1995Metic..30R.523H , eliminated heated presolar "thermostatically scale for consistent large presolar should composition. constitute other and volatilization 351. of and LEOSYNTHESIS? R.N. NITROGEN clear Orgueil during is Lunatic Although heavily between and Murchison 170-25, typically Volatile volatile References: thermal Nitrogen 28Sifl4N Planets Clayton [5] bulk differences solar of (1995) be CNO to processed Asylum, SiC California Boss :::_ .... :::_ .... "' "' condensed C the z z grains. z z the noted heavy a temperatures elements system as depletion and 14N-rich SiC with heterogeneity mass 0.002 0.001 0.003 [2,3]. 0.002 exhibit III and in R.N. same processing inner Thus, GCA, a A. ISOTOPES of presolar possible (E. that N appears between isotope P., Division planets, models It fraction moderately regulated" materials Among [e.g., in [I] general Institute ~ (1995) Terrestrial H. the solar a relative such from 59,2115. this matter cannot © the G. positive is Palme Levy observed SiC R. a 2], Meteoritical to volume. envelopes enrichments cause, in $1200-1400 models 1000 an and system. of feature of of ISN-poor N [5] GCA, have Huss, IN stellar accreting making of to must varies and initially be features Geological N H. the by correlation so and solar Technology, SILICON volatile [4] it claimed and systematically J. do chemical reflects the 59, R. nebular be [6] is Fig. of envelopes over 2000 the Boss Since I. [ SiC not N, required N 28Si attributed 1], H. have Boynton condensation Cas hot are the 2131. Lunine, of3-13%o to survival compositions I. consistent K Nichols destroy no a elements, grains and sufficient the seen A. solar sen bulk f14N a wide (Fig. also that partial on CARBIDE: clear (from compositions disk process [3] P. Pasadena Society 3000 Planetary nebular P. that in comparable [e.g., eds.), been Murchison W. nebula composition for to there range (1993) 1). Humayun ( all of higher Hoppe SiC Jr., isotopic that [3]. 1995) o o incomplete with Orgueil devolatilization This a o V. both o isotopic presolar to just 1-4 of observed. that 1]. substantial >4 and from 979. KJF KJG of disk difficult are (1993) attain control 4000 [ CA Fe-Ni et 1 4,6]. Sciences, Astrophys. microns LPS indicates 5N Although meteorites, microns 15 concentrations STELLAR that has G. al., correlation of N/ • [2] many no SiC SiC 91125, must M. being scales. dust, J. chondrites XXVI, anomalies 14 1994) of Provided occurred temperatures in these condensation Humayun grains instances N the Wasserburg, In and to chondrites, 5000 fraction meteorites, Protostars ratios have particular, consumed that and Mail interpret. chemical C USA. Clayton 219. J., This 15N/ can cannot is NUC­ [ exists allow a 4]. been Stop 417, on than 15 also and and and 14 M. be Abstracts N- of of is It N a by of component. rich Spallation Si), could compaction longer implying 28Si that by scenario correlation This grains #5560 tiny tion ratios Systematic sources? Grains 915-944. -0.0001, (Fig. depletions, Murchison, the source. 987-988. (1990) chondrites G. Weisberg A Natural e.g., ently clase+ CHONDRITES. dritic olivine, don; and drules ined. on Macrochondrules the with properties similar although (L6), impact verse sions trated the the Murchison isotope SURVEY a R. If lines Do References: Acknowledgments: We affecting FELINE Abundances relative component of SiC atom dark, planetary rates suggests in a 390 both remelted clasts. I) A that group than not of et NASA during microporphyritic terrestrial than in (904). on GCA, with Quenggouk measured origin olivine to present total may History radiating grains, bounding al. anorthite is that OCs very LL-group-hosted H have contains The others [6] [2] [6] (0.01 et meteorites brecciated in indicate systematics sections single (OCs) that differences the observed Semarkona, but (1993) group, The numbers exposure including 1 reflect -nepheline the of the 5 al. 54, Reedy Hoppe Murchison sample that are or N/1 SiC body. [ close OF , lowest groundmass, total been 1]. %-0.1% the 61 which terrestrial has very Museum, largest early !ow-N [ of described have Astrophysics 2133-2140. N grains. 1], 4 from 500-2000x have pyroxene-that the N 15Nfl data the In and objects large that LARGE the 386 R. results , [1] (Fig. (H4), been different Examples of exposure to R. ratios acquired P. large addition, high sampled of for processing. fabrics intrinsic undergone data solar Hutchison have age a the three enstatite of the measured between C., grains rounded LL macrochondrule et is E1 4 they L H, texture N and (2-mm) 1-cm grains of added in I). Orgueil; and other -lOx al. group, London N predicted Supported collection were fields personal N of from for Eid silicate higher microporphyritic ratios L, system clasts chondrites. very the A minimum originated types cristobalite- Qingzhen (15NJ1 (1994) abundance, processing a SILICATE a were [5] most. history clast at the and too include 15NJ1 Murchison we survey carry elements 1-cm M. greater 14N [2]. outlines identified SiC a in 28, large olivine clast and the on exchange and Nichols are are same survey Measured reveal than roughly of low also LL SW7 ~ 15 can 4 Julesburg objects from excluded F. Fig. 4 The N communication. in Igneous Astrophys. 1 stellar grain-size N/ 368-369. J. ratio N single large on of indistinguishable overrepresented Ox of 57 Data by a [ surface ~ of C. a 4]. also ratios (1994) lie to solar recognize through 14 presolar 2-cm-diameter than in the Orgueil and slope 5BD, average In 0.0037) I and grain) of LL NASA Barwell ofLL more histories N [3], anything large Bridges, and explain R. probably for intersect between the Chondri constant (Table silicate (~145 OBJECTS are with be total, Natural source -2.5 olivine ratios enstatite group 1 clasts that and H. textures-porphyritic, clasts in 5 then the the collection from (L3). tridymite-rich of areas, System UK. N/1 excluded. [ is fractions chondrites taken Astron. silicate J., melting is Jr. the 4] SiC NAG-3040. a ( the -I x samples has grains stellar for -25 (L6) required Ma 4 igneous K-rich 46% 1). the required [2]. objects 430, Hohenberg 10- tic N or et are 0.0001 the with Ox in meteorites most grain about our The History abundance also line exhibit reservoir, Orgueil ratios been al. Meteorites grains to in Ma clasts 5 [ data. 1 more SiC as ordinate those that clast Also, 4]) 5 atoms objects from of N-rich 870-890. survey. is and with envelope K-rich K-rich bounding interstellar IN (1992)LPS be Astrophys., in Although 15N-poor reflect our with vapor in [5]), 4cm N and clasts (Table and acquired is for the contains Murchison seldom from to in higher ~5mm Museum, A of differentiation set comprise the ORDINARY objects.whose clasts aggregates in Div. moderate normal work considerably SiC of minor Ness Department, produce may as more the 15 0.0002, C. Murchison. were component in' objects mesostasis, (relative at in in [5]. objects collection, the Following the N and 14 with indicated diameter, -0.0001. Orgueil, I) a M. ordinary (Fig. [e.g., [3] Contrib. grains the 15 Nterr produc­ concen­ 1 the [3], have in exceed County 5 plagio­ N-rich by space. stellar appar­ XXIII, reflect barred stellar exam­ NJ14N likely inclu­ chon­ chon­ et Huss field Lon­ 285, light size. a 523 pre­ SiC and and ISN per the the are are 1), di­ 1]. al. to an of is 1995Metic..30R.523H 524 Total H L Host LL chondri macrochondrules, 1. silicate stages. 3-6, clasts although drules Proc. 309-310. (1983) of SHOCK 0. fell energy of Transylvania drite Schmus crystals occurs the posed porphyritic enced collisions lar amined These, tions. 1222-1226. with at (An in Fayalite Fa Fa ning be and files, c = c diffractometer sity 747-765. 10-20 the 100-(4233.91-1494.59 C. Geography the Science, matrix 25 27 G. fractures, References: The mineralogical measured References: 8 6.032; 12 on the determined ; but was a mol% electron et 13 _ PMD from Farmington The Yamaguchi 1993) NIPR Iancul, of JEOL was from 19 0 dispersive of as tic February objects Macrochond. by fayalite al. correlated GCA, and Mocs and ), none content parallel analyzed enstatite No. value from TABLE 28 grains the 15 [2] in EFFECTS 7 clast mineralogical 6 indicate [2] optical S-5 V (1995) Yamaguchi fayalite olivine 1.74%). the consistent glassy space Wood Syrnp. JSM-5400 planar largest, Binns = (Cluj and Y. microscope was Miura (syn. all also [3]. in 47, (radiation 100 of 296.857, group. 54 25 21 content same from % in Miura2, of sets 3, and hosts X-ray , University, polarizing thin by olivine 18% of I. in found Meteoritics, chondrules, materials [1] [I] [I] The District). Antarct. matrix with that olivine (avg. R. 743-757. fractures, 1882, by According Moci) © the optical H4-hosted Y. of randomly the chemical host sections Van and All Large A. are also IN Weisberg of scanning University, quantitative (L5) the as analysis, prismatic X-ray et Meteoritical Mocs x effects the X-ray and and in Fa ( Cu from with petrographic No. three Fa or igneous 1)130). recently meteorite 11 16.00 1967) al. OLIVINE Igneous Schmus 0 9 from 2 B-dul maximum meteorite, with H3 25 microscopy, Meteorites, microscope of [3, Olivine 23 silicate presence G. chondrules: K Dx shows ; mosaicism, (1995) which JED PMD 2.3%), effects mol% diffraction [6], [6] feldspsr a= meteorites. powder Mocs distributed types submitted. observed to 6] Iancui, 100 samples 82 chondrules the electron 18 . % hr, and = 0 Copou By olivine M. Deer are clasts, 3.446 determined Oaza- reclassified Binns 1.54059) W. 2001 a chemical L over objects from sometimes X-ray consist using fayalite of Proc. meteorite variation K. of exceptions group. shock classified of R. types FROM composition. et I"Al.l. object parent diffractometry with 20A, scanning 8, shock and Yoshida, microscope energy are g/cm3. crystals and et barred and a and Mag., six small pattern al. Chand. R. olivine powder Mineral [4] in a large NIPR Society No. indicative ranges in al. mainly 22 undulatory at degree 11 The 4--6 7 20x 4 the RIGAKU 36% fragments [4], (forsterite-ferroan 6600 analysis planar Wood press. A. occur body), Bridges the in metamorphism by the as Cuza" was belong (1988) MOCS 36, dispersive olivine amounts cristobalite-rich as composition are electron or and are area cell to olivine a L5-6 (1967) Syrnp. Clast OCs are single Yamaguchi Yamaguchi diffractometry. Iasi, from JEOL 100 compositions of 32 50 40x 18 this. L6 this % calculated 319-324. J. deformation in [5] for usually a= In devitrified in parameters in University, fine-grained of77 (15 of A. petrographic by studied. J. computer-assisted order Romania, to chondrite extinction, every of 5 higher chondrules, the objectives Wlotzka Meteoritics, 4.779; meteorite • Fa Antarct. as Clasts crystals CHONDRITE. the composition (1967) JSM-5400 microscopy C. Miura of different the Science, km 23 X-ray Provided indeterminate Fa olivine No. equilibrated, L et 28 61 14 19 to maskelynite to thin from Mocs (induced [3] Total 753, University, 3 x group. magnifica­ b as al. and determine (mol%)= Fa as GCA, et =10.297; features. were and 2 F. analysis igneous Bridges Meteor- in 2.781 Faculty section, by Faculty Olivine 27 of experi­ 100 olivine (1995) km) [3] irregu­ al. 31 23 46 Japan. Fa % grains shock chon­ chon­ types large et scan­ com­ (avg. 156, IMA Abstracts with den­ Van 23 The and [2], 23, and can ex­ 31, al. by in to A by ites, TITANIUM-IRON-SULFUR-BEARING W. Academy A. Sciences, achondritelike types study als, contains of connected 1 stripped (Si are dance anhedral light only the sition 59, close alteration data, Fe total87.8. known product 95-05-14547. accompanied connected dynamic ing to process. sian. (1994) G. ON eled PUCHEZH-KATUNKIIMPACTCRATER: 1.1, Moscow Yaroslavll50000, [2] cal properties the needs (vibrational) (see !Institute [2]. Vern the fragment clarify V. G. 16.0) A. The Titanium-iron-sulfur-bearing The main <0.1 Taking presented The References: representative Acknowledgments: Clayton Previous e.g., late of 465-470. Rock 8, total the a RECOVERED with (LB) and we Ivanov ad of ofTi-Fe-S-bearing to of Kocharyanl, et with small is heideite NASA in to LPS Kaidun discovery sky stage-a the carbonaceous review (16.7 wt%) a structure around consider al. Ti-Fe can The large point press. grains the 98 date, Smithsonian 117939, traditional of ofheideite. sulfide media for withE DB: with into IDX formulaofheideite ( #53.09. Institute XXV, .4. 0 R.N. 1 Sciences, 1992) be investigations genesis nature , part stripped below of by G. and are Dynamics [5] content grains clast dark found of and S0 in meteorite of [3] consideration a approximated 30 data. up rock with 1. Astrophysics removal peculiarity after meteorites transient view the of and ofheideite also Petaev nature. 595-596. this et 3 compositions Russia, V. [1] 15.6 bar 2nd Stoffler Cr-Fe MacPherson Russia. to (DB) to 36.9, [ 1 in the al. rock of of in LB of in The N. LB: such CORE consist hypothesis structure this ,2]. subtraction in Ivanov 50 and present. Institution, [ elementary [5]. Moscow edition, this the 1], Geochemistry the respectively) (1994) fragment enstatite, Kostuchenkoi, compounds a LB. of is bars. Ti0 M. We phosphides mechanics Jlm similar S Kaidun fluidization. This of mixture This cavity an enstatite properties Bus of vicinity 2 mineral, D. a 36.7, Nedra [ were Geospheres, of in The 4] S I. unique effective of 2 in consider BLOCK the A. impact by et tee IDX (Fe,Cr) 41.6, LPS the the No and et 2 study of 4. Keil subparallel 117975, maximum , (average al. Ti/Cr by collapse V. the compositions compounds found N. Ti is stripped of forsterite, also al. Washington (LB) and the of Kaidun opaque primary of State Fe chondrite (1991) XXV, a data that which [3]). DB 33.7, (1989) N. Cr if K. formula a crater (1987) carbonaceous may may Data was [3]. a partly and 1 contains certain angle one while 2 the ratio +x(Ti,FehS A. crater: Kononkova and in 0 STRUCTURE. admixture were show Russia, Melosh Scientific 269-270. [ 3 Russian Here of Cr F. supported in complex the be structure 4]. indicate is Analytical Chemistry, GCA, DB ascribes COMPOUNDS structure 2.4, dimension. formation thin model oxidized Geochern. Brett in that and of Kirjakov2, a altered four also Geochirniya, Ti 2.0, called (Fe,Cr) found are Thus, clasts section. sulfide System An gravity a heideite DC to internal ofLB we FeO some (up and high contains olivines. 55, PRELIMINARYDATA [ 2 unclear present Fe effective be analyses R. 4,5] Department now 4 20560, (S Academy present 1 breccia that , very that "temporary C this [3] , in to as of grains may Industrial the Cr ofheideite. a 14.7, 3845-3867. (1974) 14.7, partly and 0 (DB) 0 and and 45.3, rare 1-2 mechanics . field-may suggests 93 the product a the well Intern., seems and friction and Ivanov The content were the is only few can Ti specific I. from as breccia DB. a DB polished Grains and MgO the USA. Mg grains 2 B. forms 64--75, strength does for Ti the A. set in L.A. by . as IN alteration Am. rare, 17 grains be micrometers) Ti-Fe stable of are S to second 36.7, its Stroganovi, The A. 0.1, new an of RFFI each, results the of of 4 26,84--91. Enterprise, KAIDUN. A. apparently an is in not .lt be be fluidized" 1.7, alteration Mineral., Sciences, Pevzner2, show mechani­ different variable; in enstatite discrete, and that [ below of Ivanov Russian aqueous Mineral be acoustic V. 4] thermo­ DB compo­ in Na section the miner­ mainly sulfide Cr have is of appear accor­ metal in Grant Na wt%) Deer mod­ find­ et Rus­ very IDX also rock of 0.3, was 2.2, and best that the 2 al. 5° 0 a 1 a ,