Application Application • Auto < 100 / hr Woonerf (Residential Shared Street) Family-Friendly • Low traffic shared at peak travel times Streets with limited access and vehicular traffic volumes, that function as Sreets designed to have low motorized traffic volumes and speeds that roadways (ADT < 3,000) • Residential streets with shared spaces. give priority to people walking and biking. Advantages shared roadways • Family-friendly, low Advantages stress conditions • Reduces cut-through Disadvantages traffic • Disconnected from retail • Encourages courteous destinations interactions among users Costs Disadvantages $-$$ • Not appropriate for non- local, through Cost $$-$$$

Application Application • Moderate-high traffic Shared Markings (Sharrows) Shared Use Paths/Side Paths • River, Rail or Utility shared roadways Shared Lane Markings are markings used to indicate a shared lane An off-road facility for use by bicyclists, pedestrians, skaters and other users. Corridors Advantages environment for bicycles and automobiles. Advantages • Encourage bicycle use of • Low-conflict, low-stress the conditions • Identify proper bicyclist • High travel speed positioning in the lane potential Disadvantages Disadvantages • Not low-stress • Lack of direct access • Maintenance costs Costs Costs $$$ $

McLoughlin - Canemah Trail FACILITY TYPES 2017 SAFETY TOOLKIT Application Raised Intersections Application • Minor intersections in Speed Humps • Local service roads that residential and Main Raised intersections create a safe, slow-speed crossing and public space at Raised sections of roadway designed to reduce motorist speeds. are not Emergency Service Street commercial areas minor intersections. Routes Advantages • Spaced 300 to 500 ft apart • Slows vehicle speeds Advantages • Encourages yielding to • Full time speed reduction pedestrians • Low cost relative to Disadvantages enforcement • Less effective to reduce Disadvantages speeds compared to • Potential to generate speed humps or raised noise crosswalks • Uncomfortable when Costs poorly designed $$$ Costs $-$$

Application Pinch Point Neck Down/ Extensions Application • Local residential streets • Local residential streets with cut-through traffic Vertical features narrow the travel and reduce traffic speeds. Installation of curb extensions to narrow the travel lane and thus reduce with cut-through traffic issues traffic speeds, intended to mark the transition to a slower speed street. issues • Non transit or Emergency • Non transit or Emergency Response Route Response Route Advantages Advantages • Traffic volume and speed • Traffic volume and speed reduction reduction Disadvantages Disadvantages • Maintenance issues such • Parking loss as street sweeping • Drainage Costs Costs $ $$

McLoughlin - Canemah Trail TRAFFIC & SPEED MANAGEMENT 2017 SAFETY TOOLKIT Application Application • Intersections and Marked Crosswalk Raised Crosswalk • At crosswalks on local mid-block crossings Standard crosswalk markings and crossing signs alert motorists of Raised sections of roadway at crosswalks designed to cause a reduction in roads that are not • Cross traffic < 40 mph pedestrian and bicycle crossing movements. motorists speed. Emergency Service Routes • Can be a raised crosswalk Advantages • Can be combined with • Full time speed reduction • Low cost relative to Advantages enforcement • Alert motorists Disadvantages • Provide crossing location • Drainage issues guidance to bikes & peds depending on design Disadvantages Costs • Maintenance $$ Costs $

Application Application Local Access Only Art/Neighborhood Identification • At neighborhood • Neighborhood streets “Local Access Only” or “No Thru Traffic” signs alert motorists that they Artwork, signs, or structures that highlight the culture, heritage and his- near interstates or other entrances major roadways cannot cut through the neighborhood to get to their destination. tory of the community. • In public spaces and on • Dead ends or cul de sacs street signs Advantages Advantages • Alerts motorists • Fun, shows local character • Reduces traffic on • Slows traffic neighborhood streets • Builds neighborhood pride Disadvantages Disadvantages • Unfriendly • Cost Costs Costs $ $-$$

McLoughlin - Canemah Trail 2017 Application Application • Signal activation loops Bicycle Detection at Signals Leading Pedestrian/Bike Interval • Signalized intersections buried in pavement; must Allows bicycles to cross signalized intersections. Bicycles call a green A “Head Start” signal allows pedestrians and bicyclists to enter signalized Advantages be calibrated to detect signal phase with loop detectors or push buttons, or microwave sensors. intersections before cars, asserting their position in the roadway. • Encourages proper bicyclists yielding to pedestrians • Push buttons installed at and bicyclists. edge of roadway Disadvantages Advantages • Decreases vehicular • Reduces bicycle delay capacity. Disadvantages Costs • Increased traffic $ congestion with added green time for bicycles Costs $-$$

Application Application • Major crossings that lack Pedestrian/Bicycle Hybrid Beacon Rapid Flash Beacon • Unsignalized intersections adequate gaps in traffic Pedestrian or cyclist activated beacon that only flashes when activated. Gives pedestrians and bicyclists crossing priority with rapid flashing amber and midblock locations Advantages beacons. • Pushbutton activated • Could be used when Advantages Pedestrian Signal warrant • Alerts motorists to is not met presence of waiting • Minimizes delay for traffic bicyclist or pedestrian on major street • Solar Powered Disadvantages • High compliance • Limitations to where it Disadvantages can be installed • Lower compliance than Costs Hybrid Beacon $$ Costs $