Reporting Suicide
4 REPORTING SUICIDE Ann Luce The social issue Historically, suicide is perhaps the sensitive topic par excellence, especially the ways in which it is discussed in Western societies and cultures – or, more point- edly, not discussed, as the case may be. It is certainly a taboo issue, steeped in stigma – religious, moral, political, social, and cultural. Globally, more than 800,000 people die by suicide on an annual basis; suicide claims more lives than war, murder, and natural disasters combined (WHO, 2017a; AFSP, 2015). Suicide is a global issue that accounts for 1.4 per cent of all deaths worldwide, making it the 17th leading cause of death in 2015 (the most recent statistics available). Research shows that for every person who dies by suicide, between six and 135 people are significantly impacted (Cerel et al., 2018; CALM, 2016). For every individual who kills her/himself, at least 20 more will attempt to take their own life (WHO, 2017a). Every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide, yet the World Health Organisation estimates that this will increase to one death every 20 seconds by 2020 (Befrienders, 2017; WHO 2017b). Arguably, a suicide story has the potential to cause harm, but if reported responsibly, sensitively, ethically, and with care (read: non-sensational1), then such harm can be mitigated. The nature of a suicide story means that death is at the heart of it, and death remains one of the great taboos to openly discuss. However, death by suicide is not like natural death, be it from old age or illness. Death by suicide can often be sudden, unexpected and violent, which can substantially lead to trauma for the bereaved, especially those in close proximity.
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