
arXiv:1906.03655v2 [math.AT] 1 Jul 2020 leri tutr a edsrbduigtelnug fo o of family language the coherent on using infinite structure described coassociative an be may to structure up algebraic holds cocommutativity its h lxne-hte ordc on Alexander-Whitney The associative hsdaie oan to dualizes This k ierda of dual linear n ohis(ento 2.The ( space 12). (Definition cochains w and as tw equivalent, for and rationally equivalent carefu weakly be a be to to requires spaces which connected two problem, for this means it of version coalgebra a n oooia pc hti ekyeuvln oted ass dg the to equivalent weakly lar is that space topological associative any (dg) graded differential commutative ieccan problem cochains tive cagbawt h lxne-hte ignlapproxima diagonal Alexander-Whitney the with -coalgebra o ehia esn eueapitdvrino h normali the of version pointed a use we reasons technical For n fteqetosta aebrht ainlhmtp the homotopy rational to birth gave that questions the of One k AINLHMTP QIAECSADSINGULAR AND EQUIVALENCES HOMOTOPY RATIONAL ccan ntesaewt h u rdc S7,[6] nt In [Q69]. [S77], product cup the with space the on -cochains ,b X, Abstract. efrhrso ht ntescn prah hr r od c coass dg and no cocommutative are strictly there both approach, are second that chains the the in of that, and show quasi- further equivalences: We weak chain of singular notions rational noti braic the both from that deduced implies be This can d equivalence chains. the singular to i.e rational functor of chains, cobar bra the singular applying after rational quasi-isomorphism the on Ω-quasi- aetlgop n ihrrtoaie oooygop;w isomorp groups; an p homotopy induces of rationalized map it higher a if π equivalence and second, weak the groups equiva a weak In damental a is is homology. spaces the map rational pointed a homotopy on approach, rational isomorphism first the the an to In approaches spaces. different connected two to lead n hwthat show and 1 rtoa oooyeuvlne.I hsppr ecompare we paper, this In equivalences. homotopy -rational ,dntdby denoted ), k AULRVR,FLXWESR,MHODZEINALIAN MAHMOUD WIERSTRA, FELIX RIVERA, MANUEL agbao one omlzdsnua ohiswt h c the with cochains singular normalized pointed of -algebra C ∗ ( osedadKan’s and Bousfield ,b, X, E π 1 ∞ hc,gvnacmuaiering commutative a given which, rtoa oooyeuvlne orsodt asta in that maps to correspond equivalences homotopy -rational k - algebra ,dntdby denoted ), C ∗ ( ,b, X, tutr on structure 1. k ,fr once oumne gcoassociative dg coaugmented connected a form ), Q one omlzdsnua chains singular normalized pointed C Introduction cmlto n fiberwise and -completion CHAINS ∗ ( C ,b X, C ∗ ( ∗ 1 ,b X, ( ; ,b, X, k C xed oan to extends ) ; ∗ k ( k sntsrcl oomttv,but cocommutative, strictly not is ) ,b X, k ,i h once umne dg augmented connected the is ), agbafntral soitdto associated functorially -algebra ; k k xedn h u product. cup the extending ) n frtoa homotopy rational of ons sswehrteeeit a exists there whether asks , yuigdffrn alge- different using by s asta nuea induce that maps . Ω-quasi-isomorphisms. osoitv coalge- coassociative g Q ociative. caieagbao singu- of algebra ociative cmlto fspaces of -completion o explain. now e E osdrto fwhat of consideration l imbtenfun- between hism ina ordc.The coproduct. as tion eas aey h dg the namely, perads; r fnon-simply of ory alteemaps these call e hs w notions two these ec fi induces it if lence ∞ osbynon-simply possibly o agbamodels oalgebra ooois This . f - r sthe is ory ath-connected coalgebra e iglrchains singular zed i ae estudy we paper his napointed a on pproduct. up duce commuta- structure. 2 MANUELRIVERA,FELIXWIERSTRA,MAHMOUDZEINALIAN

Denote by Top∗ the of pointed path-connected topological spaces and by CDGAk the category of augmented commutative dg associative k-algebras. A pointed version of the commutative cochains problem is given by the following question. A Question 1. Is there a functor : Top∗ → CDGAk such that for any (X, b) ∈ A Top∗, (X, b) can be connected by a zig-zag of quasi-isomorphisms of augmented dg associative k-algebras to C∗(X, b; k)? Steenrod operations are obstructions for the existence of a functor A when k = Z or a field of non-zero characteristic. Sullivan and Quillen showed via different approaches that when k = Q such a functor A exists and, furthermore, the quasi- isomorphism type of the rational commutative dg algebra A(X, b) determines the rational homotopy type of X when X is a simply-connected space of finite type. In [BK71] and [BK72], Bousfield and Kan describe two possible rational comple- tions for general (not necessarily nilpotent) spaces both leading to different extensions of the classical rational of Sullivan and Quillen. The first one, known as the Q-completion of a space, naturally associates to any space X another space Q∞X together with a map ρ : X → Q∞X. When X is a nilpotent space Q∞X has the Malcev completion of π1(X, b) as and the rationalized higher homotopy groups of X as higher homotopy groups. We call a continuous map f : X → Y a Q∞-homotopy equivalence if Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equivalence. This is the notion of weak equiva- lence in the extension of of [BFMT18]. The Q-completion construction satisfies the following properties. Proposition 2 ([BK71]). Let f : (X, b) → (Y, c) be a continuous map of pointed path-connected spaces. Then, the following are equivalent:

(1) The map f : (X, b) → (Y, c) is a Q∞-homotopy equivalence, i.e. the induced map between Q-completions Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equiv- alence. (2) The induced map C∗(f; Q) : C∗(X, b; Q) → C∗(Y, c; Q) is a quasi-isomorphism. Furthermore, if X and Y are both nilpotent spaces then (1) and (2) are equivalent to:

(3) The map f : (X, b) → (Y, c) induces an isomorphism between Malcev com- pletions of the fundamental groups and an isomorphism of higher rationalized homotopy groups. The second completion functor, known as the fiberwise Q-completion, associates ∗ to any space X another space Q∞X, having the same fundamental group as X and higher homotopy groups isomorphic to the rationalized higher homotopy groups of X. ∗ ∗ A continuous map f : X → Y is a π1-rational homotopy equivalence if Q∞f : Q∞X → ∗ Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equivalence. This is the notion of weak equivalence in the extension of rational homotopy theory of [GHT00]. In section 3, we prove that π1-rational homotopy equivalences are detected by the dg coassociative coalgebra of pointed normalized singular chains with rational coefficients. Then, in section 4, we study a coalgebra version of Question 1 which 3

fits with π1-rational homotopy equivalences. More precisely, our first result is the following theorem. Theorem 3. Let f : (X, b) → (Y, c) be a continuous map of pointed path-connected spaces. Then, the following are equivalent:

(1) The map f : (X, b) → (Y, c) is a π1-rational homotopy equivalence, i.e the ∗ ∗ ∗ induced map between fiberwise Q-completions Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equivalence. (2) The induced maps π1(f) : π1(X, b) → π1(Y, c) and πn(f)⊗Q : πn(X, b)⊗Q → πn(Y, c) ⊗ Q for n ≥ 2 are isomorphisms. (3) The induced map C∗(f; Q) : C∗(X, b; Q) → C∗(Y, c; Q) is an Ω-quasi-isomor- phism, where an Ω-quasi-isomorphism is a map that induces an isomorphism after applying the cobar construction (see section 2.1). (4) The induced map π1(f) : π1(X, b) → π1(Y, c) is an isomorphism and for every Q-representation A of π1(Y, c) the induced map on the homology with ∗ local coefficients H∗(f) : H∗(X; f A) → H∗(Y ; A) is an isomorphism.

The above theorem says that the notion of π1-rational homotopy equivalence is in fact a rational notion, i.e. it can be described in terms of maps that preserve algebraic structures on rational vector spaces. The proof of the equivalence between (2) and (3) of Theorem 3 uses a recent extension of a classical theorem of Adams, proven in [RZ16] by the first and third author, which says that for any pointed path-connected space (X, b) there is a natural quasi-isomorphism of dg algebras  θ :ΩC∗(X, b; Q) ≃ C∗ (ΩbX; Q),  where C∗ (ΩbX; Q) is the dg algebra of rational cubical singular chains on the (Moore) based of X at b. The proof of Theorem 3 also uses the fact that θ is a quasi-isomorphism of dg for natural structures on ΩC∗(X, b; Q)  and C∗ (ΩbX; Q). Quillen proved that associated to any simply connected space X there is a ra- tional cocommutative dg coassociative coalgebra which is quasi-isomorphic to the rational chains on X. Under the light of Theorem 3 we may now ask a stronger question, namely, if for any path-connected (X, b) the dg coalgebra C∗(X, b; Q) may be strictified into a rational cocommutative dg coassociative coalgebra which still detects the fundamental group (or at least the fundamental group algebra) and the higher rational homotopy groups. More precisely, denoting by CDGCk the category of coaugmented conilpotent dg cocommutative coassociative k-coalgebras we ask the following question, which we call the cocommutative chains problem: C Question 4. Is there a functor : Top∗ → CDGCk such that for any (X, b) ∈ C Top∗, (X, b) can be connected by a zig-zag of Ω-quasi-isomorphisms of coaugmented conilpotent dg coassociative coalgebras to C∗(X, b; k)? Steenrod operations are also an obstruction for the existence of C when k = Z or a field of non-zero characteristic. In section 4, we prove that there is no such functor C even when k is a field of characteristic zero. 4 MANUELRIVERA,FELIXWIERSTRA,MAHMOUDZEINALIAN

1.1. Acknowledgments. The first author acknowledges the support of the grant Fordecyt 265667 and the excellent working conditions of Centro de colaboraci´on Samuel Gitler in Mexico City. The second and third authors would like to thank the Max Planck Institute for , where they first met and their collabora- tion started, for the hospitality and support during their stays.

2. Algebraic Preliminaries In this section we recall the algebraic constructions and results that will be used in the proofs of our main theorems in section 3 and 4. Let k be a commutative ring. We assume familiarity with the notions of differential graded (dg) k-algebras and k-coalgebras. The phrases “dg algebra” and “dg coalgebra” will mean “uni- tal augmented differential graded associative k-algebra” and“counital coaugmented conilpotent differential graded coassociative k-coalgebra”, respectively. A graded k- (co)algebra V is connected if Vn = 0 for all n < 0 and V0 =∼ k. We also assume familiarity with bialgebras and Hopf algebras; in this paper we will mean by “bialge- bra” a unital augmented associative counital coaugmented coassociative bialgebra. A is a bialgebra having the property of admitting an antipode. Antipodes are unique when they exist. We refer to [LV12] for further background.

2.1. The cobar construction. Let DGAk and DGCk denote the categories of dg algebras and dg coalgebras, respectively. Recall the definition of the cobar functor

Ω : DGCk → DGAk. Given a dg coalgebra C define a dg algebra ΩC := (T (s−1C¯), D) where C¯ is the cokernel of the coaugmentation k → C, s−1 is the shift functor which −1 ¯ ∞ −1 ¯ ⊗i lowers degree by 1, T (s C)= k ⊕ Li=1(s C) the unital , and the differential D is defined as follows. Let ∂ : C → C and ∆ : C → C ⊗ C be the differential and coproduct of C. Now extend the linear map −s−1 ◦ ∂ ◦ s+1 + (s−1 ⊗ s−1) ◦ ∆ ◦ s+1 : s−1C¯ → T (s−1C¯) as a derivation to obtain D : T (s−1C¯) → T (s−1C¯). The coassociativity of ∆, the compatibility of ∂ and ∆, and the fact that ∂2 = 0 together imply that D2 = 0. A quasi-isomorphism of dg k-modules is a chain map which induces an isomorphism in homology. A map of dg (co)algebras is said to be a quasi-isomorphism if the underlying map of dg k-modules is. The following stronger notion of weak equivalence between dg coalgebras will play a fundamental role in this article. Definition 5. A map of dg coalgebras f : C → C′ is called an Ω-quasi-isomorphism if Ωf :ΩC → ΩC′ is a quasi-isomorphism of dg algebras. Remark 6. Any Ω-quasi-isomorphism is a quasi-isomorphism but not vice-versa, an example of this fact can be found in Proposition 2.4.3 of [LV12]. Another exam- ple is given by considering the simplicial S which has exactly one vertex, one non-degenerate 1-simplex, and all the higher simplices are degenerate. Since |S| is 5

1 ∆ homotopy equivalent to the circle S , the dg coalgebras of simplicial chains C∗ (S; k) 1 ∆ and singular chains C∗(S ; k) are quasi-isomorphic. However, H0(ΩC∗ (S)) is isomor- 1 −1 phic to the polynomial algebra k[x], while H0(ΩC∗(S ; k)) is isomorphic to k[x,x ]. A quasi-isomorphism between simply connected dg coalgebras (namely, non-negatively graded dg coalgebras C such that C0 =∼ k and C1 = 0) is an Ω-quasi-isomorphism, as discussed in section 2.4 of [LV12]. 2.2. Lie algebras and related constructions. For the rest of the section we work over a field k of characteristic zero. We review some classical constructions and results which will be used in Sections 3 and 4. We refer to [Q69] or [FHT01] for further details. Given a dg V denote by SV the the symmetric algebra generated by V . The dg commutative algebra SV is defined as the quotient of the tensor algebra TV by the ideal generated by elements of the form x⊗y −(−1)|x||y|y ⊗x for x,y ∈ V . The unital dg structure on TV induces a unital commutative dg associative algebra structure on SV . Moreover, SV is a commutative cocommutative dg bialgebra when equipped with coproduct ∆ : SV → SV ⊗ SV given by extending ∆(x) = x ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ x as an algebra map and counit S(V ) → k induced by the projection TV → T 0V = k Given a dg L denote by UL the universal enveloping algebra of L. The dg associative algebra UL is defined as the quotient of TL by the ideal generated by elements of the form x ⊗ y − (−1)|x||y|y ⊗ x − [x,y] for x,y ∈ L. Moreover, UL is a cocommutative dg bialgebra when equipped with the coproduct also determined by the formula ∆(x)= x⊗1+1⊗x and counit induced by the projection TV → T 0V = k. The universal enveloping algebra construction defines a functor from dg Lie alge- bras to cocommutative dg bialgebras which commutes with homology. Theorem 7 ([Q69] Appendix B, Proposition 2.1). For any dg Lie algebra L there is a natural isomorphism UH∗(L) =∼ H∗(UL) of graded cocommutative bialgebras. The Poincar´e-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) Theorem relates S and U. Theorem 8 (Poincar´e-Birkhoff-Witt, [Q69] Appendix B, Theorem 2.3). For any dg Lie algebra L there is an isomorphism of cocommutative dg coalgebras ∼ e : SL −→= UL. Since the symmetric algebra functor preserves quasi-isomorphisms we immediately obtain the following corollary. Corollary 9. If f : L → L′ is a quasi-isomorphism of dg Lie algebras, then Uf : UL → UL′ is a quasi-isomorphism as well. In [Q69], Quillen introduced a functor

L : CDGCk → DGLk, 6 MANUELRIVERA,FELIXWIERSTRA,MAHMOUDZEINALIAN where DGLk denotes the category of dg Lie algebras, defined as follows. Given C ∈ CDGCk with differential ∂ : C → C, the dg Lie algebra LC has as underlying graded Lie algebra the free graded Lie algebra (L(s−1C¯), [ , ]) generated by s−1C¯, the desuspension of the coaugmentation ideal of C. The differential dLC is determined by 1 |x′| ′ ′′ dL (τx)= −τ∂x − (−1) [τx ,τx ], C 2 X (x) where τ : C → L(s−1C¯) is the canonical map given by τx = s−1x¯ and ∆(x) = ′ ′′ P(x) x ⊗ x denotes the coproduct of C. The functors Ω and L are related via U as follows. Lemma 10 ([Q69] p.290). For any cocommutative dg coalgebra C there is a natural isomorphism of augmented dg associative algebras ΩC =∼ ULC. We finish this section recalling the Milnor-Moore Theorem in . Theorem 11 (Milnor-Moore, [FHT01] Theorem 21.5). Let (X, b) be a simply con- nected pointed path-connected space. There is an isomorphism of graded Hopf algebras

U(π∗(ΩbX) ⊗ k) =∼ H∗(ΩbX; k), where the graded Lie algebra structure on π∗(ΩbX) ⊗ k is given by the Whitehead bracket.

3. coalgebras and non-simply-connected rational homotopy theory In this section we define two notions of weak equivalences between spaces for two different approaches to extend rational homotopy theory to non-simply connected spaces. These are based on two rational completions for spaces described in [BK71]. We explain the sense in which the rational dg coalgebra of pointed normalized singular chains detects each of these weak equivalences. All topological spaces will be assumed to be semi-locally simply connected and locally path-connected so that universal covers exist. Denote by Top∗ the category of pointed path-connected spaces. We first define the version of singular chains on pointed spaces that will be used.

Definition 12. For any (X, b) ∈ Top∗ and any commutative ring k, the coaugmented connected dg k-coalgebra of pointed normalized singular chains (C∗(X, b; k), ∂, ∆) is defined as follows. The underlying graded k-module is obtained by considering the graded submodule of the ordinary singular chains generated by those continuous maps σ :∆n → X that send the vertices of the n-simplex ∆n to b ∈ X, and then modding out by degenerate simplices. The usual boundary operator for singular chains induces a differential ∂ : C∗(X, b; k) → C∗−1(X, b; k) and the Alexander-Whitney diagonal approximation map induces a compatible coassociative coproduct

∆ : C∗(X, b; k) → C∗(X, b; k) ⊗ C∗(X, b; k). 7

Note that C0(X, b; k) =∼ k, so the counit and coaugmentation are canonically defined. This construction defines a functor 0 C∗ : Top∗ → DGCk, 0 where DGCk denotes the full of DGCk whose objects are connected dg coalgebras. In [BK71], Bousfield and Kan define the Q-completion of a space X as

Q∞X = |WQ∞(GSing(X, b))|, where Sing(X, b) is the subsimiplicial set of Sing(X) consisting of those singular sim- plices ∆n → X that send the vertices of ∆n to b, G : sSet → sGrp is the Kan loop group functor from simplicial sets to simplicial groups, Q∞G denotes the - wise (algebraic) Q-completion of any simplicial group G, W : sGrp → sSet is the classifying space functor, and | · | denotes geometric realization. Note we have used a slightly different notation from that in [BK71]. Definition 13. A continuous map f : X → Y between path-connected spaces is a Q∞-homotopy equivalence if Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y , the induced map on the Q- completions, is a weak homotopy equivalence.

The rational singular chains are able to detect Q∞-homotopy equivalences in the following sense. Proposition 14. [BK71] Let f : (X, b) → (Y, c) be a continuous map of pointed path-connected spaces. Then, the following are equivalent:

(1) The map f : (X, b) → (Y, c) is a Q∞-homotopy equivalence, i.e. the induced map between Q-completions Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equiv- alence. (2) The induced map C∗(f; Q) : C∗(X, b; Q) → C∗(Y, c; Q) is a quasi-isomorphism. Furthermore, if X and Y are both nilpotent spaces then (1) and (2) are equivalent to (3) f : (X, b) → (Y, c) induces an isomorphism between Malcev completions of the fundamental groups and an isomorphism of higher rationalized homotopy groups. Proof. The equivalence between (1) and (2) is exactly 5.2 in [BK71]. If X is a nilpotent space then, by combining the results of [BK71], we see that ρ : X → Q∞X induces an isomorphism on the Malcev completions of the fundamental groups and an isomorphism πn(ρ) ⊗ Q : πn(X) ⊗ Q =∼ πn(Q∞X) for all n ≥ 2. This is because nilpotent spaces are Q-good and the Q-completion of a nilpotent group is given by the Malcev completion. It therefore follows that if X and Y are both nilpotent then (3) is equivalent to (1).  In [BK71], Bousfield and Kan also define a second possibility of completion for non-simply-connected spaces called fiberwise Q-completion. This is done by fiberwise Q-completing the fibration X˜ → X → Bπ1(X, b), where X˜ denotes the universal cover of X and Bπ1(X, b) is the classifying space of π1(X, b). The fiberwise Q-completion 8 MANUELRIVERA,FELIXWIERSTRA,MAHMOUDZEINALIAN uses the algebraic relative Q-completion for a short exact sequence of groups. This results in a fibration ˜ ∗ Q∞X → Q∞X → Bπ1(X, b), naturally associated to any X, whose fiber is the ordinary Q-completion of X˜ . Thus, ∗ to any space X we may functorially associate a new space Q∞X which has the same fundamental group as X and whose higher homotopy groups are the rationalized homotopy groups of X.

Definition 15. A continuous map f : X → Y between path-connected spaces is a ∗ ∗ ∗ π1-rational homotopy equivalence if Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y , the induced map on the fiberwise Q-completions, is a weak homotopy equivalence.

Our next result gives three alternative characterizations of π1-rational homotopy equivalences in terms of the coalgebras of pointed normalized singular chains, homo- topy groups, and homology with local coefficients.

Theorem 16. Let f : (X, b) → (Y, c) be a continuous map of pointed path-connected spaces. Then, the following are equivalent

(1) The map f : (X, b) → (Y, c) is a π1-rational homotopy equivalence, i.e the ∗ ∗ ∗ induced map between fiberwise Q-completions Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equivalence. (2) The induced maps π1(f) : π1(X, b) → π1(Y, c) and πn(f)⊗Q : πn(X, b)⊗Q → πn(Y, c) ⊗ Q for n ≥ 2 are isomorphisms. (3) The induced map C∗(f; Q) : C∗(X, b; Q) → C∗(Y, c; Q) is an Ω-quasi-isomor- phism. (4) The induced map π1(f) : π1(X, b) → π1(Y, c) is an isomorphism and for every Q-representation A of π1(Y, c) the induced map on the homology with ∗ local coefficients H∗(f) : H∗(X; f A) → H∗(Y ; A) is an isomorphism. In the above theorem, by a Q-representation of a group G we mean a Q-vector space A together with a is a left Q[G]-module structure. If f : G′ → G is a group homo- morphism and A is a Q-representation of G, then f ∗A denotes the Q-representation of G′ given by the pullback action of Q[G′] on A via f.

Remark 17. A direct observation that follows from Proposition 14 and Theorem 16 is that both notions of rational homotopy equivalence can be deduced from the pointed normalized singular chains with rational coefficients. This might come as a surprise, since this means that the singular chains with rational chains are capable of capturing the highly non-rational fundamental group in the case of π1-rational homotopy equivalences and the Malcev completion of the fundamental group in the case of Q∞-homotopy equivalences. This can be interpreted as saying that both approaches to non-simply-connected rational homotopy theory are in fact rational, i.e. can be deduced from on a rational chain complex. We would further like to point out that both notions of rational homotopy equivalence coincide for simply connected spaces. 9

Before we prove Theorem 16 we first recall two results proven in [RZ16] and [RZ18] regarding an extension of the classical Adams’ cobar theorem [A56]. For complete- ness, we will sketch a proof of the following theorem and for a detailed proof we refer the reader to [RZ18] or [Ri19]. Let ΩbX denote the topological monoid of Moore loops in X based at b ∈ X. Theorem 18. Let (X, b) be a pointed path-connected space. Then, (1) There is a natural quasi-isomorphism of dg algebras  θ :ΩC∗(X, b; Q) → C∗ (ΩbX; Q),  where C∗ (ΩbX; Q) denotes the normalized singular cubical chains on ΩbX with rational coefficients. (2) There is a natural coassociative coproduct

∇ :ΩC∗(X, b; Q) → ΩC∗(X, b; Q) ⊗ ΩC∗(X, b; Q)

making ΩC∗(X, b; Q) a dg bialgebra such that θ becomes a quasi-isomorphism  of dg bialgebras, when C∗ (ΩbX; Q) is equipped with the natural diagonal ap- proximation coproduct for cubical chains. Sketch of proof.

(1) The fact that there exists a quasi-isomorphism of dg algebras θ :ΩC∗(X, b; Q)  → C∗ (ΩbX; Q) is an extension of a classical theorem of Adams proven in [RZ16] by observing that ΩC∗(X, b; Q) is naturally isomorphic as a dg alge- bra to the chains on a monoidal cubical set with connections (denoted by

Cc (Sing(X, b)) in [RZ16] and [RZ18]), whose geometric realization is natu- rally homotopy equivalent to the based loop space. This natural homotopy equivalence induces a quasi-isomorphism from the dg algebra of chains on C  c (Sing(X, b)) to C∗ (ΩbX; Q). (2) The chain complex of normalized cubical chains on any cubical set (with or without connections) has a natural coassociative coproduct approximat- ing the diagonal map. The quasi-isomorphism from the cubical chains on C  c (Sing(X, b)) to C∗ (ΩbX; Q) preserves . To construct ∇, we transfer the coproduct of the cubical chains on Cc (Sing(X, b)) to ΩC∗(X, b; Q) via the isomorphism between them. 

Remark 19. The construction of the coproduct on ΩC∗(X, b; Q) builds up on an idea originally described in [B98]. It is related to the E∞-coalgebra structure on C∗(X, b; Q) as follows. It is shown in [BF04] and [MS02] that C∗(X, b; Q) has a natural structure of a coalgebra over the surjection , usually denoted by χ, extending the dg coassociative coalgebra structure given by the Alexander-Whitney diagonal approximation. The surjection operad χ is a particular model for the E∞- operad. It is explained in [K03] that for any connected χ-coalgebra C with underlying dg coassociative coalgebra C, the structure maps of the χ-coalgebra structure corre- sponding to the E2 portion of the operad induce a dg bialgebra structure on ΩC. In the case of C∗(X, b; Q), the coproduct of the dg bialgebra structure on ΩC∗(X, b; Q) 10 MANUELRIVERA,FELIXWIERSTRA,MAHMOUDZEINALIAN coincides with the coproduct ∇ outlined in the proof of Theorem 18. More details may be found in Theorems 2 and 3 of [RZ18]. Remark 20. Two other extensions of Adams’ cobar theorem to the non-simply con- nected case may be found in [FHT92] and [HT10]. These approaches add formal inverses for the 1-simplices in different ways. In [FHT92], an extension of Adams’ construction is described for non-simply connected CW-complexes by adding homo- topy inverses for all 1-simplices together with formal homotopies at the level of the cellular chains. In [HT10], a different extension is described for any simplicial set by adding formal (strict) inverses for all 1-simplices after applying the cobar construc- tion. In the approach of the first and third authors in [RZ16] no inverses must be added since the construction is preformed at the level of the Kan complex of singular chains, which already contains inverses up to homotopy.

Since there is an isomorphism of bialgebras H0(ΩbX; Q) =∼ Q[π1(X, b)] and any group algebra is a Hopf algebra (a bialgebra which has an antipode map) whose group-like elements are the underlying group, we immediately obtain the following corollary.  Corollary 21. The map θ :ΩC∗(X, b; Q) → C∗ (ΩbX; Q) induces an isomorphism of bialgebras H0(ΩC∗(X, b; Q)) =∼ Q[π1(X, b)]. In particular, there exists an antipode on the bialgebra H0(ΩC∗(X, b; Q)), which makes it a Hopf algebra. The isomorphism class of the fundamental group of X may be recovered functorially as the group of group-like elements of H0(ΩC∗(X, b; Q)). We now use the above results to prove Theorem 16. An integral version of the equivalence between (2), (3), and (4) of Theorem 16 was proven in [RWZ18]. Proof of Theorem 16. The equivalence between (1) and (2) follows directly from the ∗ ˜ ∗ fact that Q∞X is the total space of a fibration Q∞X → Q∞X → Bπ1(X, b), since then we can use the long exact sequence for a fibration together the natural isomor- phisms πn(Q∞X˜) =∼ πn(X) ⊗ Q. The proof that (3) implies (4) is similar to the proof of Theorem 12 in [RWZ18] as we now explain. If C∗(f; Q) : C∗(X, b; Q) → C∗(Y, c; Q) is an Ω-quasi-isomorphism, then f induces an isomorphism of Hopf algebras =∼ H0(Ω(f)) : H0(ΩC∗(X, b; Q)) −→ H0(ΩC∗(Y, c; Q)) and, by Corollary 21, after applying the group-like elements functor to the isomor- phism H0(Ω(f)) we obtain that π1(f) : π1(X, b) → π1(Y, c) is an isomorphism. It follows from Proposition 10 of [RWZ18] that if C∗(f) : C∗(X, b; Q) → C∗(Y, c; Q) is an Ω-quasi-isomorphism, then the induced map on homology with coefficients in any rational local system is an isomorphism. To prove (4) implies (2) we consider the pointed universal covers of the pointed spaces (X, b) and (Y, c), which we denote by (X,˜ [b]) and (Y˜ , [c]), respectively. By a standard lifting argument we get an induced map f˜ : (X,˜ [b]) → (Y˜ , [c]), which is unique up to homotopy. As explained in Section 5.2 of [DK01], the rational homol- ogy of the universal cover of X can be computed by the homology of X with local 11 coefficients in the fundamental group algebra, i.e. H∗(X˜; Q) =∼ H∗(X; Q[π1(X, b)]), where Q[π1(X, b)] is the representation of π1(X, b) through the left multiplication of π1(X, b) on itself. By assumption, this implies that f˜ induces an isomorphism on the rational homology of the universal covers. Consequently, since the universal covers are simply connected, Whitehead’s Theorem yields that πn(f˜) ⊗ Q : πn(X,˜ [b]) ⊗ Q → πn(Y˜ , [c]) ⊗ Q are isomorphisms for all n ≥ 2. It then follows from the long exact sequence in homotopy that πn(f)⊗Q : πn(X, b)⊗Q → πn(Y, c)⊗Q are isomorphisms for all n ≥ 2 as well. We now show (2) implies (3). Suppose the maps π1(f) : π1(X, b) → π1(Y, c) and πn(f) ⊗ Q : πn(X, b) ⊗ Q → πn(Y, c) ⊗ Q for n ≥ 2 are isomorphisms. By Theorem 18 this is equivalent to show that f induces an isomorphism on homology for the corresponding loop spaces. Again we will look at the universal covers to deduce the results. In particular, the lift f˜ induces an isomorphism =∼ πn(f˜) ⊗ Q : πn(X˜) ⊗ Q −→ πn(Y˜ ) ⊗ Q for each n ≥ 1. Therefore ˜ ˜ =∼ ˜ πn−1(Ω(f)) ⊗ Q : πn−1(Ω[b]X) ⊗ Q −→ πn−1(Ω[c]Y ) ⊗ Q are isomorphisms for each n ≥ 1. This means that the map πn(Ω(f˜))⊗Q is an isomor- phism of Lie algebras and applying the universal enveloping algebra functor to each of these maps, by the Milnor-Moore Theorem (Theorem 11), we get an isomorphism ˜ ˜ =∼ ˜ H∗(Ωf) : H∗(Ω[b]X; Q) −→ H∗(Ω[c]Y ; Q). ˜ disc disc Recall there is a homotopy equivalence ΩbX ≃ Ω[b]X ×π1(X, b) , where π1(X, b) denotes π1(X, b) considered as a discrete space, inducing a natural isomorphism of graded vector spaces ∼ ˜ disc H∗(ΩbX; Q) = H∗(Ω[b]X; Q) ⊗ H∗(π1(X, b) ; Q). Similarly, ∼ ˜ disc H∗(ΩcY ; Q) = H∗(Ω[c]Y ; Q) ⊗ H∗(π1(Y, c) ; Q).

The latter two isomorphisms together with the fact that H∗(Ωf˜) and π1(f) are iso- morphisms imply that H∗(Ω(f)) : H∗(ΩbX; Q) → H∗(ΩcY ; Q) is an isomorphism as well. Finally, by Theorem 18, it follows that ΩC∗(f):ΩC∗(X, b; Q) → ΩC∗(Y, c; Q) is a quasi-isomorphism, as desired. 

4. The cocommutative chains problem The goal of this section is to give a negative answer to Question 4. If we restrict our attention to simply connected spaces and coalgebras with quasi-isomorphisms as weak equivalences then Quillen’s rational homotopy theory provides a positive answer to the cocommutative chains problem: naturally associated to any simply connected space there is a dg Lie algebra whose Chevalley-Eilenberg complex is a cocommutative dg coassociative coalgebra quasi-isomorphic to the rational chains on the space [Q69]. However, if we consider the problem for all path-connected spaces and for coalgebras 12 MANUELRIVERA,FELIXWIERSTRA,MAHMOUDZEINALIAN with Ω-quasi-isomorphisms as weak equivalences, as asked in Question 4, the answer turns out to be negative. Suppose there is a cocommutative dg coalgebra C(X, b) such that ΩC(X, b) is quasi- isomorphic as a dg algebra to ΩC∗(X, b; k). By Corollary 21, H0(ΩC∗(X, b; k)) =∼ k[π1(X, b)], so for a hypothetical strictly cocommutative model C(X, b) we would also have an isomorphism of algebras H0(ΩC(X, b)) =∼ k[π1(X, b)]. In the proof of the upcoming theorem we show that, if C is a cocommutative dg coalgebra, H0(ΩC) is always isomorphic as a vector space to a polynomial algebra. Therefore H0(ΩC) is always infinite dimensional which means it cannot be isomorphic to the group algebra of a finite group. Recall CDGCk denotes the category of cocommutative dg k-coalgebras and Top∗ the category of pointed path-connected spaces. Theorem 22. Let k be a field of characteristic zero. There is no functor C : Top∗ → CDGCk C such that for any (X, b) ∈ Top∗, (X, b) is Ω-quasi-isomorphic to C∗(X, b; k) as dg coassociative coalgebras. C Proof. Suppose there exists such a functor and let (X, b) ∈ Top∗. Lemma 10 says that there is an isomorphism of dg associative algebras ΩC(X, b) =∼ ULC(X, b), so the homologies are isomorphic as algebras

H∗(ΩC(X, b)) =∼ H∗(ULC(X, b)). By Theorem 7, we have an isomorphism of associative algebras

H∗(ULC(X, b)) =∼ UH∗(LC(X, b)). The PBW Theorem (Theorem 8) gives an isomorphism of graded vector spaces,

UH∗(LC(X, b)) =∼ SH∗(LC(X, b)). In particular, H0(ΩC(X, b)) =∼ SH0(LC(X, b)). By Corollary 21, our assumption yields an isomorphism of algebras

k[π1(X, b)] =∼ H0(ΩC∗(X, b; k)) =∼ H0(ΩC(X, b)) =∼ SH0(LC(X, b)) for all pointed path-connected spaces (X, b). Note that SH0(LC(X, b)) is either one or infinite dimensional as a vector space. Since π1(X, b) can be any arbitrary group and, in particular, a finite group has finite dimensional group algebra, we obtain a contradiction.  Remark 23. We would like to point out that a similar argument also implies that there is no functor C : Top∗ → C∞,k, where C∞,k denotes the category of C∞-coalgebras over k. A C∞-coalgebra is a cocommutative coalgebra whose coassociativity is relaxed up to homotopy, i.e. it is a 13 coalgebra whose binary coproduct is strictly cocommutative, but only coassociative up to a sequence of coherent higher homotopies. The difference with an E∞-coalgebra is that in an E∞-coalgebra both the cocommutativity and coassociativity are relaxed up to homotopy, while in a C∞-coalgebra only the coassociativity is relaxed up to homotopy (see Sections 13.1.9 and 13.1.10 of [LV12] for more details). Since there is a morphism of A∞ → C∞, we can also use the cobar construction for A∞- coalgebras for C∞-coalgebras. This cobar construction is defined in a similar way as for cocommutative algebra, i.e. it is defined as the tensor algebra generated by the coaugmentation ideal, with a differential coming from the coalgebra structure. For a C∞-coalgebra C, this cobar construction again factors as ΩC =∼ ULC ,where L now denotes the C∞ analog of L and U is the universal enveloping algebra. By the PBW theorem this algebra will always be the symmetric algebra on some vector space V and is therefore either one dimensional or infinite dimensional and can never model finite fundamental groups, therefore showing that there is no functor C from connected spaces to C∞-coalgebras such that C(X, b) is Ω-quasi-isomorphic to C∗(X, b; k) as A∞-algebras.

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Manuel Rivera, Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 E-mail address [email protected]

Felix Wierstra, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Kraftriket¨ 6, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden E-mail address [email protected]

Mahmoud Zeinalian, Department of Mathematics, City University of New York, Lehman College, 250 Bedford Park Blvd W, Bronx, NY 10468 E-mail address [email protected]