Index

p PDAs (personal digital assistants), using for notetaking,14-17 pagegroups PDF Converter, features of, 357 creating, 171-172 PDF format, exporting .ONE files to, 358 creating from existing pages, 172-178 PDF (Portable Document File) files, effect of merging on, 175-176 importing into OneNote, 356-357 importance of sequence in, 175 pen controls, location of, 142 shape of, 175 Pen Mode, advisory about, 144 Page Ust, using, 194-197 pens page numbering, restarting, 219 adjusting pressure sensitivity of, 149 page orientation, switching between controlling behavior of, 141-142 Portrait and Landscape, 211 using erasers on, 153 Page Range controls, purpose of, 222-223 pen-style pointing devices pages. See OneNote pages ergonomic benefits of, 141 Page Setup dialog box, opening, 207-208 recommendation OneNote pagesizes installation, 43 overview of, 210-211 pen tip, choosing function of, 141-142 types of, 216 pen types, selecting, 142 Page Sizes drop-down list, options on, 215 peripheral requirements for OneNote page surface of OneNote page, explanation installation, overview of, 43 of,80 personal information architecture pagetabs professionals, OneNote applicability accessing, 169-170 for, 339-342 controls on, 170 personal information management, future purpose of, 80 of,27 setting labels for, 170-171 Phone line option in Linked Audio window, setting Input Device to, 257 Palm OS, development of, 15 Photo 4 x 6page size option, width and paper sizes, overview of, 212-213 height of, 216 paragraph alignment, setting, 113-114 picker control, using with fonts, 112-113 passive pens, entering handwriting with, pictures, editing, 122. See also images 45-46 PKB (Personal Knowledge Base), overview Paste As Picture feature, using with of, 28-32 browsers, 128 Planners stationery category, items in and Paste Picture menu comments about, 278 Move command on, 122 PocketPCs Paste As Picture item on, 121-122 adjusting display resolution to view radio button options on, 122 larger images, 319 Resize command on, 122-123 capturing ink on, 320 PDA hardware, relationship to PKB development of, 15-16 (Personal Knowledge Base), 31

406 Index

integrating with OneNote, 318-320 portians of screens, 223 reading .MHT files on, 318-319 search results from multiple sections, pointing devices 223-224 advantages of, 44-46 Print Preview and Settings pane, using, 214-224 functionality of, 141-142 Print Range drop-down list, choosing Portrait page orientation, switching from printing options from, 215 Landscape mode, 211 "print-writing utility," lacking availability Postcard page size option, width in inches of, 219-220 and height of, 210 Processes tab, troubleshooting OneNote PowerPoint icon with, 77 decks in, 130 product keys importing from, 129-133 advisory about sharing of, 53 moving from OneNote into, 312-313 for consumers, 51 pasting images from, 132 entering, 52-53 pasting tables from, 132 for enterprise customers, 51 retaining outline structure of, 131-132 justification for, 53 taking notes in, 12-14 preventing lass of, 51 using digital ink and Thblet PCs with, 132 programs PowerPoint fonts, adjusting, 131 advisory about using XP search PowerPoint Ranger, explanation of, 129 function with, 39-40 PowerPoint text, pasting into OneNote, uninstalling, 51 131-132 projects, visualizing with MindManager, Preferences.dat file, backing up prior to 351-353 restoring defaults, 267 Proofing Tools, using as Office Shared presentation programs, using for note Feature,64 taking, 12-14 psychologists, OneNote applicability for, pressure sensitivity, adjusting, 149 330-332 primary pages, subpages on, 171-172 Publish Pages command, invoking, "principle ofmediocrity," relationship 234-235 to backing out of OneNote installations, 72 Q Print dialag box, using, 220-224 quotation marks ("), treatment by search print drivers, displaying for MODI, 305 feature, 194 printers checking availability of, 222 R setting preferences for, 222 reading and annotation, word-processing printer status, Online versus Oftline, 222 programs for, 21 printing Rearrange Commands button, using with copies, 224 menus,271 to files, 222 registry, overview of, 267

407 Index

Registry Editor, invoking, 266 Save My Settings WIZard Office Tool, remote links, result of saving sections as, 222 description of, 65 remote locations, storing .ONE files on, 239 saving automatically, 155, 198-199 repair routine, running with switch, 282 Scale Content to Paper Width setting, overview of, 218 Replace/With area of AutoGorreet dialog box, using, 89 scientific note taking, support for, 26. See also note taking; text editors for note Research Explorer Office Tool, description taking of, 65 Scribe versus OneNote, 333-335 research libraries, building, 299 search box, accessing, 193 Research Options link, explanation of, 299 searches Research panes error messages resulting from, 195 accessing, 294-296 evaluating performance of, 195 customizing, 299 returning hits for, 196 personal comment about, 301 using term mode browse in, 196 Research services Search Scope control in Page List, purpose links to, 294-301 of, 197 removing, 301 search syntax, using, 194 updating, 299 Search Tips link in Page List, purpose of, 197 Reset Menu and Toolbar Usage Data section names, printing, 219 button, customizing, 275 sections root keys, role in registry, 267 Deleted Pages, 191 Rosenfeld, Lou on applicability of OneNote for personal information architecture distinguishing from folders, 18Q-182 professionals, 339-342 exchanging via e-mall, 229 rows, rearranging in tables, 101 Generaland Meetings, 190 RTF (Rick Text Format) imports, advisory hiding, 186 about, 119 inserting, 185-186 ruled lines, turning off, 211 location of, 180 Run prompt, detecting OneNote managing note flags in, 254 installation with, 37-38 moving and deleting, 188-189 run switches naming, 186 creating Desktop shortcuts for, 282 opening with run switch, 282 entering, 282-283 printing with run switch, 282 result of saving as remote links, 222 s storing in other locations, 192 Salahi, Davis on applicability of OneNote using effective with summary pages, 256 for software professionals, 344 security, concerns related to, 251 sans seriffonts, explanation of, 112 Select All option, effect of, 85 Save As command, invoking, 198 Select commands, accessing, 152

408 Index selected text, uses for, 86-87. See also text software professionals, OneNote selectmode, switchingto, 151-152 applicability for, 343-344 senior executives, OneNote applicability Sort List By control in Page List, purpose for, 344-346 of, 197 Service Options button, disadvantage of, sound bytes, extracting from OneNote, 291 263-264 space service packs around URL flagging, 126-128 detecting presence of, 41 creating, 154 downloading, 41 inserting and removing, 153-155 purpose of, 41 spacer icon, appearance of, 153 Set Spelling Options dialog box, accessing, 90 speech recognition, using as Office Shared SETUP.EXE file, navigating to on OneNote Feature, 62 CD,49-50 spelling options, customizing, 248-249 Shared Werkspace options, customizing, Spelling pane, accessing, 89-90 264-265 Start+N command, launehing Side Notes Shared Werkspace task panein SharePoint with,156 accessing,302 Statementpage size option, width in inches updating, 303 and height of, 210 SharePoint Portal 2003, overview, stationery 301-304 advisory about Create All New Pages Shift+Tab command, returning to previous with Rule Lines option, 246 outline levels with, 97 BillG sample, 280-281 shortcuts, choosing for Office during categories of, 277-278 Custom install, 62-63 creating for law students and legal Show Note Containers on Pages option, professionals, 326 customizing, 246 saving current OneNote pages as, 279 Show Paste Options Button option, saving OneNote pages as, 212 customizing, 247 using, 276-281 Side Notes, launching, 156, 190-191 stock prices, inserting into MSN Money Side Note windows, opening with run Stock Quote Service, 298 switch, 282 storage, using Web sites for, 231-234 signatures storyboarding section for UI designers, customizing, 252-253 e:xample of, 338-339 modifying in e-mail messages, 227 storytellers, OneNote applicability for, Silver, Harry interview regarding legal 342-343 research system, 329-330 strikethrough, toggling on and off, 113 slides, pasting from PowerPoint decks, students, OneNote applicability for, 130-131 324-325 Snagit, usingwith OneNote, 349-351 subpages, creating, 171-172 subscript, toggling on and off, 113

409 Index

summary pages using electronic pens with, 45 note flags in, 254 using for note taking, 17-18 using effectively with sections, 256 using PDF files with, 357 superscript, toggling on and off, 113 using with Wmdows Journal notepad switches utility, 320-321 creating Desktop shortcuts for, 282 Tabloid page size option, width in inches and height of, 210 entering,282-283 taskbar, dragging and dropping text with, System Information Office Tool, 118-119 description of, 65 Task list, displaying OneNote versions in, 76 system requirements for OneNote installation, overview of, 40-43 task pane on OneNote page opening,162-163 T purpose of, 80 telephone-to-PC sound adapters, relevance tables to journalists, 337 creating, 100-101 templates, shortcuts for in Office Shared creating vertical spacing in, 101 Features, 62-63 pasting from PowerPoint, 132 term mode browse, using, 196 pasting into OneNote, 101-102 terms,searching,194 Tablet PC Landscape stationery category, text. See also selected text items in and comments about, 278 aligning, 113-114 Tablet PC Portrait stationery category, items in and comments about, 278 copying and pasting from Word, 116 dragging and dropping from Word, TabletPCs 116-117 accessing handedness controls on, dragging and dropping using taskbar, 244-245 118-119 adjusting pressure sensitivity of pens managing in notes, 114-115 used with, 149 selecting in containers, 85-86 customizing handwriting options for, 249-250 textbooks, taking notes from, 20 drag and drop challenges in, 118 text editors for note taking. See also note taking; scientific note taking drawing and handwriting modes for, 144-146 comparing to OneNote, 5 entering equations into OneNote on Macintosh platform, 4 from, 325 origins of, 2 handwriting recognition available on, types of notes suitable to, 5-8 150-151 on Unix platform, 3 relationship to OneNote, 44-46 on Wmdows platform, 4 relationship to PKB (Personal textual notes, file size per page of, 202 Knowledge Base), 31 title area on OneNote page, location of, 80 using digital ink with PowerPoint, 132

410 Index

title bar on OneNote page, location of, Usenet newsreader information, moving 78-79 ünto OneNote, 134-135 toolbar objects, customizing with Modify user information, entering during OneNote Selection button, 272-273 ünstallation, 53-54 toolbars user ünteraction designers, OneNote custornizüng,268-275 applicability for, 338-343 hiding and showing buttans on, 269 U.S. govemment's 21 CFR 11, contents of, 26 resizüng, 269 toolbars.dat file, backing up prior to V restoring defaults, 267 Verdana font, sizüng, 247 training prograrn, launchüng with run vertical spacüng, creating in tables, 101 switch, 282 VGA (Video Graphics Array) adapters, translation tool ün Research pane, features usüng with OneNote ünstallation, 43 of,295-296 TreatAs Drawing mode, grayed out w appearance of, 145 Web addresses TRS-80 Model100 PDA, taking notes with, 14 ActiveWords PLUS, 355 tutorials, choosüng as Custom ünstall Amphora Research Systems' ELN option, 61 requirements,24-26 Typical ünstalls, advantages and for author, 26 disadvantages of, 58-59 Bill Gates' note-taking strategy, 280-281 u "Build Your Own Research Library with Office 2003 and the Google Web Undo feature Service API", 299 effect of, 87 CERT Coordination Center, 251 pages, 180 usüng with ungrouped "Customizüng the Microsoft Office Ungroup Pages option on Edit Menu, 20003 Research Task Pane", 299 usüng, 178-179 dotPocket tool, 319 Unixtext editors for note taking, features Hagaki, 217 of,3 international paper sizes, 212-213 unquoted words and terms, searchüng, 194 journalist's ünterview template, 337 Up button, navigating with, 193 MathType math editor, 325 uppercase, usüng for emphasis, 248 MHTML (MIME-embedded Hypertext URLtl.aggüng Markup Language), 235 for law students and legal implications Microsoft HotFix & Security Bulletin professionals, 326 Service, 251 overview of, 125-128 Microsoft's Licensüng site, 55 URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), OneNote, 341 copyüng from origünal Web pages, 350 service packs, 41

411 Index

Snaglt, 350 Word documents, dragging .ONE files storyboarding section for UI designers, into,289 338-339 Word files, advisory about opening in Web and database integration, overview OneNote, 119 of, 360 word-processing programs Web-browser information, moving into advantages and disadvantages ofusing OneNote, 124-129 for note taking, 8-11 Web pages, capturing parts of using Snag• versus OneNote, 81-82 It, 349-351 for reading and annotation, 21 Web site storage, using, 231-234 words,searching, 194 whitespace Word templates, inserting notes into, 9 around URL flagging, 126-128 word wrap feature, effect of, 209 in PowerPoint and OneNote, 132-133 writers and journalists, OneNote Wmdows, versions required for installing applicability for, 335-338 OneNote,41 writing guides Wmdows file system, linking from OneNote adjusting behavior of, 14 7 to, 285-289. See also file system appearance ofhandwriting inside of, 149 notepad utility, using customizing frequency of appearance with Tablet PCs, 320-321 of, 250 Windows Task Manager, opening, 76 darkening and lightening, 147 Wmdows text editors for note taking, explanation of, 146-147 features of, 4 justification for use of, 148 wish list items, overview of, 371-375 toggling on and off, 146 WLANs (wireless !ANs), using, 18 .WMAfiles location of, 183 X treatment by My Notebook, 185 XML (Extensible Markup Language), impact on future of OneNote, WMP (WmdowsMediaPlayer), verifying, 136 369-370 Woods, Dan on applicability of OneNote XML wrappers, role in Amphora Research forseniorexecutives,345-346 Systems' ELNs, 26 Word XP search function, advisory about using copying to OneNote from, 116 with programs, 39-40 dragging and dropping text from, 116-117 See the Appendixfora comprehensive list inserting MHTML into, 293-294 ofshortcuts. Word content, pasting into OneNote, 310-311