![Arxiv:1906.03655V2 [Math.AT] 1 Jul 2020](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
RATIONAL HOMOTOPY EQUIVALENCES AND SINGULAR CHAINS MANUEL RIVERA, FELIX WIERSTRA, MAHMOUD ZEINALIAN Abstract. Bousfield and Kan’s Q-completion and fiberwise Q-completion of spaces lead to two different approaches to the rational homotopy theory of non-simply connected spaces. In the first approach, a map is a weak equivalence if it induces an isomorphism on rational homology. In the second, a map of path-connected pointed spaces is a weak equivalence if it induces an isomorphism between fun- damental groups and higher rationalized homotopy groups; we call these maps π1-rational homotopy equivalences. In this paper, we compare these two notions and show that π1-rational homotopy equivalences correspond to maps that induce Ω-quasi-isomorphisms on the rational singular chains, i.e. maps that induce a quasi-isomorphism after applying the cobar functor to the dg coassociative coalge- bra of rational singular chains. This implies that both notions of rational homotopy equivalence can be deduced from the rational singular chains by using different alge- braic notions of weak equivalences: quasi-isomorphism and Ω-quasi-isomorphisms. We further show that, in the second approach, there are no dg coalgebra models of the chains that are both strictly cocommutative and coassociative. 1. Introduction One of the questions that gave birth to rational homotopy theory is the commuta- tive cochains problem which, given a commutative ring k, asks whether there exists a commutative differential graded (dg) associative k-algebra functorially associated to any topological space that is weakly equivalent to the dg associative algebra of singu- lar k-cochains on the space with the cup product [S77], [Q69]. In this paper we study a coalgebra version of this problem, which requires a careful consideration of what it means for two coalgebras to be weakly equivalent and for two possibly non-simply connected spaces to be rationally homotopy equivalent, as we now explain. arXiv:1906.03655v2 [math.AT] 1 Jul 2020 For technical reasons we use a pointed version of the normalized singular chains and cochains (Definition 12). The pointed normalized singular chains on a pointed space (X, b), denoted by C∗(X, b, k), form a connected coaugmented dg coassociative k-coalgebra with the Alexander-Whitney diagonal approximation as coproduct. The ∗ linear dual of C∗(X, b, k), denoted by C (X, b, k), is the connected augmented dg associative k-algebra of pointed normalized singular cochains with the cup product. The Alexander-Whitney coproduct on C∗(X, b; k) is not strictly cocommutative, but its cocommutativity holds up to an infinite coherent family of homotopies. This algebraic structure may be described using the language of operads; namely, the dg coassociative coalgebra structure on C∗(X, b; k) extends to an E∞-coalgebra structure. ∗ This dualizes to an E∞-algebra structure on C (X, b; k) extending the cup product. 1 2 MANUELRIVERA,FELIXWIERSTRA,MAHMOUDZEINALIAN Denote by Top∗ the category of pointed path-connected topological spaces and by CDGAk the category of augmented commutative dg associative k-algebras. A pointed version of the commutative cochains problem is given by the following question. A Question 1. Is there a functor : Top∗ → CDGAk such that for any (X, b) ∈ A Top∗, (X, b) can be connected by a zig-zag of quasi-isomorphisms of augmented dg associative k-algebras to C∗(X, b; k)? Steenrod operations are obstructions for the existence of a functor A when k = Z or a field of non-zero characteristic. Sullivan and Quillen showed via different approaches that when k = Q such a functor A exists and, furthermore, the quasi- isomorphism type of the rational commutative dg algebra A(X, b) determines the rational homotopy type of X when X is a simply-connected space of finite type. In [BK71] and [BK72], Bousfield and Kan describe two possible rational comple- tions for general (not necessarily nilpotent) spaces both leading to different extensions of the classical rational homotopy theory of Sullivan and Quillen. The first one, known as the Q-completion of a space, naturally associates to any space X another space Q∞X together with a map ρ : X → Q∞X. When X is a nilpotent space Q∞X has the Malcev completion of π1(X, b) as fundamental group and the rationalized higher homotopy groups of X as higher homotopy groups. We call a continuous map f : X → Y a Q∞-homotopy equivalence if Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equivalence. This is the notion of weak equiva- lence in the extension of rational homotopy theory of [BFMT18]. The Q-completion construction satisfies the following properties. Proposition 2 ([BK71]). Let f : (X, b) → (Y, c) be a continuous map of pointed path-connected spaces. Then, the following are equivalent: (1) The map f : (X, b) → (Y, c) is a Q∞-homotopy equivalence, i.e. the induced map between Q-completions Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equiv- alence. (2) The induced map C∗(f; Q) : C∗(X, b; Q) → C∗(Y, c; Q) is a quasi-isomorphism. Furthermore, if X and Y are both nilpotent spaces then (1) and (2) are equivalent to: (3) The map f : (X, b) → (Y, c) induces an isomorphism between Malcev com- pletions of the fundamental groups and an isomorphism of higher rationalized homotopy groups. The second completion functor, known as the fiberwise Q-completion, associates ∗ to any space X another space Q∞X, having the same fundamental group as X and higher homotopy groups isomorphic to the rationalized higher homotopy groups of X. ∗ ∗ A continuous map f : X → Y is a π1-rational homotopy equivalence if Q∞f : Q∞X → ∗ Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equivalence. This is the notion of weak equivalence in the extension of rational homotopy theory of [GHT00]. In section 3, we prove that π1-rational homotopy equivalences are detected by the dg coassociative coalgebra of pointed normalized singular chains with rational coefficients. Then, in section 4, we study a coalgebra version of Question 1 which 3 fits with π1-rational homotopy equivalences. More precisely, our first result is the following theorem. Theorem 3. Let f : (X, b) → (Y, c) be a continuous map of pointed path-connected spaces. Then, the following are equivalent: (1) The map f : (X, b) → (Y, c) is a π1-rational homotopy equivalence, i.e the ∗ ∗ ∗ induced map between fiberwise Q-completions Q∞f : Q∞X → Q∞Y is a weak homotopy equivalence. (2) The induced maps π1(f) : π1(X, b) → π1(Y, c) and πn(f)⊗Q : πn(X, b)⊗Q → πn(Y, c) ⊗ Q for n ≥ 2 are isomorphisms. (3) The induced map C∗(f; Q) : C∗(X, b; Q) → C∗(Y, c; Q) is an Ω-quasi-isomor- phism, where an Ω-quasi-isomorphism is a map that induces an isomorphism after applying the cobar construction (see section 2.1). (4) The induced map π1(f) : π1(X, b) → π1(Y, c) is an isomorphism and for every Q-representation A of π1(Y, c) the induced map on the homology with ∗ local coefficients H∗(f) : H∗(X; f A) → H∗(Y ; A) is an isomorphism. The above theorem says that the notion of π1-rational homotopy equivalence is in fact a rational notion, i.e. it can be described in terms of maps that preserve algebraic structures on rational vector spaces. The proof of the equivalence between (2) and (3) of Theorem 3 uses a recent extension of a classical theorem of Adams, proven in [RZ16] by the first and third author, which says that for any pointed path-connected space (X, b) there is a natural quasi-isomorphism of dg algebras θ :ΩC∗(X, b; Q) ≃ C∗ (ΩbX; Q), where C∗ (ΩbX; Q) is the dg algebra of rational cubical singular chains on the (Moore) based loop space of X at b. The proof of Theorem 3 also uses the fact that θ is a quasi-isomorphism of dg bialgebras for natural bialgebra structures on ΩC∗(X, b; Q) and C∗ (ΩbX; Q). Quillen proved that associated to any simply connected space X there is a ra- tional cocommutative dg coassociative coalgebra which is quasi-isomorphic to the rational chains on X. Under the light of Theorem 3 we may now ask a stronger question, namely, if for any path-connected (X, b) the dg coalgebra C∗(X, b; Q) may be strictified into a rational cocommutative dg coassociative coalgebra which still detects the fundamental group (or at least the fundamental group algebra) and the higher rational homotopy groups. More precisely, denoting by CDGCk the category of coaugmented conilpotent dg cocommutative coassociative k-coalgebras we ask the following question, which we call the cocommutative chains problem: C Question 4. Is there a functor : Top∗ → CDGCk such that for any (X, b) ∈ C Top∗, (X, b) can be connected by a zig-zag of Ω-quasi-isomorphisms of coaugmented conilpotent dg coassociative coalgebras to C∗(X, b; k)? Steenrod operations are also an obstruction for the existence of C when k = Z or a field of non-zero characteristic. In section 4, we prove that there is no such functor C even when k is a field of characteristic zero. 4 MANUELRIVERA,FELIXWIERSTRA,MAHMOUDZEINALIAN 1.1. Acknowledgments. The first author acknowledges the support of the grant Fordecyt 265667 and the excellent working conditions of Centro de colaboraci´on Samuel Gitler in Mexico City. The second and third authors would like to thank the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, where they first met and their collabora- tion started, for the hospitality and support during their stays. 2. Algebraic Preliminaries In this section we recall the algebraic constructions and results that will be used in the proofs of our main theorems in section 3 and 4.
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