Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria, Tricladida
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A new and primitive retrobursal planarian from Australian fresh waters (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria, Tricladida) by Ian R. Ball Institute of Taxonomie Zoology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abstract 1913) and fixed in 70% ethanol. For anatomical A freshwater Eviella et embedded in primitive planarian, hynesae gen. observations, selected specimens were described from characterized its sp. nov. is Australia. It is by in the usual and sectioned at paraffin way serially of and of branched lack eyes pigment, possession caudally 8 m intervals. The sections were mounted on and fused bursa fi oviducts, fully testes. Although a primary is its function taken the modified female absent, being over by 75 X 50 mm glass slides, the first section on each canal, the female is posterior to the genital copulatory system slide in the left-hand when the being upper corner male system. Despite this maricolan feature, and other slide label is to the Frontal sections were similarities with primitive southern hemisphere freshwater right. planarians that have been classified in the Maricola, the arranged with the ribbons running horizontally; present species is placed in the family Dugesiidae of the the sagittal and transverse sections were arranged Paludicola. Evidence from its that it sensory organs suggests with the ribbons vertical. The sections were stained belongs on the main evolutionary line from which the majority of Australasian freshwater planarians have been with Mallory-Heidenhain stain, or with Phospho- derived. in tungstic Acid Haematoxylin, and were mounted DPX. variations in these noted Any procedure are INTRODUCTION at the appropriate place in the text. Among a collection of aquatic planarians from Australia made by Professor H. B. N. Hynes, and SYSTEMATIC SECTION Professor W. D. Williams, and described in an Family DUGESIIDAE Ball, 1974a earlier series of publications (Ball, 1974b, 1974c, of Eviella 1977), there occurred a sample unpigmented gen. nov. and blind specimens from the gravel bed of the Unpigmented Dugesiidae, without eyes, with one River in the State of Victoria. These Howqua of anterior Female pair sensory pits. copulatory hitherto undescribed specimens, representing a to the male organs posterior copulatory organs. showed of species, a number especially primitive Oviducts enter the female genital duct (bursal features that made their study particularly inter- from canal) separately the sides, and each has a esting and difficult. In the a new present paper caudal branch. Vasa deferentia enter the penis is to contain the to be erected new species from the genus bulb separately sides. Testes fused, pre- and and described, a detailed anatomical account, dominantly ventral, and throughout the body of the material is systematic discussion, given. With Cocoon unknown. length. one gonopore. Type species: Eviella hynesae sp. nov. MATERIALS AND METHODS Details the and locations The is named for Dr. Eveline Marcus of Säo concerning source present genus the Paulo in of her of the specimens are given under appropriate recognition major contributions to species heading below. The specimens were killed invertebrate zoology, and as a mark of my personal in Steinmann's fluid (Steinmann & Bresslau, gratitude and affection. 150 I. R. BALL - A NEW RETROBURSAL PLANARIAN Eviella of 100 the hynesae sp. nov. Alimentary system: For a body length root of the is about 45 and its — at at Type material. Department of Entomology and Inverte- pharynx tip brate Royal Museum, Toronto, Canada. 66. the is the Zoology, Ontario Thus pharynx about one fifth of Holotype: sagittal sections on five slides (ROM C94a). Para- body length and is inserted a little less than half- slides frontal types: sagittal sections on three (ROM C94b), the of way down The histological structure sections on four slides (ROM C94c), transverse sections on body. made the is the of five slides (ROM C94d; an error was in mounting pharynx basically same as that the these sections, but the correct order has been marked on each marine and lower freshwater planarians (Kenk, slide), several entire specimens in alcohol (KOM C94). the inner been retained collection. 1930; Ball, viz., musculature Further paratypes have in my private 1974a) consists of distinct circular and longitudinal fibrous Description. — General features (fig. 1): Maxi- zones. The anterior ramus of the intestine ends size of animals 6 To- mum preserved X 2.2 mm. small diverticula situated blindly as a group of tally devoid of pigment; without Body broad eyes. anteriorly to the brain; otherwise there are no flat with and leaf-like, at the margins but a of this A very noteworthy peculiarities system. com- rounded cross-section The head or medially. munication and the plump between the intestine repro- is with in rounded, a slight point or projection ductive system is not present. the mid-line, and without definite auricles. Just behind the anterior there are two margin deep Body wall (fig. 3): In its general structure the ciliated one on each side. In life it is pits, probable body wall is similar to that described for other that this species is most similar to Opisthobursa Australasian planarians (Weiss, 1910; Ball, mexicana as figured by Mitchell & Kawakatsu 1974b, 1974c). Eosinophilic gland cells, discharg- 3, (1972: % 1). the ing through epidermis, are very prominent the flattened anterior and just beneath margin are distributed in two longitudinal zones far distant from the lateral margins, there being one strip such cells of on each side of the mid-line.Marginal adhesive zones are common in aquatic planarians but such is (Hyman, 1951) a medial position unusual. Sense organs (fig. 1): Although eyes are lacking, there remain two of in this types sensory organs the and the species, ciliated pits, sensory fossae. The ciliated pits are broad and deep invaginations of the body wall, one on each side (fig. 1) on the slightly projecting lateral margins of the head. Their tall nucleate epithelium is free of rhabdites and clothed in long cilia. Histologically they are identical with those described for other Austral- asian planarians (Weiss, 1910; Ball, 1974b, The fossae of 1974c, 1977). sensory are especial interest because all hitherto described freshwater planarians from Australia possess these structures. In the present species there are two shallow sen- fossae each side of the anterior sory on margin between the ciliated pits and the mid-line. They are identical to those described in many species of the genus Spathula, the most diverse in et genus Fig. 1. Eviella hynesae gen. sp. nov. External features the from Australasian region (Ball, 1977). drawn a preserved specimen. 47 - BIJDRAGEN TOT DE DIERKUNDE, (2) 1977 151 2. Eviella reconstruction of the viewed from the Fig. hynesae gen. et sp. nov., holotype. Sagittal copulatory apparatus right = = = = side, bc = “bursa = male od shell copulatrix”; eg cement glands; ma atrium; right oviduct; pe penis; sg = deferens. glands; vd right vas Male reproductive system (figs. 2-3): The testes papilla that projects into the male atrium. In the swol- of this species are unusual. Normal follicular testes pharyngeal region the vasa deferentia become of and are absent, instead there is a ramified system len immediately anterior to the copulatory with that ascend almost fused testes, packed sperm, extend apparatus they vertically before throughout the expanded part of the body, com- bending ventrad to enter the penis bulb separately the from the there mencing just behind the ovaries. Although sides; is no common vas deferens. in the the testes are predominantly ventral position (fig. Within bulb, vasa deferentia open into a 3) they frequently extend between and around the spacious seminal vesicle that narrows to form an intestinal branches. The boundary of the male ejaculatory duct opening at the tip of the papilla. gonads within the mesenchyme is often difficult to Together the seminal vesicle and the ejaculatory delimitand spermatogonia, spermatids, and mature duct have the form of a conical flask with slightly walls that in section the seminal sperm seem frequently to be indiscriminantly scat- concave so sagittal tered the vesicle has in the throughout the body, sperm forming long a peculiar triangular form, as sinuous strands (fig. 3, te). recently described Opisthobursa josephinae (Be- is All the of the male The male atrium a large cavity, opening ven- nazzi, 1976). epithelia copula- is and all nucleate trally by a single gonoporewhich surrounded by tory organ are fairly tall, are The walls the atrium cement glands. of are formed (fig. 3A). from bounded circular a tall nucleate epithelium by and longitudinal muscle fibres. The penis consists Female reproductive system (figs. 2-3): The conical ovaries of a muscular hemispherical bulb and a paired are ventrally situated, medially to 152 I. R. BALL - A NEW RETROBURSAL PLANARIAN Eviella section the X section the Fig. 3. hynesae gen. et sp. nov. A, sagittal through penis, 130; B, sagittal through C, 130. br = = ov = sm = “bursa”, X 130; sagittal section through the ovary, X brain; in intestine; ovary; sperm = in the te = vitelline cells to the For further with 2. mass “bursa”; testis; vc adpressed ovary. interpretation compare fig. BIJDRAGEN TOT DE DIERKUNDE, 47 (2) - 1977 153 the brain. The with and the lateral nerve cords, just behind 3-4 m wide fixed boulders and rocks, oviducts arise from the anterodorsal side of each some gravel. It flows fairly swiftly in the flatter and thus ascend before of the between and it is ovary vertically curving part valley deep slopes, ventrad and caudad towards the surrounded and overshadowed tall forest. This copulatory appa- by ratus. Each oviduct enters separately the wall of is the type locality, and the only known locality, the expanded female genital duct (bursal canal), for this species. The specimens were collected on hind- 26 Professor and also dispatches a caudal branch to the January 1972 by H.