Fantasha Remembering PUBLISHER MANAGING EDITOR SENIOR STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER PROOF READER CONTRIBUTORS ADVERTISING DIRECTOR MARKETPLACE MANAGER NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE ART DIRECTOR MULTIMEDIA CIRCULATION DIRECTOR FOUNDERS AFFILIATIONS | MEMBERSHIPS Associated Press - Associate Member National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Certified LGBT Business Enterprise Founding Member - North Texas LGBT Chamber BE Founding Member - National LGBT Media Association PrEPARED! PrEP is a safe and effective way to prevent HIV We Offer Testing & Treatment for HIV | Syphilis | Gonorrhea Chlamydia | Trichomonas Contact us today to set up your appointment • 214-819-1982 • Se habla Español | /DCHHS August 27, 2021 In This Issue Volume 38 | Issue 17 1825 Market Center Blvd., Ste. 240, Dallas, Texas 75207 | 214-754-8710 | NEWS 08 | Fantasha will be missed PUBLISHER Leo Cusimano,
[email protected] MANAGING EDITOR Tammye Nash,
[email protected] 9 SENIOR STAFF WRITER David Taffet,
[email protected] ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT STAFF WRITER Rich Lopez,
[email protected] 09 | ART: Step inside Van Gogh PROOF READER Philip Burton 10 | THEATER REVIEW: ‘Home’ is where the heart is CONTRIBUTORS Chris Azzopardi, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block, Joey Casiano, | AUTO: 2021 Buick Envision casts off the frump Jesus Chairez, Lawrence Ferber, Hardy Haberman, Scott 12 Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark Lowry, Cassie Nova, Josh Robbins, 13 | DRAWING DALLAS: Demetrius Blakely Howard Lewis Russell, James Russell, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Leslie McMurray, Mathew Shaw, David Webb, Casey Williams ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Chad Mantooth,
[email protected] 10 ON THE COVER MARKETPLACE MANAGER Stephen Mobley,
[email protected] NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE National Advertising Representative BITES FROM OUR BLOG.............4 Todd Evans, Rivendell Media Inc.