The Warblers Are Here! I've Been Rather Busy with a New Addition to Our Family, but I Hope You're out in the Fi
Pe..ru¼ y.,e,vwua, Soue.:ty ,60.Jt O~o.togy Ne..w-6te.ti.Vt Vo.fume. 2 , No. 2 tia.y , 1991 FR.CM THE PRESIDE?fl'' S DESK ... varied habitat--hemlocks , hardwood forest , wetlands , cranberry and May has arrived! The warblers are blueberry bogs , and lakes . here! I've been rather busy with a new addition to our family, but I hope Sane interesting field trips are you're out in the field in your Special planned. On Saturday morning a Area looki ng at birds. beginning bird walk is pl anned on the camp property. Doug Gross , coordinator Our Special Areas Project is well of the Breeding Bird Atlas Project in underway. Forms have been designed; the Crystal Lake area, reports that we packets have been sent to interested should find a variety of species , ; persons; and birders are already including Comnon Ravens , Swainson' s .,,!,,.,.. -.._ ... inventorying birds in at least nine Thrushes, and Mourning Warblers. Also _,.;.,q: ,· state parks . on Saturday morning , Doug wil l be leading a SAP trip to World' s End State Plans have almost been finalized for Park and adjacent Wyoming State Forest . our second annual fall meeting. Shonah Hunter has been working hard to organize Saturday afternoon we will have .... the field trips, workshops , and meeting . presentations on vari ous ornithological topics. Last year's presentations were We have been having a few problems outstanding. Details on subjects to be with our mail . This problem will soon covered will be sent to you with the be resolved. Please bear with us registration information.
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