Pedestrianised/Little Traffic Pedestrianised/Little Walk Links Walk Church Parking Shopmobility Information Tourist Toilet Public

Statue of King Charles II II Charles King of Statue 10

Cherubs from Booth Hall Hall Booth from Cherubs 9

St Nicholas Church Church Nicholas St 8

Folk Museum Folk

7 Gateway

St Oswald’s Priory Priory Oswald’s St

6 St Michael’s St

St Mary’s Street Mary’s St

5 College Court and and Court College 4

St Mary de Lode Church Church Lode de Mary St

4 26 Westgate Street Westgate 26 3

Bishop Hooper’s Monument Hooper’s Bishop

3 Church Tower Church

St Mary’s Gateway Gateway Mary’s St


The Cross and St Michael’s St and Cross The 2

Parliament Room Room Parliament

1 New Inn New


Martyrs Walk Martyrs

Potter and Pilgrims and Potter

Entrance to Cathedral Way Cathedral to Entrance


Guildhall 2

St Lucy’s Garden Lucy’s St Chillingworth Mews


Market Portico Market

1 © C

St John’s Church John’s St


Eastgate Street Eastgate r ow

The Bastion The

14 n


Robert Raikes Statue Raikes Robert

Eastgate & City Wall Wall City & Eastgate

4 13


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The Park The

City Museum and Art Gallery Art and Museum City 3 12

Christ Church Christ

Greyfriars Friary Greyfriars


11 r S



Brunswick Square Brunswick u

Addison’s Folly Addison’s 1

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Park and Spa and Park

St Mary De Crypt Church and School and Church Crypt De Mary St r W

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Blackfriars Blackfriars s

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Ladybellegate House Ladybellegate

7 y

9 Southgate Street Southgate 9 p


a r Bearland Lodge Bearland

6 City Cou


Emperor Nerva Statue Nerva Emperor s


Bearland House House Bearland


Robert Raikes House Raikes Robert

Debenhams 1

n The Fountain Inn Fountain The

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Shire Hall – Sir Robert Smirke 1816 Smirke Robert Sir – Hall Shire


Sat only Sat n

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Llanthony Secunda Priory Secunda

King Edward’s Gate Edward’s King 2 2

Gloucester Docks

Cathedral and Cathedral Close Cathedral and Cathedral 1 1

Monks and Maritime Walk Maritime and Walk Sacra Via

. leaflet this of support their for Group Pride Gloucester the

Westgate Street Westgate

Gloucester City Council would like to thank Philip Moss of Gloucester Civic Trust and Trust Civic Gloucester of Moss Philip thank to like would Council City Gloucester

We hope you enjoy the walk. the enjoy you hope We

get stuck the answers are online at at online are answers the stuck get

you can find the answers. There are also additional clues and if you really you if and clues additional also are There answers. the find can you

questions and on the map will help you find out where, during your walk, your during where, out find you help will map the on and questions

To help you along we have given you a few clues, the numbers next to the to next numbers the clues, few a you given have we along you help To

to work out for yourself! for out work to

will be in the grown up’s Via Sacra leaflet and some you will just have just will you some and leaflet Sacra Via up’s grown the in be will

to win a great prize. Some of the answers will be found on the route, some route, the on found be will answers the of Some prize. great a win to

Via Sacra (use the map opposite) complete the puzzles for the opportunity the for puzzles the complete opposite) map the (use Sacra Via

While you are helping the grown ups find their way around the routes of the of routes the around way their find ups grown the helping are you While Fun and games in Gloucester in games and Fun

18 Join the dots to reveal the picture

51 304 305 49 303 52 48 306 19 55 47 9 302 56 8 301 307 53 46 10 59 41 4022 2 300 308 GLOUCESTER 7 60 54 42 21 11 1 5045 3 309 Who can you see? 57 39 20 6 58 12 299 61 44 43 38 23 4 19 13 5 310 37 14 298 311 62 36 24 18 15 35 25 27 17 16 312 63 34 26 298 313 33 28 ...... 32 29 297 319 64 296 317 320 30 314 321 31 295 318 65 315 316 322 323 292 324 66 294 293 294 67 325 68 289 291 69 70 290 71 326 72 288 73 327 74 287 328 75 286 285 329 76 284 77 330 78 280 283 79 281 282 331 80 279 81 269 268 82 267 278 270 276 271 83 266 277 272 84 275 274 273 265 85 264 Via Sacra 86 93 263 94 87 Self Guided Walks & 262 95 88 92 261 91 89 260 96 90 Activities for Children 97 259 98 258 99 We are indebted to the 257 100 History People for their 101 256 help in producing this 102 255 leaflet. 103 254

104 253 105 229 106 125 230 252 126 231 124 228 127 232 107 252 123 128 108 155 233 129 227 251 109 122 154 156 234 110 121 130 226 235 250 111 236 249 120 225 112 119 153 157 237 113 118 238 117 131 248 224 239 114 116 240 115 132 152 158 191 192 190 193 247 133 189 223 241 151 159 194 246 188 242 134 150 195 243 245 187 222 244 135 160 149 196 For information about 136 148 161 186 221 147 197 137 146 their wide range of 145 162 185 220 163 198 138 144 219 exciting educational 164 184 143 183 199 139 142 165 218 products and how 182 140 141 200 217 166 181 you can continue to 201 216 167 discover ways of 180 202 215

168 203 214 making history fun why 179 204 213 169 178 not visit their website 205 212 170 177 206 211 171 176 207 172 www.history-people. 175 210 173 208 174 209

Every care has been taken by Gloucester City Council to ensure the accuracy of the information in this guide. You accept all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from using the guide and any information or material available from it. To the maximum permitted by law, Gloucester City Council excludes all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from using this guide and any information or material available from it. Great for Produced by APT Marketing and PR 01242 250692. History Gloucester Civic Trust Find these words in this word search Number quizzes

1 The four gates of X C V E B G H J U T E C Some of the answers you should know, some you will find in the grown-ups Gloucester leaflet and some you will have to find out for yourself. R O M A N S W N E R V A 16 Advanced a. When was Lady Jane Grey proclaimed Queen? A M H S N R T D E S D T Find clue near 1 b. When was the Pilgrims’ Brewery founded? Find clue near 1 2 He was called the W E S T O P Y N O R T H c. When was Edward II murdered? Conqueror Find clue near 2 I S A W E D F G T H B E d. When was Greyfriars founded? Find clue near 9 L D T S E W M S X F V D e. When was the City Museum & Art Gallery built 3 Beatrix (author) and Find clue near 12 Harry (hero) L T Z P R N P O T T E R f. When did the Emperor Nerva die? Find clue near 2 I E A D E F G U M H T A g. When was Bishop Hooper burnt at the stake? Find clue near 3 are both linked with A W E R G Y H T I M F L h. When was William the Conqueror crowned? Gloucester 981 1066 1100 1105 You need to add up the columns to get the total Total 4 The place where you M U S E U M A H N T Y H can find a dinosaur, P U G F R G T Y U H F L 17 Easy the i. How many gates does Gloucester have? H Y R L G V H E N R Y B Find clue near 2 5 We had 8 kings with j. How many statues are there at the Cathedral door? this name Find clue near 1 k. How many columns are there at the Shire Hall? Find clue near 3 l. How many archers are there on the wall? 6 Edward II buried at Find clue along Constitution Walk Gloucester m. In which century was this tower built? Find clue near 13 n. How many men are there on the Bastion? Find clue near 14 o. How many legs does the catapulta have? 7 The Find clue near 14 invaded in 43AD. p. How many hands help Father Time? Later in 96AD Find clue near 4 q. How many cockerels are here? Find clue near 9 r. How many wives did Henry VIII have? 8 became Emperor 1 3 6 8 You need to add up the columns to get the total Total

9 How many saints? Your chance to win a great prize

Can you find 10 saints in Gloucester? Spell out the secret word with the answers to Write down their names. Look at the adult’s Via Sacra leaflet for clues. the questions for the chance to win a great prize:

Take the sixth letter of the answer to question 3 Take the second letter of the answer to question 7 Take the seventh letter of the answer to question 2 Take the last letter of the answer to question 8 Take the last letter of the answer to question 13 Take the third letter of the answer to question 4

Name Address Postcode Email Telephone No. Age

Return the completed form to Gloucester Tourist Information Centre, 28 Southgate Street, Gloucester GL1 2DP or enter online at Full details of when the next draw takes place and what the latest prize is can be found online. (Competition open to children up to the age of 16).

Here are some other questions for you to find the answers to. When you visit Gloucester Docks draw a picture and colour in one of the boats that are there today. 10 Father Time has lots of help, 12 Which two colours 14 How many mice but what jobs do they do? are used by the friars are at the Tailor’s Find clue at 4 of Gloucester? Shop in the Grey Red Eastgate Market Black Blue model clock? Find clue off 1

13 Who has a black cat? See sign off Martyrs 15 Which Inn would Walk route you associate with water? Find clue off 4

11 Who was proclaimed Queen at the New Inn? Find clue at 1