Stcotohnealie ------Jthe County to the H-Ghwaj^Epar:- R Growth Ot One of the Stete’X-Gtaat :Ial Automobile with the King and Ceaaity, Matt Jones

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Stcotohnealie ------Jthe County to the H-Ghwaj^Epar:- R Growth Ot One of the Stete’X-Gtaat :Ial Automobile with the King and Ceaaity, Matt Jones 711 GRawi ) jur ^ brings LN LARGE Seluiic!) (Ctiisen l^ssses ^tnag HIGHWAY COMIiiiooiuit AsiAaiia NUMBER TRUE BILLS; WILUA.MS Goj' Snyder, one of Horefiead ’s best known and best HALDEMAN ROAD; RAU»H MYf :1S GET 15 YEAR IN FLANERY KILLING lovied citizens died at bia home here following a abort COMPANY ARE LUCKY BIDDERS iilnesa. Mr. Silyder was able to be down town Monday wher^ hO gl-eeted his many friends. Tuesday he was Sixty Three Ttoe Bill* Returned Up Until Ngon Yesterday; I Decides To Fnntisli rintire Fund Necessary For :dightly indisposed and was unable to be out. News of Cevrt Expected To Adjaarx Saturday Few CoBstnictioB Of Road At Request Of iadge his death was a distinct shock to the citizens of More ' Cnportaat Caan Are Tried head, who united in hoping for his complete recovery. Young And Conmtssioner A. P. 1 Mr. Snyder passed away suddenly Wednesday after' The October term of Circuit' HARLAN POWERS DIES The raeeti^ of the SUte High--" Court eiU end either' Friday or noon. No arrangements have been announced as yet as rP OommiiMoa is fp^kfort on Saturday. Court official feel. to funeral services. The entire city joins in sympathy for A( we go to proM. wmoi ABOUT TOWN T»**ley of this week we. one of The. grand .iuxK< untU ^eeturday Mrs Snyder. thet Hartes. Powvra,.. Jr., m* of ^culer intemt to the cltiiens of had returned 64 true biUa.^oet of Mr. ead Mri; J. H. Powon dM with Heldemsa end Soldier, for et thei the indietmeata against Tom Willi- e tmw minmUt ago ..(Wo^eedaj meeting, the conuniasion ewerded the The News ama -and Omer KM«k ware oat- evoaiai ahotft 7:00 o ’clock. War In Europe Is Many Cases Tried contract for the conatructioa of the grede-wnd drain for one and eighty Tom Williaiaa, convicted of tba murder of Bill Flannery, and Rammed Today In Stewart Court fenced to flfteen G<M5HsSci«duid5-t-:j£:rE filed motion and gron^ for i We caa reeallu thatluat hMdiyn-raij a■ year . Bumps wss aittiBg on Another boay week was held in His motion i p ago. there ...... rpowder—— today,------- —sad —tb«s----------.H—,the court of CommisMoner Lee T CA ^ Here under eonaideratioB by the court to . ---------- Heldemsn end is the result of an ef. bet that I________________I marefaant ’s__ place—. ..ot of another world war, foBowieg the | Stewart here, with many trials for j Cheriee Crmwfoi Charles Crmwford GorstT^ the ^ this construction tnaiama waateokan iato and aeveiml . of King Alezendrie ofjHqoor violations. FoUowing ere the famed lecturer end bird imitator a period of aevaial yews, heedrad detlan worth of merchaa- Otwr^iwlek’s ^1 for murder, Minister' case* tried. ie sehedBled to make his initiel ap. ^ contract waa awarded to the di- waa carriad away. It ba. boon «- *«*»«••<* the third day . France ghia Binba. of the wtoring 1 pearance in Murehead Wednesday, bidder, Ralph Meyeia of Camp, many a day since we had a robbery **™ ‘- Tuesday afternoon. whiMcey, gave 9900 bond The for ap. : get 17 at 8 p. m. on the first lyceum •Ueburg Indiana. Work orders will be . {a Mnrihiail following eaaes on , the From eU the eeptieU of Europe pearance at Deei Timinai docket were tried: Bay term of Cat- scheduled for the current school ^*1 at the earliest Tl» lUm. .r. tUW iceme eoneern thet the specUculer; lettsboig court. Myera. false swearing, hung jury, “*« »Weh wiU be as soon as tfat sd out they arc insetive « T. Md . slaylnr would onaettta the balance aa they' Ssnford Rowe and Oilie Middleton, Hampton end Ron- Bird study has become an arl Mnatrpetion company fills the proi to cUk robbery ettempta ef peace the Continent, but dip-' ants ara ^^ontary manslao^tor, not guilgy. for Mr. Gorst. It is his Iffe.^end the « bond. Constmtion work mar formerly did. Tba merebsnts lomats tonight saw no immedUte Thomaa Ee^ejr, stealing from ecturing Whiskey, waived examining sylvan denitens reveal an exlsun^e be expected to start immediate eeitninly not diapleaeed with cauee for war auch as brought 97 j^al snd filled "oramon carrier, one year.- bond 9600 for of ineffable beauty end intrinsic *»• prseeat state The thunder nations into the world eonfUet 20 at CatUetaborg court, peace t» Uie "Bird Ifon ” who has | Tb* present contract does not itf. Mrik. «w tlm to«v.r. rw. i'"' years agOL In an honest attempt. - to the eonstmetian---------- of under- k... Id.. Innr «.! tdrlim Rewever, fear is expremed that WiUUm Brown end Andrew Brown if. secrets. Prom the time oi !»««■at Hayes Crossing or else- Woodrow Elam, cutting and wonnd- the consequences of the double as- Wyatt, Ky.. charged with possession , * ”hoA recollection, birds have wb««.which Vill be let - under a ^ ^______________________ I ing. and 9 maiRte. 9500 boud. I foeeinated him and seduced his «eparaU contract. Discussioiis with Future et the EegU. Nest ' Vinaon Moore, drunk, 910 and coat jVes Bowling. _______ , and Barthou's dreami df amuring: «<“ Crisp, of Minor, held for The Eagfoe Neat Cafe have a Urge ' *«» «*»»»•Europe peace by reconciling the ! I>««mberterm on charge of menu- under Way with regard to the in the eonstruction of these underpasses hand paUUd pietnre of the e»«nP«' On one day ihe grand Wln^with Premier Mussolini may f*rt«rinefactoring, with isoo9600 bond. | me mya. i nave stood dusk of a giant redwood forest and Md pUna are being drawn for them. r.d bdildf.1. of the M.reheul SUt. ^ |tur..d 38 tr., bilb. M..h tbl, ta,rp,ri.hri with Pn.c,'. 72 ,«i ry hearing . wnf-_« . J T .. .“lied up to migrating birds and Bids were received on the Tmdin, C.II«<. TW« ik.t.1. .1™.-k“ 1^” -ttk “tU old iM» for.i8. mtainer. Wlbon end Levy H. Wn«m. ch.rg- th« varied thrud. down ' ' e cu. rf C. *. E.sdK»n. , a. stmetion of Ahis strip of highway ?> diows everything on thA>.~~r— ........ —— i — ______ _ ed with manufacturing, released < ud are.wUir""'"' "■>' re«.iuwtom „„a. II ,«r|»5"0ho.d, pillar of li^t from foe vrood ’s higl. on June 28 of this year, but due to roof. On a soliUry Canadian lake, e.ehortage of funds in Mr. A. P. of the inetitution. since it was found i * accident, the court found ^ . Crewn Prince Peter, but upon • On Thursday <tf last week govern my imiUtlve IqughUr .decoyed a Plummer's district at that time, it •d to 1»«.by an act of the state i" »f tb« plaintiff end gave ; , regency will rest the shaping of ment officers captured n tink itiil pair of swimming.- grebes to mv was impossible to award foe con- iegiaUtare. • ““•* ^ policies' thet may alter the make up ] on' Caney Fork of Licking River in through foe reeds. Prom a high cliff, tract Since that date an effort has Perhaps the mosb interesting Re asksd for 97M. ......... ISslt........................................Lick vicinity." Thele’’stillstill ftU a blade autumn night, I hav:.' been made to come to an agnement ' feetnre to foe nolntlea et foe enroB foDed up to migr at to g; bteda and ‘wlfo foe ebuntp court, in 'MatttoWtlto »tt «Meb waa beisig. besR eircBng agiees cdmi down vtow of foe 'inmactonce ot foe Ugh. •«»flrinaiiiaf. "Ai«you there?Com- way to a fange weedmotttds emm- kiUeifap P - uuber et stateto ttet is to ------- t|gal)oa fermenters end 400 ealloi with ns," and I have longed fo go." , ty, to release the stated bus tax due r - of Ite«.SlpityR hi a pteture of the French graere] riding to foe of- of distilled beer. They arrested Jack StCotohnealie ------------------------------------ jthe county to the h-ghwaj^epar:- r growth ot one of the stete’x-gtaat :ial automobile with the king and Ceaaity, Matt Jones. Waltoee Jones, rJucetionel iMtftotIm OME NICHT^F ^ foe .the foreign minlsterT and wounded and two women, Juanita Yforman. Kiss And Make Up|.r Mneieal photu,roptoy— pa I twelve ethers before foe slayer Berth Curbin. All were released Hon work at an earlier date. <it a • Tektog l^s Ptoee the Fall season. It wtn be at the i ^linnelf »»» killed. Five woman wen under 960F- bond Joe appearance of the fiscal court, College Friday October 12th. The | the 1>ecember term. At Cozy Theatre " . a resolution to Uya effect wa.s in­ The football team of Moreheed musie is so pleasing that grand I’'* » n*tive of Zagreb Officers also confiscated a 200 troduced but was rejected by a Conegs, end foe 9orta program to opera fans and i i are prale- named Petrus Kaleman, was armed Wearing a large engagement gallon copper still complete, twelve three to two Vote. Squires JJm Rose general, appear tn be in for s new ing the show. Beautiful Grace Moore with a repeating pistol of sub-ma ­ diamond and admitting that she is sixty gallon fermenters, SOO gallons end Shei-maii Mahrj- voting for the •lay. The thne is coming when More- chine gun type, of German make, very much in love, Helen la so charming the regular picture of beer and 33 gallons of whiskey hs7 - ' "hile Squires Fred Bur- head will b»one of the stepping and a smaU bomb which be had d.rk.tatad film Wr..,, ,h, h„ . PrcM B.r- fans are all seeing the show. The on a raid near MidUnd. The still had s'ones to victory for every institn. chance to use. I.«lin3 r,l. fn P.,,-.-.-, .-ti. "J, “J '»«{>? acting is so supeib that the outstand ­ been in operation the preceding dav.
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    OFFICIAL LIST OF HOUSTON COUNTY QUALIFIED VOTERS STATE OF ALABAMA, HOUSTON COUNTY As directed by the Code of Alabama, I, PATRICK H. DAVENPORT, Judge of Probate, hereby certify that the within constitutes a full and correct list of all qualified electors, as the same appears from the returns of the Board of Registrars, on file in this office, and who will be entitled to vote in any election held in said county. Notice is hereby given to any voter duly registered whose name has been inadvertently, or through mistake, omitted from the list of qualified voters herein published, and who is legally entitled to vote, shall have ten days from the date of this publication to have his or her name entered upon the list of qualified voters, upon producing proof to the Board of Registrars of said County that his or her name should be added to said list. This list does not include names of persons who registered after April 5, 2018. A supplement list will be published on or before May 29, 2018. PATRICK H. DAVENPORT Judge of Probate ANDREW BELLE BLACKSHIRE TAMEKA SHANTAE CAMPBELL JEANIE B DANTLEY KATRINA LYNETTA FEAGGINS JENNIFER DELISE GUESS STEVEN LEE COMM CENTER BLAIR DEDRA RAY CANNON JUSTIN DAVID DANTZLER CHRISTOPHER FERGUSON JAMES CORBIN GUILFORD RUBY JEWEL ABBOTT CLARISSE ANN BLAIR DONALD TRENTON CANTRELL JAMES WESLEY RASHAD FERRELL MADELINE FAY GUNN BERTHA MAE ABBOTT EARL LEIGHTON III BLAKELY ELOISE CAPELL LUCINDA DANTZLER HOPE L FINCH BOBBIE JEAN GUY BETTYE J ADAMS CHANEY ALEDIA BLANTON JATHAN KALON CARLISLE CEDRIC O DANZEY ANNIE WILSON FINCH ROBERT
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