Chaves County Comprehensive Plan July 2016 (PDF)
CHAVES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAY 2015 Amended July 2016 Prepared By: Consensus Planning, Inc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS COUNTY COMMISSION James W. Duffey, District 1, Chairman Robert Corn, District 4, Vice Chairman Kim Chesser, District 2 Kyle D. “Smiley” Wooton, District 3 William E. Cavin, District 5 EXTRATERRITORIAL COMMISSION Mona Kirk-Chairman Neil Roe-Vice Chairman Matthew Bristol-2nd Vice Chairman Royce “Pancho” Maples Harold Hobson Corina White Leroy Lang COUNTY STAFF Stanton L. Riggs, County Manager Marlin J. Johnson, Planning and Zoning Director Terry Allensworth, Road Operations Director STEERING COMMITTEE Angel Mayes Chuck Hanson Cliff Waide Dan Girand Doug Whitney Glen Garnand Judy Stubbs Larry D. Fresquez Matt Bristol Melodi Salas Michael Vickers Mike McLeod PJ Marshall-Riese Rita Kane-Doerhoefer Robbie White Todd Wagener CONSULTANTS Consensus Planning, Inc. Jacqueline Fishman, AICP James K. Strozier, AICP CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Introduction 1 B. History of Chaves County 2 C. Evolution of the Comprehensive Plan 2 D. Comprehensive Plan Organization 3 E. 2015 Plan Update 5 F. Comprehensive Plan Mission Statement and Values 5 G. Comprehensive Plan Themes 6 2. COUNTY PROFILE A. Introduction 9 B. Geology and Geography 9 C. Population 10 D. Income 14 E. Public and Higher Education 15 3. PUBLIC LANDS A. Introduction 17 B. Size and Existing Land Use 17 C. Chaves County Land Council 17 D. Land Use Issues Related to Federal and State Trust Land 18 E. Federal / County Jurisdiction in Land Use Issues 20 F. Chaves County Custom and Culture 21 G. Public Lands Goals, Objectives, and Policy Actions 24 4. LAND USE A.
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