MEETING OF THE AUTHORITY #2/15 February 27, 2015

The Authority Meeting #2/15, was held in Weston Rooms A & B, Black Creek Pioneer Village, on Friday, February 27, 2015. The Chair Maria Augimeri, called the meeting to order at 9:39 a.m.

PRESENT Member Maria Augimeri Chair Jack Ballinger Member David Barrow Member Ben Cachola Member Ronald Chopowick Member Glenn De Baeremaeker Member Michael Di Biase Vice Chair Jennifer Innis Member Mujeeb Khan Member Matt Mahoney Member Giorgio Mammoliti Member Mike Mattos Member Member Gino Rosati Member John Sprovieri Member Cynthia Thorburn Member

ABSENT Vincent Crisanti Member Justin Di Ciano Member Chris Fonseca Member Member Jack Heath Member Colleen Jordan Member Glenn Mason Member Ron Moeser Member Jennifer O'Connell Member Linda Pabst Member Jim Tovey Member

12 RES.#A17/15 - MINUTES

Moved by: Ronald Chopowick Seconded by: Michael Di Biase

THAT the Minutes of Meeting #1/15, held on January 30, 2015, be approved. CARRIED ______


(a) A presentation by Brian Moyle, Senior Manager, Enforcement and Compliance, TRCA, in regard to the tunnel located on TRCA-owned land at 5 Shoreham Drive.

(b) A presentation by Joe Lobko, Partner, DTAH, in regard to items AUTH7.1 and EX7.1 - Long Term Office Accommodation Project.


Moved by: Mike Mattos Seconded by: Ronald Chopowick

THAT above-noted presentation (a) be heard and received. CARRIED RES.#A19/15 - PRESENTATIONS

Moved by: David Barrow Seconded by: Paul Ainslie

THAT above-noted presentation (b) be received. CARRIED ______


RES.#A20/15 - LONG TERM OFFICE ACCOMMODATION PROJECT Award of Contract for Architectural Services for Master Plan Design. Award of contract for architectural services for development of a master plan for the Black Creek Pioneer Village parking lot site, and the schematic design and costing of a new corporate headquarters building on 5 Shoreham Drive.

Moved by: David Barrow Seconded by: Paul Ainslie

13 THAT the contract for architectural services for development of a master plan for the Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV) parking lot site, and the schematic design and costing of a new and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) corporate headquarters building on 5 Shoreham Drive be awarded on a preferred source basis to DTAH, and Halsall, Blackwell and Integral Group with SCS + BA Group + A.W. Hooker & Associates at a total cost not to exceed $235,000, plus approximately $5,000 in disbursements, plus 10% contingency, plus HST.

RECORDED VOTE Paul Ainslie Yea Maria Augimeri Yea Jack Ballinger Yea David Barrow Yea Ben Cachola Yea Ronald Chopowick Yea Glenn De Baeremaeker Yea Michael Di Biase Yea Jennifer Innis Yea Mujeeb Khan Yea Matt Mahoney Yea Giorgio Mammoliti Nay Mike Mattos Yea Anthony Perruzza Nay Gino Rosati Yea John Sprovieri Yea Cynthia Thorburn Yea



Moved by: Giorgio Mammoliti Seconded by: Anthony Perruzza

THAT the contract not include preliminary design, but rather just a description. NOT VOTED ON RATIONALE TRCA staff has been studying possibilities for a new or expanded head office for a number of years now under the direction of the Long Term Office Accommodation Working Group, and with the assistance of multi-disciplinary landscape architecture, architecture and urban design firm DTAH, led by Principal, Joe Lobko.

14 In 2013, DTAH was awarded a $22,000 preferred source contract by TRCA’s Chief Executive Officer as per TRCA’s Purchasing Policy, as the design team to prepare integrated conceptual development plans for the parking lot at Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV). Various international case studies were analyzed, and options for the development of the site were prepared and presented to the Working Group in December 2013. At that meeting, the Working Group directed staff to investigate alternative methods of financing the proposals, and to refine a preferred alternative, with direction to examine the existing Shoreham office site further.

In 2014, DTAH in partnership with N. Barry Lyon Consulting, was awarded a $22,500 preferred source contract by TRCA’s Director, Planning and Development as per TRCA’s Purchasing Policy, to examine finance options and begin refining the preferred alternative. The work under the two projects was completed on time and on budget.

During this time, pressures about TRCA’s lease at the Downsview Office rose to the forefront, and the opportunity to lease a temporary interim Head Office facility at 101 Exchange Avenue for a six year term came forward. A new leasing arrangement at 101 Exchange was approved at Authority Meeting #2/14, held on March 28, 2014. Staff from the Downsview Office has been relocated to the interim Head Office and staff from the 5 Shoreham Drive office will be relocated in March/April, as well as some groups from other TRCA office locations. The relocation of staff to 101 Exchange Avenue provides efficiencies, a better working environment, and changes the options and time available for developing TRCA’s new, permanent headquarters.

After examining the existing planning and zoning permissions on both sites, it became apparent that developing a new headquarters building on the BCPV parking lot site will involve more challenging planning approvals and involvement of as yet undetermined partnerships with other organizations supportive of TRCA’s mandate, and it would not be possible to construct a new headquarters within the six year term of the 101 Exchange lease.

Given this, staff recommends that a two-phased approach be taken to the planning of both sites. Phase 1 is to establish a master plan for both sites north and south of Shoreham Drive. This will build on the existing conceptual development framework completed by DTAH in 2013 / 2014 and will examine options to accommodate a future development partner that could include an office user, residential development or other institutional and community uses while considering the ongoing operational needs of Black Creek Pioneer Village. Phase 2 is to develop a schematic design and construction cost estimate for a new +/- 80,000 square foot headquarters on the 5 Shoreham Drive site. Phase 2 would put TRCA in a position to pursue funding options, site plan approval and building permits, and construct a new headquarters prior to the expiry of the lease at 101 Exchange Avenue.

At Executive Committee Meeting #1/15, held on February 6, 2015, the Executive recommended to the Authority appointment of new members to the Working Group and selecting the existing Head Office site at 5 Shoreham Drive as the preferred site for the new headquarters. The Executive Committee also recommended that staff bring forward this report for consideration at the Authority for award of a preferred source contract to DTAH for the development of a Master Plan for the BCPV parking lot site, and the schematic design and costing of a new corporate headquarters building on 5 Shoreham Drive. The Executive Committee resolution is as follows:

15 THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT the Chair of the Authority (Maria Augimeri), Jack Heath, Ron Moeser, Jim Tovey, Michael Di Biase, Giorgio Mammoliti, Colleen Jordan, Anthony Perruzza and any another other TRCA Members who are interested, be appointed to the Long Term Office Accommodation Working Group (LTOAWG) until the end of their current term of appointment to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) or until their successor is appointed;

THAT the existing Head Office site at 5 Shoreham Drive be selected as the preferred site for TRCA's new headquarters building;

AND FURTHER THAT staff prepare a report for consideration at Authority Meeting #2/15, scheduled to be held on February 27, 2015 for award of a preferred source contract to DTAH for the development of a Master Plan for the Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV) parking lot site, and the schematic design and costing of a new corporate headquarters building on the existing Head Office site at 5 Shoreham Drive.

Staff has developed an excellent working relationship with the DTAH team lead by Joe Lobko through the process to date. DTAH is an award-winning landscape architecture / architecture / urban design firm that focuses on sustainable development, mostly for public and non-profit sector clients including the City of Toronto, Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation, Evergreen and Parc Downsview Park. Examples of their successful projects include the Evergreen Brick Works, the Black Creek Urban Farm on Jane Street, Wychwood Barns and master plans/visioning study for elements of Parc Downsview Park, the first two of which are owned by TRCA but managed by partners. DTAH has been able to complete their projects on budget except in cases where there was a change in the scope of the work or unforeseen site conditions were encountered. The DTAH team has also been recently involved in the design of the Woodgreen Corporate Headquarters and park, employing passive heating, cooling and ventilation strategies for a non-profit social service agency. Given this and the knowledge DTAH has of the project due to work completed under the previous two contracts, staff asked DTAH to identify at their cost a suitable team and to provide a proposal to implement the planning and design process.

In their proposal, DTAH has built an interdisciplinary team of six qualified firms specifically for TRCA’s project that includes leaders in the green design industry with experience on projects where innovative thinking around sustainable design was a defining characteristic. Many of the proposed team members are actively involved in the Canada Green Building Council and other innovative green building organizations, and the team is committed to bringing forth a cutting edge, world-class green building project that will demonstrate The Living City objectives within the fiscal constraints of a public sector / non-profit agency. These consultants include Doug Webber, Managing Partner of Halsall Inc., who is the Honorary Director of the Toronto Chapter of the Canada Green Building Counsel and J. David Bowick, Partner-in-Charge of Blackwell Inc., who has many years of experience in designing innovative wood and concrete structural solutions.

The proposal includes: 1. coordination and review of site information, the building program and project objectives; 2. engagement with York University, Tennis Canada, TRCA staff and Ward99 Architects who is the relocation architect to 101 Exchange Avenue; 16 3. preparation of precedent studies and implementation of four intensive design workshops to evolve a preferred master plan for both sites and a preliminary building design for a new headquarters; 4. preparation of a construction cost estimate for the headquarters building; and 5. presentations to the Working Group and the Authority.

This work will provide the basis for moving forward to detailed design, and approvals of a new headquarters building. The authorization of an agreement for professional services for the final design, tender specifications, construction supervision, and building commissioning will be the subject of a further report for consideration by the Authority following the successful completion fo this phase of planning. The contract for the construction fo the project will be subject to a competitive bid process at a later date as per TRCA's Purchasing Policy.

TRCA's goal is two-fold: 1) to provide functional contemporary office space for its growing staffing and program needs; 2) and to establish an office and site planning environment that provides industry leadership and a model in green technologies and urban conservation design. Developing on TRCA lands provides an opportunity that is cost effective, and one which aligns with TRCA’s sustainability mission and mandate. The Authority has approved this general direction. The details of managing through this process requires careful consideration of implementation with a tailored team of specialists that bring:  award winning experience in integrated architecture and landscape design, inclusive of campus master planning, public-sector and community projects, and civic projects of national profile;  demonstrated state of the art research and design in architecture, site planning and engineering utilizing green water and energy technologies, structural and materials innovation, etc.;  extensive knowledge of TRCA programs and a track record of working relationship with the TRCA team to build a thoughtful, managed project together for the future;  knowledge of the Black Creek Pioneer Village site and broader community from previous projects.; and,  proven track record of projects that provide significant community benefit under constrained budgets, with creativity in managing construction finance and implementation costs.

Staff believes that DTAH has brought together a customized team that can bring this unique project into realization. Staff therefore recommends the award of the contract on a preferred source basis as per Section 9.3.3 of TRCA's Purchasing Policy as follows:

The required goods and services are to be supplied by a vendor or supplier having specialized knowledge, skills, expertise or experience that cannot be reasonably provided by any other supplier.

FINANCIAL DETAILS The upset limit for this project is $235,000, plus approximately $5,000 in disbursements and 10% contingency, plus HST. Funds are identified in TRCA's 2015 Long Term Office Accommodation budget 006-50.

17 Report prepared by: Steven Heuchert, extension 5311 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Steven Heuchert, extension 5311 Emails: [email protected] Date: February 09, 2015


RES.#A21/15 - WILKET CREEK REHABILITATION PROJECT Contract No.10000250 - Bypass Pumping Works. Award of Contract No.10000250 for supply of all labour, materials and equipment necessary for bypass pumping works at Wilket Creek, Site 3 Phase 2, in the City of Toronto.

Moved by: Glenn De Baeremaeker Seconded by: Paul Ainslie

THAT Contract No.10000250 for supply of all labour, materials and equipment necessary for bypass pumping works at Wilket Creek, Site 3, Phase 2, in the City of Toronto be awarded to Aquatech Pump and Power at a total cost not to exceed $227,304.00, plus HST, as they are the lowest bidder that best meets Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) specifications;

THAT TRCA staff be authorized to approve additional expenditures to a maximum of 10% of the contract cost as a contingency allowance if deemed necessary;

THAT should staff be unable to execute an acceptable contract with the awarded contractor, staff be authorized to enter into and conclude contract negotiations with the other contractors that submitted tenders, beginning with the next lowest bidder meeting TRCA specifications;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take all necessary actions to implement the foregoing, including the signing and execution of any documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND Watercourses and adjacent park areas within the City of Toronto sustained a significant amount of damage as the result of the August 19, 2005 storm event. In response to the damage caused, City of Toronto Parks Forestry and Recreation (PF&R) entered into an agreement with TRCA in February of 2007 to complete the repairs required to return the damaged areas to a state of good repair in order to ensure protection of life and property within the City of Toronto parks systems while funding for long term rehabilitation of key sites was sought.

The Wilket Creek tributary of the East Don River was one of the watercourses that suffered a significant amount of damage as the result of the August 19, 2005 storm event. In 2007/8 TRCA staff undertook large scale restoration works within Edwards Gardens, and a series of 10 state of good repair projects within Wilket Creek Park, as part of the aforementioned agreement entered into by the City of Toronto and TRCA in February of 2007. 18 Following the completion of the State of Good Repairs work, TRCA entered into a multi-year agreement with Toronto Water and PF&R of the City of Toronto to undertake the completion of additional repair works within Wilket Creek Park, and a Geomorphic Systems Master Plan for the entire Wilket Creek subwatershed.

To date works have been completed at Sites 6, 7 (2011/12) and Site 3 Phase 1; which was completed in May 2013. The works for Site 3 Phase 2 will be completed during the first half of 2015 and include the protection of at-risk sanitary sewer infrastructure and associated channel works downstream.

RATIONALE This project is aligned with leadership strategy number two in TRCA’s new strategic plan. The restoration work done within Wilket Creek Site 3, Phase 2 will assist in the successful management of our regional water resources for current and future generations.

Tender No.10000250 was publicly advertised on the electronic procurement website Biddingo( on Thursday, January 15, 2015. Tender packages were sent to five contractors as follows:  Aquatech Pump and Power;  Atlas Dewatering Corporation;  Hertz Service Pump and Compressor;  Rain for Rent; and  Xylem Inc.

The Procurement Opening Committee opened the Tenders on Thursday, January 29, 2015 with the following results:

Tender No.10000250 Wilket Creek Rehabilitation Project – Site 3, Phase 2 – Bypass Pumping Works

BIDDERS TOTAL (Plus HST) Aquatech Pump and Power $227,304.00 Hertz Service Pump and Compressor $228,888.00 Xylem Inc. $252,000.00 Atlas Dewatering Corporation $510,000.00

Staff reviewed the bid received from Aquatech Pump and Power against its own cost estimate and has determined that the bid is of reasonable value and also meets the requirements and deliverables as outlined in the contract documents. Further assessment by TRCA staff of Aquatech Pump and Power 's experience and ability to undertake similar projects was conducted through reference checks which resulted in positive feedback that Aquatech Pump and Power is capable of undertaking the scope of work.

19 Based on the evaluation of the bids received, staff recommend that Aquatech Pump and Power be awarded Contract No.10000250 for the supply of all labour, materials and equipment necessary for bypass pumping works at Wilket Creek Site 3, Phase 2, in the City of Toronto for a total amount not to exceed $227,304.00, to be expended as authorized by TRCA staff, plus a 10% contingency, plus HST, it being the lowest bid that meets TRCA specifications.

FINANCIAL DETAILS Funding is 100% recoverable from the City of Toronto within account 185-09.

Report prepared by: Craig Eden, 647-633-8406 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Patricia Newland, 416-392-9690 Emails: [email protected] Date: February 04, 2015


RES.#A22/15 - DUFFINS MARSH RESTORATION PROJECT UPDATE Update on Duffins Marsh Restoration Project under Memorandum of Understanding with Power Generation.

Moved by: Paul Ainslie Seconded by: Ronald Chopowick

WHEREAS Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Pickering Nuclear Station;

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA continue to work with OPG for the restoration of the southwest lagoon, known as Simcoe Point Marsh, within Duffins Marsh Complex;

AND FURTHER THAT authorized TRCA officials be directed to take any action necessary to continue the partnership including obtaining any required approvals and the signing and execution of documents. CARRIED BACKGROUND In 2000, TRCA completed the Duffins Marsh Restoration Action Plan. This plan was developed with the assistance of the Town of Ajax, City of Pickering, provincial and federal agencies, the general public and a number of environmental non-governmental organizations.

The Action Plan focused on forest restoration, fish and wildlife habitat, meadow enhancement, and trail and interpretive infrastructure. Over the past 13 years, many aspects of the original plan have been implemented or partially implemented with funding support from OPG, Ministry of Natural Resources and Durham Region. Since the beginning of this restoration effort, OPG has contributed funding to this Action Plan and to other TRCA projects. 20 In 2006, TRCA began the restoration of Corner Marsh, the largest lagoon (17 hectares) within the Duffins Marsh wetland complex. This lagoon was isolated from Lake Ontario and Duffins Creek through the installation of a fish control (common carp) and water level control structure. Corner Marsh was temporarily dewatered and allowed to regenerate naturally. To date, the emergent plant community has been restored to the extent found in the mid-1960s, submergent aquatic plants now are found throughout the open water zone, and the site provides significant habitat for fish and wildlife. Control of water levels and undesirable fish are continuing in order to maintain the healthy condition of Corner Marsh.

Based on the outstanding success of Corner Marsh, staff detailed and developed restoration plans for the remaining three lagoons within the Duffins Marsh Complex.

At Authority Meeting #3/13, held on April 26, 2013, Resolution #A58/13 was approved as follows:

THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) enter into an Memorandum of Understanding and funding agreement with the Ontario Power Generation Pickering Nuclear Storage Station to restore the southwest lagoon of Duffins Marsh Complex at a cost not to exceed $500,000, starting in 2014;

THAT staff report to the Authority the details of the project and implementation schedule;

THAT the authorized TRCA officials be directed to take whatever action may be required to implement the agreement, including the obtaining of necessary approvals and the signing and executions of any documents;

AND FURTHER THAT Ontario Power Generation Pickering Nuclear Station be so advised.

The OPG Pickering Nuclear Station has been directed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to restore three hectares of wetlands to offset plant operations.

Simcoe Point Marsh (southwest lagoon) is approximately 4.6 hectares in size. The restoration project to be implemented will be similar to Corner Marsh (northwest lagoon) and will include the construction of an earth dyke and water control structure that excludes undesirable fish species (i.e., common carp) and controls water levels. OPG’s three hectares of restoration efforts at Simcoe Point Marsh will contribute to the total restoration of the 4.6 hectare lagoon. At this time, the other 1.6 hectares remains available for future compensation work.

During the spring and summer of 2014, TRCA drafted and finalized the Memorandum of Understanding/Funding Agreement with OPG. TRCA has secured funds from OPG to commence the planning and detail design stages of the project.

DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE The table below summarizes the project phases and timelines of the Funding Agreement.

21 Expected Date Project Phase Amount Fall 2014 Phase 1: Design and Planning $250,000 Winter/Spring 2015 Phase 2: Implementation $150,000 Spring 2015 to Spring 2025 Phase 3: Monitoring $100,000

In the fall of 2014, TRCA posted a Request for Proposal for Engineering and Design Services for Simcoe Point Marsh Restoration Project (Contract #10000097). It was awarded to Cole Engineering Group Ltd. at a total cost not to exceed $13,345.00.

The engineering assessment and services to be completed by Cole Engineering Group Ltd. over the winter 2014/2015 include:  geotechnical investigation;  hydraulic assessment;  design work and drawings for the proposed dyke alignment, water control structure;  cost estimate and calculation quantities to be used by TRCA in tendering the project.

FINANCIAL DETAILS OPG has agreed to provide $500,000 over a three year period. Funds are available in account 230-56.

Report prepared by: Danny Moro, extension 5372 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Danny Moro, extension 5372 Emails: [email protected] Date: January 23, 2015


RES.#A23/15 - LONG TERM OFFICE ACCOMMODATION PROJECT Recommendation on appointment of members to the Long Term Office Accommodation Working Group and preferred site identification for TRCA's new headquarters building.

Moved by: David Barrow Seconded by: Paul Ainslie

THAT the Chair of the Authority (Maria Augimeri), Jack Heath, Ron Moeser, Jim Tovey, Michael Di Biase, Giorgio Mammoliti, Colleen Jordan, Anthony Perruzza, Ben Cachola, Glenn De Baeremaeker and any another other TRCA Members who are interested, be appointed to the Long Term Office Accommodation Working Group (LTOAWG) until the end of their current term of appointment to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) or until their successor is appointed;

THAT the existing Head Office site at 5 Shoreham Drive be selected as the preferred site for TRCA's new headquarters building; 22 AND FURTHER THAT staff prepare a report for consideration at Authority Meeting #2/15, scheduled to be held on February 27, 2015 for award of a preferred source contract to DTAH for the development of a Master Plan for the Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV) parking lot site, and the schematic design and costing of a new corporate headquarters building on the existing Head Office site at 5 Shoreham Drive. CARRIED ______



Moved by: Paul Ainslie Seconded by: Cynthia Thorburn

THAT Section II item EX8.1 - Lower Don 1D-2D Flood Model, contained in Executive Committee Minutes #1/15, held on February 6, 2015, be received. CARRIED



RES.#A25/15 - SUMMARY OF PROCUREMENTS 2014 Annual Summary. Receipt of the 2014 end of year summary of procurements approved by the Chief Executive Officer or his designate.

Moved by: Paul Ainslie Seconded by: David Barrow

THAT the summary of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) procurements approved by the Chief Executive Officer or designates for 2014, be received. CARRIED BACKGROUND At Authority Meeting #5/05, held on June 24, 2005, staff was requested to report to the Authority on purchases which were approved by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or designate. This report provides that overview of approvals that are subject to the Purchasing Policy, with the exception of Schedule 'B' items (Attachment 1) as they are exempt from the approval requirements of the Purchasing Policy.

Pursuant to the resolution quoted above, the summaries of awarded contracts of $10,000 or greater, within the approval limits of the CEO or designate (Attachment 3) for 2014, are found in Attachment 4. The report includes approvals of $10,000 or greater, approved by the Chief Executive Officer or his designate. 23 At Authority Meeting #6/13, held on July 26, 2013, a new Purchasing Policy was approved, with changes in approval thresholds and purchasing methods, which are reflected in the Attachments. Attachment 2 includes the criteria as to why non-competitive procurement was appropriate for the particular goods or services procured, as per Sections 9.2 & 9.3 of TRCA's Purchasing Policy.

As permitted under the approved policy, the Chief Executive Officer has designated senior staff, generally including director and manager level positions, approval authority for purchases up to $10,000 (exclusive of applicable taxes), which are not captured in this report.

For the information of the members, staff undertook a review of purchases approved by the Authority and Executive Committee in 2014 (including contingencies). The following is a summary of purchases approved by the Authority and Executive Committee combined (Board) and Chief Executive Officer/designate in 2014. Attachment 4 is a detailed listing of purchases of $10,000 or greater approved by the Chief Executive Officer/designate in 2014.

Total 2014 Purchases of Minimum Value of $10,000

Purchase Type CEO & Designates Board (Plus HST) (Plus HST) Competitive 10,581,514.04 20,319,055.23 Sole Source 64,790.00 0.00 Preferred Source 1,139,936.07 1,237,650.75 Not Lowest Bid 38,180.00 0.00 SUBTOTAL 11,824,420.12 21,556,705.98 GRAND TOTAL 2014 33,381,126.10

The total purchases for TRCA in 2014 of $10,000 or greater, approved by the Authority, Executive Committee or Chief Executive Officer/designate was approximately $33.4 million, including contingencies, excluding HST.

Report prepared by: Kathy Stranks, extension 5264 Email: [email protected] For Information contact: Kathy Stranks, extension 5264 Email: [email protected] Date: February 9, 2015 Attachments: 4

24 Attachment 1 SCHEDULE ‘B’


The following purchases and payments are not subject to the approval and reporting requirements of Schedule 'A', unless otherwise directed by the CEO or designate or as provided in other TRCA policies. The CEO or designate shall establish procedures and approval thresholds applicable to Schedule 'B' items.

1. Utilities  Electricity  Water and sewage charges  Natural gas, fuel oil, propane  Basic telephone/data/internet/service  Basic television cable service

2. Training and Education  Membership and association fees, as permitted by TRCA policy  Magazine and periodical subscriptions  Staff development (except where bulk training is arranged through a bidding process)  Conferences and seminars  Tuition reimbursement in accordance with TRCA personnel policies

3. Refundable Employee Expenses  Meal allowances  Travel and transportation expenses  Accommodations  Mileage  Other employee expenses incurred on TRCA business

4. General Expenses  Property taxes  Postage  Licenses e.g. vehicles, software, municipal, etc.  Land purchases, including expropriation costs and land registry fees  Customer refunds  Insurance deductibles  Legal settlements  Grievance payments

5. Petty Cash Replenishment

6. Payments to Current and Past Employees  Salaries, wages and benefits due to any person in the employ of TRCA  Retirement allowances, settlements and other payments due to a person previously in the employ of TRCA

25 7. Government Payments  Fees, levies and taxes payable to federal, provincial or municipal governments, or to any agency, board or commission thereof

8. Debt  All accounts for payments of principal or interest on debentures, loans or overdrafts, including foreign exchange

9. Pension Deductions, Contributions and Employee Benefit Plan Payments  Employee pension deductions and employer pension contributions  Payments to the providers of employee benefit plans.

10. Grants and Contributions  Research grants for special projects undertaken by qualified college or university staff and/or students acting on behalf of their respective institution  Payments made to landowners and similar groups under a granting program as approved by the Authority.  Grants to community groups and public service bodies to assist with research or knowledge gathering which is of particular interest to TRCA

11. Goods and Services Purchased for Resale

12. Paid advertising


Section 1.14 Non - Competitive Procurement Process

A non-competitive procurement process shall only be used if one or more of the following conditions apply and a process of negotiation is undertaken to obtain the best value in the circumstances for the TRCA. Authorized Buyers are authorized to enter into negotiations without formal competitive bids, under the following circumstances:

1. The goods and services are only available from one source or one supplier by reason of:

 A statutory or market based monopoly  A fluctuating market prevents the TRCA from obtaining price protection or owing to market conditions, required goods or services are in short supply  Existence of exclusive rights (patent, copyright or licence)  Need for compatibility with goods and services previously acquired and there are no reasonable alternatives, substitutes or accommodations  Need to avoid violating warranties and guarantees where service is required

2. An attempt to purchase the required goods and services has been made in good faith using a competitive method and has failed to identify a successful supplier.

3. When the extension or reinstatement of an existing contract would prove most cost-effective or beneficial. The extension shall not exceed one year.

4. The goods and services are required as a result of an emergency, which would not reasonably permit the use of the other methods permitted.

5. The required goods and services are to be supplied by a particular vendor or supplier having special knowledge, skills, expertise or experience that cannot be provided by any other supplier.

6. Any other sole or single source purchase permitted under the provisions of this policy including those noted in Schedule ‘B’.


9.2 Sole Source - A sole source purchase occurs only when there is one supplier of a particular good or service that meets the requirements of TRCA by reason of:

1. a statutory or market-based monopoly; 2. scarcity of supply in the market; 3. the goods or services are unique to one supplier and no practical alternatives or substitutes exist.

9.3 Preferred Source - A preferred source purchase shall only be used if one or more of the following conditions applies and a process of negotiation has been undertaken to obtain the best value in the circumstances for TRCA:

1. The goods and services are only available from one source or one supplier by reason of: a. need for compatibility with goods and services previously acquired and there are no reasonable alternatives, substitutes or accommodations; b. desire to avoid violating warranties and guarantees where service is required. 2. The goods and services are required as a result of an emergency, which would not reasonably permit the use of the regular procurement methods. 3. The required goods and services are to be supplied by a vendor or supplier having specialized knowledge, skills, expertise or experience that cannot be reasonably provided by any other supplier. 4. The required goods and services meet TRCA's sustainability criteria and guidelines defined in the Policy and could not be reasonable met through regular procurement methods. 5. Special research and development projects with academic institutions, government bodies, industry organizations and similar bodies.

28 Attachment 3



Method of Procurement Total Value of Procurement Authorization to (Before Applicable Taxes) Award Low Dollar Value Less than $2,500 Authorized Buyer RFQ/Tender (Low Bid), $2,500 to less than $100,000 CEO or designate RFP (Highest Ranked), or $100,000 to less than $200,000 Executive Committee Sole Source $200,000 or higher Authority Preferred Source $2,500 to less than $50,000 CEO or designate $50,000 to less than $200,000 Executive Committee See Section 9.3 above $200,000 or higher Authority Award to Other than the Low Bid or $2,500 to less than $25,000 CEO or designate Highest Ranked $25,000 to less than $200,000 Executive Committee $200,000 or higher Authority

29 Attachment 4 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Development of 3D Rendered Presentation Drawings for Small Levitt Goodman 12,900.00 5/5 Arms Building Adaptive Reuse Architects Project Horse Drawn Wagon Rides for Sugarbush Maple Syrup Lionel's Farm 32,657.00 3,265.70 7/2 Festival Paper Purchases Spicers 75,000.00 7,500.00 Toronto Process Skylight Repairs at Arsenal Meridian Construction 8,970.00 2,500.00 3/3 Building Hydraulic Analysis & Detailed Design to Replace mcVean AECOM Canada 34,670.00 7,000.00 8/3 Farm Culvert Carpet Replacement at BCPV Mayhew 23,995.00 4,799.00 4/3 Administrative Office Planning & Feasibility Study for Paul Didur Architect 22,150.00 3,322.50 biddingo/7 Boyd Centre Inc. W.F. Baird & Humber Bay EA Assessment Associates Coastal 51,872.00 51,872.00 2/2 Scoping Engineers Ltd. Software Consulting, Design, Development & Photography for Rtraction Inc. 55,560.00 biddingo(32)/3 Web-based Virtual Tour of The Living City Campus at Kortright New Computer Equipment & Software License for Eastville SHI Canada 15,009.60 1,500.96 3/3 Office Staff BCPV Dishwasher & Booster Magic White 12,346.00 1,234.60 4/4 Development of Recruitment, Mentorship & Alumni Cooper Web Design 19,200.00 biddingo(6)/1 Community Website for Bridge Training Programs Aquatech Logistics Pool Supplies and Chemicals 20,363.25 2,036.33 3/2 Inc. Website & Application Support Mojility Inc. 46,000.00 biddingo(49)/2 & Development Services Heart Lake Dragon Boat Great White North Festival Event Delivery & 34,521.00 3,452.10 2/1 Dragon Boat Equipment Rentals Solid Waste & Recycling Removal Services for April 2014 Waste Reduction 55,170.00 5,517.00 biddingo/10 - April 2015 Push Promotional Wristbands for use at TRCA Products and Design 10,938.40 1,093.84 6/6 Aquatic Facilities Inc. July 8th Extreme Rainfall Event AMEC Earth and 59,846.00 5,984.60 3/3 Climatological Report Environmental Development of Summary & AMEC Environment Analysis Report of the July 8th, 54,950.00 5,495.00 6/4 and infrastructure 2013 Storm Event Undertake Detailed Design Drawings & Cost Estimates for a Pedestrian Bridge for Bob Dillon Consulting 73,009.00 10,951.35 6/4 Hunter Memorial Park Trail Link Over Little Rouge Creek 30 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Roundup for Weed Control at Claireville Conservation Area, Leuschner's Lawn and 30,450.00 3,045.00 3/3 Gatineau Hydro Corridor, TTP and Cherrywood Property Cleaning and Washroom Supplies for Public Use Mister Chemical 48,523.66 4,852.37 7/3 Facilities & Field Centres Golf Cart Rentals for Bathurst Bennett Golf Carts 16,000.00 1,600.00 3/3 Glen Golf Course Fuel for Bathurst Glen Golf Armstrong Petroleum Course and Bruce's Mill 20,000.00 2,000.00 3/3 Ltd. Conservation Area Engineering Services of a Gated Parking System at the Kavsky Engineering 9,440.00 Contract Extension South Entrance of the Parking Lot at BCPV Engineering Inspections During Construction of Infrastructure Grech and Associates 3,000.00 1,000.00 Contract Extension Protection Works Located on a Ltd. Section of the West Don River

Steel Fabrication to Produce Grating and Fish Gates for use on the structures at Tommy Rio Welding Limited 11,410.00 1,141.00 4/3 Thompson Park, Humber River Marsh and Duffins Creek Marsh

Undertake a Materiality Assessment Using the Global Quinn and Partners Reporting Initiative Framework 48,500.00 2/2 Inc. & Prepare the 2012/2013 Corporate Sustainability Report Detailed Design of Replacement Bank Stabilization & Erosion Control Works along Aquafor Beech Ltd. 9,860.00 9,050.00 7/5 the East Don River at Yonge Street 16 Steel Road Plates United Rental 25,800.00 2,600.00 3/3 Asphalt Pathway Paving Works at Highland Creek Downstream Appco Paving Ltd. 32,506.25 6,500.00 6/5 of Morningside Road Erosion Control Project Pedestrian Handrails at Clearwater Structures 56,080.00 11,216.00 22/3 Claireville Dam Inc. Reference Plan/Survey Work Ivan B. Wallace for 13 Properties Along 47-69 Ontario Land Surveyor 11,800.00 3/2 Riverhead Drive & 1 Katrine Ltd. Road, Toronto Reference Plan/Survey Work Krcmar Surveryors 11,000.00 4/2 Picnic Tables Precision Welding Inc. 23,662.50 2,366.25 5/4 Complete Detailed Design for Protection of Sanitary Infrastructure, & a Geomorphic Greck and Associates 19,860.00 10,000.00 8/5 Analysis & Erosion Risk Limited Assessment of a Portion of Albion Creek 31 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Geotechnical Investigations for Multipel Watercourse Crossings DBA Engineering Ltd. 30,083.00 6,016.60 biddingo/7 Construction Projects Undertake Engineering Services in Support of the Brampton Humber Valley Lands GEO Morphix Ltd. 12,930.00 2,586.00 4/3 William Hostrawser Structure Removal Project Appraisal Services of 3 D. Bottero & Properties - Highfield Farms, 14,350.00 5/4 Plus Disbursements Associates Limited Snider, Milne Supply of Petticoat Creek Aveco Pools 22,575.00 2,257.50 6/3 Outdoor Pool Paint 110, 20-25 cm DBH Cedar Tree Rootwads to Landstaff Works TBG Landscape Inc. 55,000.00 5,500.00 7/3 Yard Plumbing & Mechanical Newline Mechanical Services at Albion Hills Field 49,000.00 3/1 Co. Ltd. Centre Wastewater Collection & Smith Excavating, Dumping Services for TRCA Grading and Septic 73,364.00 7,336.40 3/1 Public Use Facilities - 2 Years Services Approximately 400 Tonnes of 150mm-300mm Gabion Stone Natural Stone Source 11,100.00 1,110.00 18/8 to Black Creek Flood Control Ontario Channel 2014 Floodplain Mapping Cole Engineering 40,000.00 5/5 Update Limited 2014 Creek Aquafor Beech 59,950.00 12,000.00 6/6 Floodplain Mapping Update Limited Approximately 150 Tonnes of 100mm-200mm Gabion Stone for I-048: West Don River Near Strada Aggregates 4,312.50 contract extension Dufferin & Centre Street Sanitary Infrastructure Protection Project Slope Stability & Stormwater Management Analysis at 255 Terraprobe Inc. 70,865.00 7,000.00 5/1 Wicksteed Avenue, Toronto Detailed Design for Major Maintenance Works Below Aquafor Beech Ltd. 34,888.00 10,000.00 7/4 3030-3068 Weston Road, Toronto Compact Digital Cameras & Downtown Camera Accessories for Environmental 11,093.00 6/2 Ltd. Leaders of Tomorrow Program Removal & Disposal of Existing Fencing, & Supply & Installation of 722m of Page Wire Farm Leone Fence Co. Ltd. 14,692.70 biddingo/1 Fence Along Sideline 16, Pickering Third Party Facilitator Services for the Scarborough Waterfront Dillon Consulting 80,915.00 16,183.00 biddingo/7 Project Environmental Limited Assessment

32 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Lettershoping Work Related to Swiss Print 2014 TRCA Education 11,122.00 1,112.20 3/2 International Programs Direct Mail Campaign Stone Pillars & Fencing at the Simcoe Point Cemetery & Melfer Construction Railing at the Duffins Creek 29,400.00 2,940.00 3/3 Inc. Canoe Launch in the Town of Ajax's Rotary Park Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area PCI Mechanical 19,490.00 3,898.00 3/3 Washroom Upgrades Contracting Approximately 300 Tonnes of 600mm – 800mm Rip Rap to the Highland Creek Below Natural Stone Source 11,580.00 1,158.00 18/4 Kingston Road (HC21) – Major Ontario Maintenance Project in the City of Toronto Slope Stability Analysis & Erosion Risk Assessment along Terraprobe Inc. 17,398.00 5,000.00 7/3 the Rouge River at 70 Main Street South Detailed Designs for Interim Protection of At-risk Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure, German Cole Engineering 9,075.00 3,000.00 4/4 Mills Creek Near Don Mills Group Limited Road and John Street, City of Markham Slope Stability Analysis at Stantec Consulting 31,945.00 3,000.00 7/5 Norther Edge of Gaffney Park Ltd. BCPV & Kortright Rental of Faster Linene Service 40,433.08 4,043.31 8/4 Linen Products Inc. Detailed Designs for Interim Protection of At-risk Sanitary Greck and Associates Sewer Infrastructure Located 9,880.00 3,000.00 4/1 Ltd. Along the West Don River ear Bradwick Drive, Vaughan Slope Stability Analysis Near 7284 Islington Avenue, Terraprobe Inc. 24,835.00 4,000.00 7/3 Vaughan Supply, Delivery & Installation of High Density Mobile Filing TAB Products Canada 58,946.00 5,894.60 4/4 System at the Interim Head Office Shredded Pine Mulch for Tree & 2014 Shrub Plantings be Greenside Gardens ‘N 24,000.00 2,400.00 3/3 awarded to for a total cost not More to exceed $24,000.00 Swan Lake Landscape Elephant Construction 67,908.00 6,790.80 3/2 Improvements and Landscaping Third Party Evaluation Services E-Nova Consulting 13,230.00 biddingo (5)/2 for the PAIE Program Approximately 680 Tonnes of 800mm-1200mm Rip Rap to Brock Aggregates 24,820.00 2,482.00 18/4 Markie Curtis Bank Stabilization Project

33 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Data Collection & Analysis of 4DM and Synthesis Food & Farming Assets in the 40,000.00 biddingo/1 Agrifood Network Golden Horseshoe Approximately 17,064 Units of St. Williams Nursery Aquatic Plant Propogation 15,865.00 1,586.50 5/4 and Ecology Centre Materials Approximately 14,930 Units of Connon (NVK) Aquatic Plant Propogation 28,532.50 2,853.25 5/4 Nurseries Ltd. Materials Construction Demonstration Elephant Construction Residential Rain Garden at 11,165.00 21/1 and Landscaping Milliken Park Installation of Pedestrian Handrail within Marie Curtis Leone Fence Co. Ltd. 10,500.00 1,050.00 8/3 Park, Toronto Professional Consulting Paul Didur Architects Services for G.Ross Lord Dam 13,440.00 3,360.00 3/3 Incorporated Control Building Slope Re-construction & Paving Hilton Construction 47,600.00 4,760.00 13/5 at 2191 Kipling Avenue, Toronto Corporation Engineering & Design Services Cole Engineering in Support of the Simcoe Point 13,345.00 2,669.00 4/3 Group Ltd. Marsh Restoration Project Dell SonicWALL Firewall Dell Canada 12,191.30 1,219.13 3/3 Polymer for Dredging of High Ground Force Park Stormwater Management 78,400.00 11,760.00 3/3 Environmental Inc. Ponds Pre & Post Construction Inspections for the Properties at AECOM Canada Ltd. 12,730.00 5,000.00 8/2 Nos. 1 Katrine Road – 53 Riverhead Drive, City of Toronto Decommissioning Pool at 134 Superior Disposal 20,000.00 2,000.00 8/2 Ravendale Court, Vaughan Construct a Nature Trail at Oak Ridges Corridor Conservation TBG Landscape Inc. 15,484.50 contract extension Reserve Multi-Use Trail Phase 2 Project Installation & Rental of a Temporary Bridge at McPherson Andrews 56,392.66 contract extension Frenchman’s Bay Harbour Contracting Entrance Project Disposal of Stormwater Management Pond Dredgeate RAFAT General 42,860.00 10,715.00 biddingo/3 for Centennial Pond, in the City Contractors Inc. of Toronto Engineering Services for Phase 2 Update of the 1D/2D Hydraulic Model & Engineered Floodline Mapping for the Spring Creek Tributary from the MMM Group Limited 72,125.00 7,200.00 5/3 Peel Centre Area in the City of Brampton Downstream Through the Avondale Special Policy Area 34 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Bruce's Mill Chalet Washroom Upgrades PCI Contracting Mecha $23,350.00 $2,000.00 3/3 Website Development Services Resolution Interactive M $82,151.00 $16,430.20 5/4 Minutes & Agendas Software eScribe 14,437.20 2,000.00 3/3 ETIENNE BRULE PARK PROJECT Approximately 1,700 Tonnes of J.C. Rock Limited 57,154.00 5,715.40 20/5 600mm - 800mm Rip Rap Approximately 600 Tonnes of BOT Aggregates Ltd. 17,172.00 1,717.20 21/9 100mm- 200mm Gabion Stone Approximately 400 Tonnes of 2- 3 Tonne Uniform Stackable B-Town Group 24,100.00 2,410.00 20/2 Armourstone Green Cleaning Services for Clean-Slate Janitorial 16,500.00 5/4 Boyd Centre Services Green Cleaning Services for Allcare Maintenance 11,820.00 5/4 Restoration Services Centre Services Construct Gribwall along R&M Construction 55,085.00 5,508.50 17/9 Humber River, Vaughan INDIAN LINE CAMPGROUND Upgrade of Poplar & Humber Sky High Roofing and Washroom Buildings Exterior 53,000.00 5,300.00 biddingo/6 Sheet Metal Incl. Siding Windows and Doors Replacement Canadian Choice Wind $17,864.00 $3,572.80 3/2 FRENCHMAN'S BAY HARBOUR ENTRANCE PROJECT Approximately 3,800 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 90,630.00 20/5 100-200mm Gabion Stone Trucking Approximately 2,500 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 81,250.00 16,250.00 5/3 300-600mm Rip Rap Stone Trucking Rental of Temporary Chain Link The Fence People 6,219.00 contract extension Fencing Approximately 2,000 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 50,960.00 5,096.00 18/5 100-200mm Gabion Stone Trucking Approximately 600 Tonnes of 2- J.C. Rock Ltd. 28,200.00 2,820.00 18/5 4 Tonne Armour Stone SVE Portable 8 Mud Mats Roadway Systems 12,210.96 1,800.00 5/1 Inc. Approximately 2,000 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 22,932.00 contract extension 100-200mm Gabion Stone Trucking Tub Grinding Services Tom LaRue 33,500.00 4,000.00 3/3 Installation of a Chain Link Leone Fence Co. Ltd. 12,065.00 1,206.50 7/2 Fence Restoration of Two Navigation McPherson-Andrews 24,598.00 2,459.80 8/5 Light Towers Contracting Ltd. Wood Removal & Recycling Tuff Recycling Inc. 9,434.80 contract extension TRCA RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTIES Replace Primary Hydro Line Sturdy Power Lines Servicing at 7702 14th Avenue, 14,725.36 1,472.54 3/2 Ltd. Markham

35 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Installation of Underground Holding Tank to Supply Potable Roger Boadway Water & Decommissioning an 15,133.30 1,513.33 5/3 Enterprises Ltd. Existing Well at 8327 Steeles Avenue East, Toronto Roof & Eaves Replacement at 9260 Pine Valley Drive, Tony K. Roofing Inc. 21,300.00 2,130.00 6/2 Woodbridge Repair of Radiator System at 11741 Huntington Road, Spectrum Mechanical 31,500.00 4,725.00 3/3 Kleinburg 203 Ice Storm Tree Clean UP in Eco Quality Tree Care 26,250.00 2/2 contract extension Markham, Pickering & Toronto Inc.

203 Ice Storm Tree Clean UP in ACME Tree Services 17,800.00 2/2 contract extension Vaughan, Brampton & Caledon Roof Repairs at 7959 Steeles Avenue, Toronto, 7450 Reesor Road, Markham, 7629 Reesor Tony K. Roofing Inc. 32,250.00 4,837.50 5/1 Road, Markham & 7754 14th Avenue, Markham VALLEYWOOD TRAIL Engineering Services for Pedestrian Bridge for MMM Group 39,310.00 5,896.50 8/4 Valleywood Trail Link Approximately 700 Tonnes of LaFarge North 10,360.00 2,072.00 7/4 PARTNERS IN PROJECT GREEN License Sustainability Employee Engagement Mobile Software,& Greengage Mobile 20,040.00 2,004.00 3/2 Develop Supporting Campaign - PPG People Power Challenge Software Platform & Database Second Cycle 9,960.00 1,494.00 3/2 Service Centre Feasibility Study 4/2 Consulting Services Ideovation 41,265.00 4,126.50 Social Media Campaign Brown & Cohen 37,855.00 7,571.00 5/2 BLACK CREEK PIONEER VILLAGE Pest Control & Hygiene Cannon Services 10,728.00 1,072.80 3/3 Services Research Trip Preparation & Museum Planning 11,600.00 1,160.00 4/1 Post Visit Analysis Partners Horse Drawn Wagon Rides Lionel's Farm 10,500.00 1,050.00 4/1 Cleaning & Washroom Supplies Mister Chemical 30,457.26 3,045.73 7/1 LAKEVIEW WATERFRONT CONNECTION PROJECT Detailed Designs & Construction Drawings for GHD 70,570.00 21,171.00 5/3 Applewood & Serson Creeks Drilling of Ten Boreholes and Iinstallation Ten Monitoring Atcost Soil Drilling Inc. 10,935.00 1,093.50 3/3 Wells AMBERLEA CREEK EROSION CONTROL PROJECT Rental of Temporary Chain Link The Fence People 9,078.00 2,204.00 3/3 Fencing Limited Glenn Windrem Approximately 845 Tonnes of Trucking / 1035477 12,280.50 2,456.10 biddingo/4 Granular B – Type II Ontario Ltd. 36 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Approximately 420 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 300 mm – 600 mm Rip Rap Trucking / 1035477 15,540.00 3,108.00 biddingo/3 Stone Ontario Ltd. Approximately 435 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 600 mm – 900 mm Rip Rap Trucking / 1035477 17,182.50 3,436.50 biddingo/2 Stone Ontario Ltd. Glenn Windrem Approximately 635 Tonnes of Trucking / 1035477 22,860.00 4,572.00 biddingo/2 75 mm – 200 mm Round Stone Ontario Ltd. Approximately 2,740 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 100 mm - 150 mm Gabion Trucking / 1035477 80,830.00 16,166.00 biddingo/2 Stone Ontario Ltd. Undertake Construction Inspections & Monitoring During Inspec-Sol Inc. 89,208.00 8,920.80 6/2 Construction of Remedial Works 300 mm - 600 mm Round Stone Glenn Windrem Truckin $150,350.00 $30,070.00 9/2 4- 6 Tonne Armourstone C.D.R. Young's Aggreg $239,712.50 $47,942.50 9/2 Erosion & Sediment Control Nilex Inc. 24,741.64 4,948.33 3/3 KORTRIGHT CENTRE FOR CONSERVATION Exhibit Plan Development The Science Centre 33,441.00 3,344.10 biddingo (9) / 3 Running Power to the Dilisado Enterprises 14,350.00 2,870.00 3/3 Greenhouse Erosion Protection Works Around North and West Sides of Kortright Visitor Centre and Installation of a Wood Staircase TBG Landscaping Inc. $60,771.16 $9,115.67 5/2 Emergency Generator Improvements Summit Engineering Inc $7,450.00 $1,117.50 3/3 Roof Replacment for Bee Building Tony K $9,718.00 $971.80 3/3 ALBION HILLS CONSERVATION AREA AND FIELD CENTRE Consulting Services for Visitor Services Gatehouse Paul Didur Architect 16,030.86 1,600.00 contract extension Construction Disposal of 2,300 Cubic Metres of Stockpiled Soils, Albion Hills Iron Trio Inc. 60,451.00 6,500.00 27/7 Drainage Improvement Project

Supply of Pyrotechnics Display for Caledon Canada Day Pyro World 13,000.00 1,300.00 13/1 Celebration 2014 at Albion Hills Conservation Area Four Seasons Site Emergency Roadway Repairs 35,010.00 7,002.00 4/3 Development Diamond Earthworks Road Base Repairs 81,724.32 8,172.43 5/4 Corporation Limited Upgrade Existing Hydro Service Dilisado Enterprises 24,900.00 9,960.00 5/2 Repair of Roof Trusses at McPherson-Andrews 38,786.00 5,817.90 6/3 Albion Hills Ski Chalet Contracting Limited Repair of Roof Trusses at McPherson-Andrews 16,855.00 contract extension Albion Hills Ski Chalet Contracting Limited Fire Alarm System Upgrades at Simplex Grinnell 37,200.00 3,720.00 3/2 Albion Hills Field Centre 37 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Berkim Construction Washroom Tiling Work 93,765.00 5,000.00 3/3 Inc. Installation of Fire Alarm System Upgrades at Albion Hills Field Dilisado Enterprises 70,970.00 7,097.00 4/4 Centre BOLTON CAMP Architechtural & Engineering Cool Earth Services for Structure 79,820.00 8,000.00 9/5 Architecture Inc. Assessment of 21 Buildings Inflector Bolton Camp Fire Damaged Environmental 24,950.00 2,495.00 4/3 Building Asbestos Abatement Services ACQUISITION OF VEHCILES & EQUIPMENT Kooy Brothers One New Utility Vehicle 14,900.00 13/2 Equipment Green Tractors Inc. New Out-front Mower 19,325.00 11/3 (Nobleton) Ed Stewarts New 4 Seat Utility Vehicle 16,000.00 9/3 Equipment Heavy Duty Construction Strongco Equipment 84,700.00 8/2 Loader Mini Skid Steer Vermeer Canada Inc. 32,740.00 12/1 80 PTO Horsepower Utility Kooy Brothers 45,490.00 14/4 Tractor Equipment 60 PTO Horsepower Utility Green Tractors Inc. 33,195.00 12/5 Tractor (Nobleton) Atlas Dewatering 6" Diesel Water Pump 44,050.00 8/4 Corporation Upfitting Equipment for 2 RAM Hitch City 15,219.90 1,521.99 3/3 350 Pick-up Trucks 40 PTO hp Compact Utility Kooy Brothers Lawn 47,497.00 biddingo (7)/3 Tractor Equipment Tow-behind Brush Chipper Nortrax Canada Inc. 48,990.00 biddingo/4 NEWTONBROOK CREEK BRIDGE PROJECT Construction of Bridge Cedar Springs Abutments & Installation of 79,100.00 19,800.00 19/10 Landscape Group Ltd. Pedestrian Bridge Components Four Seasons Site Installation of Granular Base 53,600.00 5,400.00 4/2 Development SNELGROVE DRAINAGE CHANNEL MAINTENANCE Manhole Maintenance Work at Lakeside Contracting Snelgrove Drainage Channel, 12,750.00 2,000.00 6/3 Company Ltd. City of Brampton Temporary Bypass Pumping Xylem 29,536.00 3,000.00 4/3 System Works HEART LAKE CONSERVATION AREA Upgrade of Birchview & Beach Arc General 40,426.82 4,042.68 biddingo/14 Centre Washrooms Contracting Inc. Design-build Services for Ameresco Canada Administration & Workshop 144,769.35 contract extension Inc. Centre Installation of Chain Link Security Fence Around Leone Fence 25,470.00 2,600.00 5/4 Administration & Workshop Centre

38 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Supply, Delivery & Rental of Five 8’x 20’ Metal Storage Moore Equipment Ltd. 1,032.00 contract extension Containers DON VALLEY BRICK WORKS Approximately 750 tonnes of 5 mm Limestone Screenings for Lafarge Canada 14,595.00 2,919.00 7/7 the Quarry Trails Approximately 1,750 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 19 mm Crusher Run Limestone 35,595.00 7,119.00 7/7 Trucking for the Quarry Trails MARIGOLD CREEK STREAM RESTORATION AND ROAD CROSSING ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Approximately 400 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 250 mm – 600 mm Round 17,840.00 1,784.00 4/2 Trucking Stone Approximately 300 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 150 mm – 300 mm Round 13,380.00 1,338.00 4/2 Trucking Stone DUFFINS CREEK CANOE DOCK INSTALLATION AND SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT Approximately 390 Tonnes of Natural Stone Source 22,912.00 2,291.20 biddingo/3 Armour Stone (Two Tonne) Ontario Approximately 653 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 100 mm – 200 mm Gabion 17,794.25 1,779.43 biddingo/3 Trucking Stone Wooden Framed Floating Dock Premium Dock and with Aluminum Ramps & 15,927.00 1,592.70 4/4 Marine Systems Railings at Ajax's Rotary Park KENNEDY VALLEY WEST BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT Cole Engineering Engineering Services 18,280.00 3,656.00 6/5 Group Ltd. Approximately 350 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 250 mm – 450 mm Round 15,610.00 3,122.00 19/1 Trucking Stone Approximately 575 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 450 mm – 650 mm Round 28,117.50 5,623.50 19/1 Trucking Stone FLOOD PLAIN MAPPING PROGRAM Digital Topographic Base Mapping in Caledon, Vaughan First Base Solutions 18,464.00 4/3 & Whitchurch-Stouffville Digital Topographic Base Airborne Imaging 14,341.74 4/3 Mapping in Toronto BOYD CONSERVATION AREA GTA General Washroom Upgrades 64,525.00 12,905.00 5/3 Contractors Ltd. Washroom Pathways GTA General 29,700.00 5,940.00 5/4 Accessibility Upgrades Contractors Ltd. Geomorphic & Hydrotechnical Assessment & Preliminary Ecosystem Recovery Design Alternatives for At-risk 18,145.00 2,000.00 7/5 Inc. Low Flow Crossing at East Humber River WARWICK NURSERY EXPANSION Approximately 750 Tonnes of James Dick 18,637.50 3,727.50 7/6 19 mm Clear Limestone Construction Ltd. 39 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Approximately 3,300 Tonnes of Lafarge Canada 39,270.00 7/6 Granular A (Pit Source) Approximately 1,350 Tonnes of James Dick 22,167.00 7/6 19 mm Crusher Run Limestone Construction Ltd. Canadian Irrigation Equipment 18,331.50 3,666.30 6/1 Hydrogardens Ltd. JENNIFER-WHITBURN POST-STORM EMERGENCY WORKS Approximately 250 Tonnes of 2- C.D.R Young's 4 Tonne Uniform Stackable 13,200.00 6,600.00 18/3 Aggregates Inc. Armourstone Approximately 250 Tonnes of Nelson Aggregates 8,330.00 4,165.00 18/4 400mm- 600mm Rip Rap Approximately 550 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 16,225.00 8,112.50 18/4 100mm- 200mm Gabion Stone Trucking Limited EAST HUMBER RIVER AT LANGSTAFF ROAD REHABILITATION PROJECT Approximately 355 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 600mm – 800mm Natural 17,217.50 6,887.00 Trucking Round Stone Approximately 220 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 400mm – 600mm Natural 10,670.00 4,268.00 Trucking Round Stone FINCH HYDRO CORRIDOR MULTI-USE TRAIL Approximately 1,000 Tonnes of James Dick 18,820.00 1,882.00 18/9 19mm Crusher Run Limestone Construction Limited Approximately 1,100 Tonnes of James Dick 20,702.00 2,070.20 18/9 50mm Crusher Run Limestone Construction Limited

Terraseeding Services King Hydroseeding 12,120.00 1,200.00 3/2

Tipping Fees to Dispose of 2,200 Cubic Metres of TBG Landscape Inc. 14,300.00 1,430.00 4/4 Stockpiled Clean Fill Material MUD CREEK RESTORATION Approximately 800 Tonnes of 2- Glenn Windrem 4 Tonne Uniform Stackable 46,400.00 4,640.00 18/3 Trucking Limited Armourstone Creek Bypass Pumping Works Xylem Water Solutions 76,050.00 15,210.00 4/1 Approximately 297 Tonnes of C.D.R Young’s 10,400.94 1,040.09 18/2 Approximately 305 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 10,675.00 1,067.50 12/3 150-300mm Gabion Stone Trucking Rental of Temporary Chain Link The Fence People 10,280.00 2,056.00 4/1 Fencing Limited Approximately 874 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 18,834.70 1,883.47 12/3 50mm Crusher Run Limestone Trucking VALLEYFARM ROAD TRAIL Approximately 2,000 Tonnes of James Dick 33,440.00 6,688.00 7/6 19 mm Crusher Run Limestone Construction Ltd. 700 Tonnes of 19 mm Crusher James Dick 11,704.00 2,340.80 contract extension Run Limestone Construction Ltd. CHERRY BEACH PARKING LOT AND DRAINAGE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Approximately 1,200 Tonnes of Glenn Windrem 26,220.00 2,622.00 10/3 19mm Crusher Run Trucking Approximately 160 Tonnes of 2 Natural Stone Source 9,200.00 920.00 10/3 Tonne Armourstone Ontario 40 LOWEST BID & HIGHEST RANKED APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received SNOW REMOVAL Six Residential/Leased Cyrstal Lawn and Properties & Vacant Residential 23,360.00 2,336.00 12/3 Snow Removal Inc. Rental Properties 950 and 1229 Bethesda Griffith Property 12,235.00 1,223.50 4/3 Sideroad, Richmond Hill Services Inc. Snow Removal Services for Bruce's Mill Conservation Area A.I. Roadtech Services $12,950.00 $1,295.00 3/2 Snow Removal Services for G.Ross Lord Dam and Claireville Dam Crystal Lawn & Snow R $6,505.00 $650.50 3/3 Snow Removal Services for Head Office and Black Creek Pioneer Village A.I. Roadtech Services $10,340.00 $1,034.00 3/3 HIGHLAND CREEK NEAR 15 COLONEL DANFORTH TRAIL MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROJECT Detailed Design of Replacement Bank Stabilization Greck and Associates & Erosion Control Works Near 18,635.00 15,000.00 6/4 Ltd. 15 Colonel Danforth Trail, Toronto

Approximately 500 Tonnes of TBG Landscape Inc. 13,390.00 1,339.00 20/6 300mm - 600mm Rip Rap Stone

Approximately 1,900 Tonnes of TBG Landscape Inc. 41,705.00 4,170.50 20/5 100mm-200mm Gabion stone Approximately 1,500 Tonnes of TBG Landscape Inc. 85,875.00 8,587.50 20/6 3-4 Tonne Armourstone TRCA INTERM HEAD OFFICE PROJECT - INTERIOR RENOVATION PROJECT Consulting Services for Office Relocation, Space Planning & Ward99 Architects 84,000.00 12,600.00 6/4 Design Awarded by Chair & Struct-Con Interior Alterations 1,287,000.00 193,050.00 13/11 CEO under Authority Construction Ltd. Resolution #A119/14 Awarded by Chair & Office Furniture POI Business Interiors 957,152.10 143,572.82 3/2 CEO under Authority Resolution #A119/14

SUBTOTAL 9,325,338.06 1,256,175.98


41 SOLE SOURCE APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Sole Source Criteria Cost not to (Section 9.2 of Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Comments TRCA's Plus HST Purchasing Policy) 30 Acoustic Telemetry Fish VEMCO (AMIRIX Transmitters & 6 Range Test 19,964.00 3 Includes shipping Systems Inc.) Tags Supply of 25 Litres of BioForest Inc. 13,725.00 3 "TreeAzin" No. 9 Contemporary Art and The 10,000.00 3 No HST Imagine My Sustainable City Environment Exhibition Four Season Preceipitation Hoskin Scientific 21,101.00 3 Gauges & Logging Equipment Ltd.

SUBTOTAL 64,790.00 0.00


42 PREFERRED SOURCE APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Preferred Source Criteria Cost not to (Section 9.3 of Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Comments TRCA's Plus HST Purchasing Policy) Undertake Asset Mapping for Greater Toronto Area 4DM Inc. 30,000.00 3 Agriculture Action Committee Development of Financial DTAH & N. Barry Feasibility Strategy of New Lyons Consulting 22,500.00 3 TRCA Headquarters Ltd. Humber River Watershed Hydrology Model (Phases 1 & Civica Infrastructure 40,000.00 3 2) Preliminary Slope Stabilization Contract Design Alternatives - 441 - 449 Sarafinchin Associat 6,557.44 Extension Guildwood Parkway, Toronto University/College Partnership Mohawk College of Supporting the LDC Tomorrow Applied Arts and 20,000.00 5 Fund Technology Aqualab Repairs Bristol Marine 11,167.12 3 Update the 1D/2D Hydraulic Model & Engineered Floodline DHI Group 12,670.00 3 Mapping for Spring Creek Tributary Update the 1D/2D Hydraulic Model & Engineered Floodline Contract DHI Group 6,340.00 Mapping for Spring Creek Extension Tributary Professional Property Valuation & Realty Consulting Services 2 for Purchase or Lease of 101 Exchange Way D. Bottero & Associa 13,560.00 Detailed Designs to Protect Sanitary Sewer Line at 4 Parish Geomorphic L 28,000.00 4,000.00 3 Locations in Patterson Creek Fish Food for Glen Haffy Martin Mills Inc. 18,164.60 1,816.46 4 Conservation Area Social Media Campaign and Contest Services in support of the 2014 Let Your Green Show (iR 42,700.00 3 Climate Change Communications Initiative in Peel Region Detailed Designs to Protect the Sanitary Sewer Line - 2180 Langstaff Road (P-127) Parish Geomorphic L 15,330.00 6,000.00 3 Sanitary Infrastructure Protection Project CTD75M Water Sampler Sea and Sun Techno 34,179.20 1 Consulting Services to Develop a Potable Water Management Gamsby and Manne 15,000.00 1,500.00 3 Strategy

43 Bypass Pump System to Divert Flows Around Isolated Work Area to Allow Encasement of an Exposed Sanitary Pipe, I- Rain for Rent 28,159.72 6,000.00 2 048: West Don River Near Dufferin & Centre Street Sanitary Infrastructure Protection Project Head Office Server Equipment Dell Canada 42,399.00 4,239.90 1 CCTV Scan of Existing Storm Sewer Infrastructure & the Cut & Removal of an Existing Root Blockage to Faciliate the CCTV Braywood Services I 12,480.00 3,120.00 2 scan at the Jennifer- Whitburn Post-Storm Emergency Works, Toronto Electrical Work to Restore Power to Black Creek Pioneer Ainsworth Inc. 15,720.00 3,144.00 2 Village

Detailed Designs to Protect the Sanitary Sewer Line & Previous Ecosystem Recovery 14,400.00 2,000.00 3 Bank Protection Works in the Humber River Watershed Metal Screen to be Constructed Around the Staff Booth Lane Metal Installatio 48,500.00 3 Windows at Tommy Thompson Park

Emergency Water Line Repairs Clearway Constructio 11,527.66 2 at Lake St. George Field Centre Attend & Participate in the Chorley Park Trail Design - R.V. Anderson and A 18,000.00 3,600.00 3 Stakeholder Working Group Meetings as Technical Expert Install a Filtrexx EdgeSaver System to Provide Low-impact Organic Express 17,605.00 2,000.00 3 Temporary Protection of 34 Garden Avenue, Richmond Hill Technical Support Services to Original contract Acoustic Doppler Current approved by Executive Contract Profiler Program in Humber Bay ASI Global Limited 76,600.00 15,320.00 Committee so CEO Extension can approve any contract extensions Engineering Support for The Municipal Designs & Studies in Progress Infrastructure 20,000.00 4,500.00 3 Group (TMIG) SNAP Performance Survey Environics Research 10,000.00 3 Eight Steel Road Plates for United Rentals 23,600.00 1 Construction Bridges Emergency Hydro Reparis/Reconnects for Multiple Sturdy Power Lines 21,041.53 2 Rental Properties Undertake Water Quality & Circulation Modeling at Modelling Surface W 8,000.00 2,400.00 3 Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project - Construction Inspections and As-Builts Aquafor Beech Limit $54,955.00 $13,738.75 3

44 BCPV Boiler Room Equipment Maintenance Canadian Air Techno $6,090.00 $609.00 3 Acquisition of One New Plus customs/border J. Pyott & Associates 19,931.54 1,993.15 3 Material Spreader fees BOLTON CAMP REDEVELOPMENT George Brown Consulting, Coordinating & College: Institute 30,320.00 3,032.00 5 Executing a Charrette Re: without Boundaries Repurposing Bolton Camp Consulting, Coordinating & George Brown contract Executing a 2nd Charrette Re: College: Institute 16,040.00 extension Repurposing Bolton Camp without Boundaries JULY 8TH, 2013 STORM DAMAGE

Detailed Design of Stabilization Terraprobe Inc. 37,405.00 4,000.00 2 & 3 Works for 2-4 Jennifer Court

Detailed Design of Stabilization Terraprobe Inc. 44,045.00 4,500.00 2 & 3 Works at 111, 117, 137 and 139 Whitburn Crescent

Detailed Design of Stabilization Terraprobe Inc. 23,770.00 5,000.00 2 & 3 Works for 5 Old Yonge Street Detailed Design of Stabilization Works at 114 Camborne Terraprobe Inc. 18,665.00 2,000.00 3 Avenue Detailed Design of Stabilization Works at 24 Bennington Terraprobe Inc. 22,000.00 2,000.00 3 Heights contract Detailed Design of Stabilization Terraprobe Inc. 7,000.00 Works for 2-4 Jennifer Court extension ENHANCING RESILIENCE TO SEVERE WEATHER AND CLIMATE CHANGE Professional Services Pertaining to Climate Change Nodelcorp Consultin 30,000.00 3 & 5 Risk Assessment & Application of PIEVC Protocol Professional Services Pertaining to Climate Change Risk Assessment, Production of Risk Sciences Intern 49,000.00 3 & 5 Climate Data & Analysis, & Development of Climate Adaptation Options

TOTAL 1,043,422.81 96,513.26

GRAND TOTAL 1,139,936.07

45 NOT LOWEST BID APPROVALS 2014 calendar year Number of Cost not to Quotations Project/Product Awarded Bidder Exceed ($) Contingency Requested/ Comments Plus HST Complete Bids Received Roof & Eaves Replacement at 2272 Meadowvale Road, Tony K. Roofing Inc. 22,400.00 2,240.00 6/2 Scarborough Albion Hills Dam Hydraulic Greck and Associates Analysis & Fluvial Geomorphic 13,540.00 3/3 Limited Assessment

SUBTOTAL 35,940.00 2,240.00


46 RES.#A26/15 - GOOD NEWS STORIES Overview of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority activities from October - December, 2014.

Moved by: Paul Ainslie Seconded by: David Barrow

THAT the summary of Good News Stories from October - December, 2014 be received. CARRIED BACKGROUND As per Authority direction during 2006, a report covering highlights of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's (TRCA) activities is provided to the Authority every few months. The stories for October - December, 2014 are as follows:

October  TRCA, together with a number of researcher partners, including the University of British Columbia, , Trent University and Ministry of Natural Resources, has received a Strategic NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) grant of approximately $600,000 over three years to undertake research into the cumulative effects of headwater alteration on watershed health. Conservation authorities extensive datasets will be used in this study, and this work also has excellent opportunities to link to other studies TRCA is collaborating on relating to stream connectivity and urban stream flow/sediment transport processes.  Albion Hills Field Centre celebrated its 50th anniversary.  Annual salmon run in Highland Creek was attended by 675 people.  Research collaborative including TRCA and two Ontario universities received $650,000 over three years from NSERC to assess success of stormwater management and restoration in mitigating the impacts of development on rivers and streams.  Partners in Project Green (PPG) 2014 People Power Challenge Winners are: Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Colliers International, Velcro & Kuehne + Nagel. Collectively 16 teams achieved over 34,000 pledges and 2,700 suggestions resulting in 1,708 conservation projects.  Partners in Project Green hosted a networking event - the Duke Out. 174 businesses were there and attendees said “it surpassed all expectations” and that they “made some new connections and hopefully some more business”.  Partners in Project Green supported Bosch for their internal waste audit. Results will be used to create a learning video guide to help other organizations conduct their own waste audit.  Lange Transportation in Mississauga became the first business to complete their charging station installation under the PPG EV (electric vehicle) Network Pilot Project, installing two publicly accessible, networked Level II stations.  Work has begun at Calstone Inc. to install a rooftop rainwater harvesting system, custom infiltration pond and permeable pavement walkway to offset 3.2 million litres of water per year by spring 2015. Through Partners in Project Green's collaboration with XCG Inc., Grounds Covered, and Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP), effective on-site stormwater management can be achieved despite limited available greenspace.

47  TRCA helped develop and present an Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol training course in Thunder Bay in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. This was the first course of its kind to be offered in Northern Ontario. Based on its success, another course is proposed in Sault Ste. Marie next year.  100 Intact Insurance employees participated in a planting initiative at Alfred Khuene channel naturalization project in the Region of Peel delivered in partnership with University of Waterloo, Canada Climate Project, TRCA, The Living City Foundation (LCF) and Intact Insurance.  Ontario Climate Consortium received a grant of $50,000 from Great Lakes Integrated Science Assessment Program, University of Michigan to undertake climate risk assessment work with the Regional Municipality of York and its local municipalities.  MP Bernard Trottier representing Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announced $40,000 for shoreline naturalization work currently being constructed by Restoration Services on . The DFO funds are provided by the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program.  Spirited Affair fundraising dinner for Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV) was attended by 135 people and raised $18,800.  National Wetland Conservation Fund providing $30,000 to Carruthers Creek Coastal Marsh Wetland Restoration for $30,000 and $59,938 for Turtle Habitat Re-creation, .  80 people attended the Designing Infiltration Practices Workshop.

November  The Living City Policies unanimously approved by the Authority, with positive support from stakeholders and the building industry.  The Living City Environmental Dinner was a success with 400 people attending and net revenue of nearly $100,000.  Secured $5,000 from the Durham Community Foundation for Claremont Field Centre, the maximum grant they can award and LCF's first gift from this donor.  Direct mail campaign has started successfully with letters going to LCF previous and lapsed donors.  Albion Hills Conservation Area secured three year contracts for both Mud Hero Adventure Race and Summer Solstice 24 Hour Mountain Bike Race. Hosting these two events will result in $500,000 in revenue for TRCA.  Capping began at Cell 2 at Tommy Thompson Park, putting the project ahead of schedule.  Town of Ajax has requested TRCA to do pond clean out at two ponds at about $300,000, and help them to manage their inventory of ponds.  Ajax completed construction of three rain gardens in the vicinity of Lake Driveway to treat stormwater runoff and improve water quality to Lake Ontario.  Trees for Life has approved funding to plant and maintain 20 new caliper trees at Heart Lake Conservation Area. These first 20 trees are part of a larger proposal that, when approved, would see up to 200 trees planted at various TRCA conservation parks that experienced December 2013 ice storm damage and associated shade and canopy tree losses.  TRCA's Restoration Services Centre is sporting a newly installed solar photovoltaic (PV) system. As of December 19, 2014, the PV panels are generating power and feeding back into the local grid. Through the New Independent Electricity System Operator's (IESO) Feed-In Tariff (FIT 2.0) program, TRCA will receive payments for power generated and supplied to the grid for a period of 20 years. It is anticipated that the 46.15kW PV system will generate an annual revenue stream of $28,000-30,000. 48  WaterTAP media tour stopped at the PPG collective infrastructure project at Calstone Inc. Representatives from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Research and Innovation, as well as three trade publications witnessed the innovation introduced at this rainwater harvesting and infiltration project site, which aims to offset 3.2 million litres of water annually.  TRCA staff at Downsview Office diverted a total of 14,835 kg of materials away from landfill (95% diversion rate) as part of TRCA's office cleanup.  Greater Toronto Airports Authority renewed their support for the PPG program. The commitment adds up to over $1 million over five years.  Downsview transportation team is the recipient of the 2014 Champion of the Year award from Smart Commute, North Toronto, Vaughan.

December  The Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Reconstruction Project is substantially complete -- the official opening will take place in June 2015.  The amended Source Protection Plan for the CTC Source Protection Region was submitted to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change on December 15th. This document, when approved, will constitute the policies to protect our current and future sources of drinking water. It represents the penultimate achievement of the CTC Source Protection Committee, which has worked with our municipal partners, staff, consultants, stakeholders, and watershed residents since 2006 to assess potential threats to drinking water sources and develop policies to mitigate those threats.  Bentall Kennedy working with PPG to convert 22 parking stalls into permeable pavement at their RBC site on Financial Drive in Mississauga. A preliminary site assessment was completed and construction is scheduled to take place in the spring of 2015.  PPG facilitates the exchange of 146 unused gaylords of resin (46,355 kgs) between Velcro and Greensolutions Industries.  A generous donation of 20.21 hectares (49.94 acres) of ecologically sensitive land from Lorna Ann Milne was completed on December 30, 2014; the acquisition was completed in accordance with Environment Canada's Ecological Gifts Program. The securement of the Milne property will ensure the long term protection of the ecologically sensitive attributes of the site which are of limited representation within the TRCA watersheds.  BCPV had lots of Christmas programming and its very popular "Christmas By Lamplight " evening events on December 6, 13 and 20. Members of the public turned up to enjoy live music, take part in ballroom dancing, engage in old-fashioned taffy pulls and enjoy chestnuts roasted over an open fire.  On December 17th, BCPV was the setting for a play of Charles Dickens' famous story "A Christmas Carol." This wonderful story was presented by the Humber River Shakespeare Company in cooperation with BCPV.  The Swan Lake Centre renovation was completed and TRCA's new tenant, York Region District School Board, moved in to begin preparations for their outdoor education program that will operate out of the building.  Renovations began on TRCA's new Interim Head Office in Vaughan.

49  Construction of the Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project was initiated in Pickering, with substantial completion expected by the end of March 2015.

Report prepared by: Kathy Stranks, extension 5264 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Kathy Stranks, extension 5264 Emails: [email protected] Date: February 4, 2015


RES.#A27/15 - IN THE NEWS Overview of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority activities from October to December, 2014.

Moved by: Paul Ainslie Seconded by: David Barrow

THAT the summary of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) media coverage from October to December, 2014 be received. CARRIED BACKGROUND As per Authority direction during 2006, a report covering highlights of TRCA's news coverage for the preceding few months is provided to the Authority on a quarterly basis.

Media Coverage Highlights There were 42 media mentions located through a news archives database (FP Infomart) for the period from October through December, 2014 of TRCA or TRCA properties and programs (example: Tommy Thompson Park). The media hits resulted in a total circulation/reach of approximately 5.1 million with a total advertising value of $163,000.

These results only reflect a portion of media coverage since the database does not monitor on-line media, event listings, broadcast radio/tv interviews, smaller community papers and trade publications. The highlights below are examples of noteworthy media coverage received during the period:

October  October 6: Mirror "Path beyond pioneer village leads to more remote north property” – a “behind-the-scenes” look at the north property of Black Creek Pioneer Village (BCPV) including a description of its history, current uses and structures.  October 10: (News) “Wild in the City” – a story about the upsurge of the cottontail rabbit population. TRCA staff explained how constant moisture over the growing period has led to successful plant growth, thereby creating a regular food source for the rabbits. The article goes on to discuss threats to the population by predators and the rabbits’ well-known proclivity to reproduce.

50  October 10 – Etobicoke Guardian (News) “Recalling the power of Mother Nature, 60 years after Hurricane Hazel” – a story about the lessons learned and preventative actions taken 60 years after Hurricane Hazel. TRCA staff figured prominently in this piece, discussing the historical significance the hurricane had on flood plain management and how we still need to respect Mother Nature.  October 10 – North York Mirror “Pre-Thanksgiving at pioneer village does holiday proud” - article describing Thanksgiving programming at BCPV, including an overview of the history of the holiday.  October 10 – Stouffville Sun-Tribune “Trek through Stouffville’s trees to help Autism Ontario” – information about an initiative by Treetop Trekking to raise funds for Autism Ontario by donating a portion of revenues from public treks at its Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area location on October 19.  October 12 - Beach Mirror (News) “5 Things you should know about Hurricane Hazel” – a five-point story on Hurricane Hazel with facts supplied by TRCA.  October 16 – Etobicoke Guardian (News) “Model boaters wade through bureaucratic red tape trying to clean sailing pond” – a story about the sailing pond at Humber Bay Park East and how one user group is frustrated by the weed and algae growth on the pond they have used since 1958. TRCA staff explains the funding challenges and why aquatic herbicides cannot be used there. A revitalization plan will examine the pond’s use in the future.  October 22 – Caledon Enterprise (Opinion) “Hurricane Hazel was a wake-up call” – an editorial looking back at the lessons learned in the aftermath of Hurricane Hazel, 60 years ago. MTRCA mentioned as being formed in 1957, spurring flood plain management and regulation in the Toronto region.  October 22 – North York Mirror “Water sustainability workshop at pioneer village” – a description of the sustainable rainwater management workshop presented by Water Sustainability British Columbia at BCPV.  October 24 – Scarborough Mirror (News) “Future of Guild Inn, fire trucks among issue in Scarborough East Council race” – $3 million allocated through TRCA for an environmental assessment along the Guild shoreline.  October 27 – Caledon Enterprise (Opinion) “Black-crowned night heron” – a column on a sighting of these rare birds and how their numbers are declining in comparison to those of the double-crested cormorants. TRCA supplied statistics on nests of each.  October 29 – Beach Mirror (News) “Enjoy a free guided tour of Riverdale’s rain gardens” – event listing of TRCA’s Walk the Don Riverdale Rain Gardens tour.  October 29 – Mississauga News (Sports) “Runners go the distance in cross country championships” – results of the Region of Peel cross country championships held at Heart Lake Conservation Area.

November  November 9 – Toronto Star (Insight) “Raucous Blue Jay on the Rebound; Vulnerable to the West Nile virus, the noisy thieves’ numbers seem to be rebounding around town” TRCA staff offers opinion that there appear to be more blue jays recently. Tommy Thompson Park bird research station coordinator estimates he has observed about 10,000 of them flying over the station during peak migration.  November 12 - Pickering News Advertiser (Letter to the editor) “Cell Tower Placement in Pickering” - two Pickering residents express their dismay that a cell phone tower is planned to be erected in Petticoat Creek Conservation Area. They hope to raise the issue with the City of Pickering. 51  November 14 - CBC News (online) “As snow looms tell us why you love winter” - cross country skiing at Albion Hills Conservation Area is mentioned as one of the reasons to love winter in the Toronto region.  November 14 – (Life) “GTA landlords, developers, discover value in planting, nurturing” and November 15 – Toronto Star (New in Homes) “Community gardens grow on landlords; tree programs can build long-term viability into developments” – a story about how Toronto landlords and developers are buying in to the value of planting trees, flowers and vegetable gardens because of the way these create ‘community’. TRCA fact used in the piece: 33% of people asked who live in the Jane/Finch corridor what would make their neighborhood feel safer said, the planting of more trees.  November 16 – (Business News) “Overhaul of Don River mouth could spur Port Lands development” – a story on how the plan to naturalize the mouth of the Don River may yield both environmental and financial benefits. TRCA staff discusses how the work being done to the Keating Channel will encourage fish habitats, the same that are found in Lake Ontario presently, as well as birds who will keep the insect population controlled in the area.  November 21 – Stouffville Sun-Tribune (News) “Stouffville mayor packing for uncertain future” - in an interview with outgoing Stouffville Mayor Wayne Emerson, he lists the development of the BMX track at Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area as one of the things he is proud to have been a part of.  November 25 – Ontario Farmer (News) “Headwaters Horse Country: Let the Pan-Am Games begin! 830 people prepare their town for the most excitement since the filming of The Incredible Journey” – a story about preparations being made at the Caledon Equestrian Park for Pan-Am equestrian competition. TRCA mentioned as a contributing partner and owner of the land.  November 29 – Toronto Star “25 great ways to celebrate the season: From markets to food tours – even a cruise with Santa – Toronto has plenty of events” - information about all Christmas programming at BCPV.

December  December 1 – East York-Riverdale-Leaside Mirror (News) “Sisters of the St. Joseph and Notre Dame and Shim-Sutcliffe Architects win Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Award" – a story on the St. Joseph residence, whose renovation was completed in March of 2013, has won a TRCA award for protecting and including nature’s beauty and diversity in its scope.  December 6 – “Holiday Events” – information about Christmas by Lamplight at BCPV.  December 11 – The Weekly Gleener (News) “A Christmas Carol to Ring in Christmas” – description of the Humber River Shakespeare Company’s production of “A Christmas Carol” visiting locations including two performances at BCPV.  December 15 – Bloor West Villager (News) “High Park ponds restoration underway by City of Toronto, TRCA” – a story on the partnership between the City of Toronto and TRCA to undertake a pond clean-out and restoration project at Wendigo Pond. Howard Pond and Rideout Pond will be cleaned out when work is completed at Wendigo.  December 17 – Toronto Star (Greater Toronto) “Toronto’s Real Divide isn’t Yonge Street: East and west are both great south of Bloor, but the north end has issues we must address” - an opinion piece arguing that areas of the City of Toronto north of Highway 401 do not get the same attention as areas to the south. BCPV is mentioned as one of only a handful of attractions in the north. 52  December 22 – Mississauga News (News) “City wins award for urban forestry planning” – a story on Mississauga winning a Communities in Bloom award for Urban Forestry for its Natural Heritage and Urban Forest Strategy and Urban Forest Management Plan. Partners mentioned include TRCA.  December 24 – Toronto Star (Greater Toronto) “Celebrating Christmas in the Warm Glow of Lamplight: Black Creek Pioneer Village Takes us Back to the 1860s” - description of the reporters visit to Christmas By Lamplight, emphasizing how different Christmas was in the 19th century.  December 30 – (News) “Invasion of snowy owls in Toronto a concern for airports” and December 31 – Toronto Star (Greater Toronto) “Influx of snowy owls a concern at Pearson; Spike in numbers of five-pound raptors, seeking food next to runways, poses a challenge for wildlife managers" – a story on how the influx of snowy owls to the GTA is a safety concern for aircraft and how both Pearson and Billy Bishop airports are coping. TRCA staff explained how the migration of snowy owls into the Toronto region (and out of their own normal range) is due to a shortage of their primary food source of lemmings.

Report prepared by: Rick Sikorski, extension 5414 Emails: [email protected] For Information contact: Rick Sikorski, extension 5414 Emails: [email protected] Date: February 18, 2015



Moved by: Michael Di Biase Seconded by: Mike Mattos

THAT Section IV item EX9.1 - 2015 Budget Process, contained in Executive Committee Minutes #1/15, held on February 6, 2015, be received. CARRIED ______



Moved by: David Barrow Seconded by: Ronald Chopowick

53 THAT Ontario Regulation 166/06, as amended, items EX10.1 - EX10.12, contained in Executive Committee Minutes #1/15, held on February 6, 2015, be received. CARRIED ______


ON MOTION, the meeting terminated at 11:40 a.m., on Friday, February 27, 2015.

Maria Augimeri Brian Denney Chair Secretary-Treasurer
