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Docid-32309923.Pdf This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: .. ··-·--···--· -----~==== JFK Assassination System Date: 5/I/2015 Identification Fonn Agency Infonnation Released under the John ro. Kennedy AGENCY: FBI Assassination Records RECORD NUMBER : 124-10301-10189 ~ollection Act of 1992 ( .q.q USC 2107 Note) . RECORD SERIES: HQ ase#:NW .qs985 Date: 1-17-2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 63-7985-19 Document Infonnation ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: HIRSCHENBERGER, HENRY TO: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 11 /2911962 . PAGES: 59 SUBJECTS: [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION : Unclassified RESTRICTIONS : Consulted; 10(a)2 CURRENTSTATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 05/2811998 OPENING CRITERIA : INDEFINITE, APPROVAL OF DOJ COMMENT'S: REFERRED TO DOJ v9 .1 5 NW 45985 Docld:32309923 Page 1 .D ~' I ' ) -~ ·;t~ .+' /"""'\ y ! FD-2·a4 (Rev. 3-3-5~•) : l )(., -~" _-;-l:. v , "-....., r;~ C~ . ~/~ -··· U'•~·ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF___;JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ,- . l ', I I Copy to: 1 . Dep~rtmentil At.:tor.ney {chic~o I . Report of: SA.A HENRY . Hl~~cp;Q~QJ:~ I Office, . CHICAGO. Date,JJ.-.24-(,~.: . .. .. Field Offlc;e File fl.: ~2 •692()1 Bureau File #: S3-79S5 Title: JAifES RIDDLEH()FFA; I~WIN ·s. WEINER;: . ALLEN M. DoRF.~ Character: MISCELLANEOUS - IJIFQ!l)IATXOH COl(CERNIMG ·._(ACCGurifr.Xl(G .·.·Alm····F~AYJJ ~I:CT. lONl . ij (-AI(:CO~ING. INV'~STi~~T:J:9.JO . .... ·.· Synopsis: D~p~~tm~nt. requ~sts' ·:iny49stigation g_f reports. th!llt. .ALL:fi:N OO}lP'M.A.K.· and l}lWlN WEINE!t'c no _ll.ppuent. effort h&~e ~bt!lli~ed the i!l~\llian~e and bo!llding business . CO!l!lected with . hotels,_ mote:l.s aild other . 1nl1sine·isses •· which h&.Ye betln rec;fpiients·-of~:~!Pans - ~ from the. TealJiDsters Centrill stites·.·.southeast and -Southwest. Are&s Pensio.n Fll!nd. JUieg$dl.y -t-he insu~anee is going t~ough loea:i agencies but the . ])()~;FIIAlf ... group· is r~ceiving the eollllmissions. aesu~ts,o~ · , examination of. eert&in records (mai,nly~ .Pen~iQ~ ~, Fv,nd ':fiies) .. produ~ed before t)1e lll . 1962 .. a hi a 0 111nois se for b. i 1 I - p - This document contatns neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the· property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your aqericy. NW 45985 Docld:32J09923 Page 2 CG 62-6020 --: IIH: kmg DETAILS: AT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS r.rhis investigation i.s predicated- upon a rettuest for investigation contained in a memorandum of Assistant A ttorney 1 General HERBERT J. MILLERv JR., Crimin!i'l.l Division, Department of .Justice 9 dated October 15 p 1962. The memorandum re~uesting this investigation is set forth as,follows: "Reports have been received that Allen Dorfman and I rvi.n Weiner with no apparent ef~ort have obtained the insurance and'"bonding business connected with hotels, motels and other businesses which have been recipients of loans from the Central s\ates Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund. Allegedly, the insurance is going through local agencies but the Dorfman group is receiving the commissions. "Stanley Mallin of the Atlanta C~a,han:a Motor Hotel) Atlanta, Georgia~ said Dorfman got the insurance business through Haas and Dodd Co. of Atlanta; that Haas invested :~2<l,Q0() in the Atlanta Cabana and in return wrote a $500,000 poli · o on'':\",.: Mallin a·nd Jay Sarno. ''Elliot L. Haas and Dodd Insur:a.nce Brokers, Atlanta, Georgia, was interviewed by the Bureau in relation to his activities with the Atlanta and Dallas Cabana. Haas sta~ed that he got a small policy from the Atlanta but the prcmin;e~~::; are very nominal. He also said that because of construction investments he made in th~ Dallas C:a.bana, he was given the .c:~· · ,~portuni ty to w.ri t.e $500,000 in life policies on Sarno and Mallin."' ).~ecords at Republic National Life of Dallas, Texas~ show Haa.. s placed business with Cambridge Insursmce Agency, General Agents for Republic, and ea1•ned a commission in excess of $2,000. (There is a. Republic National Life check d:a.ted May 26, 1960, to 'Elliot L. H~as for $2,115.31). Cambridge earned the overwrite on the Sarno-Mallin life policies according to a report of Carl,. Schultz C/O Bureau of Labor Management Reports, Chicago. j ·- ~--------------------~--------------------~==~~------~~--~----------------~· ~ NW 45985 Docld:32309923 Page 3 ~--,- '( ' .· 2 ' CG 62... 6020 HH:kmg ''Republic's files indicate that on April 20, 1960, Hepublic Na.tional Life advised Cambridge t:hat they were splitting the commissions between Elliot Haas of Atlanta and Cambridge·on policies #lif7239 and #187240 written on Stanley Mallin and ,Jay Sarno. "Sol Schwartz is in frequent telephone communication wit:h Charles Griffin, Raymond Nelson and "Gene" Willage at TR 3-6581, Atlanta, Georgia. It is not known whether this has :any :relationship to the A~llanta. Cabana insurance. "According to Frank Wright, President of United Bonding Co., Indianapolis~ Indiana, Irving Weiner picked up the insurance business '(with possible premi.ums of $1,000,000) for0 the Castaways Motel, Miami Beach, Florida. Ylright also , said that Weiner had obtained the insurance for the Everglades Hotel in Mi:ami. The Atlanta Cabana Motor Hotel, the Ca,staways M(otel and the Everglades Hotel in Miami all received loans from the Pension Fund. "1 t is refi!uested tha.t the. Bureau interv].ew I<' rank Wright, President of United Bonding Co., Indianapolis, Indiana, concerning his knowledge of the arrangement whereby insurance a.nd bonding furnished relative to these Pension F"und loans were acquired by the Dorfmans and to ,con('uet an investigation to the following relative to the above ment:i.o11ed loans by the •reamsters Pens ic·n Fund: "(1) what agencies and comp:a,n:ies are involved; "(2) what policies have taken; "( 3) wha.t commissions have been. _paid; ' ' ' ; !. "( 4) 1=o whom. I "(5) Interviews are requested with local insurance and bonding agents to determine whether they have been approached with "kickback". proposals. L.------------------~~----~~~==========~==~-~····~-~-~~-~~-=~~~---------------- NW 45985 Docld:32J09923 Page 4 ~ • Ci ~ I I I 3 CG 62..;6020 HH:kmg \ "(6) The Bureau is also requested to determine why Cambridge got a portion of Haas' commission on the Mallin-Sarno policies." Certain datr were llso furnished by the Department in ' donnection with this requ~st for inve~tigation. Included ~n this was a memorandum from WALTER J. SHERIDAN 1 te JEROME S. ADLERMAN: of the Department of Jwstice dated January 14, 1960, with respect to JAMES R. HOFFA -= Swnmit Fidelity and Surety Company; ALl.t;N DORFMAN; Teamster Bonding. This memo randum records the ,re!'.iUl ts of an interview <O> f FRANK WRIGHT, Pres ident of the Uni.t ed Fond.i ng Company o f Indianapo lis,. .: Indiana, on January 13, 1960. Tpe infor-"' mati ~n f urnis hed by WRIGHT relates principally to the Teainr.;; ter Bond~g Pr(!) gram which was set up following the passage Oi f the, L a ndrwn~Griffin Bill on September 14~ 1959. Among other thingE; W~IGIIT advised WALTER J. SHERIDAN that someti.m.e in December, 195 ~l ) he was contacted by a man named DON PLETTS, who represented itn ·r.c ·· agency i.n Miami ~ Florida. PLETTS told WRIGHT that he had th•:: . 'I'eam.ate!r Bonding busine. ~:~s and offered to post a cash ClCP llat<:H'9 l of · $300jooo, .. PLETTS had previously contacted JIM HALPERN o f the. United ,Public I nsurance Company of Indianapolis for the s ~U ll E-; · purpose. WRIGHT' advised that a man named JOHN QUINLAN , who was with the Peerless Insurance Companyv even (l!uit his j ob t o go with PLETTS .because PLETTS seemed so certain of getting the Teamster business. Also made avai]able by the Department was 9, copy of a report made by Complianee Officer CARL N. SCHULTZ on September 1, 1961, a.t Chicago, Illinois. SCHULTZ is compliance officer with the Bureau . of L9.bor-Management Reports of the United States Department of Labor. This report is entitled United Benefit Fire Insurance Company of Omaha, Nebraska; International Brotherhood of Teamsters; JAMES lt. HOF'FA, President. This report concerns the Teamster Bonding Program a.nd reflects the results of interview~ by SCHULTZ with FRANK ··:miGHT, Preside!nt, and .NORMAN L. STO'rTS, Chie·f <!.Pf the Bond Department, Un:i ted Bonding Insurance Company, Indianapolis, !~.diana. - 4 - NW 45985 Docld:32309923 Page 5 ,. ,.. l. J • c 4 CG 62~6020 .HH:kmg . Among otht'}r things WRIGHT advised SCHULTZ that he hea.. rd a r~mor that IRWIN WEINER got the insurance business of the Castaways Motel and the· Everglades Hotel, both of whom. are recipients of Int(~rnational Brotherhood of Tea.mster PensiiOJn Fund loans. WRIGHT said that the prem'iums on the Everglades c(t)i.~ld total ;~) 1, 000,000 and that WEINER got the business "by just walking in". SCHULTZ~s report notes that a previo~ chronology sb.lOJWS that WElNER was at the Atlanta Cabana and that CHARLES W. ·BRAY, whO> was connected with the lt"ederal Cas~J~al ty Company, ·Chicago~ Illinois, telephoned the General Oglethorpe for a re~erv:ati«JJn.
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