MS Color Bar v.6 092110

Kinect 75,66,66 50,40,40 25,19,19 娤⌈ ✏わ敲⦲䎐怱㈙Ḳ∴Ə媲婚孧 360® Ḣ㩆媑㗵˚ ㄆㆰ♏㈲ⅱ˚Ọ⎱⅝ẽỢἼ ⑏恱壄何㈲ⅱᷱ䙫憴奨⭰⅏凮⁌⺞柯䟌˛媲⦌╫ῄ䕀㈧㛰㈲ⅱƏỌᾂ㗌⽳⎪俪Ḳ䔏˛⥩ 曧㛦㏂䡓檻㈲ⅱƏ媲∴⽧ ㇽ凛曢 Xbox ⮉㈝㔖㏛惏敧˛ ⡀斾‴ᶔ⩇…宅壈濕妉塉⪿ⵓ‥暿Ʋ

廰圊塔壈弈ヰ䕂悋堿ἣ⵵娤⌈ 目錄 ⃸㹾奖䔺䔰䔅䒅 㛰㥜⯸㕟䙫ạ✏妧䛲ᷧẂ好妡⽘₶㘩⏖僤㛪䩨䄝䙙䘮䙣ὃƏ怀Ẃ⽘₶⋬㋓曢䎐怱㈙Ḕ⇡ ೩ည Kine 䏥䙫敪ℰㇽ⛽⽉˛䔁᷻怊㱹㛰䩨䄝䙣䖬ㇽ䙙䘮⏙俬Ṇ⏖僤✏怙堳曢䎐怱㈙㘩Ə⇡䏥桅ἣ ໌՗ Kine 䙙䘮䖮䊧Ə怀桅㜑䵺娡㖞䙫䖮䊧䨘䂡˥ℰ∡㾧䙙䘮䖮˦˛ 䙙䘮䖮䊧⋬㋓栔㗶䜣劘˚好⹢妡˚䜣惏ㇽ冰惏㊤㏷˚㈲党䗀㔊˚㚒⤘㖠⏸ㄆ˚䲥䥅㷞㶭 ៳ Йȃ៳ Й ڞሯौר ㇽ俬㚒㘩⤘⎢ヶ嬿˛䙙䘮䙣ὃ㘩⏖僤⛇䂡⤘⎢ヶ嬿ㇽ㊤䬲Ḳ㔬Ə嶳吤✗杉俳⎾₞ㇽ䢗㒅 ∗⑏恔䉐⒨˛ ࠃᓎᆠ ડ 勌⇡䏥Ọᷱ㈧志ỢἼ䖮䊧Ə媲䪲⍚⁃㭉婙怱㈙ḍ忨憒娡㖞˛⮝敞ㆰ婙✏⠛䛲桎ㇽ俬婉┶ ۖ 㘖␍㛰Ọᷱ䖮䊧Ə䛟廪㖣ㇷạƏℹ䫌⎱朹⯸⹛㛛㛰⏖僤䙣䔆㭋桅䙙䘮䖮˛勌奨昴ἵ婿 ࠃᓎ໠⅝ 䙣ℰ∡㾧婿䙣䙙䘮䖮䙫梏暑Ə⏖Ọ怙堳ᷲ⇾柷昙㎑㖤Ɲ ኆΨ౨ . . 㘗 شㇽ䫀✏巄曉垉⸼廪恇䙫✗㖠 ࡨࢺ✷ • • ὦ䔏廪⯶䙫垉⸼ ᡙᓎॴ ٙ • ✏䅎㗵ℬ嶚䙫⮋ⅎ怙堳怱㈙ ԇۤݾ ݾ • ᷴ奨✏ㄆ妡䖙䴖ㇽ‍〇㘩怙堳怱㈙ ౏੕ᅓЫ ⥩㞃わ凑ⷘㇽわ䙫妑⎲㛰䙙䘮䖬⏙Ə媲✏怙堳怱㈙Ḳ∴ℯ凮憒⸒嫕婉˛ ԝ໱ዩᓾ ࣎᝺ᇄϷ Xbox LIV Kinect Ԋ

Kinect™ ശڗ ᡛ Advent Xbox.c Ọ⎱⅝ẽỢἼ ⎪俪Ḳ䔏˛⥩ 惏敧˛


曢䎐怱㈙Ḕ⇡ ೩ည Kinect ၽᔛު໢ ...... 2 㘩Ə⇡䏥桅ἣ ໌՗ Kinect ၽᔛޟફ೦ ...... 4

ㄆ˚䲥䥅㷞㶭 ៳Йȃ៳ЙȂୄ੼ӵᒵ൐ΰ֑Ȋ...... 6 օȊ ...... 7 ڞ ሯ ौ ר 俳⎾₞ㇽ䢗㒅 ࠃᓎᆠડᇄᐣѬ ...... 8 䛲桎ㇽ俬婉┶ 勌奨昴ἵ婿 ࠃ ᓎ ໠ ۖȊ ...... 9˛ ኆΨ౨ ...... 10 㘗 ...... 12شࡨࢺ ᡙᓎॴٙ ...... 14 ԇۤݾݾ౨ ...... 16 ౏੕ᅓЫσᏽ ...... 18 ԝ໱ዩᓾ ...... 23 24...... ٴ࣎᝺ᇄϷ Xbox LIVE® ...... 26 Kinect ԊӒ໸ޣ ...... 29

ၽᔛਢ૖ᡝ Kinect™ ღ໥ΙޢֆΨϚᏼȂᡱௌӵ໌՗ Kinect Ң Kinect оЅ Kinectٺၽᔛዅ፸Ȅԃሯޟᐭږശ᠍ዅȃڗᡛ Adventures! ޟശཱིЛධ݈୛ၥଉᇄࣺᜰၥଉȂ፜ࠉ܁ Ȅ

೻ҏਪޟкΡȈ ૯Υװ設置 Kinect 遊戲空間 տ ࿋ௌ೩ည Kinect ၽᔛު໢ਢȂ፜଄՞Ȉ ӴПȄޟௌڗཐᔖᏢܹညӵ૖ᡱѺ఼ཿࣼװ • • տમӵᚔཐᔖᏢЊߖܖЊሉޟӴПȄ ଢ଼հȄޟௌڗᡝֹᛤސσ࠮ܖڎտᡱড় • ҁܖΰ७ȂᎬߖਹυܖKinect ཐᔖᏢܹӵႫຜᐠήП װௌџо ۡھѺװཐᔖᏢܹӵႫຜᐠΰ७Ȃ፜୛҆װௌݎࠉጢȄԃޟѮ ၽᔛޟଢ଼հȂӰ ௌޟၽᔛ഍ሯौௌୈ࡞ӻٲΟȊ፜଄՞Ȃ೻پԁȂտ௬ή ޟఖཐᔖᏢོՌϏ༄ଢ଼Ȅ ᔛު໢הԪௌ๘ᄇϚོ ԃݎӣΙ ՍЍ 1.8 ϴ پড়ޖ՝ ௌؠݎԃ ڧٴӴП ՗ၽᔛΟ ԃݎௌџ 2 ՝ޖড় Ꮲޟຜഏ

ߕਛ֜ 2 ་֖ гю഍බ࣏ 為什麼要校正感應器? ൵ ௌમݎȊԃ(ڗሉȂཐᔖᏢ൷૖ູࣼޟKinect ཐᔖᏢ൷჋࢐ྱࣺᐠȂௌમ ၗޟ࢐࿲Ιௌ٘؅ଽσڏЎ ) ᡝഋ՝٘ޟௌູӻ ௌӒ٘ȂӰԪཐᔖᏢڗுᚔ Kinect ཐᔖᏢЊߖȂѺ൷ฒݲࣼ ຜُȄޟ໸ӵၽᔛਢ፡ᐌՌϏ҆ ӴޟમӵԤٗஊު໢໌՗ၽᔛٮᇳ݂Ȃޟ፜рಠᒳඉਮғ ࡣ७Ȃ٥џ൷ีؓڗௌϚωЖᙚݎΰȂԃڎПȄ፜ϼમӵড় ᅾџ૖ᡱٮσωȂޟΟ၌ௌၽᔛު໢ Kinect ٺᕸΟȊਮғџ


2 ӴПȊޟڗωᇀџ૖ོኡޟ૯Υܹӵௌװտ

ਹυܖҁ ?您 有多大 的 遊戲空間 ۡھѺ ଢ଼հȂӰ ௌޟၽᔛު໢Ԥ३༝ȉտᐊЖȊоή࢐ඁএ૖ᡱௌшϷցҢၽ ᔛު໢ޟફ೦Ȅ ԃݎӣΙਢ໢ѫԤ 1 ՝ޖড়໌՗ၽᔛȂޖড়҆໸મӵᚔཐᔖᏢ 2 ޟਮғཐᔖᏢȄՄᄇܻӣਢ໌՗ၽᔛپ՝ညޟՍЍ 1.8 ϴЏሉ ՝ ညȄ ޟ ՝ည൷࢐ᚔཐᔖᏢ 2.4 ϴ Џ ሉٹᇳȂശپড়ޖ՝ ޟၽᔛު໢ȂϫณџоӵᚔཐᔖᏢߖΙᘈޟௌؠԤ٥ቄσݎԃ ড়ᎈࢺ໌ޖᚖΡၽᔛਢȂ൷҆໸ᡱ 2 ՝ޖၽᔛȂծӵڧٴӴП ՗ၽᔛΟȄ ൷ џ о ᡱ Ӵ ПȂ٥ ޟ ௌџо๲݈ӴમӵᚔཐᔖᏢ 2.4 ϴ Џ ሉݎԃ 2 ՝ޖড়ӣਢ໌՗ၽᔛȄௌᓍਢ഍џоёΣၽᔛȂѫौ፽໌ཐᔖ ΟȊޖຜഏ൷૖໠ۖޟᏢ

ߕਛ་֖Ⴜᕚ੡Ȃ֜ 2 Ⴜᕚ֜၉ڸгю഍බ࣏൵ 2.4 ڗࣼ ݎௌમ ཐᔖᏢ 1.8 ϴЏ ޟӴ ٥џ൷ џ૖ᡱ ᡝ՝ည٘

3 ϴЏ

3 進行 Kinect 遊戲的秘訣

光線 把感應器 ፜ ଄ ՞Ȃཐ ฒ፣࢐ӵུ݄ᗙ࢐݂߫ޟӎጣϛȂཐᔖᏢ഍џоғலၼհȂծ ڗωЖኡ ፜ ଄ ՞Ȉ Ꮲ൷ོՌ • ޢ௥ྱৢޟ໨ӎџ૖ོϓᘙཐᔖᏢȄ 別穿會垂 ௌऎݎኇȄ ԃ٘ޟӎጣ૖ᡱཐᔖᏢሆܾӴᒱᜋௌޟ݂߫ • 面對感應器 ཐᔖᏢџ ᡝȂӰԪശԁ૖ᡱཐᔖᏢ ፜ᅾ໔ऎ٘ޟௌȂѺོଡᙹௌڗཐᔖᏢདौࣼ ғ ७ Ӓ ٘Ȅ 正確的手ޟ ௌ ڗ ࣼ 給 彼 此 一 點 空 間! ᘲ។ห७ ࿋ 2 ՝ޖড়ӣਢ໌՗ၽᔛਢȂ፜ᅾ໔๝܄ԪΙᘈު໢Ȃ೻ኺџ ඡЖ෉Ⴋ ጂ ߳Ȉ ൷࢐ശׇ এΡ഍џоՌҥಋଢ଼٘ᡝȄؐ • ᄇПȄڗԪ഍Ϛོኡ܄ • ᡝ ՝ ည ਢȂџ о ᒱ ᜋ ю 2 এϚӣ ٘ ޟ ড় ޖ ཐᔖᏢӵᒱᜋ 2 ՝ • ኇȄ ٘ ޟ јԨࡈ

ྏᕕᐡබႬ࿰हᑟϘዹȂԴ ႵށࠪߞᖖᄩК઻ϭᖠ༡ ᝡᔝߞੜލႵՀȄ 4 其他秘訣 把感應器擺好 ᒥ) Ϛޟௌܖ) ௌݎௌȂծԃڗ፜଄՞ȂཐᔖᏢ҆໸૖఼ཿӴࣼ ၼհȂծ ՝ညȂཐᔖޟپཐᔖᏢܹӱনװཐᔖᏢȂտᐊЖȊѫौڗωЖኡ Ꮲ ൷ ོ Ռ ଢ଼ ਮ ғȄ 別穿會垂盪的寬鬆衣物 ԃݎௌऎΟԤቶσ࠭ᕝ೟υޟѴৈȃ၃υȂܖ࢐ࢷ၆ਢȂKinect ᡝഋ՝ȄӰԪӵ໌՗ၽᔛȂ٘ޟѺঈຜ࣏ӻᎷװཐᔖᏢџ૖ོ Ȅސ ՘ ޟ ཐᔖᏢ ፜ ᅾ ໔ ऎ ๿ ၶ ӫ٘ 正確的手部姿勢 ߳ࡻϚଢ଼ȂᡱٮЙөࠉժװПԒȂ൷࢐ٹശޟᘲ។ห७ΰᒵ൐ Ȃ೻پхٙᎄୄήڼ೻ኺџ ඡЖ෉ႫຜᒉᄍȄ୅၆ௌӵࡾථҺ೽ȂҢЙ Йഋ࠼༖Ȅޟ൷࢐ശׇछ


јԨࡈ֩ѷ෠ѕจҳ ൵Հକݶᔝ੔଒Ȃᢰ ᛕ߷বᅆც໛ᓈᅌ

5 魔手、魔手,停留在選單上吧! 我需要 ௌሯݎKinect ཐ ᔖ Ꮲ ғ ࠉ ПȂՄ и ϐ ԃ ޟ՝ညٹ౪ӵȂௌમӵܹညܻശ ٘܁Σ Kinect Adventures! ӎᆅ ஠ЙܹٮႫྛȂޟင໠ం ® кᐠ ȉ ໠ం Kinڹ ၎ ୈ ϧ ቄ پ ΟȂ௥ ή ห७ΰю ၽ ᔛȂ፜ ௃ڗၐၐࣼ೻এଢ଼հȈөࠉժюѡЙȂᄚᄚგ୼୼ȄԤࣼ ௌឈݎԤȂ٥൷фߒΙϸ഍ၼհғ ԃݎЙଢ଼༝ȉԃޟ౪ЙඡყҰȂၭ๿ௌ ೩ညПԒȄ) ήПժюޟӔԩᔮࢥཐᔖᏢٮ಑ 2 ॲȂڗؠԤȂ፜ӱݎலȊ(ԃ [Kinect ፡ Ꮲΰޟ à ѓࢂ [Ki ЕᏲௌ໌ ௌڗஊࣼ ܁ www.

ԃݎѫ Ԥ (ծࠉඪ࢐ иԤٗஊ ѡ ୏ё ޟ ᒵ൐ޟڥห७ϛӈդௌདौᒵڗ౪ӵȂಋଢ଼ѡЙȂᡱЙඡყҰಋ ໶ Ҭ ΰȂณ ࡣ ߳ ࡻ ೻ এ ࠼ ༖ Ϛ ଢ଼Ȅ ௌ ஠ ོϷ Σห७ᒵ Xbox LI ௌџоᒵ ҏޟ݈ ູپູ ࿋ௌᚔ ࣎၆ര Лධຎ

ಛفԤএᙢՓ୼୼ംᅚԙ࠮ਢȂ൷фߒںЙඡყҰѲڗ࿋ௌࣼ ׇ౳Ȅڥ၎໶ҬȄ࿋୼୼ׇԙਢȂ൷фߒ၎ᒵ໶ϐငᒵڥғӵᒵ

6 ؞Ϟӡҽј־ Ȋాِڽ !我需要協助 Մиϐ ԃݎௌሯौ Kinect ޟࡾҰᇳ݂Ȃ፜ پ߳ࡻϚଢ଼ٮᡝѾήПժю٘܁es! ӎᆅ ஠Й ໠ం Kinect™ ϣ ଢ଼ ϛ ЖȄԃ ݎ ௌ ғ ӵ ໌ ՗ Kinect ϣଢ଼ϛЖ]Ȅ] ڥห७ΰю ၽᔛȂ፜௃኷ୄᒵ൐ᒵ Ѿ܁ௌȂ፜஠Йڗௌឈு Kinect ࣼϚݎ഍ၼհғ ԃ ညП ԒȄ) ήПժю (໠ం Kinect ϣଢ଼ϛЖȂ࿋ϛѓࢂ ڙ࢐ ࡸ ή Xbox® ௡ ܖKinect ፡ᐌᆠ᡹])Ȃ] ᡗђ૖ߒȂ࿋ϛפ à (໠ం Xbox ޟᏢΰ ѓࢂ [Kinect ፡ᐌᆠ᡹])Ȅ፡ᐌᆠ᡹஠ོ ЕᏲௌ໌՗ඁ໶กၐȂоጂᇯ Kinect ૖ օȂ፜ࠉڞӻ؁ௌሯौݎௌȄԃڗஊࣼ ܁Ȅ

挑選虛擬人偶 1 ՝ޖড়ӵ໌՗ၽᔛȂௌџоᓍਢёΣΙଔ໌՗ၽᔛ ԃݎѫԤ 2 ՝ޖড়ӣਢ໌՗ၽᔛȂ (ծࠉඪ࢐ௌϐင஠ཐᔖᏢਮғԙџᡱ )Ȅԃݎௌ௃ཐᔖᏢ ၽᔛު໢ޟ޸ၽᔛٮড়ޖиԤٗஊᡱ 2 ՝ ၗȂޟຎᔣΡୋ๝ௌȇ௃Ѿ୏ёΣܒಛོϷࣂτفѡ୏ёΣȂޟ ᒵ൐ ࿋ௌёΣ࢚এࣀଢ଼ਢȂџоӵၷޟڥ ຎᔣΡୋȄܒظڗௌ஠ོϷࣂ ௌϐငิΣݎᒵᐅຎᔣΡୋȄԃپ [ຎᔣΡୋ؁ᡐ] Xbox LIVE® ຎᔣΡୋȄ ڥΣห७ᒵ ޟҢՌϏٺXbox LIVE®Ȃζџо ѴߒȂиຎᔣΡୋΙ໠ོۖऎ๿ശஅޟௌџоᒵᐅຎᔣΡୋ ҏޟ݈ႺȄծௌӵၽᔛഊϛོϚᘞᕕுዩᓾȂᡱຎᔣΡୋԤ ၆രџऎᔜȊޟ෕ູپູ ࡣȂᗙ࢐џо࣎᝺ՌϏᕕுޟሗ ࿋ௌᚔ໠ Kinect Adventures! тڏ࣎၆രȂѫौӵ Xbox ೩ۡห७ᡱຎᔣΡୋऎΰȂ൷૖ӵ ၆രȊٲၽᔛϛ৤Ұ೻ޟЛධຎᔣΡୋ

ಛفߒ ׇ ౳Ȅڥ

7 冒險精神與歷史 ΡȂ഍ џ о ё Σ Kinect ࠃᓎღ໥ޟѫौ࢐᜹ཎᚔ໠ؓี ዅȊ ޖ ᅾ ௑ پ

ࠃᓎড়഍ Ӗࣺᜰف ࠃ ᓎ ড় ᇱ ِ ᓎོடϛ Ԥਢࠌ࢐ ࡣӵኆΨ Kinect ࠃᓎড়җሉ഍ӵϚୄࠃᓎȄ ൷૖ᡱௌ ࿋ௌौ໠ ዅ፸Ԥઉ٘ЖȄ ઻ࠃᓎ໠ڧٴၾޣKinect ࠃᓎড় ᓎȄௌ џ ኆΨڗᐭȄ ᇳږޟپளܚࢅᏽڧٴKinect ࠃᓎড়

Kinect ࠃᓎড়ዥདྷᇄԁЄঈΙଔ໌՗ၽᔛȄ

Kinect ࡂᔍਛྻᏦᡝјҊȊ

8 ღ໥

ȉ࿋ณ൷࢐ࠃᓎ᠅Ȋࠃᓎ൷࢐Ιڹٱϧቄٲࠃᓎড়഍ӵୈ ዩᓾȄԤਢࠃޟԁ؁σȃ؁ࣀଢ଼Ȃᡱௌ૖ஊថுޟӖࣺᜰف ԃӵኆΨ౨ൟΰၽᔛ)Ȃٽ) ࣀଢ଼ΰޟᓎོடϛӵӣΙ᜸࠮ 㘗ϛݿՑȂณشԃӵࡨࢺٽ) ಢӫޟԤਢࠌ࢐Ϛӣ᜸࠮ࣀଢ଼ ࡣӵኆΨ౨౨ൟΰၽᔛ)ȄծϚᆓ࢐঺ΙᆍȂѫौׇԙࠃᓎȂ ߖΙ؏Ȋ؁Ҭ኿ޟ൷૖ᡱௌ෉ԙ࣏ࠃᓎடড় ࠃᓎ]Ȅௌ ོ ௃ ߑ] ڥᒵٮкห७܁࿋ௌौ໠ۖࠃᓎਢȂ፜ࠉ ࠃ ޟ ᜲ ᖟ ؁ ઻ ࠃ ᓎ ໠ ۖȂՄ ࿋ ௌ ׇ ԙ ߑ ઻ ࠃ ᓎ ࡣȂ൷ ૖ ࢅ ᏽ ᓎȄௌ џ о ܂ ݈ ܚ Ԥ 4 ᆍᜲ࡙ޟࠃᓎࣀଢ଼༝ȉ

...ኆΨ౨ڗᇳ ᔛȄ

9 ೻࢐ࠃᓎღ໥ശԞޟഺཱི৏ዅࣀଢ଼Ȃೣࠌ࡞ᙏ൐Ȃծζ࡞Ԥࢅ ᏽ ܒȄ ӈդഋ՝ҢΨޟ౨ȂҢ٘ᡝޟឝਗ਼ӵௌ७ࠉװၽᔛПݲ൷࢐ ᔞюў൷՗ΟȊ ጑υ᝷ޟΟȊௌ҆໸ᆀྥࠉПپ࡞ᙏ൐֑ȉџ࢐ωЖȊ౨ኆӱ Ȃ࿋ӣਢԤ҈پԤ጑υੑѶ࣏ХȄϚौѫҢЙܚڗޢᔞ౨Ȃ៉ ᔞ౨ȊپਢȂௌџ૖ுҢΰᐌএ٘ᡝپԁඁᗻ౨෉ௌॴ ࠃᓎড়ӵ ԃȶዥ ٽ 遊戲方式 ᙽᡐԙЬ 1 װਢȂ ᐭൟږ༄ ൷࢐ٲ೻ ๴ಧȊڽႏ຾ӡᔝ


ყ 1ȈΙ໠ۖӑᔞ౨

౨ޟپএഋ՝ᔞюॴӱؐޟყ 2ȈҢ٘ᡝ

10 ζ࡞Ԥࢅ


ޟ጑υ᝷ ࿋ӣਢԤ ౨Ȋ 彈力球的種類 ݲȂޖޟᐭږ؁ࠃᓎড়ӵኆΨ౨ࣀଢ଼ี৤ϞߑȂ൷ϐငᏲΣ ౨װΨၾᔞ౨ਢȂޟԃȶዥᔞ౨ȷऋ׬૖ᡱࠃᓎড়оٗஊٽ ᙽᡐԙЬ౨ȇՄȶ໔υӻ१౨ȷऋ׬џᡱ౨ӵᔞϛӻ१౨໖ଫ ౅ޟᗻ౨ᡐԙԁඁᗻ౨ȂᡱኆΨ౨ൟю౪хΡᑹᏭ 1 װਢȂ ᐭൟ७Ȅږ༄ ๴ಧȊ ຺Ռณ౪ຫȄޟ൷࢐ௌ၎੼ཎٲ೻

Ժদಧ༕୪ ѫಧ

當您看到球朝您飛來時 的最佳生存之道: ᕝಧ !

11 ωဠȄڙ௡پѾѡಋଢ଼оЅၰଔ܁㘗ϛȂ҆໸شௌӵࡨࢺ


ҳݿՑޢ нϚџ૖ ޟپளܚ ၌ಳ૖ஊ ࢐ޟ۷ၼ ড়ӵޢҳ ޟڗுܚ അΟϬР ᛧ ۡȃџ ൷૖ᡱωဠၰ៚Ȋپωဠ ყ 2Ȉၰଔڙ௡پ؏ყ 1ȈөѾѡၮ

ࠃ ց

໖ଫ ყ 4Ȉӵਗ਼኿Ϟ໢ऎతޟყ 3ȈժЙ׺՞ުϛ

෩ᓹ֋ЎȈҪգԴਛႆЖକഺኃஇඊȊ 12 ωဠȄ

直立泛舟簡史 ඁޱၼଢ଼Ȃ೻џ૖࢐Ӱ࣏୤ᇄޟ࢐хΡາ၌پҳݿՑөޢ ጢ࢈Ȅ೻ᆍࣀଢ଼ޟнϚџ૖Ӓแ഍߳ࡻωဠϛȂؠԤᄣήЫ ޟڗڧཐܚᐭȂѫԤӵؠᄣήЫ൷ܰႀತᘈਢږޟپளܚ ፣Ȅٮ၌ಳ૖ஊࣺඪ ௤ᓎޟԞ෈ٲ࢐Ȃ೻ޟ۷ၼ ҳݿՑࣀଢ଼ี৤ߑ෈ޢড়ӵ ఀଋȂᔓօтঈ࡚ޟڗுܚ ޟҢٺܚഅΟϬРࠃᓎღ໥ ω ဠȄ ޟ ᛧ ۡȃџ ሆ ܾ ᐇ ᖃ ဠၰ ៚Ȋ

快速提示 ࠃᓎড়ωဠϚѫ૖ӵЫΰ૞՗Ȃၐၐ ցҢၰᇃ៚ଔȃ௠ႆσүᓞȂܖ࢐ӵ ໴ᆒݿՑ֑Ȋ ऎత ༳ᇑ޾֐൵ ᑬȊە 13 ዅ፸Ο༝ȉࠃᓎღ໥࣏ΟᡱԙষޟᎏӻПֶᔞڧٴരྥ ૖໌՗ತྃޟଽ੕ܦᡝ૖กၐȂӵတό౏೎࡚അΟΙ৴ ෉ސራᛤڗ࢐Ȃ࿋ௌࣼޟᐠᏢȄՄശ१ौސራᛤޟনഺ ໖ޟ࢐ௌ҆໸ԝ໱ݎର໠ȊϚႆȂԃפਢȂپՄیௌॴ ଫȂ࿋ ณ Ϛ ᆗ ୨Ȋ ௌ҆໸ၰଔȃରᗗȃөѡၮ؏ȃөѾၮ؏ȂԤਢᗙுөΰ ਢȂџ૖ᗙ҆ސӴᗗ໠ራᛤܒ׺໖ଫȄ࿋ௌІৢپժЙ ଢ଼հȂӰԪᡱᡙᓎॴٙԙ࣏ௌ٘ᡝᇄޟឈޢ໸ୈюႂध ཌּՃᡛȄޟသ๐ 遊戲方式

ӵϛжक ਢȂᐠ ᜰ ᚩρོҢ ཌྷ ៏Ȅ ౪фޟራ ٥ቄӻव ඪଽՌپ ܒޟࠃᓎ ର ᗗ پ ؏ ໠ۖၽᔛ ყ 2Ȉө Ѿȃѡ ၮپЙװܜ ყ 1Ȉ

Հ੡ᑟع 2 ϠԢጄ੡Ȃᢰވу ૭Դఋߞ੟᝝Ȅ ညఋ ቪ ޟᗗ໠ၶճپყ 4Ȉၰଔ ራᛤސоЅёഀ

ყ 3Ȉ᜕ ή ର ᗗȊ ყ 5Ȉ ԝ໱໖ଫ!

14 ᡱԙষ ΟΙ৴ ᛤސ෉ ໱ޟ໖

ுөΰ ૖ᗙ҆ ᡝᇄ٘

中世紀與現代版 的機關陣 ᆍᒵᐅڍᚇυҦܖ՘݈ѫԤಗബҀޟӵ ϛ ж कȂΡঈ ӠᓎᐠᏢȂޟᡝސѼσޟਥўپਢȂᐠᜰଲ࢐এшᅖਥ ޟ࢐৤౪ՌϏܖࠍ੉ȂޟกၐՌϏپᐠᏢٲᚩρོҢ೻ ཌྷ ៏Ȅ ড়࢐ᆍࢅᏽȂՄи٘ᡝζϚҢӬޖᐠᏢᄇސራᛤޟ౪ф ࠃᓎᆠડȂӻԩკၐޟ٥ቄӻवᓞȄௌџошϷีථՌϏ ௃ᒿᇲϛᏰಬȄ೻џ࢐࡞Ԥ࡚೩ٮϷኵȂޟඪଽՌϏپ ܒޟࠃᓎࣀଢ଼ോȊ ରᗗپ

੡Ȃᢰވу ߞ੟᝝Ȅ

ᘖ༟ڽညఋԨҽȃҠೊஜ ؞Ϟᢰᛕ߷־ቪᜣߏ੡Ȃ বᅆྏᕕᐡඊȊ


15 ؽΡЊުમϛȂี৤ю๖ӫԙষޟࠃᓎღ໥ശߖӵღ໥ П ݲȄ ޟ (ᆍӄ໣ࣀଢ଼ (ฒ१Ψᡝᡛᇄᘖݾݾڍޟശ൉᠍ १ΨՂ࢐൉᠍ޭៈϚ఼Ȃծӵ೻၇џϚΙኺᰉȊ ᡝ࿦ញݾ٘ޟݾݾོឝਗ਼ӵުϛȂՄௌζ࢐ȄѫौҢௌ ݾȂ൷ ૖ ᘖ ક ѺȄ ݎ ଢ଼൷՗ΟȄԃܯᚖᖗ࿋ԙૃᆼװौөΰॴȂѫौݎԃ ຎ ᔣ ޟ ௌ ٺ Ѿȃѡ ၮ ؏ ։ џȂ։ ܁ ौ ө Ѿȃѡ ಋ ଢ଼Ȃѫ ौ ၗȂ൷ ܹ ή ᚖ ᖗȄད ޟ Ρୋ ғ ӵ ު ϛ ζ ؠ ୰ ᚠȄད ौ ή ६ ฒޟ࠼༖Ϛ ႆўޟޢ୏ժڍौឝᚔӴ७ਢȂѫौ߳ࡻᚖᖗ෉٘ᡝ ଢ଼൷՗ΟȄ ᐠଽഀॽ ӻᖫΟࠃ 遊戲方式 ԃݾݾૡ

өΰឝپଢ଼ᚖᖗܯყ 2Ȉ ყ 1ȈҢ٘ᡝᘖકݾݾ

ಋଢ଼پ؏ѡၮܖყ 3ȈөѾ

16 ӫԙষ П ݲȄޟ


Ȅԃݎ ޟຎᔣ ᚖᖗȄད 無重力的樂趣 ࠼༖Ϛ ႆўޟฒ१Ψࡉ҆໸೩ӵ݁ິޟॴᐠϛȂॸࡊѫԤӵॴ ཐȄծ౪ӵȂפޟฒ१Ψڗᐠଽഀॽፐਢϗ૖኷ਢᡝᡛ ЊުમȂӈդΡ഍џоᡝᡛޟӻᖫΟࠃᓎღ໥੫տ׽അ ዅ፸Ȅޟԃݾݾૡᅔਗ਼

ΰឝ ։џᅔਗ਼ޢ୏ժڍყ 4Ȉ߳ࡻᚖᖗө

ყ 5Ȉܹ ή ᚖ ᖗ ։ џ ή ६

17 ࡉȂᗙኡકΟـंۻ੕ޟധғӵፐኡࠃᓎღ໥ޟདྷᏃٲԤ ԁඁএࢾȊௌџоਗ௿೻এ׋७༝ȉ ंۻӵ੕ޢധѫ࢐དᎬߖΙᘈࣼௌՄϐȂџ࢐тঈΙٲ೻ Ԥ٘ᡝഋ՝ȂߢХ੕Ыܚ࣠ይΰᘖࢾȊௌ҆໸Ңΰޟࡉـ ᅓЫ೎ڗጱᇐ) ಋܖᓞޱܖ) ယܖЙװࡉȄѫौـᅤΣं Ϛଢ଼Ȃ൷૖இ՞ᅓЫȂ௥๿ௌ൷џоўஇήΙএᅓЫ೎Ȅ ԃݎю౪Ο೿௥ԁඁএᅓЫ೎ޟນᖁȂௌ҆໸ӑஇ՞ນ ᖁΰޟܚԤᅓЫȂϗ૖ࡌ՞ນᖁȄՄиࡌ՞ນᖁζོᡱௌ ᕕுϷኵȊ ౏੕ᅓЫσᏽ߳ᜌོᡱௌЙԔယ༄Ȅ 遊戲方式 ӵ಻ହӒ ՓȄُޟ ߝȂӰ Ԫ ώհਢ൷ ѺȄт ঈ ϚႆՌ௃ ᆍފዥޟ ڗௌࣼݎ Ы ষȂ٥ ଄ၷޟ૞ ൖՙѬኞ ყ 1ȈҢᚖЙȃᚖယஇ՞ᅓЫ ယȃΙ এ ؠپ௃ר ಻ޟঈר ࠢໜȈঋЈѕԳޕϯߞᆒѪȊ எߞᆒѪȊیࠢࠢໜȈᘘգ

ٟயᛟȂޕࠢࠢࠢໜȈᘘՀчࠅ ྏᘁցчȊ

ᅓЫޟყ 2Ȉ੼ཎӴݖΰ

18 ᗙኡકΟ

ंۻӵ੕ ߢХ੕Ы ᅓЫ೎ ᅓЫ ೎Ȅ இ՞ນ ζོᡱௌ

深海堵漏水的故事 ਢфȂஇЫষ׸ᅋΟߨல१ौޟӵ಻ହӒ࢐Уᓞᇧഅ ᙛཾȂࣥՍ຺ູΟ಻ޟՓȄஇЫষೝຜ࣏ߨலӎᄸُޟ ߝȂӰԪ౩ܚ࿋ณஇЫষߨலоՌϏޟώհ࣏༇ȄஇЫষ өᅓЫ೎இ՞یഋ้࡟ᅓЫȂณࡣۻώհਢ൷࡟ӵೲঘ ༃ՓᛓߧȂޟѺȄтঈમӵ٥၇้࡟ਢȂᚖЙོ਌๿ᅌᐻ ೻ڧٴਢঐȂ൷ϐငᏰོޟϚႆՌ௃тঈᗙ࢐இЫᏰ৶ Пݲ࡞ᙏ൐ȂԃޟཐΟȄौϷᒱюஇЫσৱפޟዥފᆍ இޟᚖЙȃᚖယȃᚖጱȂࣥՍᓞഥ഍Ԥ༃ՓԴၬڗௌࣼݎ պ಻ߝӵ 1653 ԑآЫষȂ٥൷๘ᄇؠᒿΟȊਲ਼ᐃලᙢџ இЫߝޟঈרڗࣼרक़Ȉȶܚ૞੕Рᇬޟ଄ၷ ହЙȃΙହڍൖՙѬኞӖ੫ӣਢҢ இ ЫȄ پ ယȃΙ এ ጱ ᇐȂᗙ Ԥ ᐌ এ ᓞ ؠࣼႆԤ።჋т٥ኺֆΨȂᡱپ௃ר ಻ ᝷ ៉ ਗ਼ ӵ ੕ ΰȄȷ ޟ ঈ ר

19 並 肩 遊 戲,歡 樂 加 倍 計時冒 ࠃᓎٲΙ ࢚پӻȂ٥ௌդϚᗜ፜ 1 ՝ԁЄ؁ዅ፸ོޟԁЄΙଔࠃᓎڷ Մ໌՗೻ ޖԤϐิΣܚড়Ȅޖড়Ȃ൷࢐кौޖޟȉ಑Ι՝ิΣڹଔၽᔛ Ԇ ӵؐএࢅޟড়ޖҢкौٺಛѫོفড়഍ོᕕுၽᔛ໌࡙Ѕԙ൷Ȃծ ՙȄݍޟ ԁЄџоᓍਢёΣޟᚇۡȄՄௌޟ၌ଶࠃᓎᇄॎਢ዁Ԓپᔬ ၽᔛ᠅Ȋᓍਢ഍૖ ଫȊ࿋ ௌޖຜഏȂ൷૖໠ۖޟၽᔛȂѫौ፽ΣཐᔖᏢ ሆᚬёΣȂζџоᓍਢሆᚬᚔ໠Ȅ ၽᔛޟਢ ਢᗙौଽȊ ӵਢ໢๖ޖ㘗ȂՄиौၰுШΙএΡشࡨࢺޖএΡΙଔڍ • ϷኵȊ Ψ౨ࢅᏽٴϷٮኆΨ౨ȂޖᇄԁЄΙଔ • ौᔞϛ൷ ΙଔၐၐᡙᓎॴٙȂࣼ።૖ᕕுശଽϷȊ ԙΙ໶ॎ • ᚇۡȄޟ ড় ӣ ਢ ໌ ՗ ၽ ᔛ ਢȂཐᔖᏢਮғਢौમӵ ޖ ፜ ଄ ՞Ȉ࿋ 2 ՝ ڍௌঈڗӴПȂ೻ኺϗ૖ᡱཐᔖᏢࣼޟᚔཐᔖᏢ 2.4 ϴЏሉ ড়Ȃѫौӵкห७ᒵᐅཱིкौޖкौ؁՝ȄՄиௌᗙџоᡐ ޖড়ޟӪԅ൷՗ΟȊ 雙倍時 ࣀଢ଼ٲ࢚ Ԫ܄ٴϷ ՝ޖড়഍ ഍ོᕕு ೨ӻࣀଢ଼ (ആႆԝ

ݮᕫڸ൵ 20 計時冒險 Ȃڙࠃᓎོᡱௌࢅᏽᔞఁਢ໢३ٲΙ ࢚پ՝ԁЄ Ȃ٥൷࢐ޟՄ໌՗೻ᆍࠃᓎ࢐Ԥ೦ᙉ ޖԤϐิΣ ȃԝ໱ਢ໢ࣺᜰײԆ ӵؐএࢅᏽϛ൶ޟড়ޖ ਢ໢໖ײ㘗ϛौ൶شՙȄӵࡨࢺݍޟ ᓍਢёΣ ਢ໢໖ଫਢȂџ໌՗ڗᓍਢ഍૖ ଫȊ࿋ௌԝ໱ ၽᔛޟਢ໢൷ོቨёȂᡱௌԤᐠོ ತᘈȄՄॎਢኆڗࠉፐ؂ਢᗙ ौ ଽȊ ӵਢ໢๖ Ψ౨ࢅᏽོю౪੫տޟਢ໢጑υȂѫ ौ ᔞ ϛ ൷ ૖ ቨ ё ၽ ᔛ ਢ ໢Ȅௌ ҆ ໸ ׇ ԙΙ໶ॎਢࠃᓎȂϗ૖၌ଶॎਢࢅᏽ ᚇ ۡȄ ޟ ਢौમӵ ڍௌঈڗ ᐅཱིкौ 雙倍時間 ޸ၽᔛਢȂٮড়ޖԃᡙᓎॴٙ) ᏿Ԥџᡱ 2 ՝ٽ) ࣀଢ଼ٲ࢚ ড়Ѷўਢ໢ਢȂ2ޖо࿋࢚՝ܚॎਢࢅᏽȄޟԪਢ໢܄ٴϷ ՝ޖড়഍ོѶўਢ໢ȇՄ࿋࢚՝ޖড়ᕕுਢ໢ਢȂ2 ՝ޖড় ഍ོ ᕕ ு ਢ ໢Ȅ ૖ΨޟȂծ૖ቨёၽᔛਢ໢ڙ३ޟ೨ӻࣀଢ଼഍Ԥਢ໢ΰ ӴПȊޟޖԁ؁ਢ໢໖ଫ) ൷࢐૖ᡱၽᔛޟആႆԝ໱੫੆)

計算鈕釘 ฒ፣ࣀଢ଼ԤؠԤॎਢȂԝ໱໖ଫҗሉ ҢӈդџҢٺΙኽȄௌ҆໸ٱ഍࢐ԁ ໖ଫȄԤޟᡝഋ՝Ȃԝ໱ӵުϛ٘ޟ ޟᡝׯԢԙӨᆍԤ፸٘װਢௌ҆໸ ԁඁএ໖ଫȊڗ࠼༖Ȃϗ૖ӣਢԝ໱

ݮᕫ 21 選擇挑戰 收集獎 ᇳȂ࢚এࠃᓎџ૖پٽПԒȂᖞޟௌџоՌϏᒵᐅׇԙࠃᓎ ѫौׇԙ ौؑௌ҆໸ӵ 3 এࣀଢ଼ϛᕕுՍЍ 1 ७ሚถȂϗᆗ࢐ׇོ ሚถ༝ȉ٥൷ڗԙࠃᓎȄឈுՌϏϚσџ૖ӵԇۤݾݾ౨ு оܚᐠོџоᕕுዩถȂޟၐၐᡙᓎॴ֑ٙȄௌԤ࡞ӻϚӣ ፜ࢅᒵௌШၶ਌Йޟࣀଢ଼Ȃܖ࢐ࢅᏽՌϏӵШၶϚ਌Йޟ ၽᔛོਲ਼ భ ថுᎌ࿋ܚΰ Ι ቹ ዂȄKinect Adventures! џоᡱௌᓍЖ ؁ࣀ ଢ଼ ϛ Ӵ Ռ ӵ ၽ ᔛȊ

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歡樂!樂 ЈѕȊ

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26 ኃȉ ㄾ圑㏭㊲㗋↗ ⥩曧㉧堺㔖㏛㛴⋀䛟旃岮姱Ə媲∴⽧ㇸῸ䙫䶙䫀Ə䶙✧Ɲ ㎌∗⯓栢䶙 ZZZ[ER[FRPVXSSRUW˛ 㞃わ姩斘ㇷ 怱㈙⑳怙堳 ⑳㧩嶊˛㭈 㜓㕮ờ㈧␒岮姱 ⋬㋓85/⎱⅝ẽ,QWHUQHW䶙䫀⎪俪 ⥩㛰孱㛛ᷴ ⏍态䟌˛晋杅⏍㛰媑㗵Ə␍∮㕮ⅎ㈧志䮫ὲ⅓⏟˚䴫主˚䔉⒨˚䶙 ⟆⏴䨘˚曢⬷惜ờ✗✧˚┭㨀˚ạ䉐˚✗滅⎱Ṳờ✮ⱓ噂㦲Ə⥩㛰曞 ⏳䳻ⱓⷎ⏯˛恜⭯㈧㛰恐䔏吾ὃ㫱㲼⽲䂡ὦ䔏俬䙫岓Ợ˛晋吾ὃ㫱Ḳᷲ 䙫㫱∐⣽Ə㜑䍙0LFURVRIW&RUSRUDWLRQ㗵䢡䙫㛟杉娘⏖Ə㜓㕮ờỢἼ惏 䶙巖Əḍ娢 ⇭✮ᷴ⽾壮壤˚ℙ⬿ㇽ⻼⅌㓞⎽䳢䵘˚ㇽỌỢἼ⽉⻶ㇽ喰ỢἼ㖠⻶ 曢⬷˚ ㇽ䢡婴わ㈧ 㩆㢗˚⽘⍗˚拫柚˚ㇽ⅝ẽ ₚ弟Əㇽὃ䂡ỢἼ䔏忻˛ e/countries 0LFURVRIW⯴㜓㕮ờḔ㈧廰㨀䙫⏖僤㒨㛰⯯∐˚⯯∐䔚媲㫱˚┭㨀˚吾ὃ㫱 ㇽ⅝ẽ㙡ㅎ岈䔉㫱˛晋杅✏0LFURVRIW䙫ỢἼ㛟杉㍯㫱⏯䳫Ḕⷙ㗵䢡廰㗵Ə ␍∮㎷ᾂ㜓㕮ờḍ㜑峍ṯ岛䔏㈝⯴怀Ẃ⯯∐˚┭㨀˚吾ὃ㫱ㇽ⅝ẽ㙡ㅎ岈䔉 㜑ㇷ⹛䎐⮝ 㫱䙫ỢἼ㍯㫱˛ ⬷忶怵LIVE 媲∴⽧ 㜓嘼㈧廰⯍暂⅓⏟⎱䔉⒨Ḳ⏴䨘Ə⏖僤䂡⅝䛟旃㈧㛰ạḲ┭㨀˛

㜑䵺㍯㫱Ḳ憴壤˚恫⎆ⷌ䧲˚ₚ忨˚⅓敲㒔㔥˚䧆岪˚ế岢㒔㔥˚奶恦㋞岄 ῄ孞䙭䂡⚛㠣䥨㭉˛

㜓㕮ờḪᾄ˥䏥䊧˦㎷ᾂƏ⅝Ḕ䙫岮姱凮䕒杉 ⋬㋓85/⎱⅝ẽ䶙暂䶙巖䶙䫀⎪俪岮 㖀 ⥩㛰孱㛛Ə〼ᷴ⏍堳态䟌˛わ⾬柯凑堳㉦㒻ὦ䔏梏暑˛㕮ờḔ䙫惏Ụ⛽姊䂡噂㦲䮫 ὲƏ€ᾂ⎪俪Ḳ䔏Əḍ㜑⽘⯫ㇽ旃偖ỢἼ䜆⯍ạṲ䉐˛ 㜓㕮ờḍ㜑㎷ᾂわỢἼ0LFURVRIW䔉⒨ⅎ㙡ㅎ岈䔉㫱䙫㲼⮁㫱∐Əわ⏖Ọ䂡ⅎ惏⎪俪Ḳ 䛕䙫壮壤⎱ὦ䔏㜓㕮ờ˛ ‹0LFURVRIW&RUSRUDWLRQ吾ὃ㫱㈧㛰Əḍῄ䕀ᷧ⇮㫱∐˛ 0LFURVRIW˚*RRG6FLHQFH㨀婳˚.LQHFW˚.LQHFW㨀婳˚0LFURVRIW*DPH6WXGLRV 㨀婳˚;ER[˚;ER[˚;ER[/,9(Ọ⎱;ER[㨀婳ᾩ0LFURVRIW暭⛿䙫 ┭㨀˛㈧㛰⅝ẽ┭㨀䙭䂡ῲ∌㒨㛰俬䙫岈䔉˛ &RS\ULJKW‹Ă$XGLRNLQHWLF,QF吾ὃ㫱㈧㛰Əḍῄ䕀 ᷧ⇮㫱∐˛ ὦ䔏6FDOHIRUP*)[‹6FDOHIRUP&RUSRUDWLRQ˛吾ὃ㫱㈧ 㛰Əḍῄ䕀ᷧ⇮㫱∐˛ 8QUHDOŠ(QJLQH&RS\ULJKWĂ(SLF*DPHV,QF 吾ὃ㫱㈧㛰Əḍῄ䕀ᷧ⇮㫱∐˛ 'ROE\⎱曀'㨀婳䂡'ROE\/DERUDWRULHV䙫┭㨀˛ 惏⇭⋬␒㖣㜓廆檻Ḕ䙫⬾檻䔘'\QDFRPZDUH㈧䟻䙣˛



27 ;ER[弈ヰ嶝榒濑;ER[*DPH6RIWZDUH濕ᶣ᳉䣯Ƽ弈ヰ䏠⍿ƽ濒 ⩇… ᴉ 妉䝸奋㗇 㗇攎ẛ娇㖶 㘩Ə⏖僤 ᾃ㑺桗㳭Ʊ㑮⅞☟ピ⊮㼡◮⇾宺孵仃弧䏦 䴭∗⅝ẽ ᷴ⊼ㇽ䧢

㎒ẛẛ娇‥⩷ 廰圊弈ヰ ⾕廆⅓⏟ Ọᷲ䨘⾕廆 €⯴わ ㋮˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦Ḳ⎆⦲峣岞俬 ㎷ᾂỌᷲ 㛪㒅∗ㇽ 㒻ῄῄ嬰Ə⍚凑㛧∄峣岞㗌嵞ᷰ⌨⤐㜆昷ⅎƏ婙˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦⤎凛ᷱ 㖠Əḍ䢡 ⏖⥩㈧昫㒴ὃ㈲ⅱⅎ⮠㈧志刓㒴ὃ˛勌わ✏婙ᷰ⌨⤐㜆昷ⅎ䙣䏥⎾㒻ῄ ℹ˚⯜䉐 ῄ嬰ῄ暃Ḳ˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦㛰┶栳Əわ䙫曝┕┭⯮㠠㓁ᷲ志䧲⹶凑堳㱡⮁ 䛲ᷱ㖠 ᷴ㔝岢䔏 䶔῕ㇽ㛛㏂婙˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦˛⏍⣽Ɲ  勌婙˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦ ᾩ㖣䇆㥔ᷱㇽ䂡┭㥔䛕䙫俳ὦ䔏Ə∮㜓㛰昷ῄ嬰㛟ᷴ恐䔏Ḳƞ⎯  勌 廰圊弈ヰ 婙˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦ḲỢἼ曊栳ᾩ凮ヶ⣽˚㿒䔏˚䖬㮹ㇽㆰ䔏挖媋䬰㛰旃Ə 䎐⮝˚㖨 ∮㜓㛰昷ῄ嬰㛟䄈㔯˛ 媲㠠㓁怱 ẽ䉐檻ㇽ ⋀⾬㘩㘩 ᳇⇿⟧㗝攎‥ᴉ庿ᵢ 媲䢡婴✏ 㜓㒻ῄῄ嬰Ḳ媲㰩ㆰ⯴わ䙫曝┕┭㎷⇡˛わ⯮婙˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦忨ẋṯ 堳怱㈙ わ䙫曝┕┭㘩Əㆰ怊⏳⎆⦲峣岞㔝㓁Ḳ⽘⍗㜓ḍ㎷⇡わ✏㒴ὃ˥怱㈙䔉 㘩Ṇ⏖嵋 ⒨˦㈧怮曊栳Ḳ姊憲媑㗵˛曝┕┭⯮凑堳恟㒮䶔῕ㇽ㘖㛛㏂婙˥怱㈙䔉 ⒨˦˛ỢἼ墒㛛㏂Ḳ˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦㖣⎆⦲㒻ῄῄ嬰Ḳ≐棿㜆敺ⅎㇽ凑わ ῿壯⨧䦣 㔝⎾婙㛛㏂Ḳ˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦嵞⌨⤐ⅎ ⎽廪敞俬 乣乳Ẓ㛰㒻ῄῄ嬰˛ Ọ⎱✏ὦ 勌⛇ỢἼ⎆⛇凛婙˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦䄈㲼䶔῕ㇽ㛛㏂Əわ⯮㛪䍙⽾⛇⏯䏭ᾄ ᷲὦ䔏 K 峛㈧⻼嵞Ḳ䛛㎌ ᷴ⋬㋓⅝ẽ ㏴⮚峇℆Ə婙峇℆㕟栴Ọわ䂡峣岞˥怱㈙ 奋⨧䦣◦ 䔉⒨˦㈧㔖ếḲ⃠栴䂡ᷱ昷˛Ọᷱ㈧志 䶔῕˚㛛㏂ㇽ㛰昷峇℆ 㘖わ┖ 姊⥩Ἴ㭊 ᷧ䙫㔸㿆㖠㲼˛ 䖟悍弽​ ㆰ♏䙫巄 攎⃴ ✏恇曉䂒 㜓㛰昷ῄ嬰㛟⎽Ị㈧㛰⅝ẽ㗵䤡ㇽ㲼⮁Ḳ㒻ῄ˚ῄ嬰ㇽ岓ỢƏ᷻⅝ẽỢ 凹恐䙫凑 Ἴ㒻ῄ˚ῄ嬰ㇽ岓Ợ䙭䄈㲼恐䔏ㇽ㊿㝆⾕廆˚⅝曝┕┭ㇽᾂㆰ┭˛ỢἼ ⺍ƞḍ᷻ 凮㜓˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦ㇽ⋬␒˥怱㈙䔉⒨˦Ḳ⩹Ẳ䛟旃Ḳ溿䤡㒻ῄῄ嬰✮昷 丕✏∴志Ḳᷰ⌨⤐㜆昷ⅎ˛◦㮓⹉῿壯㖾⟥䪂○‥濕⹬嶝Ʊ‴斴⏬␄ピ ⃣婑储ⲯ ṙょ␄⫋Ƽ弈ヰ䏠⍿ƽᴉㆿ㗇Ʊḽ䏦ピ㐃敚ヾⷓ尵ᴉᶹḓ䄷㩈Ʊἴ䔺Ʊ 䙫傉檻⊼ グ丮⻥Ʊ摑㉣ピ國䏝⻥㋋⩱ピヾ⟯⃧䖈䕄᳋孞㎒孪ᶹƲᵤ᳋妔㓭⋤㐏㺝 ㇽ┶栳 㑷㮓㗨弒⠏䯂悋堿䖬䕂濕ℋ庮㝛㑅★ᶋ弧䏦Ʋ勌㞷Ẃ⛲⮝䮈弫✗㲼⽲ᷴ ␟䳢䵘 ℨ娘⯴溿䤡ῄ嬰㜆敺⎱ㇽ⯴⁝䙣ㇽ場䔆㏴⮚峇℆ṯỌ㍹晋ㇽ昷∝Ə∮∴ 暃䤀Əㇽ 志岓ỢḲ昷∝⎱ㇽ㍹晋ᾦ⯴わᷴ恐䔏˛㜓㛰昷ῄ嬰㛟✏㭋峍ṯわ䉠⮁Ḳ 㕀˛媲✏ 㞷Ẃ㫱∐Əわẍ㒨㛰⛇ᷴ⏳⛲⮝䮈弫㲼⽲俳Ẓ㛰䙫⅝ẽ㫱∐˛ ⏸憒⸒媲 ⑳檻僤嶚

⥩㛰凮㜓㛰昷ῄ嬰㛟㛰旃Ḳ䕸┶Ə媲∴⽧ㇸῸ䙫䶙䫀Ə䶙✧Ɲ ᷧ㗍偳偰 ZZZ[ER[FRPVXSSRUW˛ ㄆ∗怵⺍ 䗂Ə媲䪲


28 䏠⍿ƽ濒 ⩇…廰圊 Kinect 弈ヰ 妉䝸奋㗇山⟞䕂䤸摑⊭◦弈ヰ㔀储䏯䢹↓Ʋὦ䔏 Kinect怙堳怱㈙ 㘩Ə⏖僤曧奨⁁⇡ᷴ䬰憶䙫⊼ὃ˛媲䢡婴✏怱㈙㘩ᷴ㛪䢗∗˚㒅∗ㇽ 䴭∗⅝ẽ䎐⮝˚㖨妧俬˚⯜䉐˚⮝⅞ㇽ⅝ẽ䉐檻˛怱㈙㘩ᷴ媽㘖䫀䪲 ᷴ⊼ㇽ䧢⊼Ə惤曧奨㛰剖⥤䙫䪲嶚滅˛

廰圊弈ヰℋ濣䒗桎⛂⑏ ∴˚⽳˚ⷍ˚⏚˚ᷱ˚ᷲ Ə㳏ヶ㘖␍㛰⏖僤 ㎷ᾂỌᷲ 㛪㒅∗ㇽ䴭∗䙫㝘奦˛媲䢡⮁怱㈙⌧⟆恇曉䩾㈝˚䈭⢨˚㧺㢖䬰✗ ˦⤎凛ᷱ 㖠Əḍ䢡婴ᷴ㛪䴭∗ỢἼ㝘奦Əὲ⥩䎐⅞˚⮝⅞˚櫭⊼䙫✗㯖˚⹣ 䏥⎾㒻ῄ ℹ˚⯜䉐䬰˛⾬奨㘩Ə媲⯮怱㈙⌧⟆ⅎ䙫䉐檻ㇽạⓈ䧢敲˛∌⾿ṭ㟌 凑堳㱡⮁ 䛲ᷱ㖠Ə娼἗怱㈙⌧⟆㘩Ṇ奨㳏ヶᷱ㖠䙫䆯⅞˚梏㈮ㇽ⅝ẽ䉐檻˛ ㈙䔉⒨˦ ⎯  勌 廰圊弈ヰ㔀濣凮曢好ῄ㋨恐䕝巄曉Ə恦ℴ怱㈙㘩䢗∗ƞ⏳㘩Ṇ凮⅝ẽ 䬰㛰旃Ə 䎐⮝˚㖨妧俬ㇽ⯜䉐ῄ㋨恐䕝巄曉 巄曉敞䟔ᾄ怱㈙ⅎ⮠俳⮁Ə⛇㭋 媲㠠㓁怱㈙㖠⻶Ὥ㱡⮁恐䕝巄曉䙫敞䟔 ˛媲㳏ヶᷴ㛪㒅∗ㇽ䴭∗⅝ ẽ䉐檻ㇽạƏ⛇䂡ạⓈㇽ䉐檻㛰⏖僤✏わ怱㈙㘩怙⅌怱㈙⌧⟆Ə㈧Ọ ⋀⾬㘩㘩㳏ヶ⑏恔⊼权˛ 媲䢡婴✏怱㈙㘩两㘖㒨㛰剖⥤䙫䪲嶚滅˛媲✏㑐㓍⊂嶚⤇䙫✗㝦ᷱ怙 ˦忨ẋṯ 堳怱㈙Ə⏳㘩䢡婴䩦ᷱ恐䕝䙫杲⬷ 恦ℴ檿巆杲˚⤥党㊽杲䬰 Ə⾬奨 ˥怱㈙䔉 㘩Ṇ⏖嵋党˛ ˥怱㈙䔉 敺ⅎㇽ凑わ ῿壯⨧䦣ḽ䏦 Kinect ℋ濣媲ℯ∋⮁㮶ῲ⭐䫌僤ὦ䔏 Kinect 䙫㖠⻶Ə ῄῄ嬰˛ Ọ⎱✏ὦ䔏怵䧲Ḕ㘖␍曧奨⎾∗䛊䝊˛⥩㞃わ婴䂡⭐䫌⏖✏ᷴ⎾䛊䝊 ⛇⏯䏭ᾄ ᷲὦ䔏 KinectƏ媲䢡⯍媑㗵㈧㛰䛟旃䙫⭰⅏凮⁌⺞岮姱⎱㋮䤡˛妉䝸 岞˥怱㈙ 奋⨧䦣◦侻⅙䪂○‥⩇…◮ḽ䏦 Kinect 廰圊弈ヰƏ⏳㘩䢡婴ẽῸṭ ℆ 㘖わ┖ 姊⥩Ἴ㭊䢡ὦ䔏䳢䵘˛

䖟悍弽​㽩 ⷓ尵䕂䗺䘙䑰↜濣媲⯮凑ⷘ凮垉⸼ㇽ曢好⎱ Kinect ㄆ ㆰ♏䙫巄曉媦∗妡⽾凹㛴䙫巄曉ƞ⯮垉⸼ㇽ曢好⎱ Kinect ㄆㆰ♏㓡 ✏恇曉䂒ℰℰ㹷䙫ἴ何Əㇽ㘖ὦ䔏䙥吰䩾Ὥ㎎∝ℰ䙫⼞⺍ƞ恟㒮ịạ ᷻⅝ẽỢ 凹恐䙫凑䄝ℰƏỌ恦ℴ䂒ℰ⎱䜣䝂䖙⋅Ə⏳㘩㎷⌮䕒杉⯴㮻⑳㷬㙗 ┭˛ỢἼ ⺍ƞḍ᷻媦㕛垉⸼ㇽ曢好䙫ẕ⺍⑳⯴㮻˛ ῄ嬰✮昷 斴⏬␄ピ ⃣婑储ⲯ弌ⵤ䑰↜Ʋὦ䔏 Kinect 怙堳怱㈙㘩Ə⏖僤㛪曧奨⁁ᷴ䬰憶 Ʊἴ䔺Ʊ 䙫傉檻⊼ὃ˛⥩㞃わ㛰ỢἼ㛪⽘柦凑ⷘ⭰⅏✗⁁傉檻⊼ὃ䙫憒䘩䊧㲨 㓭⋤㐏㺝 ㇽ┶栳Əㇽ㘖わ㛰Ọᷲ䊧㲨Ɲⷙ㇞⬼ ㇽ⏖僤ⷙ㇞⬼ Əわ㛰⾪准˚④ 弫✗㲼⽲ᷴ ␟䳢䵘˚傳惏˚旃䮧ㇽ⅝ẽ㕛⽉⣽䦸䙫䖥䖬Əわ㛰檿堧⢺ㇽ㛰怲⊼ 昷∝Ə∮∴ 暃䤀Əㇽ㘖⎾␱媈ᷴ⽾怲⊼怵⺍䬰Ə媲✏ὦ䔏 Kinect ∴ℯ⏸憒⸒媲 ṯわ䉠⮁Ḳ 㕀˛媲✏敲⦲怙堳ỢἼὦ䔏∗ Kinect 䙫⛡⮁怲⊼ㇽ⁌⺞怲⊼∴Əℯ ⏸憒⸒媲㕀˛媲⋦✏ὦ䔏嗌䉐ㇽ棙愹⽳怙堳怱㈙Əḍ䢡⮁わ䙫⹚塈⺍ ⑳檻僤嶚Ọ✏怱㈙㘩怙堳ỢἼ⊼ὃ˛

ᷧ㗍偳偰˚旃䮧ㇽ䜣䝂ㄆ∗䖙⋅ㇽ慟䗂Ə妉䦉∱Ἒ㨠᳤᷏⼭˛⥩㞃わ ㄆ∗怵⺍䖙⋅˚☨⾪˚④␟「ᾪ˚僟ゝ˚栔㙯䛕䜐˚庒檻ᷴ恐ㇽ䖣 䗂Ə媲䪲⍚⁃㭉ὦ䔏ㄆㆰ♏ḍ㉥憒⸒┶娡˛

⥩曧婚䴗岮姱Ə媲凚 ⎪斘˥⁌⺞怱㈙㋮⌾˦˛

29 WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360® console instructions, Kinect Sensor manual, and any other peripheral manuals for important safety and health information. Keep all manuals for future reference. For replacement hardware manuals, go to or call Xbox Customer Support. For additional safety information, see the inside back cover.

Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games Table Photosensitive seizures A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to Setting U certain visual images, including fl ashing lights or patterns that may appear in Tips for P video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” Magic Ha while watching video games. Help! . . . . These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, Adventur e confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking Going on nearby objects. Rallyball . Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these River Rus symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these Re fl ex Rid seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit or stand farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; Space Pop play in a well-lit room; do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued. 20,000 Le If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing. Bet ter To Show Off Xbox LIV Playing K

The K gamin Xbox inform

30 r erence. all Xbox er.

Table of Contents d to Setting Up Your Kinect Play Space ...... 32 r in Tips for Playing with Kinect ...... 34 y have seizures” Magic Hands, Hovering over Menus ...... 36 Help! ...... 37 s, altered tion, Adventurers Spirit & History ...... 38 of striking Going on Adventures ...... 39 Rallyball ...... 40 hese River Rush ...... 42 e nce these Re fl ex Ridge ...... 44 aking the creen; Space Pop...... 46 20,000 Leaks ...... 48 lt a Better Together ...... 50 Show Off & Share ...... 54 Xbox LIVE® ...... 56 Playing Kinect Safely ...... 59

TM The Kinect team is always working to make your Kinect gaming experience the best it canfor be. the Please latest visit support and information about using Kinect and Kinect Adventures!


31 Setting up your Kinect play space And don’ The most important things to remember when you set up your play space are: • Put the sensor in a place where it can see you. • Don’t stand too close to the sensor or too far away. • Get stuff out of your way. You can put your Kinect sensor below or just above your television, near the edge of the table or stand. If you put it If you ha on top of your television, be sure to secure it with a clip! to help y Remember, these games involve a lot of movement. You want your sensor to be stable. For one p meter fro two playe If you do sensor an take turn If you can then two time. All

2.4 meter wi is the s WHY SHOULD YOU CALIBRATE? w The Kinect sensor works like a camera: The farther back you are, the more of you it can see (especially if you’re tall)! If you stand too close, Kinect can’t see your entire body and it will need to adjust its viewing angle during play. Please follow the calibration instructions carefully and stand where you have enough room to play. Don’t stand on furniture or bend backwards over your couch! Calibration helps Kinect to understand the size of your play space and give you the best play experience possible.

32 And don’t put a coffee table where your shin might go! up your

ur How Much Room Do You Have? t it If you have a small play space, don’t worry! Here are some tips p! to help you get the most fun out of your play time. u want For one player at a time, you must be able to stand at least 1.8 meter from the sensor to calibrate. The best distance for one or two players is 2.4 meter. If you don’t have that much space, you can play closer to the sensor and still have a great experience. You will just need to take turns if you have more than one player. If you can comfortably stand 2.4 meter back from the sensor, then two people can play at the same time. You can join at any time. All you have to is walk up and play!

2.4 meter with 2 players ck you is the sweet spot If you t will 1.8 meter d stand urniture Kinect the best BODY POSITION

3 meter

33 TIPS FOR PLAYING WITH KINECT POSITION lighting Rememb You can play in dim lighting or bright lighting. But remember: cat) happ • Direct sunlight might interfere with the sensor. where yo • Good lighting helps the sensor recognize you. Don’t wea Face the SENSOR If you’re The sensor wants to see you. It’s tracking your body, so it’s best a dress, K if it can see the whole front of you. possible, body. Give each other space! When two of you are playing at once, try to give each other Have goo space. This will ensure that: The best hand stra • Everyone can move freely. screen. P • There are no collisions. to stop. T • The technology that reads your body position will be able to tell that you’re two separate people. Hands f fa

oto Moments are better Also, Ph in more light,any justcamera. like with

34 MORE TIPS POSITION THE SENSOR WELL Remember, the sensor needs to see you clearly. If you (or your member: cat) happen to bump the sensor, no worries! Just put it back where you want it and it will recalibrate automatically. Don’t wear floppy clothes If you’re wearing a jacket with big, fl oppy sleeves, a skirt, or it’s best a dress, Kinect might think they’re extra body parts. When possible, wear clothing that conforms to the basic shape of your body. other Have good hand position The best way to navigate the on-screen menus is to hold your hand straight out in front of you, with your palm facing the TV screen. Pretend you’re directing traffi c, and you’re telling cars to stop. That’s the perfect position. e able to

Hands forward palm facing out It helps to keep your shoulders square to the screen

35 Magic hands, hovering over menus Help! So, you’re standing in front of your perfectly placed Kinect For help w sensor. You’ve turned on your Xbox 360® and loaded Kinect Guide by Adventures! What’s next? your lowe of playing Try this: Wave your right hand slowly in circles in front of you. Guide on See the hand icon on the screen moving with your hand? That If you thi means everything’s working! (If it’s not working, go back to you, hold page 2 and check your setup again.) (activates t Kinect Tu Controller includes th walk you t Kinect can

You can j alone (as physical Now, move your hand so the hand icon is positioned over any of the sen on-screen menu item you want to select, and hold it there. from the an activi b Xbox LI You can appears you’re r You can the Xbo

A blue circle fi lls in around the hand icon to show you the item is being selected. When the circle is complete, the item is selected. 36 Remember to use your left Help! hand to call up nect For help with Kinect, activate the Kinect™ help! inect Guide by holding your left hand out to your lower left. If you are in the middle of playing the game, you must select Kinect t of you. Guide on the Pause menu. d? That If you think Kinect is having trouble seeing k to you, hold your hand out to your lower left (activates the Kinect Guide, which includes the Kinect Tuner), or press à on your Xbox® Controller (activates the Xbox Guide, which includes the Kinect Tuner). The tuner will walk you through some tests to make sure Kinect can see you. For more help, go to

Picking your avatar You can jump in and play any time another player is playing alone (as long as you’ve calibratedIf you for jointwo fromplayers the and right there’s side physical space for both of you). er any of the sensor, you’ll be assigned a female avatar. When If you you enter join ere. from the left side, you’ll get a male avatar. an activity, you can pick an avatar by selecting the Change Avatar button on the loading screen. If you’re signed® avatar. in to ®, you can also use your Xbox LIVE Xbox LIVE fi rst You can choose the appearance of your avatar, and it appears dressed in some very basic clothing. But as you play, you’re rewarded with better and better gear to wear! Kinect Adventures!: Put it on in You can show off your gear outside the Xbox Dashboard and wear it in other avatar-supported games!

the item is

37 Adventurers Spirit & History The Kinect Adventure Team is for anyone who is willing to get up off the couch and have some fun!

What do An Adve with opp ADVENTURERS OATH an Adven on the Ra of differe Kinect Adventurers are always on the move. playing R you one s Kinect Adventurers know that fun is good for you. status! To get st Kinect Adventurers enjoy a challenge. select Ad you’ve fi n Can you Kinect Adventurers love to play together. Speaking

Kinect Adventurers read the manual!

38 ng to get

What do Adventurers do? They go on Adventures, of course! An Adventure is a related series of activities that provides you H with opportunities to win bigger and better rewards. Sometimes an Adventure sticks with one type of activity (such as playing on the Rallyball courts), and sometimes it involves a selection e. of different activities (such as rafting in River Rush and then playing Rallyball). Either way, completing an Adventure takes you one step closer to reaching the coveted Expert Adventurer you. status! To get started on an Adventure, go to the Main Menu and select Adventures. You start with Basic Adventures. Once you’ve fi nished those, you move up to more challenging ones. . Can you conquer all four levels of diffi culty? Speaking of Rallyball ...

39 The Adventure Team’s earliest recreational innovation was very simple, but simple can be challenging. It’s played like this: There’s a ball in front of you, just fl oating in the air. Reach out and whack it. Use any body part you want to do this. There, that was easy! But look out! The ball’s coming back at you. Keep aiming it at the blocks in front of you, until all the blocks are gone. Use more than your hands. You might need your entire body ... especially when you have multiple balls in play! Since the introduce How to Play Whacker with suffi striking m a delight Try to serve head! with your Here are watch ou



Fig 2. USE ALL YOUR BODY PARTS TO HIT ONCOMING BALLS 40 was very oating in want to ack at you. e blocks Types of Rallyballs our entire Since the early days of Rallyball, refi nements have been introduced. These include the technology of Thermal Whackery, in which the ball bursts into fl ame when struck with suffi cient force, and Quantum Multiballery, in which striking multiball pins causes a single ball to multiply, creating th your a delightful chaos on the Rallyball court. Here are examples of these uncanny phenomena you should watch out for.

Multiball Pin Fireball

The very precise survival guide for what to do when you see a ball coming at you: Hit it.

41 In River Rush, you control a raft with your body by moving side-to-side and jumping.

How to Play

A Stand-up because p length of only by t falling ou Fortuna t fi rst Adve their earl days aide the stable Fig 1. STEP SIDEWAYS TO STEER Fig 2. JUMP TO … JUMP! rafts the uses toda

Y wa

Fig 3. GRAB PINS OUT OF THE AIR Fig 4. GO BETWEEN MARKERS Note to self: Only try this at home 42 ving

A Brief History of Stand-Up Rafting Stand-up rafting has remained an obscure sport, possibly because participants are rarely able to remain in the raft for the length of the entire course. The thrill of this activity is matched only by the relief participants feel when they fi nish without falling out of the raft. Fortunately, the lessons the fi rst Adventurers learned in their early stand-up rafting days aided them in creating the stable and easily steerable UMP! rafts the Adventure Team uses today.

Quick Tips fi ned to Your Adventurer raft isn’t con water. Try platform jumping, skimming a boulder, or rafting on the clouds! MARKERS

Cloud Surfing 43 ROCKS!!! Ready to run the gauntlet? Hidden away in the mountains sits the original obstacle machine constructed by the Adventure Team for an ultimate high-altitude fi tness test. The important thing to remember is: When you see an obstacle coming at you, get out of the way! Except for the pins you’re collecting, that is. You’ll have to jump, duck, step to the right, step to the left, and occasionally reach up and grab pins, which can be counterintuitive when you’re refl exively avoiding obstacles, making Refl ex Ridge a tricky test of mind and body. How to play

In the M limited to precariou would us as a demo The mod a little ea can chall Fig 1. PULL HANDLES TO START Fig 2. SIDEWAYS TO DODGE your scor construc Watch your timing For a two-player game, have a friend stand beside you.


44 ins sits nture portant g at you, , that is. eft, cles,

Medieval Gauntlets and their Modern Incarnations In the Middle Ages, during which clothing choices were limited to burlap or chain mail, the gauntlet was a huge, precarious machine full of enormous swinging things. Knights would use these machines as a test of their bravery, or perhaps as a demonstration of their foolhardiness. The modern obstacle course machine is also a challenge, but a little easier on the limbs. In a spirit of pure adventure, you can challenge yourself as many times as you want, improve TO DODGE your score, and learn from your mistakes. This is a far more constructive approach to adventure. player game, friend stand side you.

When dodging to the side, keep both of your shoulders FOR PINS facing the camera!

45 More recently, the Adventure Team found a way to combine two of its members’ favorite forms of relaxation— weightlessness and bubble popping—in the team’s private space station. Gravity is a harsh mistress, but not around here. Water b ubbles fl oat in the air, and so do you. Pop the bubbles by touching them with your body. To fl y up, just fl ap your arms as if they’re wings. To move to the left or right, step to the left or right, even if your avatar is Th off the ground. To come down, put your arms down at your Gravity d sides. To hover off the ground, hold your arms still, straight airplanes out to the sides. temporar Adventur HOw to play experien


Fig 3. STEP LEFT OR RIGHT TO MOVE 46 n— ate space e. ubbles by ve to atar is The pleasures of gravity deprivation your Gravity deprivation chambers used to involve expensive aight airplanes diving at high velocity to give passengers the temporary sensation of weightlessness. But now, thanks to the Adventure Team’s specially adapted space station, anyone can experience the joys of fl oating like a bubble.



47 Some frisky fi sh are cracking up the Adventure Team’s underwater observatory—literally. Can you save the day? The fi sh want a closer look at you, but they keep poking holes in the observatory glass! You’ll need to use all available body parts to keep the water from leaking into the room. Hold your hands or feet (or head or knees) over a leak to plug it, then move on to the next one. If multiple leaks are connected by a crack, you have to plug all of the leaks to seal the crack. And fi xing cracks scores you points! You’re gonna be busy.

HOw to play Back whe as vital a well abov pride in t they wait was fi lled but in the the braci stains on heads. Ac Plankwal Fig 1. PLUG LEAKS WITH YOUR ARMS AND FEET Smollett, both Han whole of There ne such as h PS: Watch for leaks on floor! afl oate. PPS: And on the sides! PPPS: The ceiling is OK. Whew!


48 y? holes in dy parts r hands ve on to

lug all of points!

Tales of Deep Sea Pluggery Back when ships were all made of wood, the role of Plugger was as vital as it was obscure. Considered the ultimate glory job, well above ship captaincy, Pluggers understandably took great pride in their work. Stationed below decks in the ship’s hold, they waited for leaks to spring in the ship’s timbers. Each hand was fi lled with steaming black pitch as they stood at the ready, but in their days as Apprentice Pluggers, they learned to enjoy the bracing heat. You could tell Master Pluggers by the dark stains on both hands, both feet, both knees, and the tops of their heads. According to the ship’s log kept by Captain Vertiginous Plankwalker in 1653, I have seen Josiah Smollett, our Chief of Pluggerie, using both Handes, a Foote, and Knee, and the whole of his Hede, all at the same tyme. There never was a human obstruxion such as hee, who keepes our faire Vessel afl oate.

49 Better Together Timed A Adventures are more fun with a friend, so why not invite one to Some Ad play? The fi rst player to sign in is the Primary Player . All signed- the clock in players gain progress in-game and toward achievements, but Be on th the primary player’s saved game is used to unlock Adventures in each a and timed mode. A friend can jump in at any time. Just step in, in River and you’ll be in the game. Easy in, easy out! they actu • Try River Rush with two people and jump higher than one! you can runs out • Try Rallyball next to a friend and share the score! will have • Try Refl ex Ridge and see who can score the highest! can hit fo Remember: When you’re playing with two people, stand 2.4 complete meter from the sensor during calibration . That way it can see Time Ch both of you. Also, you can change the primary player from the main menu by choosing the patch with his or her name on it. DOUBL E Some act allow tw So if one earns tim While m to increa special ti

50 BFFs Timed Adventures e one to Some Adventures challenge you to beat l signed- the clock—but there are tricks to that. nts, but Be on the lookout for time collectibles ntures in each activity. Look for the time pins tep in, in River Rush! When you collect them, they actually add time to the clock, so han one! you can make it to the end before time runs out. A timed Rallyball challenge will have some special time blocks you ! can hit for the same effect. You have to nd 2.4 complete a timed Adventure to unlock t can see Time Challenges. rom the on it. DOUBLE Time Some activities, like Refl ex Ridge, have Time Challenges that allow two players to share time when they’re playing together. So if one player loses time, both players lose time. If one player earns time, both players earn time. While many activities have time elements to them, the ability to increase the amount of time on the clock (by gathering special time pins) is a twist that adds to the fun!

Counting pins Whether or not your challenge is timed, collecting pins is always a good thing. Use any limbs you have available to grab these out of midair. Sometimes, you have to contort your body into all kinds of entertaining shapes to get a series of pins all at once!

Fs 51 CHOOSING YOUR CHALLENGES Colle c You can choose how you complete an Adventure. For example, an Adventure might ask you to earn at least a Silver Medal in There ar three activities. Having a hard time getting that Silver Medal challenge in Space Pop? Try Refl ex Ridge instead. You have multiple opportunities to earn the medal, so pick the activities you’re best at, or challenge yourself to get better at others. In Kinect Earn med Adventures! you can play the way you want to! the right

Liv Normal t and make testamen their acc Adventu known as dance an do! When game pro Your Liv your voic becomin your triu

52 Collecting your rewards xample, edal in There are all sorts of awards for completing Adventures and Medal challenges. iple Medals you’re Kinect Earn medals for your performance in each activity. Winning the right medals leads to trophies that come to life!

BRONZE SILVER G O L D Adventure Gear As you progress through different challenges, you receive new accessories for your Kinect Adventure Team uniform. When you reach Expert status, your uniform is complete and you have bragging rights for your decked-out Xbox LIVE avatar! Try singing! Living Statues Normal trophies stand still and make no sound, dignifi ed testaments to past heroes and their accomplishments. Adventure Team trophies, known as Living Statues, dance and move just like you do! When you earn one, the game prompts you to celebrate. Your Living Statue refl ects your voice and movement, becoming a unique tribute to your triumph! I named my shark Cuddles

53 Show off & Share Kinect Ad Kinect Adventures! refl ects your experience as a player. Not only but some can you customize your Living Statues, but the game takes informat pictures of you as you play. You can also chat with your friends your hou and show off your Xbox LIVE achievements. Parental If you have an Xbox LIVE membership, you can upload and Press à share content from your game with your friends at Guide sc The game will ask your permission before sharing any of your content. To upload and access your content: 1. Nav 1. Select Show Off & Share in the Main Menu. 2. Sele 2. Choose the content you want to upload and follow the 3. Sele directions. (Kinect Adventures! will ask you before sharing 4. On any of your content.) The Cus 3. Go to set any ru 4. Log in with your Xbox LIVE gamertag to access your that are s content. • To con Your Xbox 360 console displays messages when your friends are and vid online or playing Kinect Adventures! and provides other useful • To spe information. To interact with these messages, use the Guide Xbox L Gesture (see page 37 for instructions). Conte • To pre Kinect Privac Feeling Sh Even if y you may play onli The gam will not s DoubleDo the Fun uble the Fu Hang Time!

Action Shot! 54 If you don’t want to share Kinect Adventures! doesn’t share your content without asking fi rst, ot only but some people, and some people’s parents, want to keep their akes information extra private. Here’s how to keep things private in r friends your house. Parental Controls d and Press à on your Xbox 360 Controller to bring up the Xbox Guide screen, and then: before content: 1. Navigate to My Xbox . 2. Select your profi le . w the 3. Select Online Safety , and then Change Settings . haring 4. On the Online Safety Settings screen, select Customize . The Customize Online Safety Settings screen allows you to set any rules you want to apply to any Xbox LIVE child profi les your that are stored on your Xbox 360 console. For example: • To control who can see your Kinect content (such as pictures iends are and videos), adjust the Kinect Sharing options (under Privacy ). useful • To specify whether you can see user-created content on Guide Xbox LIVE, adjust the Member Content setting (under Content ). • To prevent your Xbox 360 console from saving the pictures Kinect takes of you, adjust the Kinect Sharing options (under Privacy ). Feeling Shy? Even if you have no parental controls set on your Xbox console, you may not want to use voice chat and share photos when you play online. The game will ask your preference before itt sharesshshararese content. It will not share without your consent. he FunFu KEEPK OUT! EEP OUOUT!

55 Xbox LIVE What’s your gamertag? Xbox Cu Xbox LIVE® is the online game and entertainment service for Xbox LIVE®. Technical S Just connect your console to your broadband Internet service and join For technic for free. You can get free game demos. Upgrade to an Xbox LIVE Gold Membership to play games online with friends around the world and Informatio more. Xbox LIVE is your connection to more games, entertainment, and references, fun. Go to to learn more. the examp addresses, Connecting and no ass Before you can use Xbox LIVE, connect your Xbox 360 console to a name, e-m high-speed Internet connection and sign up to become an Xbox LIVE inferred. Co member. of the user. document For more information about connecting, and to determine system, or whether Xbox LIVE is available in your region, go to photocopy express wri

Family Settings Microsoft m These easy and fl exible tools enable parents and caregivers to decide other intell which games young game players can access based on the content Except as e rating. Parents can restrict access to mature-rated content. Approve who the furnish and how your family interacts with others online with the Xbox LIVE patents, tra service, and set time limits on how long they can play. For more The names information, go to trademarks How to Get Help with Kinect Unauthoriz performan Learn More on strictly pro To fi nd more information about Kinect, including tutorials, go to This documen URL and othe using it. Som real associatio This documen property in a your internal © 2010 Micro Microsoft, the Game Studio trademarks o are property Copyright © Uses Scalefor Unreal® Engi Dolby and th Some of the t

56 tag? Xbox Customer Support box LIVE®. Technical Support and join For technical support information, visit us on the Web at IVE Gold world and Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site ment, and references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fi ctitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain to a name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be ox LIVE inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.

Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or decide other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. tent Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, prove who the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these LIVE patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. e The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Unauthorized copying, reverse engineering, transmission, public performance, rental, pay for play, or circumvention of copy protection is strictly prohibited.

o This document is provided “as-is.” Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fi ctitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal reference purposes. © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, the Good Science logo, Kinect, the Kinect logo, the Microsoft Game Studios logo, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2006–2010 Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved. Uses Scaleform GFx © 2010 Scaleform Corporation. All rights reserved. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998–2010, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Some of the typefaces included herein are developed by DynaComware. www.XBOX.COM/KINECTADVENTURES

To see credits for people who worked on this game, go to 57 Limited Warranty For Your Copy of Xbox Game Software (“Game”) Acquired in , and Playi Warranty Make sur playing. G Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”) warrants to you, the original purchaser Make sure of the Game, that this Game will perform substantially as described in the pets, furni accompanying manual for a period of 30 days from the date of fi rst purchase. gameplay, If you discover a problem with the Game covered by this warranty within the Before pl 30-day period, your retailer will repair or replace the Game at its option, free and up) fo of charge, according to the process identifi ed below. This limited warranty: (a) enough aw does not apply if the Game is used in a business or for a commercial purpose; you might and (b) is void if any diffi culties with the Game are related to accident, abuse, etc. If nece virus or misapplication. to look up assessing t Returns within 30-day period While pla Warranty claims should be made to your retailer. Return the Game to your Keep enou retailer along with a copy of the original sales receipt and an explanation distance m when dete of the diffi culty you are experiencing with the Game. At its option, the people yo retailer will either repair or replace the Game. Any replacement Game will be during ga warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or 10 days from Make sure receipt, whichever is longer. If for any reason the Game cannot be repaired or fl oor with replaced, you will be entitled to receive your direct (but no other) damages appropria incurred in reasonable reliance but only up to the amount of the price you barefoot i paid for the Game. The foregoing (repair, replacement or limited damages) is Before al your exclusive remedy. use Kinect you allow Limitations relevant sa This limited warranty is in place of all other express or statutory warranties, using Kin conditions or duties and no others of any nature are made or shall be understan binding on Microsoft, its retailers or suppliers. Any implied warranties To minim applicable to this Game or the media in which it is contained are limited to distance fr the 30-day period described above. TO THE FULL EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, your mon produce g NEITHER MICROSOFT, ITS RETAILERS OR SUPPLIERS ARE LIABLE FOR ANY natural lig SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES clarity; and ARISING FROM THE POSSESSION, USE OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS GAME. Don’t ove THE FOREGOING APPLIES EVEN IF ANY REMEDY FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL amounts o PURPOSE. Some states/jurisdictions do not allow limitations as to how long have any m an implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or limitations of incidental or perform p consequential damages so the above limitations and/or exclusions of liability respiratory may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specifi c rights, and pressure o you may also have other rights that vary from state/jurisdiction to state/ restrict ph jurisdiction. routine or infl uence For questions regarding this warranty contact your retailer or Microsoft at: abilities ar Xbox Product Registration Stop and Microsoft Corporation experience dizziness, One Microsoft Way or pain, ST Redmond, WA 98052-9953 USA See the He Or visit us on the Web at

58 ware iwan Playing Kinect Safely Make sure you have enough space so you can move freely while playing. Gameplay with Kinect may require varying amounts of movement. urchaser Make sure you won’t hit, run into, or trip over other players, bystanders, in the pets, furniture, or other objects when playing. If you stand or move during t purchase. gameplay, you need good footing. within the Before playing: Look in all directions (right, left, forward, backward, down, ption, free and up) for things you might hit or trip over. Be sure your play area is far arranty: (a) enough away from windows, walls, stairs, etc. Make sure there is nothing al purpose; you might trip on—for example, toys, furniture, loose rugs, children, pets, ent, abuse, etc. If necessary, move objects or people out of the play area. Don’t forget to look up—be aware of light fi xtures, fans, or other objects overhead when assessing the play area. While playing: Stay far enough away from the television to avoid contact. to your Keep enough distance from other players, bystanders, and pets—this nation distance may vary between games, so take account of how you are playing when determining how far away you need to be. Stay alert for objects or the people you might hit or trip on—people or objects can move into the area me will be during gameplay, so you should always be alert to your surroundings. days from Make sure you always have good footing while playing. Play on a level epaired or fl oor with enough traction for the game activities, and make sure you have damages appropriate footwear for gaming (no high heels, fl ip fl ops, etc.) or are rice you barefoot if appropriate. amages) is Before allowing children to use Kinect: Determine how each child can use Kinect and whether they should be supervised during these activities. If you allow children to use Kinect without supervision, be sure to explain all relevant safety and health information and instructions. Make sure children rranties, using Kinect play safely and within their limits, and make sure they be understand proper use of the system. ies To minimize eyestrain from glare: Position yourself at a comfortable mited to distance from your monitor or television and the Kinect sensor; place D BY LAW, your monitor or television and Kinect sensor away from light sources that produce glare, or use window blinds to control light levels; choose soothing R ANY natural light that minimizes glare and eyestrain and increases contrast and DAMAGES clarity; and adjust your monitor’s or television’s brightness and contrast. GAME. Don’t overexert yourself. Gameplay with Kinect may require varying NTIAL amounts of physical activity. Consult a doctor before using Kinect if you ow long have any medical condition or issue that affects your ability to safely ntal or perform physical activities or if: You are or may be pregnant; you have heart, of liability respiratory, back, joint, or other orthopedic conditions; you have high blood s, and pressure or diffi culty with physical exercise; or you have been instructed to state/ restrict physical activity. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine or fi tness regimen that includes Kinect. Do not play under the infl uence of drugs or alcohol, and make sure your balance and physical osoft at: abilities are suffi cient for any movements while gaming. Stop and rest if your muscles, joints, or eyes become tired or sore. If you experience excessive fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, chest tightness, dizziness, discomfort, or pain, STOP USING IMMEDIATELY, and consult a doctor. See the Healthy Gaming Guide at for more information.



61 ࣿஜжዴ / Activity Points 㙖ઙዾ River/ Rush markersٳ୯Ⴥࢧࣹ 6 ж ј / Pull barsدݛ 4 ж

ҁቪᜣߏ / Other obstaclesێ୯Ⴥ 3 ж ᕝКዅϧಧ / Rallyballs ը 1 ж / 1 per hitُ ༕୪ӫዾ / Pin targets 5 ж ᙕ૔ዅϧಧ / Pop Rallyballs 2 ж

ெ֝ᆒѪ / Leaks ж 2 ᙕ૔޽޽ / Bubbles 1 ж

0111 Part No. X16-94570-02